only about 300. In Palembang, a city of over half a million, we Palembang Svangelistie effort find only about 100 church mem- By C. L. Shankel bers. The numbers are small, but in these few we see that God has The great hand of God is not ings were held in a public hall richly blessed His work in this shortened but lengthened within accommodating some 600 people. difficult section. There has been the courts of might and mercy. The last two weeks they were very little public evangelism in this The challenge that Jesus gave to held in the new church. area, where 40 years ago Chris- His friend Nicodemus in the cool Pastor S. Ritonga, our energetic tians' lives were challenged. Pas- of the night is still sounding in mission president in South Suma- tor F. A. Detamore held the only every area of the harvest field. tra, believes in evangelism. His other series of meetings in this Pastor C. C. Cleveland, president full-time co-operation was greatly area, which, because of lack of of the Indonesia Union, felt very appreciated. He called the workers time, could last only one week. strongly that the Lord was guiding of the mission in to assist in the Our faith was small but we found in a plan for meetings to be held public meetings and visitation. that our God was big. in Palembang, South Sumatra. This help was vital to the success How thrilled we were the open- The time for the beginning of the of the meetings. ing night to see the public hall meetings was set for June 18, the It was with much lack of faith filled to capacity. This thrill con- first Saturday night after the de- that we began our meetings in tinued as the people were brought dication of the new and beautiful South Sumatra. Our entire mem- back night after night by the Holy church. For four weeks the meet- bership in this large Islam area is Spirit. The night we passed out the Voice of Prophecy lessons we were pushed and crowded, sad- dened only because the few hun- dred we brought were not suf- ficient for all. Numbers, meetings, articles are all meaningless unless you meet some of the souls rescued from the clutches of the powers of darkness. Permit me to tell you of a few of these examples of God's great power and love. I would like you to meet a young lady in her teens. She and her mother came faithfully to the meetings. She was a popular radio singer. One day as Elder Ritonga and I called at her home, we noticed ashes in the front yard. Upon entering the home we were informed that these were the ashes of her former Chinese gods. She then told us that she would no longer serve strange gods but the God of heaven who cannot burn. This young lady and her Candidates for the first baptism Palembang Evangelistic Effort, with mother are both baptized, and the C. L. Shankel center right. young lady is now at our college VOLUME FORTY-SIX SEPTEMBER, 1960 NUMBER NINE 2 FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK September, 1960 preparing to better serve her new Then he said, "I believe it must of service in the Far Eastern Divi- God. We see again God is more have been the all night meeting sion. He first arrived in the Divi- powerful than popularity. of prayer and study held in the sion in 1938 and since that time One night we called at the home church before the meetings began." has served as secretary of the In- of a young man in his middle I answered, "I believe the same, donesia Union, manager of the twenties who had just recently for Not by might, nor by power, Indonesia Publishing House, trea- recovered from a serious accident. but by my spirit, saith the Lord surer of the Thailand Mission, He told me, "I believe, but I can- of hosts.' " manager of the Bangkok Sani- not quit smoking." I answered, The workers performed their tarium and Hospital, and secretary- "We will pray and God will give given tasks; the Spirit of God spoke treasurer of the Indonesia Union. you the victory if you desire to to the hearts of men and women, His background and experience quit tonight." We prayed; we left. and it was the privilege of the will serve him in good stead as he A few nights later he said, "I writer to give the invitation from takes up the responsibilities for haven't smoked since you prayed the Master of the Lord's house the complex financial problems of in my home." We see again God to come to the supper of the Lamb. the Union of Southeast Asia with is more powerful than habit. its many medical institutions scat- A man who had been a Seventh- New Appointments tered in the various sections of its day Adventist came forward in By Edwin Gibb, Secretary territory. one of the calls for surrender. Far Eastern Division He was weeping bitterly. He told H. B. Ludden me, "The world of sin I know, but Three new appointments have has served as it is not a place of happiness. recently been made by the Far a missionary am coming back." Later his wife Eastern Division Committee: G. 0. in the Far Eas- and son took their stand for Jesus. Bruce, assistant treasurer of the tern Division We see again God is more power- Division; A. I. Krautschick, secre- since 1948. He ful than pleasure. tary-treasurer of the Union of was business A military policeman and his Southeast Asia; and H. B. Ludden, manager of the family took their stand. Hear his secretary-treasurer of the Japan Japan Mission- testimony: "Even if they shoot Union. ary College for me I will be faithful to this Mes- twelve years sage." We see again God is more G. 0. Bruce and manager powerful than bullets. is at present on of the Tokyo A family from Islam took their furlough in the H. B. Ludden Sanitarium - stand. The next morning we call- United States Hospital a lit- ed at their home. Just as we were and will be tle more than one year before be- leaving the priest came. He con- taking up his ing asked to serve as the secretary- demned them, saying many unkind new duties treasurer for the Japan Union. Bro- things. Today this family are when he re- ther Ludden has earned the con- Seventh-day Adventists. We see turns to the fidence and respect of the workers again God is stronger than religious G. 0. Bruce field early next and members in the Japan Union ties. year. Coming and his appointment as the Union Two young men in their middle to the Far Eastern Division in secretary-treasurer will make pos- twenties accidentally picked up a 1954, he served briefly as secre- sible a wider use of his leadership handbill. They came to the meet- tary-treasurer of the South China in the finances of that large field. ings. They took their stand. One Island Union, and then for a little We solicit your prayers on be- afternoon it was a thrill to sit in over five years as treasurer and half of these men and their fami- their presence and witness the later the secretary-treasurer of the lies as they take up their new re- power of God. These two young Japan Union. Brother Bruce is sure sponsibilities. men feared for their lives if they to receive a royal welcome in Singa- should 'be baptized. This was their pore since the Division assistant Continued from page 12. decision: "We will be baptized. treasurer's post has been vacant We will go from our homes so no from the time of the Division bien- timately hope to become members one will know. We will sell gos- nial session held in December, 1959. of a small group of practicing pel books. We will then go to Pastor A. I. Krautschick is a man physicians who will work together, the Adventist College and prepare of wide experience and many years maintaining an overseas medical for the ministry." We see again mission post while the rest of the God is stronger than family ties. doctors give continuous support to These are only a few of the the enterprise. Mission duty for 55 who took their stand to prepare each member of the group would for baptism. About fourteen of then be on a rotating basis for them came from the Islam faith. short periods of time up to one The story of all 55 is as thrilling year in length. as those I have mentioned. To "Dr. Dooley's program is an in- date 19 of these have been bap- dependent program," Webster said, tized. Pray that soon the others "and we wish to become better will be ready. acquainted with it so that we may As we came to the end of this construct a similar program later thrilling effort, one of the members on." said to me, "I cannot believe it!" Pastor and Mrs. A. I. Krautschick Student Movement, July 29, 1960 September, 1960 FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK 3 references of value have been sent me by workers in different lands, "d14-Day" Approaches which items have already played By B. J. Dompas, MV Secretary a vital part in the development of Indonesia Union Mission the MS. Life, Death, and Destiny, now coming to modern times in Only seven plan of the local MV secretary of its 2500-year coverage.
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