REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest – 513420 REFGOV Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (Year 1 to Year 5) (1.06.2005–31.05.2010) _________________________________________________________________________________ Project no CIT3-CT-2005-513420 REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest Integrated Project Priority 7 – Citizens and Governance in a knowledge-based society Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (June 2005 – May 2010) Period covered from 1/06/2009 to 31/05/2010 Date of preparation Start date of project 1/06/2005 Duration 5 years Project coordinator name J. Lenoble Project coordinator CPDR (Centre de Philosophie du Droit) Revision Organisation name Université catholique de Louvain REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest - 513420 Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (Year 1 to Year 5) (1.06.2005–31.05.2010) Table of Contents TABLE 1 : OVERVIEW OF PUBLICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 TABLE 2 : OVERVIEW OF WORKING PAPERS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................26 TABLE 3 : OVERVIEW OF WORKSHOPS, MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES 46 Coordinated by the Centre for Philosophy of Law – Université catholique de Louvain http://refgov.cpdr.ucl.ac.be/ 1/61 REFGOV-Years 1 to 5 REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest - 513420 Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (Year 1 to Year 5) (1.06.2005–31.05.2010) Table 1 : Overview of Publications http://refgov.cpdr.ucl.ac.be//?go=publications The Publications are shown per thematic field : The six thematic fields investigated in this project are : SGI : Services of General Interest ; GPS : Global Public Services and Common Goods; CG : Cprporate Governance; FR : Fundamental Rights IFM : Institutional Frames for Markets ; TNU : Theory of the Norm Unit I.1. REFGOV Books – Articles & Chapters in Books REFGOV Common O. De Schutter and J. Lenoble (eds) (May 2010) , Reflexive Governance : Redefining the Public Interest in a Pluralistic World, Oxford, publication Hart Publishing.,May 2010, 235 pp. Contributors : H. Adlard, G. Britz, E. Brousseau, S.Deakin, T. Dedeurwardere, B. Eberlein, J.-M. Glachant, K. Herzmann, A. Koudiadaki, M. Maesschalck, C. Mullen, T. Prosser, C. Scott, P. Vincent-Jones. SGI Energy Article Helen Adlard, ‘Participation in Planning Environmental Policy – Policy-making for Energy’ 16 [2006/7] Utilities Law Review62-5. Chapter in Book Burkard Eberlein, Burkard Eberlein and Bruce Doern (eds.), Governing the Energy Challenge: Canada and Germany in a Multi-Level Regional and Global Context, University of Toronto Press (forthcoming) Article .Karsten Herzmann, ‘Konsultationen als Instrument der Regulierung des Energiesektors’ in Boysen, Buhring/ Franzius (u.a.), Netzwerke. 47. Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, Wissenschaftlichen Assistentinnen und Assistenten der Fachrichtung Offenlichthes Recht, Baden-Baden 2007, pp 172. Article Karsten Herzmann, ‘Monitoring als Verwaltungsaufgabe’ in DVBl, 2007, pp. 670. Article Karsten Herzmann, ‘Aur Gestaltung des Netzzugangsvertrages nach § 20 Abs. 1a EnWG – Besteht ein Efordernis gersonderter Einspeisevertrage?’, Recht der Energiewirtschaft (RdE) 2007, pp. 76. Coordinated by the Centre for Philosophy of Law – Université catholique de Louvain http://refgov.cpdr.ucl.ac.be/ 2/61 REFGOV-Years 1 to 5 REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest - 513420 Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (Year 1 to Year 5) (1.06.2005–31.05.2010) Chapter in Book Tony Prosser, ‘Regulatory Agencies, Regulatory Legitimacy and European Private Law’ in F. Cafaggi and H. Muir- Watt, eds., Making European Private Law: Governance Design (Edward Elgar, 2008, 235-53. Gabriele Britz, ‘Estructuras de la unión administrativa europea en la regulación de los mercados de la energía alemán y europeo’, in: Francisco Velasco Caballero/Jens-Peter Schneider (Hg.), La unión administrativa europea, Madrid 2008, S. 159-192. Gabriele Britz - Kommentierung: Energiewirtschaftsgesetz – Kommentar, in: Britz/Hellermann/Hermes (Hg.), Energiewirtschaftsgesetz – Kommentar, Verlag C.H. Beck, München 2008. § 20 I, II (Zugang zu den Energieversorgungsnetzen) § 22 (Beschaffung der Energie zur Erbringung von Ausgleichsleistungen) § 23 (Erbringung von Ausgleichsleistungen) § 23a (Genehmigung der Entgelte für den Netzzugang) § 24 Regelungen zu den Netzzugangsbedingungen, Entgelten für den Netzzugang sowie zur Erbringung und Beschaffung von Ausgleichsleistungen) § 29 Verfahren zur Festlegung und Genehmigung) § 112 (Evaluierungsbericht) § 118 (Übergangsregelungen) Karsten Herzmann - Kommentierung: Energiewirtschaftsgesetz – Kommentar, in: Britz/Hellermann/Hermes (Hg.), Energiewirtschaftsgesetz – Kommentar, Verlag C.H. Beck, München 2008. § 21b (Messeinrichtungen) § 35 (Monitoring) § 112a (Bericht der Bundesnetzagentur zur Anreizregulierung) book Tony Prosser, (2010), The Regulatory Enterprise: Government, Regulation and Legitimacy , Oxford University Press, 2010, 240 pp book Karsten Herzman ( 2010 – forthcoming), Kooperative Maßstabskonkretisierung als Mittel effektiver Energieregulierung , Tübingen, forthcoming 2010, 400 pp book Karsten Herzmann , (2010 - to be published): “Cooperative Standardization as an instrument of effective Energy Regulation – A study on communication processes of generation of knowledge and agreements (Konsultationen) between the Federal Network Agency and market actors”, volume to be published in 2010 Chapter in book Prosser, T., Adlard, H., Eberlein, B., Britz, G. and Herzmann, K. (2010), “Neo-Institutionalist and Collaborative-Relational Approaches to Governance in Services of General Interest: The Case of Energy in the UK and Germany” in Olivier de Schutter and Jacques Lenoble,(eds.), Reflexive Governance: Redefining the Public Interest in a Pluralistic World , Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010, 67–95. Coordinated by the Centre for Philosophy of Law – Université catholique de Louvain http://refgov.cpdr.ucl.ac.be/ 3/61 REFGOV-Years 1 to 5 REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest - 513420 Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (Year 1 to Year 5) (1.06.2005–31.05.2010) Chapter in book Eberlein, B., (2010), "Experimentalist Governance in the Energy Sector", in: Charles F. Sabel and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Experimentalist Governance in the EU: Towards a New Architecture , New York: Oxford University Press, (2010), 61–78. Chapter in book Gabriele Britz, (forthcoming 2010/201), “Nachfragebezogene Energieeffizienzpflichten der Energieunternehmen im deutschen Recht”, in: Britz/Eifert/Reimer, Energieeffizienzrecht Chapter in book Gabriele Britz,(2010) “ Energierecht”, in: M. Fehling/M. Ruffert (Hg.), Regulierungsrecht , Tübingen 2010, § 9, p. 429-499. Chapter in book Gabriele Britz, (2010) “Organisation und Organisationsrecht der Regulierungsverwaltung in der öffentlichen Versorgungswirtschaft”, in: M. Fehling/M. Ruffert (Hg.), Regulierungsrecht , Tübingen 2010, § 21, p. 1148-1199. article Gabriele Britz,(2010) “Klimaschutz und Versorgungssicherheit durch Energieeffizienz, - Neuerungen durch das dritte Energiebinnenmarktpaket”, ZUR 2010, p. 124-129. article Gabriele Britz, (2009)” Verbundstrukturen in der Mehrebenenverwaltung: Erscheinungsformen, Funktion und verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen am Beispiel der europäischen und deutschen Energiemarktregulierung”, DV-Beiheft Nr. 8 (2009), p. 71-100. article Bajusz Fleck, (2010) “Price Regulation in Hungary in the Electricity Market”, Annales Tomus 20-10/1, 319-47. article Eberlein, B, and Radaelli, C.M., (2010 - forthcoming ), “Mechanism of Conflict Management in EU Regulatory Policy”, Public Administration , 2010, forthcoming article Eberlein, B. and D. Matten, (2009), "Business Responses to Climate Change Regulation in Canada and Germany. Lessons for MNCs from Emerging Economies.”, Journal of Business Ethic, 2009, Vol.86, supplement 2, 241–255. SGI –Regulation Chapter in Book Colin Scott, ‘Reflexive Governance, Meta-Regulation and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Heineken Effect’ in Nina Boeger and Charlotte Villiers (eds) Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2008, forthcoming) Colin Scott, ‘Regulating Private Legislation’ in Fabrizio Cafaggi and Horatia Muir-Watt (eds) Making European Private Law: Governance Design (Cheltenham: Elgar, 2008) Article Colin Scott, "New-ish Governance and the Legitimacy of the EU" (July 2007). CLPE Research Paper No. 17 Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1003824 (a revised and refereed version to appear in the European Law Journal ) Coordinated by the Centre for Philosophy of Law – Université catholique de Louvain http://refgov.cpdr.ucl.ac.be/ 4/61 REFGOV-Years 1 to 5 REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest - 513420 Publications, Working Papers, Conferences and Meetings (Year 1 to Year 5) (1.06.2005–31.05.2010) Colin Scott, ‘Governing Without Law or Governing Without Government? New-ish Governance and the Legitimacy of the EU’ (2009) 15 European Law Journal 160-173 Chapter in book Colin Scott ( 2010), “Reflexive Governance, Regulation and Meta-Regulation: control or Learning?”, in O. de Schutter and J. Lenoble (eds ),
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