The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS TRIPURA Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Electrical Shri S Deb Ray, FIE „Ashirbad‟ Jail Tel: 03822-232642 Retd. Superintending Engineer, F/15733 Road, PO: Govt. of Tripura DoB: 01.01.46 Dharmanagar Pin 799 250 Tripura (N) ASSAM Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Civil Shri P K Biswas, FIE, Chief Engineer (Retd) Tel: 0361-2485291 Retd. Chief Engineer (Civil), MICA 12 S C Lane – 3 0361-2482347 North Eastern Electric Power F/101869 (Pukurpar) E-mail: Corporation Ltd. Govt. of India DoB: 01.04.37 Athgaon Guwahati 781001 [email protected] Enterprise, Shillong M-9435107410 2. Civil Shri A Chakravartty, 15 Rajgarh Link Road Tel: (0361)2133458 Retd. Superintending Engineer, FIE, MICA Anil Nagar Mobile: 9854022984 PWD, Assam F/14697 Guwahati 781 007 DoB: 01.05.39 3. Civil Col (Retd) M „Aadarani‟ Ph: 0361-2471856 Retd. Regional Director of Goswami, FIE, MICA Lalganesh, Lokhra Road 09864042286 National Small Industries F/15727 Guwahati 781 034 E-mail: Corporation DoB: 01.05.40 manoranjangoswami@ rediffmail.com UPTO FEB 2021 1 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 4. Civil Capt Pradip Kumar, Senior Advisor (Legal) Ph: 09435038242 Senior Advisor (Legal) FIE, MICA Oil India Limited Fax: 03742801796 Oil India Limited, Assam F/109776/4 Duliajan 786 602 E-mail: DoB: 10.05.52 Assam captainpradip@yahoo. co.in 5. Civil Shri A K Mitra, FIE Flat No. 3D, Ishwar Ph: 0361-2613101 Worked as Secretary to the F/101322/6 Heritage Fax: 0361-2630368 Government of Assam, Water DoB: 01.04.48 Adjacent to Technico Gas Mobile: 09864014714 Resources Department. Service E-mail: F C Road, Uzanbazar, anup_fcontrol@indiati Guwahati 781 001 mes.com BIHAR Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Civil Shri S R Naha R-27 Jagat Vihar Tel: Retd. Chief Engineer, Sone Biswas, FIE Ashiananagar 2583773/2583247 Canal Area Development F/12901 Patna 800 025 E-mail: Agency, Bihar DoB: 07.10.38 ptsnaha@sancharnet. in 2. Civil Shri Atul Kumar „Vandana‟ Ph: 0612-2585917 Retd. Engineer-in-Chief, Varma, FIE, IMCA H/3 Abhiyanta Nagar Water Resource Department F/11955/1 PO: Ashiana Nagar Govt. of Bihar DoB: 07.03.40 Patna 800 025 3. Civil Shri Suresh Ch 2C/160 Ph: 0612-2262172 Retd. Engineer-in-Chief, Patna Verma, FIE New Patliputra Colony –Buxar, NHAI Project F/110322 Patna 800 013 DoB: 01.02.42 4. Civil Shri Madan Gopal 104 Urmila Kunj Apartment Ph: 09934656365 Retd Chief Engineer Kauleshnam, FIE End of Arrah Garden Road, E-mail: Water Resources Department F/017962/9 Bailey Road mg.kauleshnam@redi Govt. of Bihar DoB: 01.07.47 Patna 800 015 ffmail.com UPTO FEB 2021 2 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 5. Civil Shri B B Prasad Chitraguptanagar, Ph: 0612-6457092 Retd Engineer-in-Chief, Singh, FIE Parvatipath Mobile: 9431024187 Water Resources Department, F/016983/4 Behind Naveen Engineering E-mail: Government of Bihar DoB: 15.01.48 Kankarbagh 800 020 [email protected] 6. Electrical Shri Madan Lal, FIE, „PRATIKSHA‟, Vatika Parisar Tel: 0612- Retd. Chief Engineer (Projects FICA Vijay Nagar, Rukanpura 2590632/4369I & Design), Bihar State F/9194 Patna 800 014 2266975/5888(O) Electricity Board, Patna DoB: 02.11.37 7. Electrical Shri R S Pandey, Gangeya Kutir Tel: 06183-224016 Retd. Supdt. Engineer, Bihar FIE, FICA Kaushik Marg, Charitra ban State electricity Board, Bihar F/104227 Buxar 802 101 DoB: 01.03.43 8. Electrical Shri Bhagawan “Alok Nikunj” Ph: 09431043956 Retd Chief Engineer, Bihar Dubey, FIE Urjanagar, Cantt. Khagaul E-mail: State Electicity Board, Patna F/100650-5 Road [email protected] DoB: 12.10.1944 Danapur Patna 801 503 JHARKHAND Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Civil Dr C K Singh, FIE House No M-10 (D.S) Tel:0651-2245701 Visiting Prof. F/12324 Hermu Housing Colony Fax:0651-2245701 BIT Mesra, Ranchi DoB: 26.06.45 Ranchi 834 002 Jharkhand 2. Civil Shri Dhireswar Jha, House No 35, Co-operative Tel: 06542-256905 Dy General Manager (Projects) FIE Colony E-mail: I/c (Civil Structural Planning F/12999 Bokaro Steel City dhireshwarjha@hot Cell, Bokaro Steel Plant, SAIL DoB:02.01.46 Bokaro 827 001 mail.com Jharkhand UPTO FEB 2021 3 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 3. Civil Shri L S Prasad, FIE Vardan Tel: 0651-2541453 Retd. Chief Engineer, Advance F/16808 Hill View Road Planning DoB: 16.01.35 Bariatu Ranchi 834 009 4. Electrical Shri J L Mehta, FIE 514-A, Shanti Vihar Tel:0651-2281918, Director (Plng. & Project), F/101425 Aryapuri, Ratu Road 9438-90097 Neyveli Lignite Corpn., Neyveli DoB: 20.05.43 Ranchi 834 001 Jharkhand 5. Electrical Shri N Sharma, FIE C/o Prof Rajni Sharma Ph: 09431025377 Retd. Chief Engineer, Bihar F/16420 Opp: Head Post Office E-mail: State Electricity Board DoB: 01.01.38 Hazaribag 825 301, chhitiz_2006@yahoo Jharkhand .co.in 6. Environmental Shri R C Chaudhary, A/2 Akansha Apartment Tel: 0651-2411886 Retd. Chief Engineer, Drinking FIE South Office Para Water & Sanitation Deptt. F/13359 Doranda, Ranchi 834 002 Govt. of Jharkhand DoB: 03.02.46 WEST BENGAL Sl Engineering Name Address Contact No Professional Attachment No Discipline 1. Architectural Shri M C Bose, FIE 15 Jodhpur Park Tel: 03324237422 Superintending Engineer F/13589 Kolkata 700 068 E-mail: (Civil), WBSEB, Kolkata DoB: 09.03.46 manish_bose@rediff mail.com 2. Civil Shri A K Misra, FIE „Abhipsa‟, FE-159, Sector Tel: 2321-8720 Retd. E-in-C, PWD, WB F/10209 III E-mail: DoB:29.03.36 Bidhan Nagar [email protected] Kolkata 700 106 .in 3. Civil Shri C C 7F/1B Tangra 2nd Lane Tel: 033-23292006 Retd. Director General Bhattacharya, FIE Kolkata 700 046 Ministry of Road Transport & F/13737 Highways, Government of India DoB:14.02.42 UPTO FEB 2021 4 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 4. Civil Shri M Majumdar, 27/L/3 Raja S C Mallick Tel: 2412-6082 Retd. Assistant Engineer, FIE, FICA Road E-mail: Damodar Valley Corporation. F/103305 PO: Jadavpur University [email protected] DoB: 11.05.39 Kolkata 700 032 5. Civil Shri R Damodaran, Chief Engineer Tel: 2223-2465I Chief Engineer in Military Engg FIE Joint Director General 2243-9587(O) Services F/14075 (Pers) Fax: 2243-9587 DoB: 17.05.45 Headquarters Eastern Command Engineers Branch, Fort William Kolkata 700 021 6. Civil Shri S K Ghosh, FIE, 11 Old Post Office Street Tel: 9830150330 Consulting Engineer and MICA 1st Floor, Left Side 2210 4791 (O) Arbitrator in money suit matter F/16065 Kolkata 700 001 Fax: 2243 0787 DoB: 04.04.51 7. Civil Shri S N Sarkar, FIE 26 Sarat Ghosh Garden Tel: 2415-1602 Retd. Superintending Engineer, F/10801 Road Govt. of WB DoB: 16.02.30 Kolkata 700 031 8. Civil Shri Subhasis CF-101, Sector – I Tel: 2334-5780 Retd. Assistant Engineer, Ghosh, FIE, FICA Salt Lake Mobile: 9433046109 Indian Rlys. F/12271 Kolkata 700 064 DoB: 20.04.47 9. Civil Shri Sukdev Dutta, CA-29 Salt Lake City Tel: 23373737 Retd. Chief Engineer, Deptt of FIE Kolkata 700 064 Telecommunication (Unit Eng. F/5397 Wing), Ministry of DoB: 15.11.39 Communication, Government of India. 10. Civil Shri H Nath Kumar, CD-139, Sector 1 Tel: 23341751 Retd. Director, Planing & FIE, FICA Salt Lake E-mail: Development, Kolkata F/9918 Kolkata 700 064 Harendranathkumar Municipal Corpn. DoB: 05.02.30 @yahoo.co.in 11. Civil Shri Amar Nath 10 Dhakuria Station Lane Tel: 033-2414-8620 Retd. Project Manager, Neogi, FIE Kolkata 700 031 Universal Construction Ltd., F/109171 Aurangabad DoB: 22.10.49 UPTO FEB 2021 5 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 12. Civil Shri C Vaswani, FIE, Flat No. 2 Tel: 2229-0391 Retd. Chief Engineer, CPWD FICA 11 Middleton Row 2229-7898 F/8113 Kolkata 700 071 Fax: 2455-5499 DoB: 04.09.39 13. Civil Shri B Engineers Collaborated Tel: 2466-6557 / Proprietor, Engineers Bhattacharjee, FIE 49 Lake Place 8213 Collaborated, Kolkata F/7059 Kolkata 700 029 2463-7082 DoB: 24.01.39 Fax: 2840-0209 Retd. Assistant Engineer [email protected] (Works), Kolkata Improvement m / Trust dwaipayan@rediffma il.com 14. Civil Shri B C FD 216/4, Salt Lake Tel: 2321-8144 Retd. Chief Engineer, PWD, Bhattacharya, FIE Sector III Govt. of WB MICA Kolkata 700 106 F/16865 DoB: 03.01.41 15. Civil Shri Debasish Basu, 42E Babu Bagan Lane Tel: 033- Retd. Chief Engineer, PW FIE Alapan 24236491/2472244 (Roads), Directorate and PWD, F/16799 Dhakuria 2 Government of WB DoB: 02.01.41 Kolkata 700 031 Fax: 033-22294629 E-mail: [email protected] 16. Civil Shri A K Sengupta, 9/B Jodhpur Park Ph: 2423-7256 Retd. Chief Commissioner of FIE Kolkata 700 060 Railway Safety, Lucknow F/8864 DoB: 08.12.39 17. Civil Shri Debdas „Anandadham‟ M : 9831092924 Retd. Adviser Engineering, Banerjee, FIE 1/C, P-29, Gariahat Road Fax: 2248-2638 RITES, Ministry of Railways, F/7907 (S) E-mail: Kolkata DoB: 13.07.40 Dhakuria, Kolkata 700 031 [email protected] m UPTO FEB 2021 6 The Institution of Engineers (India) LIST OF ARBITRATORS 18. Civil Shri S K Karmakar, 293A, Sodepur Road Ph: 55111949 Retd. Assistant General FIE, MICA “Pranjali” M: 9830940118 Manager, Indian Iron & Steel F/13981 Kolkata 700 082 Fax: 28381137 Co., Burnpur DoB: 22.07.44 E-mail: sudhirkkarmakar@in diatimes.com 19.
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