CONTENTS DATA IAYOUT SECTION ONE WARD CODES SECTION lWO SN am VS4 CN TAQE ICL 2900 Fannat lqf38 Title: plll#or: Imha: Isheet: 1 I ‘lnE1.EVS4 I oFcs/mB2 I SEe 1988 I cNuAaEITc TnPE axKnm ‘mPE Frr.E smnFIaI’Ia ********************************** l’lli.s pepertiihesmcmtent ti format of the mqnetic te~ vereion of table VS4. Allaqui.riee ccmemiqthemltent of the table or ernrgamanb comemhg dietrikmticm ehaild k+ eddresd to: state servicing Office of ~ation mnsuae5.31rlsunqS ! Titd’field Xanta P315 m Tel: Titchfield (0329) 42511 x3458 specific erquiriee ~ Lq~&J ~ Iu?iybe altenntively addrssd to: a3state Gl?xpc3 (WA. Id’ke) Tel: Tit&field (0329) 42511 x3383 Acqryof #ewholeti~willke ~dedtimstcmem. !mc6e tm.ly ~inpartswilltive thekhole tape, enlehmld make their am ?c~ for emmting the reqdred date. Themagnetic tapewill beinafonrnt suitable forproceaa~cm IU (1900 or 2900 bee) or IE4 minfram maddnes. ,. --------1 Title: lmbs: Ishaet: 2 mwu VS4 RXZSE!C SET 1980 m~c’m.m I ! I LCGIC!ALtATA SIWCNRE ‘nlemgnet.ic xw=!im of& tapewill beeetoutee if males hedhenl~dushqtheom waticnutility TAuanime@e had been written using the mu utility ALnNSAVZ which sevee tables in a format suitable for dat2-~. - This means that the file is @yaicelly a file of fixd le17@l 80 Ci?aracter remrda with a lcgiml hiemrdIy of: FIIZ mEIE AREA Tkxtual labelewi21be Gided dcwntothsarszlsvel (~ tive descriptim of the filej table idanti~, arsa rams) tut stub ard oolum lakels d explanatory w will MJt ix ircluiad. If UeerBhave ulemueoftwamard wiehtoueeitti~om~ analyeee oftidata, thm~ maykeabletiuseti~ Utili+q tireedthe dahintnths musyetem. mdoulie, Uaerswi.ullad acapyof aT?Lllihrary file Conbin@ the appqxiate ‘mu information to anablefurthar anelyseetoke made. Thiee&itimal filewillhavs emit inter euathe eppropriebe stub ad colum +3axtlabels, kt mly in a fonu suitable for prc&es-kg ky T?UJ. me lcgiwl stmcbreofthe~ Cmtiuein tqnwil..lke; FnEHEAmR~ l%ELE~m9xdfor Wlel =OFZW tESGumICN mxad for Table 1 lTu~CNruxxde for Table 1 SMi IxJtelbelcw EZ+OOFl?JJ ~CN remrde for ‘Iable1 AREAnmrd forerea lof Table 1 CUNISrwxde forerea lof Table 1 see!nte2belw AREArecord forame20f Table 1 aUt?I’Srecorde fmar0a20f Table 1 (bRF.Aend ~mcolde rep3atuntilti - of !hble ) mDOFTAEtE nec+mlfar’IWle 1 TABI.EIiE?dERmmrdfor Teble2 (Teblereccad aetrepati dczmtoerbd of Zable7) END OF-reaxd lures: 1. Weretw T.Wdescript.im n9ccds inti~ 2.*~inthe*l=aru cnaeeriee of80cher=br~, GICilum+AIdq 5auntfieldeof E.ch?+m lenglllwitimedati right justified,leedbg z~ SuwueSeti. mzu fields ldnt.ed ee t-t ~1 ~ z-. ~ ~ of @ ~ fialde is specified Werleaf. — I-... 2 Title: IAuthor: Ioete: Isheet: 3 TABm VS4 I oKs/CIxEK I sEP 1988 I mMMmEITcmPE ! I I T?EaxNls lhena ere 35 cumte for eeti ward held in the follcwirq order: axm’1 UVmnmis TV’mL 0xNr2 LmEsmms MALES CmJNC3 UVEsmms cwm4 SmuwRms ‘KlmL axNr5 SrnLmmM MuEs C?XTlW6 ~ E%MrJEs uxnw7 mAlH5 !Kn?lL CCINI’8 LWATHS w cuNr9 mh!lns Oxn?’J!lo13EMHs<2BlxYs n3mL UXJNl?ll lD?AlHS<28WS PGJ_ES ~12 ~-=28 CAYS ~ CmlNI’u rENIm<l YmR ‘mmL am??I’14 13EAT?B<lmAR MAIx5 cmN’I’ls mA!u?s<l YEAR ~16 12?AlW 1-4 = MAI.ES Clxn?r17 mAnis 5-14 Y’Ehw - ~18DEA!US15-24YE?R U ~ 19 13FA2HS25-34 m MALES m 20 tEnTm 35-44 m MAIZs CxlNT 21 ~ 45-54 YEAIG ~ cEuNr22 CEAlHs55-64YFAFG MALFs CWNT 23 DEXEi5 65-74 YEARS MUXS ~ 24 EEA!EE 75-84 Y2?RS MMZS ~25LE3kl?ES5+ _ MALES CfXNl!261EM3E 1-4 YEW& ~ cXUN1’27 IEA!EE5-14 YEAR ~ -28 ~M-24YEWt5 FEMALES ~ 29 ~ 25-34 YEWS ~ m30 tEAlm35-44YEhw Fmwm Csxn?r31 tENnE 45-54 YEnm ~ CZJN1’32 IXXIW 55-64= ~ UXNl! 33 UEWEH 65-74 = ~ Cxxmr 34 lnZMIE 75-84 YEARS FmiAms ~35DENlB 85+ YEkF6 ~ . 3 Pe.rity: - -a-i Reaxd type: fixed Read len@l: ICL”2900 80 ~ IR4 80 bytes Sk& size: ICL 2900 S192 bytes m 2400 ~ mexecter Cede: 1~ 2900 ~IC m =IC Lebels: ICL 2900 2900 ~ bbels m Unlekelled 2.mARAcrmsEr All fields wititheexceptialof eameree~ Will b%lhititothe &ere&em: o-9 A-Z - Samueenenmw illamteul ‘ ~: &t-/(),. Fnx SIzm VS4 35 7 9295 ● 7 = 65065 — ---4 I Flu sPmIFImTIm iNem: W TABLE lAuuIor: oPcs/asH2 I I Rrirherel No. I i CCL 2900) Imti: m lwa Isheet: 5 I i File 11/01F/S I Filenam Iml Eescxipklon lmlt~~~volulls!~ Iref.1 I I II l— l—l—l l—l l—l—~—~ I I I ws4’mEZ19yy Ill mEuIATIcNs mTA II l_l I I l.1.~ - l_l_l_l I NO oflSlccklNo Of I File Order 1~~ I Reels ISize l~iesl I I 1— — —1 I I 1 ~ 2328! I lRerLmsukeSAc YE&mYF I I—1w=l-1 1 —/ I File Stmctum: IASELUD ICU900 ~IC (LASELS NAVE 87 SYTES) RExmm ARE FTxEDp,80BYms FoRFILEEmuJcmm I I mmsmucmmsmcmmmmmms Eaztcw. i R3t.adm miq: REAINEDFaR2YFAw ANY-ma= ~AFIH?’INIsDws WXT.LMR’SY ~msmu. FkwJni Eescript.icul l-l No. ofl*tl I(m=)l remrdelNo.1 lFmEHE?DsR~ I 80 I 1 16 I lmBLEREcmIl I 80 I 1 17 I i6TmroFmu DEscmmc’N I 8011 la I imcrmumscramm I 80 I 1 Is / lARFnmKcEu3 I 80 19295 19 I l~RExmD I 80 I 65065 110 I imtnmmxxmo I 80 1 <48 Iu I Camxal ~ks: S’mEmK8 Is: Fmx TAsm AIOL?4 AmA Cun?rsetc END OF T?WIE mm.x ~OFFILE / i mrrmredsM.lssee-m- 2. I I I . 5 1 10 14~C121[ I SuJRzsmm I ‘ayy’ 1111 I WY “ *W==)! I 14 111C12111FTXUR 1 SPACX IM 181C1211 1 FTxE~ailMm I ‘~’ ~ 23 lllc12111FmLER ISPACS .— .. 6 I INelm: VS4 lnPJ.E lAuttmr: oPcS/cISB2 I I IacxmDsHrIFIcATIcN I I (IU 2900) Ioate: m 1988 Isheet: 7 / / I / =’==-1 Irmftl Imalrd MLipth IFile -f IPlen I I‘rablel ] ‘mEusEmERRmmD I I IRef/13ml lJWOLl —i —i- I ISbrt lsizelMtalLevel~AlignlOccur~Dati Nem@Mscm “pticn Imrquofc!uies ! lR!6n I ITYP=I l— l— — —: —1—l I I 11 AC! I RElx@Dm 121 i2141clll 1 REmm NLMsm I Nu4Ewc / 16 ls~clll pnumwE 1~ Ill I (9eemtel; I i 14 141CIIIIFTUER I sPAaS I I I 18 15~clll I w.oFCmNI’c!Eus IN pJm&RIc, } I l! I TmLE(PERAmA) Ill !1 I =-! II Ill II 1111 ! (seenob2) ! / 23 131CIII I a%.lNl?cELLsIzE I I I / 2. Noofcamt ceUspereren~ tebleie 35. I I i 3. Noofcount n&m3spsrexea pertebleie7. I . 7 i6 l19~cl I I ~ RfDM=sxs I ‘mDoFKEsc- j Ill I RIPrIai’ I / I 1251561CIIIIFILIER 1~ I — ‘c 8 ,, [Nanm: W ‘ABLE lAlJt2mr:oKs/aEm ~ mmm SPEcrFImm I I I (ICL 2900) Imte: S&P Isa ISheet:9 I I 1~1 WefJ IReCCad DaLript.ial IFile Ref IPlen I ITeblel I AREA~ I lRaf/DFRl lq/mLl 1 —— . / ~start ~sizelmte~L?vel ~AlignlCccur~mti Neue/Eiptim ]Wingeofccrik / IR61-I I I’5’PI I l—l— — — —1—l I : 11 Il!c!ll I REamDTYm 131 I 12 141CIII I FKmDNuMSm I Nu4Emc i6 141cllp ARFA REFERENa mm j 0101-6820 10 12 ICI 1’ m mm I 01-51 I 12161Cl 111~ / 0000 i M 1,40 ~ c I I I AREAmm I ALwAmmac I Ill I ad &’-/( ),. I I [ 58 [231CIIIIFILUR I S- / NJIE: I I I . 9 ,, I INSIUJS:VS4 TABLE I?uthor: oFcSaSx I 1 ImmRIl smCxFIcATIaJ I (ICL 2900) Imte: SEP 1988 Isheet: 10 I iprccesal lmfti IRecozd I&aiptkn iFile Ref IPun I IT2J31eI ccxlNEREcoRD I I IRef/llml in/COLl I l——— I= ~SizelDsta~Level~Alignl~~ mta Nen+kacription klyeofuxiee ~ lFc6n I In’ml I l——— —1 —1—~ l;l IC! II mcmDTYm / 148 I I 12 141CIIII REmRDsElxmcs KL I 0001—> I i6 Ilsp I 151aImrczLL I Ill jmhaalntcell CatA=! A 1- SiW dur. I 9&are ofwholerm.1 SchlrefornmefLerl en @lied ddlnal I pint. Zhe mmL piCtll.Yeis i S9(9)V9(5)* i= isizelmaiuvelimignloccwimb wnqkscripth lwgeOfccdee I Imsrl ~ InT=l I l——— —/ —/ —/ I I 11 Il!chlllamm ~ 151 ---- (- 10 , ‘. I lNeme: VS4 TASLE lAuthor: 0=/CMEC I I RKmD sPDnFIalTcN I I (ICL 2900) lnati: SKP 1.988Isheet: u ! \ 17 1641CIIIIFTLUR I sPAcm i lNeue: VS4 TAEIE Imulm: oFG/cnsm I ! FB32RD sPn21FIcaTKN I I (ICL 2900) lDAbe: = 1988 [Sheet: / . 11 SJ=m INDEX VITAL STATISTICS FOR WARDS TABLE VS4 198s PAGE MICRO MAGNETIC INDEx AREA NAME NU?4BER FICHE TAFE PAGE OF FFAMB CODE NUMBER TABLE NUMBER CITY OF LONDON 001 lBO1 0101 LONDON BOROUGHS 1 Barking & Dagenhan! 002 Icol 0111 Barnet 3 lDO1 0113 Bexley 4 lEO1 0115 Brent 5 lFO1 0117 Brcxnley 6 IGO1 0119 C?unden 7 lHO1 0121 Croydon s 1101 0123 Ealing 9 lJO1 0125 Enfield 10 lKO1 0127 Greenwich 11 lLO1 0129 2 Hackney 12 lMO1 0131 HammerBuLth & Fulham 13 lNO1 0133 Haringey 14 1001 0135 Harrow 15 1B02 0137 Havermg 16 1C02 0139 Hillingdon 17 1D02 0141 Hounslow 18 1E02 0143 Islington 19 1F02 0145 Kenamgton & Chelsea 20 1G02 0147 Kingston upon Thames 21 1H02 0149 Lanbeth 22 1102 0151 3 Lewis ha.rn 23 1J02 0153 >.etion 24 1K02 0155 Newham 25 1L02 0157 Redbrldge 26 1M02 0159 Richmond upon Thames 27 1N02 0161 Southwark 28 1002 0163 Sutton 29 1B03 0165 Tower H~letB 30 1C03 0167 Waltham ForeBt 31 1D03 0169 Wadsworth 32 1E03 0171 Westminster City of 33 1F03 0173 GREATER MANCHESTER Bolton MCD 034 1G03 1105 4 Bury MCD 35 1H03 1110 Manchester MCD 36 1103 1115 Oldham MCD 37 1J03 1120 Rochda le MCD 38 1K03 1125 Salford MCD 39 1L03 1130 StockPort MCD 40 1M03 1135 Tameszde Mm 41 1N03 1140 Trafford MCD 42 1003 1145 Wigan Mm 43 1B04 1150 —— I 1 .
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