bike week coverage inside ApriL 26 - 2pm YAppY hour pirAte pArtY Live Music ruStY AnchorS MAgiciAn / pet coStuMe conteSt (PiRAte theme) BeneFitS PAwSiBiLitieS AnimAL ReSCUe original First turn Biker Owned and Operated SUn-thURS 11Am-11Pm / FRi & SAt 11Am-1Am now deLiveRing in Limited AReA gReAt 5000 SQ Ft oUtdooR SmoKin’ tiKi BAR iCe CoLd BeeR & FULL LiQUoR RAw BAR & FABULoUS Food - 1/2 LB SiRLoin BURgeR & SiZZLin SteAK wAtCh nASCAR with US! MAY 2 Cornhole Madness Live Music BrAd SAYre 6pm cASh prizeS & giveAwAYS • BLind drAw/douBLe eLiMinAtion reg. 11a / Bags Fly 1p ~ $10 per person whog remote with crASh & StephAnie MAY chAritY eventS MAY 3 ~ FundrAiSer For cAitLin ALLgood $5 FiSh FRy PURChASed Between 3-5Pm go diReCtLy to BeneFit MAY 8 tueSdAY Bike night 7-9pm Live music by deweY roSe BAnd countrY night Live mUSiC $2 twiSted teA / $2.50 FiReBALL ShotS MAY 17 ~ FundrAiSer For trevor hAYFire 7pm $1.50 domeStiC LongneCKS $5 Food tiCKet BeneFitS tRevoR rain or shine FRee Food at 7pm Food / MuSic / rAFFLeS / run whiLe SUPPLy LAStS 5236 S. Ridgewood Ave. (US 1) / PoRt oRAnge / www.FirstturnSteakhouse.com / 386-788-5434 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA P.O. Box 1453, Flagler Beach, Florida, 32136 May is upon us already 850-206-6991 / [email protected] and with that beautiful riding weather and altogether too ThunderRoadsFlorida.com Visit our website! many choices of what to do each weekend. I am a lucky Florida STATE EDITOR girl and will be in Kentucky for the Run for the Roses!! Beth “LuLu” Connors with love for Chad “Bull” Connors Keep your fingers crossed my family has a horse running 850-206-6991 / [email protected] / ThunderRoadsFlorida.com in the Derby! associate editor This month there is a memorial ride for one of my favorite Ed Carney 407-301-5534 / [email protected] people who died on his motorcycle last year. Bill Gruber adVertisiNG sales was an amazing man who loved his motorcycle, family and Duval / Nausau Counties his country. I cannot even begin to imagine the number Raven VanPelt 904-322-2278 / [email protected] of people he has helped in his lifetime. His run is on May Daytona / Flagler / Putnam 24th and will benefit veterans. Please try to join me on Billy “Kneecap”Braddock 386-503-6660 / [email protected] that ride!!! It leaves out of the Beaver Bar. Registration Gainesville / Lake City Area begins at 8am and you know they have a great breakfast Lil Jon 386-208-9786 / [email protected] on Sundays! KSU at 11am. Registration is only $15 and Highlands, Hardee and Polk Counties includes breakfast and a spaghetti dinner. Metric (John Vincent) 863-214-1129 / [email protected] Since Bike Week is always right at the deadline to go Lake County to print the coverage is always in May not April. If you Beth Connors 850-206-6991 / [email protected] were expecting to see articles about other events in this Seminole County issue they won’t appear until June as there was so much Beth Connors 850-206-6991 / [email protected] coverage for Bike Week to fit in this issue! South Florida Beth Connor 850-206-6991 / [email protected] As we get into the HOT season keep a check on your tire St. John’s / South & West Volusia pressure and be certain to hydrate! And as always I must Billy “Kneecap”Braddock 386-503-6660 / [email protected] remind you to use sunscreen! We love the freedom and the ride of being on 2 wheels but we have hazards that coNtributiNG photoGraphers LuLu, Lil Jon, Deborah Speicher, Bill Speicher, Ron Cox, Doug Blake, Micah Mummaw, being exposed to the sun create. Protect yourself! Axman, Sherry Fletcher, Deborah Fletcher, John Trask, Billy “Kneecap” Braddock, Hope to see you at one of the events…please come up Phoenix & Metric, Raven Vanpelt, Leonard Parker, Tim Biggs, Robin C. Tucker, Bobby Lollis, Jamie Collins, Diane Trask, Mick Barr, David Stevens, Heelz, Gerry Sapp, and introduce yourself!! Philomena Walton, Bill Eadie, Bear, Christine Fourman, Don & Linda Seeley, Lynne Bloom, Debbie Collins , Eric Darrow, Ed Carney, Chuck Steele, Marta Rosa Ride safe and ride on… coNtributiNG writers LuLu LuLu, Billy “Kneecap” Braddock, Deborah Speicher, Lil Jon, Ron Cox, Phoenix & Metric, Raven Van Pelt, Leonard Parker, Bobby Lollis, Rich Malfitano, Eric Darrow, Marta Rosa, Chuck Steele laYout & desiGN Barbara L. Garner art director / thunder publishing web platForm deVeloper Leonard Parker - [email protected] NatioNal FouNders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing, LLC Offices: 615-792-0040 e-mail: [email protected] / www.thunderroadsmagazine.com © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF ITS CONTENT MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY AND IS NOT TO BE HELD LIABLE FOR ERRORS BEYOND THE COST OF THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE ERROR, SLANDER OF ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL, FAILURE TO PRODUCE ANY ISSUE AS SCHEDULED DUE TO REA- SONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, ANY AND ALL SUITS FOR LIABLE, PLAGIARISM, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND UNAUTHOR- IZED USE OF A PERSON’S NAME OR PHOTOGRAPH. OPINIONS AND CLAIMS MADE BY ADVERTISERS AND AUTHORS ARE THEIR OWN, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE POLICY OF THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE OR THUNDER PUBLISH- Derek Thunder Roads Ohio and Me at World Famous Cabbage Patch ING. PUBLISHER DOES NOT PROMOTE THE ABUSE OF ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS. 2 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA MAY 2015 MAY 2015 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA 3 Biker Owned and Operated / Poker Runs Welcome ANDBA “Hub of the Universe” Full HAPPYS RPackage 2444 S. OceanShOre BLvD. (a1a) - FLagLer Beach HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 4 -7PM fRee Wi-fi fRee Wi-fi / full liquoR Join Lulu Delicious Food Mondays 2-for-1 Drinks with FREE Hors D’oeuvres alWays BikeR fRiendly tending bar WaTch foR The Friendly Service for you! Letters to the Editor...........................................................5 Tuesday 7025 A1A So. Crescent Beach FL 904.461.4671 opening of The Dog Pound’s Survivor Party Leaves You Howling............6 2 foR 1 Domestic Longnecks $2.75 everyday dog pound café!! 10am-midniTe First Turn’s Tiki Deck Rocked Bike Week.......................8 Tuesday Wednesday 9pm 2 foR 1 Riverfront Park Ultimate Bagger Show.........................10 all day/all nighT happy hOur kaRaoke MOn-Fri 3-6pM Wednesday WiTh Nobodies Opinion............................................................12 ladies nighT deana $2 Domestics and $2.50 Wells Main Street Station’s Bikini Contest..............................14 $1.50 Wells fRee Juke Box ThuRs Iron Horse Saloon Music, Food, Hot Bikes & Fun..........18 fRiday 7pm you name iT BeautiFuL vieW OF Ocean hours Mon -Thur 2pm -12Am / FrI - SaT - Sun 11Am - 2Am kaRaoke OutSiDe Deck wEDNEsDAY wEDNEsDAY - sAturDAY Nights Destination Daytona Bike Week 2015...........................20 WiTh you dRink iT Bike night / Free Wings Live Bands $3.00 10am-midniTe FriDAY & sAturDAY suNDAY All DAY Bike Week at the Cabbage Patch Bar.........................24 deana BeautiFuL riDe On a1a Steak nights open Jam 9 palm harbor Village Way Route 100 • Bunnell • 386-586-0200 Barbosa plaza • 386-986-1500 2801 E. NEw York AvE. • DElAND Fl • 386.736.9349 Skin Art............................................................................26 Broken Spoke Bike Week 2015 Rocked.........................28 biker owned & operated Volusia County Cycles 12th Annual Easter Bunny Toy Run...............................30 Where good friends meet! great service...expert restoration...sales Biker Friendly Directory...................................................32 FridAy 9PM kArAoke best rates in town SAturdAy 9PM Live MuSic full free safety inspection Chopper Time..................................................................34 8 beers on tap full liquor bar ThunderCam....................................................................36 package sales available Bike Nights.......................................................................38 MAin Street tAP rooM Calendar of Events..........................................................42 Main Street tap rooM Jokers Wild......................................................................44 205 W. Main St. ~ Avon Park FL ~ 863-453-3056 email [email protected] 24 Hour Service • Any Time Any Jail Tri CiTy CyCles hours Tom Matthews • Scott Foster • Scott Howe 308 s. 2nd st. • Flagler Beach Fl St. mon-Fri 9a-6p 904.825.4357augu atka S PaL tIne Motorcycles parts, service & accessories Ace most makes and models Serving Flagler County mon-fri 8am-6pm / sat 8am-1pm for over 34 years 386.329.2223 cLoseD on sun (so we can riDe) Full time mechanics on duty BAil Bonds 1611 N. Garfield Ave. / Deland Pick up service available (by Lowes across from Dunkin Donuts) 3798 W. International Speedway Blvd. 11 e. Moody Blvd. 386-.738-.0888 386-439-3967 Daytona Beach • FL 32124 BunneLL • FL 32110 386.258.2223 386.437.4357 We’re Your Ace In The Hole www.volusiacountycycles.com 4 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA MAY 2015 MAY 2015 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA 5 Dog PounD’s Survivor Party LeaveS you HowLing by LuLu The last day of Bike Week or Biketober- fest you won’t find me on Main Street or at any of the larger bars in town. I like to ride out to Bunnell on 100 to my friend’s bar the Dog Pound Saloon. It is a great local biker bar with a nice outside deck and backyard, a cool old building and a GREAT staff. The beer is always ice cold and the music awesome. This Bike Week the Chance Gardner band treated us to a full day of awe- some music, including a horn player who could blow two at a time!!! See their ad for the daily happenings here and at Smiles in Palm Coast. 6 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA MAY 2015 MAY 2015 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE FLORIDA 7 First Turn’S TIkI DEck Rocked Bike Week by LuLu A short bike ride south on A1A to First Turn Steakhouse has become the Destination Ride for many during Bike Week and Biketoberfest. Known for the sizzlin’ steaks and NASCAR celebrity sightings…their seafood including raw oysters is what we always ride down for.
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