Europäisches Patentamt *EP000932720B1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 932 720 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: D06B 3/02, D06B 3/04, of the grant of the patent: D06B 3/10 18.06.2003 Bulletin 2003/25 (86) International application number: (21) Application number: 97943672.2 PCT/AU97/00691 (22) Date of filing: 16.10.1997 (87) International publication number: WO 98/017853 (30.04.1998 Gazette 1998/17) (54) CONTINUOUS PRESSURE DECATISING OF FABRICS AND SETTING OF STAPLE FIBRE ASSEMBLIES VERFAHREN UND VORRICHTUNG ZUM KONTINUIERLICHEN DEKATIEREN UNTER DRUCK VON STOFFBAHNEN UND FIXIEREN VON ZUSAMMENGEFASSTEN STAPELFASERN DECATISSAGE CONTINU SOUS PRESSION DE TISSUS ET MISE EN FORME D’ENSEMBLES DE FIBRES DISCONTINUES (84) Designated Contracting States: • CHUDLEIGH, Peter, William CH DE ES FR GB IT LI Pennant Hills, NSW 2120 (AU) • TESTER, David Henry (30) Priority: 17.10.1996 AU PO304296 West Yorkshire LS29 9BJ (GB) • PHILLIPS, David, Graham (43) Date of publication of application: Highton, VIC 3216 (AU) 04.08.1999 Bulletin 1999/31 (74) Representative: Senior, Alan Murray (73) Proprietor: COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND J.A. KEMP & CO., INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION 14 South Square, Campbell, Australian Capital Territory 2612 (AU) Gray’s Inn London WC1R 5JJ (GB) (72) Inventors: • LE, Cuong, Viet (56) References cited: Highton, VIC 3216 (AU) WO-A-91/02835 WO-A-94/10367 • LY, Nhan, Gia DE-A- 3 316 127 GB-A- 2 157 410 Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 (AU) GB-A- 2 201 434 Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 0 932 720 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 932 720 B1 2 Description of the circumference of the drum. The fabric, which is conveyed between the surface of the drum and the belt Technical Field as the drum rotates, is thus pressed between the drum and the belt surface. Besides being heated by the drum, [0001] This invention relates to a method, and appa- 5 the fabric is also subjected to steam which is introduced ratus for performing the method, for the continuous through the drum perforations. Alternatively a laminar- pressure decatising of fabrics. The invention also ex- shaped enclosure may be formed between an imperme- tends to a method and apparatus for continuously set- able pressure belt and an unperforated drum. Pressu- ting staple fibres, wherein the staple fibres are contained rised steam is generated in this enclosure by vaporisa- in an assembly of fibres such as a sliver, roving, strand, 10 tion of moisture carried in by the belt-fabric sandwich. yam or the like. The invention is particularly suitable for The "Super finish-GFP" machine made by Menschner setting wool fibre assemblies and decatising woollen (now MTECH) provides an example of this latter appa- and wool containing fabrics (hereinafter the term wool ratus. fabric or the like is to be understood as encompassing [0004] The pressure belt in this known type of appa- fabrics containing a mixture of wool and another or other 15 ratus simultaneously compresses and seals the fabric fibres) and will be described hereinafter with reference against the rotating drum. However the level of perma- to such fibres and fabrics, but it is to be understood that nent set that can be imparted to the fabric is limited by the invention is applicable to other staple fibres, and to the tensile strength of the pressure belt because it is the other fabrics such as, for example, cottons and rayons tension in this belt that provides the seal to maintain a which are generally decatised to set the material, en- 20 saturated atmosphere within the fabric to set the fibres. hance lustre or impart some dimensional stability. Furthermore, the belts in this apparatus wear quickly and require frequent periodic and thus costly mainte- Background nance because of their continuously high tensile stress and high temperature working conditions. A further [0002] Pressure decatising is a finishing treatment 25 problem with this apparatus arises from the dual role of whereby a wool fabric's physical and dimensional form the pressure belt, that is, it must simultaneously form a is enhanced and then stabilised by the use of heat, mois- high pressure seal with the drum and also apply me- ture, pressure and time. Generally, a pressure decatis- chanical pressure to the fabric. To make a leak-tight seal ing method produces a permanent change in fabric with the drum, the sealing pressure exerted by the belt properties by the action of heat and pressurised steam 30 must exceed the pressure of the enclosed steam, but at greater than 100 kPa (1 atm) pressure on a mechan- the mechanical pressure actually applied to the fabric ically constrained fabric, and is usually performed during will be reduced by the "cushioning" effect of this steam. the final stages of fabric production for several reasons: Consequently it is difficult to control the fabric compres- sion as it will depend on the steam pressure within the (a) to develop desirable aesthetic qualities in the 35 enclosure. fabric such as handle, lustre and smoothness, [0005] Another known type of continuous pressure (b) to improve the dimensional stability of the fabric decatising apparatus, of which the "Ekofast" machine particularly for purposes of garment assembly, and developed by WIRA (Wool Industries Research Associ- (c) to permanently set or preserve these qualities ation) and Mather & Platt provides an example, involves during fabric use. 40 transporting the fabric between two endless belt con- veyors through an autoclave containing saturated A continuous pressure decatising method imparts a per- steam. At least one of the conveyors is permeable and manent finish to a fabric in two distinct operations, fabric the fabric is subjected to impulsive compression by nip relaxation/setting followed by fabric stabilisation. For rollers. The belt conveyors in this apparatus are ten- fabric relaxation/setting, the fabric is for example sub- 45 sioned to maintain a desirable fabric finish. Although this jected to mechanical compression in an ambient of tensioning is not as high as in the first described known steam at high pressure and temperature, which allows apparatus, the belts have to be permeable and belt wear the fibres to relax and adopt a new conformation. For is still a problem. This apparatus can impart a reasona- fabric stabilisation, the fabric undergoes cooling and ble permanent finish to wool fabric, however the re- drying processes which set the fabric in its new confor- 50 quired treatment time is much longer than that in the first mation and also bring it back to room ambient. Similarly, described known apparatus. individual fibres in an assembly of staple fibres can be [0006] Generally, known continuous pressure deca- treated by heat and pressurised steam whilst mechani- tising apparatus require complex sealing arrangements cally constrained, and then be cooled and dried to set due to the need to seal an enclosure of saturated steam them. 55 at high pressure and yet allow a fabric to enter the en- [0003] One known type of continuous decatising ap- closure, flat set and emerge from the apparatus in a con- paratus comprises a perforated heated drum having an tinuous fashion. Example disclosures which deal with endless belt held in tension and wrapped around most this sealing problem for continuous decatising appara- 2 3 EP 0 932 720 B1 4 tus are provided by European Patent 0533295 and In- high temperature to the assembly of fibres within ternational Application No. PCT/IT92/00114 the region of compressed gas and simultaneously (WO94/10367). A further problem is the need to ensure constraining the fibres in the assembly of fibres, adequate insulation of the enclosures of saturated steam. 5 wherein the high temperature of the saturated or super- [0007] In summary, known continuous pressure deca- heated steam is determined substantially by the prede- tising methods and apparatus involve problems with belt termined pressure of the region of compressed gas. wear, the sealing of enclosures for saturated steam and [0011] The method of the first and second aspects of insulating those enclosures. The solutions to these the invention may additionally include a step of passing problems offered to date tend to be complex and thus 10 cool gas through the fabric, or the assembly of fibres, to costly. Furthermore, it has been difficult to date to close- cool it and reduce its regain whilst the fabric is pressed ly control and readily adjust the steaming conditions, between the two conveying members, or whilst the as- namely the temperature of the saturated or superheated sembly of fibres is constrained, for stabilising the fabric steam to which a fabric is subjected during a continuous or the fibres. This additional step is preferably also con- decatising method. 15 ducted within the region of compressed gas. [0012] According to a third aspect of the invention, Disclosure of the Invention there is provided apparatus for continuously pressure decatising a fabric including first and second conveying [0008] The present invention is based on the realisa- members for continuously transporting a fabric along a tion that the steaming conditions in a continuous pres- 20 predetermined path, wherein each conveying member sure decatising method may be controlled using a sur- includes a facing surface and the fabric is pressed be- rounding pressurised atmosphere, preferably of air and tween the facing surfaces as it is transported by the first preferably at ambient temperature, and controlling the and second members along the predetermined path, pressure of that atmosphere, and that such a surround- wherein a treatment zone for the fabric is substantively ing atmosphere could also reduce the belt wear, sealing 25 defined by the facing surfaces of the first and second and insulation problems of the prior art.
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