Torchlight Rally Is Planned for Tomorrow Night By SANDY STOKES of the Student Center. They will lead the pro- To give every student a chance to show his This is "Hook the Horns" Week, proclaimed cession through the campus to the waiting foot- loyalty to TCU, the formal "Hook the Horns" by Student Body President Jerry Johnson, and ball team and coaches. proclamation is on display in the Student Center Frogland students have gone all out to stomp Frog fans will hear comments from these those steers in every possible way. people, and the teasippers should hear the Frog Lobby. This scroll is available for the students Although the Texas Longhorns have the ad- fans in traditional Texas Christian spirit all the to sign their names pledging full support to vantage of playing on their home field and of way to Austin. the team. being a leading team of the nation, TCU stu- Fraternities, sororities and other organiza- Furthermore, all fans making the trip to Aus- dents are ready to prove the Frogs can and tions have been asked to pledge their coopera- tin are asked to bring along and wear to the. WILL win. tion. They will design banners and posters pub- game some school colors, purple and white. An all-school and all-Fort Worth torch-light licizing the torch-light parade. "Sitting in one section Saturday, wearing the pep rally tomorrow night will be their first big In addition, the radio and television stations colors and yelling until we're hoarse should chance to demonstrate their "Hook the Horns" are inviting the public of Fort Worth to attend. prove our loyalty to all!" Jim Davis, head cheer- spirit. This is the first time out-of-col!ege Frog fans leader, declared. The cheerleaders. Vigilantes and Horned Frog have had a chance to participate in a campus- The issues remain to be seen. Does anyone Band will meet the fans at 6:45 p.m. in front wide pep rally. want Steer for supper Saturday nighf <;?*: >•■■■. TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY * * * * FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOL. 58, No. 15 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1959 8 PAGES Ph.D.'s Approved in Physics, Psychology The University will inaugurate said "Alter careful considers man and V Q KcCammon all its first Doctor <>i Philosophy dc tion, we feel we should start ot Furl Worth grees in physics and psychology modestly and work up to a more Officers of the Board also were with the start ot the fall semes- complete program reolt cied I hey ale l.oi in A Bus ter next September. "It is assumed that we will add well ol Fort Worth, chairman; The programs were authorized one or two additional areas at the lev I. D Anderson of Fort by the Board ol Trustees at its Ihe beginning of other academic Worth, honorary chairman: Clyde fall meeting Monday under the years until we do have the I'll l> Tomlinson of Billsboro, vice recommendation ol Chancellor M program in several other tmpor chairman, and Dean Jerome A. E. Sadlei taut areas, including biology, ge- Moore, secretary The Board also approved a spe- ology, chemistry. English, mathe- The Board elected Ed l.an- cial expenditure of $90,000 to get matics, education and religion " dreth. a trustee since 1040, as an the doctoral plans under way The special 180,000 expenditure honorary member ol the Board In recommending the first Ph. authorized will be used between tor lite paying tribute to his D. programs. Dr Sadler pointed now and next tall lor additional many years of outstanding serv- out that the possibilities have personnel, equipment, library and ice heen under intensive study for research facilities to start the Also honored was the late Glan two years doctoral programs in physics and Woodson a Board member from MAKIN G IT OFFICIAL—Jerry Johnson signt the "Hook the. "We will never attempt any ad psychology 19.").") until his death earlier this Horn»" Week proclamation which It on display in th» Student vanced academic work unless we In other action the Board ot year The Board stood for a min- are completely assured of our Center thii week Trustees elected four new mem- ute in silent tribute to him at Dr ability to do a good job," he bers They are: Fred Korth, pres- Sadler's suggestion ident of Ihe Continental National The Building and Grounds Rank of Fort Worth; C. R Wil- committee was authorized to Assistant to Chancellor liams, oi! and gas executive of draw plans for the complete ren- Houston: Earl B Barnes T< I" ovation ol the present Adminis- graduate and executive of Dow tration Building The structure Chemical Co in Freeport. and will be redone as a classroom and S. P. Woodson Jr. of Fort Worth family office building at a cost Trustees Appoint A. Melton leading official of Texa* (oca ot around 8800,000 A new id Cola Bottling Companies ministration Building costing si - Amos Melton, present director ter. In 1930, he moved to the figures he covered the rise of Among seven Board members 200,000 now is under construe- of the Information Services, has sports desk and covered football Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson in reelected to their posts are lew- 11, .ii been named assistant to the chan- and golf over the Southwest for golf. Sammy Raugh and Davey is Ackers of Abilene. Robert t'arr The chartei of the University cellor by the University's Board 18 years. O'Brien in football He was the of San Angelo, A D Weatherl) was amended to authorize he of Aniarillo, Sidney Latham of Uicen 24 and ."ill Board mem! I Of Trustees Furthering a career in journal- author ol several articles in na- tional maga/ines on the** itari Dallas, II B Puqm Sol Brach- The Dumbei formerl) was 88 Duties under this new title will ism, Melton was made sports and in 1952, he wrote the book, include working with Chancellor editor of the Press in 1949, suc- "Spread Formation Football' Sadler in various phases of pub- ceeding the late Pop Boone. A with I, H I Dutch) Meyer. Michael Rabin to Appear lic relations. He will continue to year later, he returned to TCU head Hie newly named division as business manager of athletics of Public Relations which in- and director of sports publicity. As Select Series Guest cluded the University's general In 1953 he was appointed direc- Concert violinsit Michael Rabin, Saeni Rabin a 111 also pei form and sports bureaus, all official tor of the Information Services acclaimed by critics as "a mas- "Meditation from than.' by Mas publication*, advertising and the In World War II, Melton served ter of the violin." will appear in s. net; "La Capricieuse " by F.l- pruning and mailing department as an officer in the Air Force F.d Landi eth Auditoi nun tomor gar: Sea Shell." bv F.ngel Zun- row in Select Series' thud pro In Ins school days, Melton at- Intelligence, spending two years balisl and "Zapateado i>> ( are- gram <n t e tended Pert Wortb'i North Side in China as a major assigned to Rabins last season's concert A naiiw oi New York City, High iiiid was starting center for the office of Strategic Services. schedule included his ninth Rabin came bj his musical talents Ihe l!K!7 football team He uas ■warded the Bronze Star transcontinental North American naturally His father has been a Mellon uas editor ol The Skiff Melton is active in civic and tour, bis fourth extensive lino v iolinisl foi the Philharmonic foi pean tour and bis second tOUl o| and later loined Hie siall ol the church affairs and is the peat more than 90 years ills nothei. Urea! a pianist was on the ftcultj ol Sim Telegram m ton, sen Inj no president of the local chapters The 18 year old violinist 1K1S Julliard School ot Music foi sev the financial desk and as u repor- of Kiwanis Club and Sigma Delta recorded a major film sound eral yean (in, professional Journalism ira- track. MOM'S "Rhapsodj " He Rabbi made his "official" hi performed on network radio Junior Class Meets leinily lie is an elder, chairman American orchestral debut with and TV program! and is « I,a the New York Philharmonic at of ihe worship committee and a tured recording artist The Honor class has scheduled the age of u former chairman of the official His Select Sei lei program w ill The concert a ii begin at » p at hoard of University Christian a meeting at a SO p m tomorrow include "Sonata in B Plat, No in.' lndiv [dual tickets a ill be on sale Church in the Student Center Ballroom. Mo, ,u t; "Sonata Op 11 DJ at the door for SI ,"nl on | space filUira plans will be discussed. A close friend of many sports Amo» Melton Inure and ' Havanaise," bv Saint available basis Page 2 THE SKIFF Wednesday, November 11, 19S9 Students, Profs Attend Convention To Petition For Sigma Delta Chi Four petitioning members of Fort Worth junior and Jerry A TC'U's incoming journalistic fra- Johnson, Houston junior ternity, Sigma Delta Chi, and two Advisors also making the trip are D Wayne Rowland, chairman advisors are in Indianapolis now of the department of journalism for the SOX annual convention. and Edwin H. Ferguson, associate The six men left Tuesday professor of journalism. morning, traveling by car, and The role of Sigma Delta Chi is to endeavor to raise the stan- plan to return Saturday.
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