Public Document Pack ENVIRONMENT, PARKS & LEISURE Contact: Penelope Williams SCRUTINY PANEL Scrutiny Secretary Tuesday, 11 September 2007 at 7.45 pm Direct : 020-8379- 4098 Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Tel: 020-8379-1000 Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA Ext: 4098 Fax: 020-8379-3177 Textphone: 020 8379 4419 E-mail: [email protected] Council website: www.enfield.gov.uk Councillors : Edward Smith (Chairman), Christopher Andrew, Chris Bond, Annette Dreblow, Norman Ford, George Savva, Terence Smith, Yasemin Brett and Geoffrey Robinson Lead Support Officer: Mike Ahuja Support Officer: Matt Clack AGENDA – PART 1 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS (Pages 1 - 2) Members of the panel are asked to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on the agenda. A definition of personal and prejudicial interests is attached for information. 3. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK (Pages 3 - 10) To receive a report briefing the panel on the Local Development Framework. 4. PLACE SHAPING (Pages 11 - 32) To receive a report briefing the panel on the place shaping initiative. 5. STREET LIGHTING - PRIVATE FINANCE INITIATIVE - UPDATE (Pages 33 - 36) To receive a report from Gary Barnes, Assistant Director Environment, Street Scene and Parks, updating the panel on progress being made on the private finance initiative street lighting programme. 6. WATER POLLUTION ON THE RIVER LEA (Pages 37 - 38) To receive a briefing note informing the panel about the pollution control measures in place on the Enfield section of the River Lea. 7. ALLOTMENTS REVIEW - UPDATE AND SCOPE (Pages 39 - 40) To receive an update on the work carried out by the allotments working group. To approve the scope for the scrutiny panel review of the allotment service. Update attached, scope to follow. 8. UPDATE FROM PARKING AND ENFORCEMENT PLAN WORKING GROUP (Pages 41 - 46) To receive, as part of the Panel’s involvement in the Council’s Parking Enforcement Plan Review, a verbal update on progress being made by the Joint Special Projects and Environment, Parks & Leisure Scrutiny Working Group set up to participate into the review process. The Panel is asked to note that the Joint Working Group held an initial meeting with the officers and consultant (Faber Maunsell) undertaking the review on Thursday 26 July 2007. A copy of the notes from this meeting have been attached, for information. A further meeting of the Joint Working Group has been arranged for Monday 24 September 2007 in order to consider the initial findings from the Consultant’s review and draft report. The Panel will receive a further update at its next meeting on the outcome of the Working Group’s meeting and progress with the review. 9. UPDATE ON LIBRARY STRATEGY AND BARNET VISIT (Pages 47 - 48) To note that the Library strategy is not yet ready for consultation. Once it is ready, the scrutiny panel will consider holding a special meeting to discuss it. Councillors Bond, Dreblow and Robinson visited Barnet libraries together with officers from Enfield Library Service, Matt Clack and Penelope Williams. A visit to Enfield Libraries will be arranged in September. A briefing note on the Barnet visit is attached for information. 10. FAIRTRADE (Pages 49 - 50) To receive an update from Anna Loughlin on the work being carried out by the Fairtrade steering group. 11. WORK PROGRAMME 2007/8 (Pages 51 - 54) To note progress and changes made to the Environment, Parks and Leisure Scrutiny Panel 2007/8 work programme which have not been covered elsewhere on the agenda. Work programme grid and briefing attached. 12. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3 JULY 2007 (Pages 55 - 64) 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2007 To receive and agree the minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2007. 2. Matters arising 2.1 Update on alcohol control zones and police statistics. 2.2 Update on model aircraft and golf byelaws – Following consultation, the proposed parks’ byelaws are being amended. The Council's legal team is changing the wording to the byelaws concerning golf and model aircraft. All other elements of the proposed byelaws are unchanged. Once the re-wording of the above sections has been completed the whole consultation process will be conducted again. This means that the proposed byelaws will be advertised in a local newspaper and a copy held on deposit for public inspection. Letters of objection can be written and the council will consider each one on its merits. Once the second consultation process has been completed the Council hope to have the byelaws in position to be enforced at the earliest opportunity. 13. SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REFERRED TO CABINET To agree any items to be referred to Cabinet. 14. SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REFERRED TO OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE To agree any items to be referred to Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 15. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates agreed for future meetings of the panel in 2007/8:- Wednesday 5 December 2007 Wednesday 13 February 2008 Tuesday 1 April 2008 All meetings will begin at 7.45pm Page 1 Agenda Item 2 DECLARING INTERESTS FLOWCHART - QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF What matters are being discussed at the meeting? Do any relate to my interests whether You can participate already registered or not? NO in the meeting and vote YES Is a particular matter close to me? Does it affect: me or my partner; NO my relatives or their partners; my friends or close associates; either me, my family or close associates: • job and business; • employers, firms you or they are a partner of and companies NO you or they are a Director of • or them to any position; • corporate bodies in which you or they have a shareholding of Personal interest more than £25,000 (nominal value); my entries in the register of interests more than it would affect the majority of people in the ward affected by the decisi on, or in the authority’s area or constituency? Declare your personal interest in the matter. You can YES remain in meeting, speak and vote unless the interest is also prejudicial; or NO You may have a If your interest arises solely from your membership of, personal interest or position of control or management on any other public body or body to which you were nominated by the authority e.g. Governing Body, ALMO, you only need declare your personal interest if and when you speak on the matter, again providing it is not prejudicial. Does the matter effect your financial interests or You may have a YES relate to a licensing, planning or other regulatory prejudicial interest matter; and Would a member of the public (knowing the relevant facts) reasonably think that your personal interest was so significant that it would YES prejudice your judgement of public interest? Prejudicial interest Do the public have speaking rights at the meeting? YES NO You should declare the interest but can remain You should declare the interest and in the meeting to speak. Once you have withdraw from the meeting by leaving finished speaking (or the meeting decides you the room. You cannot speak or vote have finished - if earlier) you must withdraw from on the matter and must not seek to the meeting by leaving the room. improperly influence the decision. Note: If in any doubt about a potential interest, members are asked to seek advice from DEC/JB/JK Democratic Services in advance of the meeting. Page 2 This page is intentionally left blank Page 3 Agenda Item 3 MUNICIPAL YEAR 2007/2008 REPORT NO. MEETING TITLE AND DATE: Environment Parks and Leisure Agenda – Part: 1 KD Num: N/A Scrutiny Panel 11 September 2007 Subject: Enfield’s Local Development Framework REPORT OF: Director of Environment, Street Scene and Parks Wards: All Contact officer and telephone number: Joanne Woodward ext 3881; Douglas McNab ext 3888 Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Changes to the planning system introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 require Local Planning Authorities to replace their development plans with a new style of plan called a Local Development Framework (LDF) . Enfield’s LDF will adopt a spatial approach to planning, providing a clear, coherent and deliverable framework for the future development of the borough. It will consist of a series of documents which can be added to and amended as times and circumstances change. The LDF will underpin the Place Shaping agenda for Enfield. As requested by the Scrutiny Panel this report sets out the current timetable for producing Enfield’s LDF, showing the progress made to date, key milestones and the timing of public consultations. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS The Panel note the progress made by the Council on the Local Development Framework and the important linkages to the Place Shaping agenda for Enfield. Env07/105 - 1 - Page 4 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 Local planning authorities such as Enfield have long been required to draw up a development plan for their area to provide a framework for development and other use of land, development control and conservation. 3.2 Enfield’s current development plan is the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) which was adopted in 1994. Much has changed since then, including very extensive revision of national planning policy guidance by successive governments and the publication of the Mayor’s London Plan in February 2004. 3.3 Changes to the planning system introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 aim to speed up plan preparation, improve community involvement in planning, strengthen policy content and promote a greater focus on delivery. The Act requires Local Planning Authorities to replace their development plans with a new style of plan called a Local Development Framework (LDF) .
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