Radiation Oncology Centre of Jamaica Newsletter Bulletin 5, May 2010 ROCJ HOSTS FIRST BRACHYTHERAPY TRAINING COURSE A section of the audience at the ROCJ Seminar on Brachytherapy from left to right: Dr. Reaud Gafoor Resident in Urology the The UHWI, and Urologists Dr. Richard Mayhew, Dr. Mark Cadogan, Dr. William “Bill” Aiken, and Dr. Michael Brooks. In the background is Dr. Collie MIller, Physicist and Managing Director at ROCJ. Eleven (11) doctors participated in the first competent in this procedure and I was able to Brachytherapy Training Programme at the learn from one of the best,” said Dr. William Radiation Oncology Centre of Jamaica, ROCJ, Aiken, Urologist from Island Medical Centre. on March 18-19, 2010. The group included Dr. Collie Miller, Medical Physicist and Urologists, Oncologists and residents in both Managing Director at ROCJ, says “The two day fields from University Hospital of the West training was a success. Indies (UHWI) and Kingston Public Hospital I was very happy with (KPH). the number of doctors The main presenter, Dr. Thomas Shanahan, participating and the Clinical Professor in Urology and Radiation enthusiasm displayed Oncology at the in learning about this S o u t h e r n I l l i n o i s procedure.” University School of Medicine in Springfield, Photos: Illinois freely shared his Dr. Thomas Shanahan knowledge and imparted valuable lessons experience with the to participants during the group during the brachytherapy training lectures as well as lectures. during the live Across: Dr. Shanahan (at demonstrations. right) looks at the “ T h i s w a s a v e r y ultrasound monitor during worthwhile seminar I the live demonstration, wanted to get hands on while Dr. Bill Aiken, urologist training and become keenly observes the procedure. The medical physicist at ROCJ, using Eclipse Planning for Brachytherapy!"#$%#&'() Computer *+,#-technology.%#+'/0&+ plans the needle and seed 1& 2"0+'3'#placements within 4##- the 567(3&'prostate. Planning8 enables Before the procedure to implant seeds into the the pre-determination of the optimum dose prostate to treat prostate cancer takes place, several 9"3:;)';#"37)distribution in the prostate. planning steps must be undertaken. The radiation oncologist, urologist and physicist plan and map the !"#$ %& '()&$#$* +**, < /#-$:,%&%)#- 9)%0 &- &-&'$3 placement-./0#1$ of the seeds to ensure they%0'$)#,#5)$% are correctly )$ &,$# &""&-5'( 7 placed. 80' (&1 .'2#"' %0' )*+,&-% %0' +&%)'-% )$ &,$# "'D:)"'( %# (# .#9', What!"#$%&%' studies $''( are )*+,&-%&%)#-done in preparation #" +"'+&"&%)#- for &-( *:$% -#% '&% #" Brachytherapy."&/01%0'"&+1 ? )$ & *'%0#( #2 ('3 (")-? &-1%0)-5 &2%'" *)(-)50% %0' ,)4'")-5 4'"1 ,#/&,)6'( "&()&%)#- %# '4'-)-5 .'2#"' %0' )*+,&-%7 About%0' 2-3 +"#$%&%' weeks 5,&-(7 before 80)$ )-4#,4'$the implant procedure, a volume%0' )-$'"%)#-study is #2 performed -''(,'$ +"'3 2),,'(using a !"#$BK Ultrasound (% '+,) '&*(,3 $") 456 9)%0 "&()#&/%)4' $''($ )-%# %0' System to acquire cross-sectional -7#,$images 8*+0)'&*) of the 2 :$)-5 & /1$%#$/#+' %# ('%'"*)-' )2 +"#$%&%' 5,&-(7 80' $''($ &"' ,'2% %0'"' &"' &-1 $''($ )- %0' .,&(('"77 prostate. The patient is given specific bowel A series of tests are also required in preparation for )- +,&/' +'"*&-'-%,1 90),' %0' 80)$ )$ /&,,'( /1$%#$/#+17 80' :,%"&$#:-( +"#.' )$the +,&/'( implant— including blood work, possibly a chest preparation-''(,'$ &"' instructions "'*#4'(7 80)$ prior *'%0#( to the procedure. This 80' +&%)'-% #4'"-)50%$ &% & -'&".1 )-%# %0' "'/%:* %# 4)$:&,)6'x-ray %0'and/or EKG. is to9),, aid (',)4'" in the 0)50 visualization (#$'$ #2 "&()&%)#- of the prostate gland. +")4&%' 0#$+)%&, &-( )$ ()$/0&"5'( +"#$%&%' 5,&-(7 < /&%0'%'" )$ %'*3 The %#images %0' +"#$%&%' obtained 90),' are *)-)*)6)-5 used to determine the size .1 %0' :"#,#5)$% %0' 2#,,#9)-5 +#"&"),1 +,&/' )-%# %0' .,&(('" 2#" %0' &*#:-% #2 "&()&%)#- %# $:"3 A consultation*#"-)-57 with an anaesthesiologist is also of the prostate and for treatment planning.%0)$ +"#/'(:"'7 After"#:-()-5 reviewing %)$$:'$; images $:/0 &$of %0'the .,&(3 prostate the oncologist arranged . The day before the implant the patient is ('" &-( "'/%:*7 80' "&()#&/%)4)%1 L0'- %0' +"#.' )$ )- +"#+'" !"#$ 2#&*& #(* 3*&$ prescribes the amount of radiation needed+#$)%)#- and )% 9),, .' $'/:"'(also )-required & to do bowel preparation and must not #2 %0' $''($ ()*)-)$0'$ #4'" %)*'7 eat or drink&4%$*, anything 5)(after midnight '()&$#$* the evening passes this to the physicist. $%'++'" %0&% /&- .' &22)H'( %# %0' 6(#2"7$"*(#/7 !"#$ %$&'()% #*) '+,) #+'"&%)-5 %&.,'7 80'before C%'++'" the implant. (, -*)-#*#$(+, .+* '-&.,'$ %0' (#/%#" %# &(4&-/' %0' /*#0"1$")*#-1 2 +"#.' )-/"'*'-%&,,17 T&()#&/%)4' )*+,&-%$ #22'" *'- &- '22'/%)4' %"'&%*'-% #+%)#- 2#" '&",1 +"#$%&%' /&-/'" %0&% )$ ,'$$ ()$":+3 Brachytherapy<.#:% =3> 9''?$ .'2#"' in %0' %)4' %# %0')" ,)4'$ %0&- $%&-(&"( )*+,&-% +"#/'(:"'; & 4#,:*' $%:(1 %"'&%*'-%7 )$ +'"2#"*'(7Jamaica 80)$ )$ :$'( %# ('%'"3 !"#$%&%' ."&/01%0'"&+1 9#"?$ .'$% #- +"'4)#:$,1 :-%"'&%'(; '&",1 *)-' %0' $)6' #2 %0' +"#$%&%' &-( Below: 2#" %"'&%*'-% +,&--)-57 $%&5' %:*#"$ /#-2)-'( %# %0' +"#$3 Dr. Wan & Dr. Venslow Greaves, 80' +&%)'-% )$ 5)4'- $+'/)2)/ %&%'77 U:' %# 0')50%'-'( $:"4'),3 Radiation Oncologist,ROCJ, take Dr. .#9',Robert +"'+&"&%)#- Wan, Urologist, )-$%":/%)#-$ ,&-/' 9)%0 $/"''-)-5 %'$%$ ,)?' %0' presented+")#" %# %0'on +"#/'(:"'7Brachytherapy 80)$ )$ in %# !C< M+"#$%&%'a look at $+'/)2)/the Agenda &-%)5'-Q for the JUS Jamaica&)( )- at %0' the 4)$:&,)6&%)#- February #2 28, %0' &-( :,%"&$#:-( )*&5)-5;Conference *&-1. !""#$%&'%()* )+ %,- .)$(%()* )+ %,- 2010+"#$%&%' Jamaica 5,&-(7 Urological *#"' *'- &"' .')-5 ()&5-#$'( .&)/- (* %,- &-0%#12 %,- *--3"-$ 9)%0 +"#$%&%' /&-/'" 90),' )% )$ $%),, Society(JUS)< @A B,%"&$#:-( Conference C1$%'* )$held :$'( '*3 $--3$ (* %,- .&)$%'%- ,#/&,)6'(; #" /#-2)-'( %# %0' +"#$3 at Jamaica%# &/D:)"' Conference /"#$$3$'/%)#-&, Centre )*&5'$ 80' :"#,#5)$% +,&/'$ %0' -''(,'$ %&%'7 #2 %0' +"#$%&%'7 80' *'()/&, MNO3=P -''(,'$Q )-%# %0' +"#$%&%' in Kingston. Up to now Dr. Wan @"&/01%0'"&+1 )$-V% &++"#+")&%' 2#" +01$)/)$%; :$)-5 E&")$''( 5,&-(7 F#-2)"*)-5 %0' +"#+'" is the only urologist in Jamaica '4'"1 *&-; .:% $0#:,( .' /&"'2:,,1 F#*+:%'" %'/0-#,#51 +,&-$ %0' ,#/&%)#-Dr. Robert #2 '&/0Wan -''(,'Urologist,speaking .1 :,%"&3 who performs brachytherapy as /#-$)('"'( &,#-5$)(' $:"5)/&, "'3 -''(,' &-( $''( +,&/'*'-%$ 9)%0)- $#:-(7at recently 80' held "&()&%)#- Jamaica #-/#,#5)$% Urological *#4&, #2 %0' +"#$%&%' &-( 'H%'"-&, part%0' of +"#$%&%'7 the team !,&--)-5 at Radiation '-&.,'$ %0' :$)-5Society & R)/? Conference <++,)/&%#" ()$+'-$'$ .'&* "&()&%)#- %0'"&+17 J&/0 Oncology+"'3('%'"*)-&%)#- Centre of #2 Jamaica. %0' #+%)*:* %0' $''( %0"#:50 %0' -''(,'$7 %"'&%*'-% &++"#&/0 0&$ )%$ +#%'-3 Dr. (#$'Wan ()$%").:%)#- reviewed )- %0'thirty-seven +"#$%&%'7 S,:#"#$/#+1He concluded &-( Hthat3"&1 9),,based &,$# on .' the %)&, &(4&-%&5'$ &-( ()$&(4&-%&5'$ cases< $'")'$ of the #2 fifty %'$%$ cases &"' &,$# done "'D:)"'( at :$'(Jamaican %# $'' %0' ,#/&%)#-experience #2 %0' &-( +&%)'-%$ &-( +01$)/)&-$ $0#:,( the )-Centre +"'+&"&%)#- since 2#" %0'2004. )*+,&-% HeG $''($7brachytherapy was an accepted )-/,:()-5 .,##( 9#"?; +#$$).,1 & /&"'2:,,1 /#-$)('" &,, #+%)#-$ detailed the successes and <2%'"alternative %0' $''($ to prostatectomy. &"' )- +,&/'; %0' /0'$% H3"&1 &-(I#" JAK7 &4&),&.,' %# %0'*7 complications. :"#,#5)$% 'H&*)-'$ %0' .,&(('" Radiation Oncology Centre of Jamaica, 1Ripon Road, Kingston 5 Tel: 920-1823, 920-8404 Fax: 960-1359 Email: [email protected] Website: rocjamaica.com (Copies of ROCJ Newsletters are available on our website).
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