List of Iei Panel of Arbitrators

List of Iei Panel of Arbitrators

The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS TRIPURA Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Electrical Shri S Deb Ray, FIE „Ashirbad‟ Jail Tel: 03822-232642 Retd. Superintending Engineer, F/15733 Road, PO: Govt. of Tripura DoB: 01.01.46 Dharmanagar Pin 799 250 Tripura (N) ASSAM Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Civil Shri P K Biswas, FIE, Chief Engineer (Retd) Tel: 0361-2485291 Retd. Chief Engineer (Civil), MICA 12 S C Lane – 3 0361-2482347 North Eastern Electric Power F/101869 (Pukurpar) E-mail: Corporation Ltd. Govt. of India DoB: 01.04.37 Athgaon Guwahati 781001 [email protected] Enterprise, Shillong M-9435107410 2. Civil Shri A Chakravartty, 15 Rajgarh Link Road Tel: (0361)2133458 Retd. Superintending Engineer, FIE, MICA Anil Nagar Mobile: 9854022984 PWD, Assam F/14697 Guwahati 781 007 DoB: 01.05.39 3. Civil Col (Retd) M „Aadarani‟ Ph: 0361-2471856 Retd. Regional Director of Goswami, FIE, MICA Lalganesh, Lokhra Road 09864042286 National Small Industries F/15727 Guwahati 781 034 E-mail: Corporation DoB: 01.05.40 manoranjangoswami@ UPTO FEB 2021 1 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 4. Civil Capt Pradip Kumar, Senior Advisor (Legal) Ph: 09435038242 Senior Advisor (Legal) FIE, MICA Oil India Limited Fax: 03742801796 Oil India Limited, Assam F/109776/4 Duliajan 786 602 E-mail: DoB: 10.05.52 Assam captainpradip@yahoo. 5. Civil Shri A K Mitra, FIE Flat No. 3D, Ishwar Ph: 0361-2613101 Worked as Secretary to the F/101322/6 Heritage Fax: 0361-2630368 Government of Assam, Water DoB: 01.04.48 Adjacent to Technico Gas Mobile: 09864014714 Resources Department. Service E-mail: F C Road, Uzanbazar, anup_fcontrol@indiati Guwahati 781 001 BIHAR Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Civil Shri S R Naha R-27 Jagat Vihar Tel: Retd. Chief Engineer, Sone Biswas, FIE Ashiananagar 2583773/2583247 Canal Area Development F/12901 Patna 800 025 E-mail: Agency, Bihar DoB: 07.10.38 ptsnaha@sancharnet. in 2. Civil Shri Atul Kumar „Vandana‟ Ph: 0612-2585917 Retd. Engineer-in-Chief, Varma, FIE, IMCA H/3 Abhiyanta Nagar Water Resource Department F/11955/1 PO: Ashiana Nagar Govt. of Bihar DoB: 07.03.40 Patna 800 025 3. Civil Shri Suresh Ch 2C/160 Ph: 0612-2262172 Retd. Engineer-in-Chief, Patna Verma, FIE New Patliputra Colony –Buxar, NHAI Project F/110322 Patna 800 013 DoB: 01.02.42 4. Civil Shri Madan Gopal 104 Urmila Kunj Apartment Ph: 09934656365 Retd Chief Engineer Kauleshnam, FIE End of Arrah Garden Road, E-mail: Water Resources Department F/017962/9 Bailey Road mg.kauleshnam@redi Govt. of Bihar DoB: 01.07.47 Patna 800 015 UPTO FEB 2021 2 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 5. Civil Shri B B Prasad Chitraguptanagar, Ph: 0612-6457092 Retd Engineer-in-Chief, Singh, FIE Parvatipath Mobile: 9431024187 Water Resources Department, F/016983/4 Behind Naveen Engineering E-mail: Government of Bihar DoB: 15.01.48 Kankarbagh 800 020 [email protected] 6. Electrical Shri Madan Lal, FIE, „PRATIKSHA‟, Vatika Parisar Tel: 0612- Retd. Chief Engineer (Projects FICA Vijay Nagar, Rukanpura 2590632/4369I & Design), Bihar State F/9194 Patna 800 014 2266975/5888(O) Electricity Board, Patna DoB: 02.11.37 7. Electrical Shri R S Pandey, Gangeya Kutir Tel: 06183-224016 Retd. Supdt. Engineer, Bihar FIE, FICA Kaushik Marg, Charitra ban State electricity Board, Bihar F/104227 Buxar 802 101 DoB: 01.03.43 8. Electrical Shri Bhagawan “Alok Nikunj” Ph: 09431043956 Retd Chief Engineer, Bihar Dubey, FIE Urjanagar, Cantt. Khagaul E-mail: State Electicity Board, Patna F/100650-5 Road [email protected] DoB: 12.10.1944 Danapur Patna 801 503 JHARKHAND Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Civil Dr C K Singh, FIE House No M-10 (D.S) Tel:0651-2245701 Visiting Prof. F/12324 Hermu Housing Colony Fax:0651-2245701 BIT Mesra, Ranchi DoB: 26.06.45 Ranchi 834 002 Jharkhand 2. Civil Shri Dhireswar Jha, House No 35, Co-operative Tel: 06542-256905 Dy General Manager (Projects) FIE Colony E-mail: I/c (Civil Structural Planning F/12999 Bokaro Steel City dhireshwarjha@hot Cell, Bokaro Steel Plant, SAIL DoB:02.01.46 Bokaro 827 001 Jharkhand UPTO FEB 2021 3 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 3. Civil Shri L S Prasad, FIE Vardan Tel: 0651-2541453 Retd. Chief Engineer, Advance F/16808 Hill View Road Planning DoB: 16.01.35 Bariatu Ranchi 834 009 4. Electrical Shri J L Mehta, FIE 514-A, Shanti Vihar Tel:0651-2281918, Director (Plng. & Project), F/101425 Aryapuri, Ratu Road 9438-90097 Neyveli Lignite Corpn., Neyveli DoB: 20.05.43 Ranchi 834 001 Jharkhand 5. Electrical Shri N Sharma, FIE C/o Prof Rajni Sharma Ph: 09431025377 Retd. Chief Engineer, Bihar F/16420 Opp: Head Post Office E-mail: State Electricity Board DoB: 01.01.38 Hazaribag 825 301, chhitiz_2006@yahoo Jharkhand 6. Environmental Shri R C Chaudhary, A/2 Akansha Apartment Tel: 0651-2411886 Retd. Chief Engineer, Drinking FIE South Office Para Water & Sanitation Deptt. F/13359 Doranda, Ranchi 834 002 Govt. of Jharkhand DoB: 03.02.46 WEST BENGAL Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Architectural Shri M C Bose, FIE 15 Jodhpur Park Tel: 03324237422 Superintending Engineer F/13589 Kolkata 700 068 E-mail: (Civil), WBSEB, Kolkata DoB: 09.03.46 manish_bose@rediff 2. Civil Shri A K Misra, FIE „Abhipsa‟, FE-159, Sector Tel: 2321-8720 Retd. E-in-C, PWD, WB F/10209 III E-mail: DoB:29.03.36 Bidhan Nagar [email protected] Kolkata 700 106 .in 3. Civil Shri C C 7F/1B Tangra 2nd Lane Tel: 033-23292006 Retd. Director General Bhattacharya, FIE Kolkata 700 046 Ministry of Road Transport & F/13737 Highways, Government of India DoB:14.02.42 UPTO FEB 2021 4 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 4. Civil Shri M Majumdar, 27/L/3 Raja S C Mallick Tel: 2412-6082 Retd. Assistant Engineer, FIE, FICA Road E-mail: Damodar Valley Corporation. F/103305 PO: Jadavpur University [email protected] DoB: 11.05.39 Kolkata 700 032 5. Civil Shri R Damodaran, Chief Engineer Tel: 2223-2465I Chief Engineer in Military Engg FIE Joint Director General 2243-9587(O) Services F/14075 (Pers) Fax: 2243-9587 DoB: 17.05.45 Headquarters Eastern Command Engineers Branch, Fort William Kolkata 700 021 6. Civil Shri S K Ghosh, FIE, 11 Old Post Office Street Tel: 9830150330 Consulting Engineer and MICA 1st Floor, Left Side 2210 4791 (O) Arbitrator in money suit matter F/16065 Kolkata 700 001 Fax: 2243 0787 DoB: 04.04.51 7. Civil Shri S N Sarkar, FIE 26 Sarat Ghosh Garden Tel: 2415-1602 Retd. Superintending Engineer, F/10801 Road Govt. of WB DoB: 16.02.30 Kolkata 700 031 8. Civil Shri Subhasis CF-101, Sector – I Tel: 2334-5780 Retd. Assistant Engineer, Ghosh, FIE, FICA Salt Lake Mobile: 9433046109 Indian Rlys. F/12271 Kolkata 700 064 DoB: 20.04.47 9. Civil Shri Sukdev Dutta, CA-29 Salt Lake City Tel: 23373737 Retd. Chief Engineer, Deptt of FIE Kolkata 700 064 Telecommunication (Unit Eng. F/5397 Wing), Ministry of DoB: 15.11.39 Communication, Government of India. 10. Civil Shri H Nath Kumar, CD-139, Sector 1 Tel: 23341751 Retd. Director, Planing & FIE, FICA Salt Lake E-mail: Development, Kolkata F/9918 Kolkata 700 064 Harendranathkumar Municipal Corpn. DoB: 05.02.30 11. Civil Shri Amar Nath 10 Dhakuria Station Lane Tel: 033-2414-8620 Retd. Project Manager, Neogi, FIE Kolkata 700 031 Universal Construction Ltd., F/109171 Aurangabad DoB: 22.10.49 UPTO FEB 2021 5 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 12. Civil Shri C Vaswani, FIE, Flat No. 2 Tel: 2229-0391 Retd. Chief Engineer, CPWD FICA 11 Middleton Row 2229-7898 F/8113 Kolkata 700 071 Fax: 2455-5499 DoB: 04.09.39 13. Civil Shri B Engineers Collaborated Tel: 2466-6557 / Proprietor, Engineers Bhattacharjee, FIE 49 Lake Place 8213 Collaborated, Kolkata F/7059 Kolkata 700 029 2463-7082 DoB: 24.01.39 Fax: 2840-0209 Retd. Assistant Engineer [email protected] (Works), Kolkata Improvement m / Trust dwaipayan@rediffma 14. Civil Shri B C FD 216/4, Salt Lake Tel: 2321-8144 Retd. Chief Engineer, PWD, Bhattacharya, FIE Sector III Govt. of WB MICA Kolkata 700 106 F/16865 DoB: 03.01.41 15. Civil Shri Debasish Basu, 42E Babu Bagan Lane Tel: 033- Retd. Chief Engineer, PW FIE Alapan 24236491/2472244 (Roads), Directorate and PWD, F/16799 Dhakuria 2 Government of WB DoB: 02.01.41 Kolkata 700 031 Fax: 033-22294629 E-mail: [email protected] 16. Civil Shri A K Sengupta, 9/B Jodhpur Park Ph: 2423-7256 Retd. Chief Commissioner of FIE Kolkata 700 060 Railway Safety, Lucknow F/8864 DoB: 08.12.39 17. Civil Shri Debdas „Anandadham‟ M : 9831092924 Retd. Adviser Engineering, Banerjee, FIE 1/C, P-29, Gariahat Road Fax: 2248-2638 RITES, Ministry of Railways, F/7907 (S) E-mail: Kolkata DoB: 13.07.40 Dhakuria, Kolkata 700 031 [email protected] m UPTO FEB 2021 6 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 18. Civil Shri S K Karmakar, 293A, Sodepur Road Ph: 55111949 Retd. Assistant General FIE, MICA “Pranjali” M: 9830940118 Manager, Indian Iron & Steel F/13981 Kolkata 700 082 Fax: 28381137 Co., Burnpur DoB: 22.07.44 E-mail: sudhirkkarmakar@in 19.

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