GARDINERS OF GARDINER'S ISLAND BY JOHN LION GARDINER PUBLISHER JONATHAN T. GARVINER THE STAR PRESS EAST HAMPTON, N. Y. NO. I. No. I, Lion Gardiner, born 1599, died 1663: Married Mary Willemson Deurcant ( 163 .. ) born 1601, died 1665. His children were No. 2, 11, 12. In his handwriting in his family Bible which is now in the possession of Samuel B. Gardiner, is the following: "In the year of our Lord-1635-July th 10-Came I l.,ion Gardiner and Mary my wife from Woerden a towne in Holland where my wife was borne, being the daughter orie Derike Wilamson Derocant; her mother's name Hachin bastians her Aunt Sister of her mother was the wife of wouter Leanardson old burger 1neaster dwelling in the hofston ouer against the brouroer in the unicorns head her brot~ers name was punc Gearetsson also old burger meester \Vee can1e from W oerden to London and from thence to new England and dwelt at Saybrook forte foure years of which i was Commander and theire was born to me a son named David in 16 3 5! April the 29 the first born in that place and in 1638 A Daughter was borne to me caled Mary .A.ugust the 30 and then went to an Island of mine owne 1-vhich I bought of the Indians Called by them Manchonake by us the Ile of Wite and theire was born another daughter named Elizabeth September the I 4 I 64 I she being the first child born theire of English parents." 3 4 MARRIAGE REGISTERS "Xlth Aug 1635. In the Batchelor de Lo: Mr. Tho Webb vers New England "Lyon Gardner 36 "Mary Gardner his wife 34 "Eliza Coles their maid servant 23 "Wm. Jope 40 "Who are to pass to New England, have brought Cert of their Conformitie" See N. E. Gen'l Reg'r, Vol. 14, p 322, also See Hotten's List of En1igrants &c.; also see the record itself in the "Record Office," London. A biographical sketch of Lion Gardiner written by Alex­ ander Gardiner may be found in Mass. Hist. Coll., 3d Series, Vol. 10, pp 173 to 185. The_ first English settlement in New York was made by Lion Gardiner. See Wood's Hist. L. I., p 10. "Note 478. In a search of the printed Marriage Registers of St. Dunston's, Stepney, London, I have found the fol­ lowing entry: "Lionel Gardiner and Elizabeth Woodhouse, married Dec. 3, I 593. " H. B. A. GARDINERS OF GARDINER'S ISLAND 5 In a letter written by Edward Hopkins in London, dated August 16th, 1635 to John Winthrop, Jr., in Boston, New England, and forwarded by the ship Batchelor, occur the following passages: "Serjeant Gardener and Wm. Job his workmaster, with the Serjeants wief e and his mayd, come over in this barque. If you require it of them both Gardener & Job can shew you their covenants with the Company, whereby you may in part perceave what to require of them, and what to performe to them: they are all to be att the ·Companies charge for matter of diett. The Serjeant hath received of me before­ hand, towards his first y~ares wages, 30 pounds sterlinge & Wm. Job hath received 15 pounds, the master also of the barque hath received 8 pounds beforehand, toward his wages, all which you are to deduct, when you pay them any more." See it in fuil Mass. Hist. Coll., Vol. VI, Fourth Series page 325. 1635, Nov. 28: "Here arrived a small N orsey bark, of twenty-five tons, sent by the Lords Say, etc., with one Gardiner, an expert engineer or work base, and provisions of all sorts, to begin a fort at the mouth of Connecticut. She came through many great tempests; yet, through the Lord's great provi­ dence, her passengers, twelve men, two women and goods, all safe." The above was written by John Winthrop at Boston in his Journal. See Winthrop's Hist. of New England, Vol. I, page 207. "One David Gardiner an expert engineer assisted in the work, planned the fortifications and was appointed Lieu­ tenant of the fort. Mr. Davenport and others, who after­ wards se,ttled New Haven were active in this affair and hired Gardiner, in behalf of their Lordships, to come into N e,v England & assist in this business." TO\\TN OF \VOERDEN See Trun1bull's Hist. Conn., I-Iartford, 1797, \ 7ol. I, page 5 I. Copy Fol. 24: "Protocol comn1encing J\1arch 20 I 602 of certain in­ terests and 111ortgage letters of this tovvn of \Voerden. v·o1un1e 1602-1609 \Ve Jan \rer,vey Jacobss, Mayor, Jan I-Ienricxs de Bar­ singen and G-errit Ulricxs, Alder111en of the town of \Voer­ den, give notice that before us has co1ne and appeared I-laechgen Bastiaens vvidow of Dirk vVille1nss. Deurcant, assisted by Pons Gerritts Boschuysen and vVouter Lenerts Van Nes her guardians. And acknowledged to owe well and duly for her heirs and descendants and to have sold to the house fathers of the poor orphans of this town, in behalf of the aforesaid Orphan Asylum or those obtaining their rights, a yearly interest of six guilders, five stivers, free 1noney without any discount, of which the first interest shall be due on June 1st, 1606, and so forth every year on June 1st till the time of cancellation, which she, the ap­ pearer, will be allo,ved to do at any ti111e ( or at leisure) by at once paying a sum of one hundred caroli guilders, XL groten to the guilder, with the due and unpaid interest of the sa111e up to the tin1e of the actual cancellation provided that she, the appearer is held to announce this to the house­ f a thers a .½ year in advance, and she, the appearer ,vishing to secure the house fathers aforesaid has specially given us security, as she does by this, a certain house and lot standing and situated ,vithin this tovvn on the Rhine, adjoining to the South Barthol omens Corneliss Cuyper, on the North Aefken Jan Andriessen widow, extending from the Rhine to the Slededyck, and also generally her person and all her goods real and personal, none excepted, binding the same as GARDINERS OF GARDINER'S ISLAND 7 by law, and promising to free ,those gentlemen, year and day as a free property. "For further security also appeared Pons Gerritss and Wouter Lenertss aforesaid and became surety for said yearly interest and capital, each of whom renounced, as principal, the benefits of service under similar bonds, without deceit. "In witness thereof we Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid have .appended hereto our seals June 6, 1605."-See in margin: "On May 19, 1623 Haentgen Bastraens, widow of the late Dirck Willem Duyercant, assisted by Pons Gerrit Van Boshuysen and \1/ outer Lenerten Van N es, her guardians, has liquidated to Gerrit Vergeer and Annes Anthony d'Lyon ophan masters, the capital mentioned in these, with the interest due. ( Signed) W. van Leenwen." National Archives The Hague. Folio 236. "Protocol of the interest and mortgage letters of this town of Woerden 16o9 to 1626 "We Adam van der Myll, Mayor, Aert Dircx, Hart and Gerrit Gysbertss Vergeer, aldermen of the town of Woer­ den give notice that before us has come Hoechgen Bastiaens, widow of the late Dirck Willem Duercant, assisted by Pons Gerritsen her brother and W outer Lenerts van Neste her joint guardians, who transferred in free ownership to N eeltgen Gysberts, widow of van Heyndrick skipper, a house and lot standing and situated within the said town, on rt:he south side of the Rhine, near the Nieuwpoort, to the East Bartholomins Cornelis Cuyper and West, Cors Penningen with her houses and lands near extending from 8 ARCHIVES AT THE HAGUE the rivet"sidt .to the rear of the city wall subject to the Honthorster ground rent, according to the register of the administrator who visits them annually, and also to one hundred and seventy Guilders capital which is payable to the orphan children of Heyndrick Jan van Nest at Montfort, of which one-si~th of a penny is surrendered every year, according to the existing agreement thereof. "And she, the appearer, renounced every right, action and notice in any way, concerning the aforesaid house and lot and all old deeds thereof, in behalf of N eeltgen Gysberts widow and her descendants. Acknowledging that of this sale and trans£er the last penny has been paid as well as the first. "Promising to free and guarantee the aforesaid house and lot excepting the stipulated charges of this year and day, according to the customs of this town, without deceit. "In witness thereof, we, Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid, have each of us signed this and confirmed with our appended seal. "Done on May 19th, 1623, to the knowledge of my secretary." Folio I verso. "Protocol, commencing March 20th, 16o2, of certain rents and mortgages of this town of Woerden: from 16o2 to 1609. "Jan Verwey, Mayor, Jan Lenerts and Diric Willems Duercant aldermen of the town of Woerden notify all men that before us have come and appeared, etc., etc." 13 April 1603. National Archives at The Hague. "The Authorities of Boston improved the opportunity of his being here to engage him to undertake the completion of the fortification on Fort Hill."-See Drake's Hist. of Boston, p 188. "To improve the important services of Captain Gardiner before his departure for Connecticut the town 'agreed yt, GARDINERS OF GARDINER'S ISLAND 9 for ye raysing of a new worke of fortification upon ye ffort hill, about yt whch is there already begune, the whole itown would bestowe f ourteene dayes work' a man &c * * * which 'worke is to be gone in hand w(ith soe soone as ye weather will pmit, in regard yt ye ingineere, Mr.
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