H9244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 7, 2003 Madam Speaker, many of our col- lieved in people’s inner-strength and The yeas and nays were ordered. leagues on the Committee on Inter- potential, but she also knew how easily The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- national Relations will remember as that strength can be lost. For Anna, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the long as they live meeting, about a year people were at the core of every issue. Chair’s prior announcement, further ago, with Swedish Foreign Minister Human rights were always her driving proceedings on this motion will be Anna Lindh. We had an extraordinarily force. Violations and oppression were postponed. sophisticated and lively discussion on the opponents in the fight. Democracy f the broader spectrum of international was always the means and people were COMMENDING NATIONAL ENDOW- issues. We disagreed on some matters always the answer. That is the way she MENT FOR DEMOCRACY FOR and agreed on others, but I know all of was, in big issues and small alike. She CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEMOCRATIC us found her to be extremely impres- cared.’’ DEVELOPMENT AROUND THE Madam Speaker, I humbly ask for sive, charming and intelligent as the WORLD ON THE 20TH ANNIVER- strong support of H. Res. 372, which top foreign policy person, as our friend, SARY OF ITS ESTABLISHMENT Sweden. sends our deepest condolences to Anna Less than a year ago at the NATO Lindh’s family and to the people of Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I move to summit in Prague, by chance my wife, Sweden, and I urge all of my colleagues suspend the rules and agree to the con- current resolution (H. Con. Res 274) Annette, and I were seated next to For- to join me in this effort. commending the National Endowment eign Minister Lindh at the banquet Mr. EMANUEL. Madam Speaker, I rise for Democracy for its contributions to given in Prague Castle by the distin- today as an original cosponsor of this resolu- democratic development around the guished President of the Czech Repub- tion expressing the House’s condolences to the family of Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, to world on the occasion of the 20th anni- lic, Vaclav Havel. I simply cannot tell versary of the establishment of the Na- you how much I enjoyed the lively con- her many friends, and to the people of a coun- try left a sadder place for her absence. tional Endowment for Democracy. versation these two extraordinary The Clerk read as follows: women had, both of them passionately While her brutal murder shook the founda- H. CON. RES. 274 committed to human rights and public tion of that proud and peaceful nation, it is her life—not her death—that is her legacy. Whereas November 22, 2003, marks the 20th service. anniversary of the establishment of the Na- Madam Speaker, as my colleagues In only 46 years of life, Anna Lindh rapidly ascended the European political community to tional Endowment for Democracy (herein- painfully know, just recently Anna after the ‘‘Endowment’’), a bipartisan non- Lindh was murdered by an assailant in become one of its most capable, competent, governmental institution that promotes de- a Stockholm department store. Her in- and respected members. She was a singularly mocracy around the world; explicable and untimely tragic death instrumental figure during the Swedish presi- Whereas through the National Endowment was a shock to all of her countrymen dency of the European Union in 2001. for Democracy Act (22 U.S.C. 4411 et seq.), in Sweden and to all of us who knew From joining the Swedish Social Democratic signed into law by President Ronald Reagan League at age 12, Ms. Lindh was destined for on November 22, 1983, Congress has made pos- her and admired her and who have sible the funding of the Endowment’s world- worked with her ever since she began a career in public service. She was elected to the Swedish parliament the year she grad- wide grant programs; her service as Foreign Minister of Swe- Whereas 2003 also marks the 20th anniver- den. uated from law school. She later became the sary of the National Republican Institute for Her death was a blow to the peace- Deputy Mayor of Stockholm, Minister of the International Affairs (which was subse- loving people of Sweden. The shock had Environment, and eventually, Foreign Minister. quently renamed the International Repub- an even greater impact, Madam Speak- The impact of her political skill and achieve- lican Institute (IRI)), the National Demo- cratic Institute for International Affairs er, because former Swedish Prime Min- ments touched people worldwide, most nota- bly in the Balkans, where her remarkable tal- (NDI), and the Center for International Pri- ister Olaf Palme, who had been Anna’s vate Enterprise (CIPE), all of which joined role model, was murdered on a Stock- ents helped prevent war in Macedonia. Building coalitions was her calling, and her the Free Trade Union Institute (which was holm street in 1986 under similar and subsequently renamed as the American Cen- success in this critically important area earned still-unresolved circumstances. ter for International Labor Solidarity) to the respect of leaders from around the globe. Madam Speaker, House Resolution form the four affiliated institutions of the When asked once what he appreciated most 372 expresses the condolences of the Endowment; about Sweden, our own Secretary Colin Pow- House of Representatives and of the Whereas the Endowment and the affiliated ell once replied ‘‘Abba, Volvo, and Anna.’’ institutes have supported grassroots pro- American people to the family of For- Anna Lindh truly epitomized a new genera- grams to build democratic institutions, eign Minister Anna Lindh. We condemn tion of internationally-minded politicians. Her spread democratic values, encourage free all such senseless acts of violence murder was a tragedy that cannot be forgot- market institutions, and promote political against public officials, and we express parties, worker rights, independent media, ten, but it will not overshadow her achieve- our solidarity with the people of Swe- human rights, the rule of law, civic edu- ments and her lasting contributions to the den at this difficult time. cation, conflict resolution, political partici- international community. pation by women, and many other essential Madam Speaker, Anna was very Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be an original young. She was a brilliant lawyer, who components of civil society and democratic cosponsor of this important resolution. On be- governance in emerging and transitional de- at age 37 became Minister for the Envi- half of more than 12,000 of my constituents of mocracies, nondemocracies, and war-torn so- ronment in Sweden, one of the most Swedish descent, I offer my sincere condo- cieties; important cabinet posts in the Swedish lences. Whereas the programs carried out or fund- Government, and at age 41 she became Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I have ed by the Endowment have made significant Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. no further requests for time, and I contributions to the efforts of democratic Madam Speaker, the distinguished yield back the balance of my time. activists to achieve freedom and self-govern- Prime Minister of Sweden, Goran Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I have ance around the world; Whereas the Endowment, through the Persson made very poignant remarks no further requests for time, and I at the memorial service for Anna Journal of Democracy, the International yield back the balance of my time. Forum for Democratic Studies, the Reagan- which characterized her many gifts and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, and talents. CAPITO). The question is on the motion the World Movement for Democracy, has I would like to share a few of Prime offered by the gentleman from Ne- served as a key center of democratic re- Minister Goran Persson’s remarks dur- braska (Mr. BEREUTER) that the House search, exchange, and networking, bringing ing her eulogy. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- together thousands of democracy activists, ‘‘Anna Lindh lived out her vision for lution, H. Res. 372. scholars, and practitioners from around the the world in her everyday life. She The question was taken. world; and knew that good political leadership is The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Whereas the spread of democracy through- about more than just lofty words. Anna out the world, to which the work of the En- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of dowment has contributed significantly, has Lindh believed in people. She believed those present have voted in the affirm- enhanced the national security interests of in people as the remarkable beings ative. the United States and advanced democratic they are, with an almost unlimited ca- Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, on ideals and values throughout the world: Now, pacity to grow and to develop. She be- that I demand the yeas and nays. therefore, be it VerDate jul 14 2003 04:09 Oct 08, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07OC7.051 H07PT1 October 7, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9245 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the as a nongovernmental organization Democracy is often the precursor of Senate concurring), That Congress— that is supported by annual appropria- the development of human rights and (1) commends the National Endowment for tions and subject to congressional personal freedom, causes that we have Democracy for its major contributions to the oversight. The ideas that spurred the championed our entire political lives. strengthening of democracy around the creation of the NED, as we call it, is world on the occasion of the 20th anniver- Recognizing this, NED has not only sary of the establishment of the Endowment; that U.S.
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