1 1 Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Cover photograph captions First Female Marine Blue Angels Pilot, Captain Katie Higgins, USMC One of the Twelve Outstanding Airmen of the Year 2016, Staff Sergeant Raquel Caramanno, USAF First Female Enlisted Sailor Submariner, Chief Dominique Saavedra, USN One of the First Women to Graduate From the Army’s Elite Ranger Training Course, Captain Kristen Griest, USA First Female African-American Helicopter Pilot in the U.S. Coast Guard, Lieutenant Junior Grade Lashanda Holmes, USCG The estimated cost of this report or study for the Department of Defense is approximately $1,024,000 in Fiscal Years 2016 - 2017. This includes $365,000 in expenses and $659,000 in DoD labor. Generated on 2016Nov17 RefID: 3-7F10CB6 Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services List of Members General Janet Wolfenbarger, The Reverend (Doctor) Cynthia USAF, Retired (Chair) Lindenmeyer (Through August 2016) Chief Master Sergeant Bernise Major General John Belcer, USAF, Retired (Vice Chair) Macdonald, USA, Retired Lieutenant General Frances Ms. Donna McAleer Wilson, USMC, Retired (Chair Ms. Monica Medina through June 2016) Ms. Janie Mines Dr. Kristy Anderson Fleet Master Chief JoAnn Colonel John Boggs, USMC, Retired Ortloff, USN, Retired Fleet Master Chief Jacqueline DiRosa, Captain Beverly Kelley, USCG, Retired USN, Retired (Through June 2016) Major General Gale Pollock, USA, Major General Sharon Retired (Through June 2016) 1 Chapter Dunbar, USAF, Retired Vice Admiral Carol Pottenger, Ms. Teresa Christenson USN, Retired Ms. Sharlene Hawkes Sergeant Major of the Army Command Sergeant Major Kenneth Preston, USA, Retired : Introduction Michele Jones, USA, Retired Dr. Jackie Young Report Contributors DACOWITS Staff Insight Policy Research Colonel Aimee Kominiak, Ms. Allyson Corbo USA, Military Director Ms. Rachel Gaddes Ms. Jessica Myers, Deputy Director Ms. Rachel Holzwart Mr. Robert Bowling, Operations Officer Ms. Rebekah Myers Master Sergeant (Select) Kristine Seebeck, USAF, Executive Support ICF Ms. Ronke Oyebode Ms. Haley Rugh Ms. Ashley Schaad Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Executive Summary Executive 5 Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services 6 Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Contents Executive Summary ___________________________________________________________iii Chapter 1. Introduction ________________________________________________________ 1 Chapter 2. Recruitment and Retention Recommendations and Continuing Concerns ______________________________________________________ 8 Mentorship 7 Single Parent Waivers 11 Continuing Concern: Accession and Marketing 14 Chapter 3. Employment and Integration Recommendations and Continuing Concerns _____________________________________________________ 17 Chaplain Corps 18 Gender Integration 20 Continuing Concern: Combat Gear and Equipment 26 Chapteri 4. Well-Being and Treatment Recommendations and Continuing Concerns _____________________________________________________ 29 Consolidated Service-Wide Pregnancy and Parenthood Instruction 30 Marine Corps Performance Evaluation System 31 Obstetrics Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Discharge Summary 33 Physical Standards 34 Strategic Communication 38 Transition Services 46 Continuing Concern: Maternity Uniforms 48 Continuing Concern: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Training 49 Appendices Appendix A. DACOWITS Charter A-1 Appendix B. Research Methodology B-1 Appendix C. Biographies of DACOWITS Members C-1 Appendix D. Installations Visited D-1 Appendix E. DACOWITS Requests for Information and Corresponding List of Responses Received E-1 Appendix F. Percentages of Male and Female Active Duty Officers and Enlisted Service Members in Each Service, 2012–2016 F-1 Appendix G. Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in Report G-1 Appendix H. References H-1 i ARMY iii Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Executive Summary iii Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services The Defense Advisory Committee on Women Single-Parent Waivers in the Services (DACOWITS) (hereafter re- The Secretary of Defense should require ferred to as the “Committee” or “DACOWITS”) each of the Military Services to adopt was established in 1951 with a mandate to a policy regarding accession of single provide the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) custodial parents into the military to al- with independent advice and recommen- low such accessions when facts, circum- dations on matters and policies relating to stances, and occupational requirements servicewomen in the Armed Forces of the would allow, and when the Military United States. The Committee is comprised Services would benefit. of no more than 20 members who are ap- pointed by the SECDEF and serve in a volun- Continuing Concern tary capacity for 1- to 4-year terms. Accessions and Marketing Each December, the Committee selects sev- eral study topics to examine during the fol- Employment and Integration lowing year. For 2016, DACOWITS studied Chaplain Corps 14 topics. The Committee gathered informa- The Secretary of Defense should exam- tion from multiple sources in examining these ine the unchanged percentage of wom- topics; for example, briefings and written en since 2006 in the Chaplain Corps. responses from DoD, Service-level military representatives, and subject matter experts; The Secretary of Defense should establish data collected from focus groups and inter- clear oversight of the Services’ Chaplain actions with Service members during instal- Corps and set guidelines for increas- lation visits; and peer-reviewed literature. ing the diversity of the Chaplain Corps in alignment with the Force of the Future.i Based upon the data collected and analyzed, DACOWITS offers 14 recommendations and Gender Integration four continuing concerns, which follow. The Secretary of Defense should require detailed information from the Marine DACOWITS 2016 Corps that will delineate its comprehen- sive plan to fully integrate women into all Recommendations and military occupational specialties. Continuing Concerns The Secretary of Defense should require the Marine Corps and the Army to col- Recruitment and Retention laborate on Infantry training to share best Mentorship practices on gender integration. The Secretary of Defense should require Continuing Concern the Military Services to include training Combat Gear and Equipment on mentorship as an essential part of leadership training, including discussion of the role and the meaning of mentor- ship, and of the mentoring of women by both women and men. The Committee does not recommend formal, mandatory mentorship programs. i The Force of the Future, announced by SECDEF Ash Carter on November 19, 2015, is a set of initiatives designed to maintain DoD’s competitive edge in recruiting top talent to serve the Nation. iv Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Well-Being and Treatment Consolidated Service-Wide Pregnancy and Parenthood Instruction The Secretary of Defense should direct each of the Services to create a con- solidated pregnancy and parenthood instruction to provide an all-inclusive, thorough resource for both Service members and their commands. Marine Corps Performance Evaluation System The Secretary of Defense should have the Office of General Counsel re- view the Marine Corps Performance Strategic Communication Evaluation System (PES), which cur- Summary Executive The Secretary of Defense should re- rently differentiates between women’s quire that strategic wording and imag- and men’s temporary medical condi- ing across all communication platforms tions by annotating pregnancy on the positively shape perceptions regarding PES form. the ability of servicewomen to perform Obstetrics Multidisciplinary to the highest standards of combat Interdisciplinary Discharge Summary readiness. The Secretary of Defense should issue The Secretary of Defense should ag- a policy regarding the proper use and gressively educate the public and distribution of the computer-generated military personnel on the differences OB MultiIDii discharge summaries and between occupational standards and make every effort to restrict the release physical fitness standards. of Protected Health Information (PHI). Transition Services Physical Standards The Secretary of Defense should re- The Secretary of Defense should re- view and enhance the content of cur- quire a complete review and update rent transition assistance programs to of the 2002 DoD Physical Fitness better meet the unique needs of transi- and Body Fat Programs Procedures tioning servicewomen. (DoDI 1308.3) with the recent open- Continuing Concerns ing of more than 200,000 positions to servicewomen. Maternity Uniforms The Secretary of Defense should Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault consider Service-wide adoption of Training the Air Force methodology and medi- A one-page synopsis for each recom- cal research data regarding body fat mendation or continuing concern and the determined via abdominal circumfer- reasoning follows. Detailed reasoning sup- ence measurement to eliminate gen- porting each of these recommendations is der variance. provided in the full annual report for 2016, which is available on the DACOWITS ii Obstetrics Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Website (http://dacowits.defense.gov/). v Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Mentorship near-universal preference for informal men- torship. In the context
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