Bugsy Siegel Part 30 of 32

Bugsy Siegel Part 30 of 32

FEDERAL OF STiGA'iION BQQQK 5'/£6EL PART #i%// W0/C // 7 PAGES AVAILABLETHIS PART???lg 17/ _ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FILES CONTAINED IN THIS PART A FILE # /0 -0 .-. 92 _ b_§"_.Q L,_.' '/.J ég: 3/$/3 ..§§*c 4}-Z_§/Z_L92fo_/./_2___PAGES AVAILABLE I & .. A 2 LL __-ll,1_,92!Z vo/.1! T ief _. 7 ya _ _ .. éz-1*'1._!..2....__.__._ v@/-2! ¢z-as/2 v<>/.~/!35 _-.""'.....-2;.-::.'.: :.=- .-"'='-"-s -*=.=-*=i~>*'*'"@~'.'------~.--*--~*-'- -- -* .1. ' w- 0 _ - __ . I; 1 ._ 0 _ A_ A-~-{in . V _ VP 3 0 ' . 0- . .;§ - -~ £11.: osscnwon . »i-_: I? Q . .- D . ;;;.~ ¢-§- . aumzau me % -'-- £ ' --. ._.4 _ I-r-"P - -. I Q -1» Q jO &$.U_BJECT /6?/és?i§§¢'@¢=4 Y .0 FILE N0.__; /~'>-*/$>.%__... ' /7 L sscfnowmo. 92--.5 _ . I 1- . -. O 0 _ . ' _ ;'1 _ . 8 ; SE'RlALS.____.i_________..% ' '9 /u - '4 --iv-< 1I - "E I -0 . - 1°} Y __- -bi.-¥ . -i "." _ " " '-:_'u--4 = Q 1 ll 1-._ ..-_- .. - .- I '5 _ _ - ' - r0 - -- 3 ___ _ . ' . ...-. .-. 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Z1. _ , ,92 rm me KILI.m:- or eenmcrn 7 veuosxe:1 5- 9292 IIISCELLLIIEOUS - IHFORMATICDI " Dear Sir: _ -,_ cams seam 3*-.7J"'! * -£4;-In Reference is made to Salt. Lake City teletype dated_June 211, wherein is requested ocmplete details and subsequent dot-e1o;Tae-ote o u murder of BENJAMIN "BUGS!" SIEGEL in Loo l8¢1ee. 'wl The killing of smear, was brought to the P. 92 5 94 92 3 t.-eatG1diL _unat L 5.|J:1.i1:iL -..__.nae: . oeenshot 570,_ the fivecoat times; of E that en nes who was of present .55 caliber with SIIBEL wereshot; in the that living one bullet rocu at grazed ';~,;.-I *-1 92810 North Linden D vs, overly Hills, California - VIRGINIA HILL residence; - wt and that CHARLES "CHICK'%7iII.L, brother or VIRG and , JERIFLSOH, believed Q to be VIRGINIA HILL'S Sé eta:-y, were upstairs at t residence a the time of the shooting. Immediately after the shooting an automobile which was proceeding north toward Sunset Boulevard from the residence had heen reported _ s e Q seen by neighbors. HF " " / / ' '4" . - w- ' _t__ __ -.__.;=.e_.,__}~e~.,"' z *- : , "' _, A 4 -Q _- -_»4 A; ' Los _p,nge1esr§"newspapeie} on the morning of June 21, 19147, sutnitted headline publicity of SE2-El's murder, relating the following additional information; 92 ha . ".-.. /, _ '; . 1- Was sleepi-"8 at the residence at the time of the killing. II» ALLEN SIrl'L"~IY made the statements. "I heerd the glass shattering and I ducked; I don't know how many shots were fined, j:;1_:t_,p'he1_;,I looked at SIEGEL I could see he had taken most of them." * - ""t' " RY . RECORDED 51 - 4 59/ -J n;l___ 1 Q4-I an III-Lg 431:7 In 1'nnI.LnnoI'mI.unI'1!Jm!'s1mn. ?_ J 4» 3 IIISIILIMII-Illmllnlwcolzlnnn . ndorruportdthathohll ";;a-undnunnua-15¢» jg In-¢I_;ob:lJ.o|' _ "xv. V Ltiw n?.1=1m-mm-nu V 1,, $1,, hn'I.norn|Iapap0rIh:l.ch8JIIt3I. SlOOpI92'L1.¢ #.a:1..~@..% 1 " II. Y: Ineomrbn of SIIGILM aonnoctinn % ii tb0Z'BIB_GElI!iGRm mar} '1' TDD 1 I '$:"**- *__ loud _ ;*"""!.'-.' 5" :!"r_'.- , . -I r -.+ --2' "-_ -92 - . > 92" J.-1». 5» wags;n -- -.,~ _.-an -.. '1E? 'Go0d-night , _I_92_n~ -.4. -pk -.- --. Q.»-,_-.-92¢: 'ma 1¢".=¢ um-1" 'on|'mwq>q>u1_ V ;- 3: ~&;~~ - L =5 _ - Fm may __ ..._ .._._....___ .. _.. ii _ _ ._.....,..c... ._,.~ r . _I' 1 ' I .v mmm-, nu _" V July 1, ism -nu: mmnc or HIIJDIZIJI Inocsxw snnn. '-;_.,_ _:'. "- '_ . 1 '_92_>~.=-2* - ,5 -T: 75,; - - Y " -;£*""'~£*§" " ; Y edzrieedon n 21, 19h7§ithewae d 53' 1 enact. mm am he diecredi 1:¢-- ~- __ theeterythet8Il§.II.wu edheceueeiie eoneytotheI.f1ie' 8yndicate,headedby G B1'E1'ID:|d.lmIlB;O0n01lI|iiq:'IOtlcln't collectloneyh-cnadead .. .»,. I ._ -_ " _ _mhpmmc velunteered onlthe nae date; bl that SIIQIL wee tightirq e big force, meaning The Unioae Sicilliene . _ ;. syndicate" ,_ and thathedidnitdeeereethie became ehehadmtdenethn .e'I * -e -e--ql ."*_'. I um acme pm ..r='¢;..=1=-.'l2=¢. on the night oi Jone 20, 191;? and he -9.----».-,._q f ,;__ - ._,._:_... -'. ¢..___ ._ 5.1!...-~yé. _ _ 1'-+7 it-w &.4- _;.;-, leave the cafe, which gave 4; § 35-Z » @ _., _e-,___-_ 1 - --=-.1 Fran June 21, 191;? through June 26, 19h' EELIedeath received newspaper headline publicity in Loe mgelee. Em proposed reasons for the killing were set out, including gang warfare end dope snuggling; the fact that Lee Vegas gambling clubs were losing money because of the Flamingo -_-- '.-.> av-~1..5§92u'q§ Club; that 8IE3EL'e interest in the Flaaingo Club and Hotel drained hie .1» " 1;-' ',. _ resources to the extent that he was applying pressure to the Lee Angelou bookmakers who eubscrihe to the Trans-America Iire Service; that a patron . orComa ofthe Flamingo theee loet articleswereheavily betting forwarded to and heduudertaken the Bureau by reprieale; confidential etc. letteretc. 41' June 27, 19m. _ . _ -" " Signicantly, one article related that VIRGINIA HILL had had I quarrel with SISGEL in Lee Vegas and that she had departed for Paris , Frame- < On June 21 1 . -3- ' - ----_-----4...-_...,~._,--...-..-W,.- w____,_ _ ,;,,_;,_ _ _,__ _ J f _:i ii i ' n11'9U|':CI" FBI my 1! RB: THE KILLIR3 OF BENJDEDI "BIBS!" SIHEEID $ - INFORMATION OONCERNIN} ' 92 CHE BURVEY _ te1ephonice.]_l;y advisedSpecial Agentin ChargeR. B. HOOD thathe hadbeen on the murder case of SIFXEEL constantly and requested to know ii the FBI ,,.<. had lown into the was interested in the case. He had learned that L boo an appointment with In Bevarl-Y I -, Can: ornie. 4 M in vmomn HILL:house said and seven cartridges were fo ou de of the window. These cartridges were of 30 caliber size. 50¢ The bullets were copper jacketed, which were no doubt shot from a U.

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