r AVEKAQB OAILT OIBCXCA'nO.S tor tfte Hiantb of done 1M4 TBB WBATHBB Poreeost of B. H. WobUmt Bomoo. 5,428 Bmrtford Member of tke Aodlt Boreon of CIrealattoiM. Pair tonight and Tneeday, little cbaqge In temperatarcL (Clasetltod Adveitlelng on Pago tdi) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 23, 1934, (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS THREATEN PRIESTS 500 National Guards FEDERAL GUNS BLAST UFE Move Into Minneapolis WITH KIDNAPING FROM DILLINGER AFTER HE a L A U D D R . D O L A N violence, as police’ ! conveys were drawn un’tn 1**!^ “ d 67 others fast C.lhpses W l... Ma. DEMOCRATIC trucks through the ranL ‘of sTr°ik* ' »u«"‘rig”poace~buck ing truck drivers | from The ahoi>W down came on th» which the guardsmen Convicted of Bombing ikine ‘he fair grounds to the of the deal LEAVES CHICAGO THEATER Charges Gets Jail Sentence TORCH that of last Friday were warned by truck owners that unless they return today, other The strikers, demanding higher wages and wider recognition of REACHES END OF TRAIL Vienna, July 23.—(A P)— The drivers will replace them immedi- Manchester Party Leader ately. pelr union, essayed to sell pamph- expectation of at least a dozen Mayor A. G. Balnbridge said In a lets to raise funds for their cause. BANDIT, TRAPPED, 'The laundry and dry cleaners hangings In Austria this week un- public statement armed police were der the new compulsory death pen- Given Lavish Praise by ready to- convoy any necessary union has voted to call a sympathy strike beginning at 7 a. m„ Tues- alty decree 'of Chancellor Engelbert trucks and were not going to per- day. Dollfuss collapsed today when a mau Spealiers at Meeting Here KILLED ON SPOT found guilty of bombing and arson both crimes carrying the death pen- alty, was sentenced to eight years of Democratic Women. imprisonment. The trian, a 41-year-old Nazi, REICHSTAG FIRE STORY Recognized by Government Sleuths, Desperado Traded was found guilty by a court martial Manchester's outstanding Demo- of destroying a telephone booth crat—Dr. Edward G, Dolan— was lo Movie House and Shot Down Before He Had Chance '■ with an Incendiary bomb. It had generally been assumed that he the recipient of unstinted and Gi™ BY GANG MEMBER would be hanged, since he not'only unanimous tribute at the regular to Draw His Weapon— Hair Was Dyed a Darker Hue, Illegally pos.sessed explosives but monthly meeting and luncheon of used them against public communl the Connecticut Federation of cation lines and burned down the F' Hims 13 Men I n - S trikers v 6™ ^ Scars on Cheeks Removed by Plastic Surgery, Gold booth as well. May Kidnap Priests. Rimmed Glasses Framed Eyes— Lifting of Arm by Nazis In Styrja were circulating a secret threat th at five priests will O N Mim noN be kidnaped and held as hostages Department of Justice Chief Signal for the Shooting. for each Nazi who . may be con- demned to death. If the Nazi dies, says the threat, the priest will die, derlubbeW as Dupe in San Francisco longshore- fCopyriKht, lo.'.t bj- A.joclatert Provo) The Socialists were reported to OFFERS $1000 DOLLAR.S Chicago, July 23 — Dlllinger's FOR DILLINGER’S SHIRT be preparing similar retaliatory dead. , measures in case any of their men ™*- : men Expected lo Resume are hanged. He swaggered from a neighbor- Chicago, July 23.— (AP) _ jt Meanwhile the secretly circulated hood theater last night into the Showmen scrambled for memen- London, July 23.—The Dally Her- Work Wednesday. toes, the more gruesome the bet- Socialist organ "Arbiter Zeltung' raking fire of government guns. comments: "The hatred against this ald printed today what purports to / , ter, of John Dilunger's demise Too late he saw the gleaming steel : t o d a y . government ■ is so Intense that be the story of the "last surviving of the trap set for him. threats with gallows' no longer member of the Reichstag fire gang.'* San Francisco, July 23.— (A P )_ I "I’ll give a thou.«and dollars His hand went for his gun. Too I for the shirt he was wearing. If have any effect." The name is given as E. Kruse, Striking Pacific cokst longshore- To Try BomberN. with membership No. 134522 In ihe lat<(. Three bullets tore into his ,the heirs will sell it, ’ one told men. w-ho.se 76-day-oId dispute body—One in the neck, two in the ■■ Police Lieut. Stephen Barry. The Socialist bombers and an- Storm Troopers. Kriise k said to other Socialist who supplied them have been a personal servant to the flared to a climax with the sympa- body. He staggered, fell. Another offered $100 to the with explosives for dynamiting kte Em.st Roehm, who w-as chief thetic mass walkout of union labor It was the end of John Dlllinger. I city for four blood stained bricks of staff of the Storm Troopers. The hojir was 10:40 p. m., cen- from the alley where Dllllnger railroad track are scheduled lor here, voted today on whether to ac- court martial this week. The two Now A Fugitive cept arbitration, of all Issues. ■ tral daylight savings time. The ' died. They hoped to exhibit these place was Just outside the Biograph ’ : trophies at fairs and carnivals. bombers shot and critically wound- Kruse is now stated to be a fugi- RepresenUtives of President ed a policeman in their attempted tive in Switzerland, from whim R^sevelta National Longshore theater a neighborhood moyls at “It’d be a gold mine," one. of escape. Fullerton and Lincoln avenues, on ^ them told Barry enthusiastically. Dr. Edward O. Dolan country he is said to have written Board sped by airplane all along Court martiala are also scheduled to President Paul von Hindenburg, the coast to deliver ballots at the the northwest side, in territory where the blood of many a Chicago for five Nazis arrested In various Democratic Women's Clubs at the the British government and new.s- various ports and supervise the vot- sections of Austria for the posses- Center Congregational church papers in neutral countries. Tiie ing. gangster has flowed before. fi-ed the five shots. He declined to Had the climax of this bank rob- reveal his,-identity. sion of explosives. Other similar house Saturday afternoon, which Dally Herald’s account of this stor-/ Louis Bloch, secretary ot the arrests are expected momentarily. was attended by about 225 members reads: ber—desperado-killer's career been President's board, said the result of pre-arranged it could have been no Had Little 5Ioney from throughout the state. "Kruse says that on Feb. 10. 193J, the election should be known by to- Officials searched through tha Great Ovation more sensational. There was even morrow night at the latest. If the an audience, loitering about the Cicthtng. In one of Dillinger’ Testimonials to Dr. Dolan were (Continued on Pago Six) arbitration proposal carries, as is pockets—into which the lion’s share paid by numerous promirient Demo- vicinity of the theater dran-n by the predicted by even extremist leaders presence of so many Department of the ten thousands of,loot which REPORT 14 DEAD cratic leaders, men and women of the strikers, it Is expect,v1 tlie alike,, and were greeted by vocifer- of Justice agents that for a time he and hjs brigands had gathered longshoremen will return to work some believed a hold-up w-as plan- during raids—was found Just $7.80. ous and sustained applause, the Wednesday. ned. members twice rising to their feet 14 PERSONS DIE The back of his watch contained OVER THE WEEK-END Prepared to start the machinery Had Hid Hair Dyed tnc picture of alluring Evelyn Fran- in a thunderous ovation to the local of arbitration as soon as the vote man. Tho many speakers lauded Dillinger his hair dyed a darker chette an Indian girl who obviously k known. United States Senator Dr. Dolan as "the greatest cam- IN BUS ACCIDENT hue, tell-tale scars on his checks ranked first among the desperado’s Robert F. Wagner, authority on la- JOHN DILLINGER i-iuny women friends. But Two Aato Tatalities in paigner this commonwealth has bor legislation, and Assistant Sec- lifted by plastic surgery, gold rim- ever known , . , a man of uonesty. med spectacles framing his shifty _,'^b® ‘■onp which brought about retary of Labor Edward -F Mc- Dlllinger’s end was executed with- simplicity and unselfishness,' gifted Orady waited here. McGrady k a eyes,' his nose straightened, a care- with great leadership . the tpreh- fully groomed black mustache out a flaw. Commendation poured State; Five Suicides and Auto Plunges Over 40 Fool member of die Longshore Board adorning his leering Up and the bearer fpr that which'is cleanest, which Includes Archbishop Edward houre'" ‘be post-midnighc brightest and best In the Dempcra- J. Hanna of San Francl.sco and O. FEDERAL AGENTS HUNT whorls of his finger tips obliterated Two Drowned. tlc party . , . one who has won Embankment and Bursts K. Cushing, San Francisco attor- by acid, strode through the lobby ,, Gratifying as well as reassuring greatest respect and admiration ney. and sauntered down the street. Attorney General Cummings de- and who is worthy of the highest He passed apparently without Cisred at Washington. Joseph P. Ryan, president of the honors that can be conferred upon Into Flames. recognition, Melvin H. Purvis chief Department of Justice agents had (By Aanooiated Press) him." International Longshoremen’s Vs- FOR BANDIT’S FRIENDS of the Chicago bureau of the De- known for several days that Dillin- Death invaded Connecticut over aociatlon, predicted in New York partment of Justice.
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