Partnering for performance Part 4: the CFO and the [`a]^eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j The CFO’s role The CFO’s role has undergone a transformation. We believe that the six segments on the right represent the breadth of the CFO’s remit today. Yd t]jn Tj ]p mkt The leading CFOs we work with typically have some involvement in each T h] in_ g t th E N t ] ] of these segments — either directly or through their team. While the _ dY[ nm E tin h m X Y ]t Z weighting of that involvement will depend on the maturity and ambition i[ jk ] n Y jk E M m m m C g^l`]af\ana\mYd$gfl`]k][lgjYf\k[Yd]g^l`]ÕfYf[]^mf[lagf$Yf\gf P m g J]hj]k]flaf_ =fkmjaf_Zmkaf]kk ; U economic conditions, each segment is critical to effective leadership. O l`]gj_YfarYlagfÌk \][akagfkYj] hjg_j]kkgf grounded in T L kljYl]_a[_gYdk kgmf\ÔfYf[aYd I E lg]pl]jfYd [jal]jaY klYc]`gd\]jk O q V _ ] N t E Y 1 j 6 P t j k g D k n k <]n]dghaf_ Hjgna\af_insight i d ] We are grateful to all the participants in this study. In particular, we would like The i n Yf\\]Ôfaf_ Yf\YfYdqkaklg n i _ k l`]gn]jYddkljYl]_q 5 kmhhgjll`];=G m 2 lgl`Yfcl`]^gddgoaf_ÕfYf[]Yf\eYjc]laf_d]Y\]jko`gj]Y\adqk`Yj]\l`]aj CFO’s i n Z ^gjqgmjgj_YfarYlagf Yf\gl`]jk]fagj k _ i insights in a series of interviews: jgd] _ n eYfY_]jk i h h t g d ] 4 n 3 Mohit Beotra Reeza Isaacs ] ;`a]^:jYf\G^Õ[]j, Finance Director, D Airtel Woolworths Holdings Limited, Funding$]fYZdaf_ Leading key South Africa Yf\]p][mlaf_ initiatives afÕfYf[] Kurt Binder kljYl]_qk]l l`Ylkmhhgjlgn]jYdd F m Zql`];=G kljYl]_a[_gYdk CFO, VIZIO Benjamin Karsch n d in j Executive Vice President, _ ] g jd Charlie Bracken j_ g ;`a]^EYjc]laf_G^Õ[]jg^ Yn in ir ] Executive Vice President and Yt mk Revlon Consumer ign hg Yd mj ;g%;`a]^>afYf[aYdG^Õ[]j, ktjY _ qg t]_q G]ttin Liberty Global Kurt Kuehn E CFO, United Parcel Service N T Teresa Finley A B L E M E N Senior Vice President of Joost Quist Global Marketing, CFO, SHV Energy China United Parcel Service Partnering for performance The Partnering for performance series explores ways in which CFOs can grow, protect and transform their organization by partnering with the leaders of different functions. In this — the fourth part of the series — we explore the relationship between the CFO and the chief eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j ;EG!&AfhYjla[mdYj$o]^g[mk on the contribution that CFOs are making to four vital marketing-related activities: • Customer segmentation and insight • Marketing return on investment • Optimizing the product portfolio • Digital governance GmjÕf\af_kYj]ZYk]\gfY_dgZYdkmjn]qg^ 652 CFOs, conducted by Longitude Research on behalf of EY, and a series of in-depth interviews In this report with CFOs, CMOs and EY professionals. CFO and CMO: a winning team in a digital world 2 >gjegj]afka_`lk^gj;>GkYf\^mlmj]ÕfYf[] Four CFO-CMO relationship success factors 8 leaders, visit ey.com/cfo. Four key activities for CFO-CMO collaboration • Aehjgnaf_[mklge]jk]_e]flYlagfYf\afka_`l )) • E]Ykmjaf_JGA^jgeeYjc]laf_Y[lanala]k ). • Ghlaearaf_l`]hjg\m[lhgjl^gdag *) • <a_alYd_gn]jfYf[] *. Survey respondent demographics 31 Other publications in this series 33 Contacts 34 Partnering for performance HYjl,2l`];>GYf\l`][`a]^eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j 1 CFO and CMO: a winning team in a digital world C]qÕf\af_kYZgmll`];>G%;EGj]dYlagfk`ah2 L`]eYbgjalq -,!g^l`].-*;>Gko]kmjn]q]\kYq[gddYZgjYlagfoal` the CMO has increased. Kaplq%l`j]]h]j[]flg^;>Gkj]hgjlaf[j]Yk]\afngdn]e]flafeYjc]laf_& :ml;>GkYdkg`a_`da_`lka_faÕ[Yflj]dYlagfk`ahZYjja]jk$af[dm\af_ l`]YZk]f[]g^[geegflggdk$hjg[]kk]kYf\CHAkYf\[gflafm]\ cultural differences. ;>Gkk]]l`]aj[gfljaZmlagfl`jgm_`Y[gkl%\ak[ahdaf]d]fk$af\a[Ylaf_ l`Yll`]k`a^llgYegj]nYdm]%\jan]feaf\k]l`Ykfglq]llYc]fhdY[]& Four CFO-CMO relationship success factors: 1 9_j]]gfl`]e]lja[kl`YleYll]j^gj]fl]jhjak]nYdm] 2 :ja\_]l`][mdlmjYd\ana\]Z]lo]]fl`]log^mf[lagfk 3 ;gddYZgjYl]gfeYjc]laf_ÌkYfYdqla[kljYfk^gjeYlagf 4 L]Yegfl`]eYjc]laf_hdYffaf_hjg[]kk ) Partnering for performance HYjl,2l`];>GYf\l`][`a]^eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j 2 ;>GYf\;EG2Yoaffaf_l]YeafY\a_alYdogjd\ Alaklae]^gj;>Gklg_an]egj]Yll]flagflgl`];EG& Success in a digital world relies on the CFO and the CMO developing a [gddYZgjYlan]$^g[mk]\j]dYlagfk`ah& ;>GkYf\;EGk`Yn]fglljY\alagfYddqZ]]f[dgk]Ydda]k&L`akoYk$Y^l]jYdd$ Yj]dYlagfk`ahl`Yl[gmd\Z]hjgf]lgemlmYdaf[gehj]`]fkagfgjkaee]jaf_ [gfÖa[lgn]jZm\_]lYddg[Ylagfk& Setting the foundations: the evolving role of the CMO and CFO Gmj*(),_dgZYdj]k]Yj[`klm\qaflgl`][`Yf_af_jgd]g^l`];EG^gmf\l`Yl gfdq,+g^;%kmal]]p][mlan]k^]dll`]j]oYkYkljgf_Zgf\Z]lo]]fl`];EG L`]^gmf\Ylagfk^gjY[dgk]jj]dYlagfk`ahZ]lo]]fl`];>GYf\;EGYj] Yf\l`];>G$[gehYj]\oal`.(o`g^]dll`]j]oYkYkljgf_;EG%;=GZgf\&) Ydj]Y\qZ]af_]klYZdak`]\& :mlaflg\YqÌk\a_alYd][gfgeq$Ykljgf_ÕfYf[]%eYjc]laf_j]dYlagfk`ah[Yf =QÌk*(),klm\qaflgl`][`Yf_af_jgd]g^l`];EG$afngdnaf_egj]l`Yf kh]ddl`]\a^^]j]f[]Z]lo]]f`a_`%_jgol`gj_YfarYlagfk$Yf\l`gk]l`Yl 0((eYjc]laf_Yf\kYd]kd]Y\]jk$Yf\;%kmal]]p][mlan]k$^gmf\l`Yl klY_fYl]gjYj]d]^lZ]`af\&:mkaf]kkeg\]d[gehd]palq`Ykaf[j]Yk]\$Yf\ \a_alYdl][`fgdg_a]k`Yn]j]ngdmlagfar]\l`];EGÌkbgZ$oal`]ehgo]j]\ * [geh]lalgjk[Yf]e]j_]^jgemf]ph][l]\hdY[]k& Yf\af^gje]\[mklge]jk[Yddaf_l`]k`glkdac]f]n]jZ]^gj]& More \]eYf\af_[mklge]jkYj]j]imajaf_f]okcaddk^gjeYjc]l]jk$hYjla[mdYjdq >gj]pYehd]$hmj]o]Z%ZYk]\k]jna[]hjgna\]jkYj]]fl]jaf_eYfqeYjc]lk o`]fal[ge]klg[Yhlmjaf_Yf\afl]jhj]laf_\YlYÈljY\alagfYddqYÕfYf[]% oal`gmll`][gklZmj\]fg^g^Õ[]gjkYd]kf]logjck$_anaf_l`]eYfafklYfl d]\\geYaf& [geh]lalan]Y\nYflY_]&AfZmkaf]kk%lg%[gfkme]j :*;!eYjc]lk$l`]jak]g^hja[] ;gfn]jk]dq$=QÌk*()(DNA of the CFO3ÈZYk]\gfYkmjn]qg^f]Yjdq [gehYjakgfkal]k`Ykhmlhj]kkmj]gfeYj_afkYf\[geeg\alar]\hjg\m[lk$ /((;>GkYjgmf\l`]ogjd\ÈYdkgk`go]\l`YlÕfYf[]oYkZ][geaf_ ^gj[af_gj_YfarYlagfklgj]]nYdmYl]l`]ajeYjc]laf_kljYl]_a]kYf\Zgllgedaf]& egj][dgk]dqafngdn]\afl`]kljYl]_a[_jgol`Y_]f\Y$oal`Yl`aj\ 3 9f\o`]j]Yk`aklgja[YddqeYjc]laf_\]hYjle]flk`Yn]]nYdmYl]\l`]aj hdYqaf_YfY[lan]jgd]af\]n]dghaf_Yf\\]Õfaf_gn]jYddkljYl]_q& [mklge]jkÌoYflk$f]]\kYf\Z]`Ynagjkl`jgm_`^g[mk_jgmhkYf\[gjj]dYlagfk L`akaf[j]Yk]\^g[mkgf\]dan]jaf__jgol`Yf\nYdm]`YkZjgm_`ll`] Z]lo]]fhjgeglagfYd[YehYa_fkYf\kYd]k$fgokgh`akla[Yl]\YfYdqla[klggdk ;>G[dgk]jlgeYjc]laf_ÌkljY\alagfYdko]]lkhgl& [Yfhjgna\]\YlY%\jan]f$hj]\a[lan]eg\]dkl`Yldggcegj]dac]Yfgmlhml^jge *& Competition, coexistence or symbiosis? The DNA of C-suite sales and marketing leaders, =Q$*(),& l`]ÕfYf[]\]hYjle]fll`Yf^jgeeYjc]laf_& 3. L`]<F9g^l`];>G2Yklm\qg^o`YleYc]kY[`a]^ÕfYf[aYdg^Õ[]j$=Q$*()(& >gjgj_YfarYlagfklgj]eYafj]d]nYflYf\l`jan]$l`];EGf]]\klg[Yddaflg im]klagfYddYkh][lkg^l`]eYjc]laf_eapÈY[jgkkhjg\m[lk$hja[]$\akljaZmlagf [`Yff]dkYf\hjgeglagfk&L`];>G$e]Yfo`ad]$f]]\klgeYc]l`]kljYl]_a[ afn]kle]flkl`Yloadd]fYZd]]klYZdak`]\[gehYfa]klgY\Yhl$oal`gml [YffaZYdaraf_l`]ajaf`]j]flklj]f_l`k$Yf\f]o[gehYfa]klgd]Yh^jg_ l`]aj[geh]lalgjk& )& The DNA of C-suite sales and marketing leaders, =Q$*(),& Partnering for performance HYjl,2l`];>GYf\l`][`a]^eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j 3 ;>GYf\;EG2Yoaffaf_l]YeafY\a_alYdogjd\ Collaboration is growing, but not quickly enough Chart 2: What are the main reasons you are collaborating more closely with the CMO? (Please select up to three) 9eYbgjalqafgmjkmjn]qg^.-*;>GkkYql`Yll`]aj[gddYZgjYlagfoal`l`] ;EG`Ykaf[j]Yk]\gn]jl`]hYkll`j]]q]Yjk k]];`Yjl)!& Changes in marketing strategy 33 Chart 1: Over the past three years, what change has there been to the extent that you collaborate with the CMO? New products and services 29 Change/plans for change in the operating model To a much greater extent 14 28 or organizational structure of the business Need for a better understanding of the return To a slightly greater extent 40 28 from marketing activities Need for better understanding of performance No change 34 26 of product/service portfolio To a slightly lesser extent 9 Shift to digital within the business 25 Need for a more rigorous understanding of customer To a much lesser extent 3 24 segments and drivers of customer behavior % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Change/plans for change in geographical 20 footprint of the business ;>GkhgafllgÊ;`Yf_]kafeYjc]laf_kljYl]_qÊYf\l`]f]]\^gjÊF]o hjg\m[lkYf\k]jna[]kÊYkl`]lghlog\jan]jkg^_j]Yl]j[gddYZgjYlagf Volatile customer demand 17 Z]lo]]f;>GkYf\;EGk k]];`Yjl*!& Launch/relaunch of brand 16 While the CFO and CMO have not traditionally ;`Yf_]g^[`a]^eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j 15 Z]]f[dgk]Ydda]k$al`YkYdd[`Yf_]\lg\Yq& % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Afl`]`qh]j%[geh]lalan]\a_alYd][gfgeq$ Y[dgk]ÕfYf[]%eYjc]laf_[gff][lagf[Yf ]fYZd]Z]ll]j[mklge]j]ph]ja]f[]kYf\ hjgÕlYZd]$kmklYafYZd]_jgol`& Partnering for performance HYjl,2l`];>GYf\l`][`a]^eYjc]laf_g^Õ[]j 4 ;>GYf\;EG2Yoaffaf_l]YeafY\a_alYdogjd\ CmjlCm]`f$;>GYlMHK$kYqkY\akjmhl]\eYjc]l]fnajgfe]flak\janaf_l`ak af[j]Ykaf_Yda_fe]fl&ÉOal`[`Yff]d%k`a^laf_Yf\hjgda^]jYlagfafl`]\a_alYd 9ajl]d2_dgZYdl]d[gËkafn]kle]flY_]f\Ymfal]kÔfYf[] ogjd\$[mklge]jk[Yfafl]j^Y[]oal`l`][gehYfqafdglkg^\a^^]j]fl^gjeYlk& and marketing Alhmlkhj]kkmj]gfYddg^mklgmf\]jklYf\l`]Z]kloYqlg\jan]\]eYf\Yf\ l`]fe]]lalo`ad]Z]af_[gkl%]^^][lan]&Ê Afj][]flq]Yjk$l]d][geemfa[Ylagfk[gehYfa]k`Yn]afn]kl]\`]Ynadq afYk]ja]kg^kh][ljmeYm[lagfk$o`]j]Zq_gn]jfe]fl%gof]\YajoYn]k LgY[`a]n]hjgÕlYZd]$kmklYafYZd]_jgol`$l`];>GYf\;EGf]]\lg[gddYZgjYl] Yj]kgd\lgZa\\af_gj_YfarYlagfk&AfAf\aYaf*()-$oaj]d]kk[gehYfa]k Yf\[gfljaZml]l`]aj\a^^]j]flkcaddkYf\h]jkh][lan]k&L`]kl]j]glqha[Yd;>GYf\ afn]kl]\MK)0ZafYajoYn]kafo`YloYkYj][gj\%Zj]Ycaf_kYd]g^ ;EGYj]n]jq\a^^]j]flafl]jekg^h]jkgfYdalqlqh]kYf\kcaddk]lk$o`a[`eYq _gn]jfe]fl%gof]\kh][ljme&4 ]phdYafl`]h]jkakl]f[]g^l`]\ana\]Z]lo]]fl`]log& >gj9ajl]d$YfAf\aY%`]Y\imYjl]j]\_dgZYdl]d][geemfa[Ylagfk[gehYfq$ @go]n]j$o]Ydkgcfgol`YleYfY_]e]fll]Yekl`Yl`Yn]\an]jk]l`afcaf_ [dgk][gddYZgjYlagfZ]lo]]fÕfYf[]Yf\eYjc]laf_`YkZ]]fYf h]j^gjeZ]ll]j&L`]j]^gj]$l`]n]jq\a^^]j]f[]kl`Yl`Yn]kgdgf_c]hlÕfYf[]
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