The Grand Valley Ledger olume 8, issue 38 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 July 25, 1984 Oth Kent Co. 4-H Youth Fair starts Monday The Kcnl County Youth Fair entertain spectators: horse and celebrates its 50th Anniversary livestock classes; dog obedience in Lowell. July 30 - August 3, classes; a scarecrow contest; Kent County Youth Fair Program Of Judging & Activities Since 1934, the fair has clowning performances; a tractor showcasing the achieve- driving contest; and a pet parade; ments of Kent County's youth. just to name a few. Old-fashion MONDAY. JULY 30 THURSDAY. AUGUST 3 VIP Day" Exhibits range from foods, wagon rides will take visitors on 9:00 rm. — Amval ol kvMlock (al hwwloch lo imve by 10:00 p.m.) 10 00 a m — 3:00 p m — Judgmg of al non lumocli oxhtots m ths 0 00 am. - Horaa Judgmg - Grand 4 clothing, crafts, to small and a tour of the fairgrounds. Fownan BuikJtn•Ming ThtM tihtots will bt disp4ay*j m cktb cngi»sf* nin awvlaiaaaui large^imals, for a total of 80 Memorabilia will be on display booths aflar may ara tudgad (ExtaMors should ba prasam 9:00 a m. — Davy Showmanship Barn) whan the* axNbn a avaiuaiad) 11:30 am— Dairy Color Bread different project areas attracting taking visitors back 50 years. 10:00 a m — 3:00 p m. — Oamoa . Public Spaahmg. Taan Laadarstup 1 00 p.m — Dairy Holalain over 900 youth exhibitors. A family-oriented carnival (4-HSlaga) 100 pm — Horaa Judgmg — WiaUrn 10:30 a.m. — Horsa Judging — ABC Grouping. Futurrty (Grandatand Arana) Special 50th Anniversary ac- will have exciting rides for (Grandstand Arena) 2:00 pm — 5 00pm — young people. Kids rides will be 1 00 p.m. — Horsa Judging — Showmanship. Horsamaslars. Damonstra- (Community Tint) tivities are being planned. For iwns. Driving (Grandatand Arana) 3:00 p m - Pat Parade - Any 2-13| may show thee the first lime, professional enter- at special rates Tuesday and Fri- 1:00 p.m. ~ Waigh and Scraan all Sala Animals lavonte pat. No pre-amry m win be 1:00 p.m. — Horaa Scianca Profact Evaluations (Foraman Building) awarded to aN tainment is being brought in. The day until 5:00 P.M. 3.30 p m. — Dog Showmanship Dog Obadianca (Raalh Show Bam) 5 00 p m. - Kant Special RaUng Riding for the rr Brothers are featured at Evening programs will high- 6:00 p.m. — Horaa Judging — Jumping. Huntar Hack u- Handicapped (GrandMand Arana) (Grandstand Arana) 7 00 p m. - 'The Thraahar Diuthais — Country Show County Western concert, light each day. Monday-Scarec- 7:00 p m — Scaracrow Contasl Judging (Community Tant) (athlete field next to tergrounds) Thursday. August 2, at 7:00 and row Contest Judging. 7:00 P.M. 7.30 p m, — 9:00 p.m. — Horsa Demonstrations (Reath Show Bam) 900 p m — 'The Thraahar Brodiers — County Show (athletic field next to faagwunda) 9:00 P.M. A special attraction (Community Tent); Tuesday - 4- TUESDAY. JULY 31 — 'Special attraction at 0:30 pai. A 0:30 pm — "Famiy Oay" non«iu MCUOOM prior to the concert will be H Youth Rodeo. 7:00 P.M. (Grandstand Arena); Wednesday 8:00 a.m. — Horaa Judging — Drasaaga. Remmg (Grandstand Arana) Ronald McDonald, performing 9:00 a m. — Same Judging (Reath Show Bam) FRIDAY. AUGUST 3 at6:30and8:30P.M. Tickets arc - Livestock Sale (Reath Show 9:00 a.m. — Rabbit Jjdqmg (Rabbit Bam) OW rimers Day * , 1:00 p.m. — Horse Judging — Baraback, Horsemanship available from any 4-H er, com- Bam); Thursday - Thrasher (GraGrandatanm d Arana) 0 00 a m. — Horsa Judgmg — Novce Claim (Grandstand Arana) munity businesses, and Believe Brothers Concert at 7:00 and 2:00 p.m — Dairy Goat Judging (Reath Show Bam) 930 a m. - Goat Carl Classes (Lwaatocfc Arena) 2 00 p m - BeefStaa! r Classea (Livestock Arana) 10 30 a m — ShowmanafMp T Mipataliai (Ream Show Bam) The Jr 0 Sr in Music stores. 9:00 P.M. Special appearance by 2.00 p m — 5 00 p.m — Specie/ 50th Anniversary fgmify Day Acriwbas Showmanship Champttna from a^M la aalock areas (horsa. Ronald McDonald at 6:30 and (Community Tint) dairy, beef, sheep, dairy goal. awma. rabbd. poultry) compete Each day from 2:00 - 5:00 4:00 p.m. — Clowning Parformancas A Evaluations (Community Tent) a sweepstakea and show a0 a^M typea of lweatock P.M., special attractions arc 8:30 P.M. (Athletic Field next to 700 p.m. — Beef Showmanship — Novice and Junior Classes 100 pm — Horse Judging — Fun Oaeaaa. Coamma Qaaaea (Lweatock Arana) (Grandstand Arenal planned for the Community fairgrounds); Friday - Light- 7:00 p.m — Youth Rodao (Grandatand Arana) 200 p m ~ 5 00 p.m. — Spaaef 50Vi Annwaraary "Old Timers Day " Tent. Tuesday through Friday weight Draft Horse Pull (Grand- Acfrvrtiea (Communty Tint) WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1 2 30 p m — Tractor Dnvmg features "Family Day," "Ag- stand Arena). • Affncuffurtl Day " 5 00 p.m. — Parade of Horsa Ouba and Everyone is invited to "Come (Grandatand Arana) ricultural Day," "VIP day,* and 0:00 a.m. — Horaa Judging — Trail. Halter (Grandatand Arana) 7:00 p m Lightweight Draft Horaa Pu01 "Old Timers Day ." to the Fair!!" For more informa- 9:00 am. — Poultry Judging (Poultry Bam) 1000 a.m. — Sheep Judging (Reaih Show Bam) SATURDAY. AUGUST 4 Throughout the week a variety tion. contact Mary Richardson at 12:00 noon — Beef Showmanship - Senior Classes (Livestock Arena) ' • It utrWii n '* \A/n 772-6400. 1-00 p.m as* nor39 Juogtng — riMiUrW. •••SwrTVCnQilSn nKJtny 800 a.m — 2.00 pm — > el a0< of youth exhibit activities will (Grandstand Arena) picked up by 2:00 p.m. There writ ba no tearing down of 200 p.m. — Beef Braadmg Classea (Uveaiock Arana) axhiMs beftye « 00 am oa Saturday. Auouat 4. 2:00 pm. — 5.00 p.m — Space/ 50fh Anniversary "Agncuttvrai Day" 0 30 a m — Bail of Twme" Comeat dh Show fBarn i Acavfhas (Community Tint) 6 00 p.m — Judging — Conteatmg (Grandstand Arana) 7:00 p.m. — Liveatock Sale (Reath Show Barni Root Lowell donates to Honey Creek It was something akin to f "Christmas in July" last Thurs- day at Honey Creek Christian Homes. Root Lowell Corpora- tion located at 100 Foreman Road. Lowell donated a used company pick up truck loaded DONATE TO EMERGENCY UNIT with their garden sprayer prod- ucts to the home for underpnv- H The Rat River Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars 8303 do- leged boys. The truck, a 1978 3/ nated the proceeds from an afghan raffle to the Lowell Rescue Unit. 4 ton Ford pickup will be used as Over $250.00 went to the equipment funds of the Rescue Unit and a maintenance vehicle on Honey the Emergency Extraction Unit. Lowell Police Chief Barry Em- Creek's sprawling campus at mons thanked the V.F. W. members for their efforts on behalf of the 11652 Grand River Avenue. The Fire Department and Rescue Squad. merchandise that came with it will be sold at auction during RENOVATION GRANT MAXIMUM RAISED Honey Creek's annual Country Fair scheduled for Saturday, The Lowell Planning Commission approved raising ' the September 15. maximum grant allowed for downtown storefront beautification to Root Lowell President Dennis ^ J 50% of the project up to a $2,500 maximum. The Lowell State Sav- Cece said that he had become ings Bank has also offered to loan money to qualified borrowers at aware of Honey Creek and their 10% for storefront renovation in the central business district. The very worthwhile program grants are part of a federal program and the city has $57,000 avail- through his church, and other able for the project. The boundries for busineses that qualify include sources, and he is happy that the central business district from Amity to Jackson Streets. The Root Lowell was able to help Left to right are Jim Hamdink. Root Lowell Manager of Manufacturing; Green, Honey city's engineers developed sketches of color schemes, awnings and their cause. Honey Creek houses Creek's Associate of Development, Jim Holwerda. Honey Creek's Director Dennis Cece, other improvemetns to beautify the downtown storefronts. These about 45 boys in homes on their President of Root Lowell Corporation. grants can be used only for facial improvements. Interior work, campus that provide strong fam- roofs, electrical, plumbing, heating etc. improvements do not qual- ily oriented environments that Further information about the iiy. these boys don't have in their Country Fair will appear in fu- PRECISION & FASHION not always real homes. Honey Creek is also ture Ledgers, but businesses or HAIRSTYLING - For both needed at Vanity Hair Fash- OFF THE BLOTTER a licensed foster care facility that individuals that would like to do- men and women. Man's World iom. Open six days Lowell, > has about 60 more boys currently nate items for the auction should Hairstyling. Phone 897-8102. 897-756*. Referred to Probate Court for Larceny over $100 was an Ionia enrolled in homes other than contact Honey Creek Christian County Juvenile in connection with the theft of a bicycle from Low- those on campus. Homes at 897-8457. SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEDGER ell June 23. Issued an appearance ticket to appear in 63rd District Court was ONE SHOW Scott Kitchen, 20. of Lowell, on charges of treaspassing on private STRAND ifoafy property. EACH NIGHT The Lowell Medical Unit responded to 17 runs in the month of LOWELL yv y C H » i j | A \ June. Bringing the total to 67 runs since January of this year, com- AT8P.:M.
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