David Shapiro, Bruce Jenk+ns, Director r ilm Programmer John Minkowskv . A Kmt Feirh:rne+r, 5tei:~a Vasuhca Videoi Efeclron+r: Arts Caratar Workshop artd ;ACress C:oord+nator z I~IIedia ~t~d ~ aI~ Media StudylBuffalo is a unique Western New York regional center established to encourage the creation and understanding of media - especially photography, film, video and sound composition - by people of all ages in the area. It is also exploring the electronic and computer-generated arts, visual and aural, and is researching broad- cast, cablecast, microwave and other concepts . Media StudylBuffalo is a hat-far-profit pub#ic service foundation established under grants from the New York State Council an the Arts Jcan B+~dingtor+. Lois Curr+er. Assislanl r]treCtnr for ;men[ Ar)minr;tra[+vc= Assatant and the National Endowment for the Arts which supports : Manaar I ACCESS to production equipment far all citizens, especially serious artists, emerging makers and youth II WORi(SHDpS in imagelsaund experimentation and production, in circuit-building and the design of electronic art tools, and in teaching creative media III ExH181TION - screening, viewing, display, installation, presenta- Staff tion, performance and discussion of all formats of creative image and sound DIREGTDR IV INFORMATION AND PROJECTS resources, conferences, residen- David Shapiro did his graduate work in the Department of Cinema cies and media programming relating to creative image and sound Studies at New York University and is an Editor of Millennium Firm and their psychacs.altural and enviranmenta! interactions Journal. V PRODUCTION PROJECTS by independent image and sound artists, local and national, and invo#vement in the legal and FILM PROGRAMMER distribution problems associated with them Bruce Jenkins did his graduatewark in the Department of RadiolTe#evi- sionlFilm, Fiim Division at Northwestern University and is a farmer VI MANAGEMENT of the above activit¬es, the facilities hauling them, editor of Film Reader. and relations with individuals and agencies supporting t#~em VIDEOIELECTRONiC ARTS CURATOR John Minkowsky did his graduate work at The Centerfor Media 5tudyat State University of New York at Buffalo and is the author of the catalogue essay far Bart Robbett's Extended Images (197T} and other pieces . CONTENTS WORKSHOP AND ACCESS COORDINATOR 1 . ACCESS 4 Kurt Feichtmeir did his graduate work in The Center for Media Study at State University of New York at Buffalo and is a filmmaker. li . WDRiCSHOPS 5 Ill . EXHIBITIDN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR MANAGEMENT Jean Burlington is doing graduate work in the School of Management at VidealEiectranic Arts 6-12 State University of New Yark at Buffalo. Electronic ArtsIBuffala ~2 Independent Filmmakers 13-16 ADMINISTRATIVE Benefit ASSISTANT -- Donn Alan Pennebaker 16 Lois Carrier has a B.A . in English and has worked in sound Evenings far New Films ~7 reinforcement and public relations . American Mavericks i8-19 Kino Poiskie ~ 2D-23 French 1=i#ms Z2 All Singing, All Dancing 2 : A Tribute GRAPHIC ~7E51GN: CHET KGZLG1NSKi to 5d Years of the American Musical 23-2fi 1. ACCESS STUDIO FACILITIES CHARGE PER HOUR Individuals Institutions Equipment Policy DARKROOM With chemicals provided $ .75 $1 .50 During 1978-79 Media Study/ Buffalo instituted rental fees for equipment and Without chemicals provided $ .25 $ .50 studio use. This revenue generates a budget which is used exclusively for ongoing repair and maintenance costs. While not eliminating the inevitable FILM breakdowns of equipment incurred through high use, this income has Super 8rnm editing studio $ .25 $1 .00 improved our ability to have the equipment repaired professionally and 16mm manual editing studio $ .25 $1,00 promptly. In addition, the clear-cut procedures of the new equipment policy 16mm 6-plate flatbed editing studio $ 1 .50 $3.00 have made access more efficient and available to all citizens in Western New Super 8mm, or slide projector $ .50 $ 1 .00 York. 16mm projector $ 1 .00 $ 2.00 Over this past year, use of all equipment and studio facilities by both PRODUCTION STUDIO individuals and institutions, has increased significantly, creating more For rehearsal $ 1 .00 $2 .00 demand than could be immediately satisfied. Media Study/ Buffalo is now For production $ 1 .50 $3.00 introducing an Institutional Fee Schedule. With this new policy, fees collected SOUND STUDIO from institutional users will create a needed additional source of income Aries synthesizer, cassette deck, open reel decks, graphic equalizer, which will facilitate the expansion of equipment acquisition in order to offer mixer console, turntable, and microphones $ 1 .00 $2 .00 increased access to both institutions and individuals. VIDEO 'V" videotape editing system $ 1 .00 $2 .00 ' 31" videotape editing system $ 1 .50 $4.00 Rutt/ Etra synthesizer, colorizes, ,6" SCHEDULE OF FEES SEG with videotape recorder $ 1 .00 $ 2.00 RENTAL PER DAY Most studio facilities may be used anytime there is no prior reservation or can EQUIPMENT CHARGE be reserved in half-day shifts. Facilities indicated by asterisk (') require a Individuals Institutions reservation and minimum booking of four hours (morning shift is 9-1 P.M ., AUDIO afternoon shift is 1-5 P .M.). All fees are payable in advance when you begin Microphone $ .50 $ 1 .50 work that day. Cancellations must be given with 24 hour notice to avoid being Mixer $ 1,00 $ 4.00 obliged for the rental fee. Stereo cassette recorder $ 1 .00 $ 4.00 Open reel recorder $ 1 .00 $ 4.00 Sync recorder $3.00 $ 15.00 FILM Super 8mm camera $ 1 .00 $ 4 .00 Super 8mm sound camera $ 1 .50 $ 6 .00 16mm camera $2 .00 $ 8.00 16mm sync outfit $4.00 $20.00 Quartz lights $ .75 each $ 1 .50 each Tripods $ .50 $ 1 .50 Light meters $ .50 $ 1 .50 Super 8mm projector $2,00 $ 6.00 16mm projector (limited use only) $ 5.00 $ 10.00 Slide,projector $ 2 .00 $ 6.00 VIDEO 'h" portable videotape recorder $ 3.00 $ 12.00 '12" studio videotape recorder (limited use only) $3.00 $ 12.00 3/4" portable videotape recorder $ 4.00 $20.00 The above equipment may be reserved by phone (847-2555) and may be picked up between the hours of 9-5 Monday through Friday. A refundable deposit is required for most equipment and may be in the form of cash or check. The deposit schedule is as follows: Equipment valued over $500 - $100 deposit Equipment valued $100 to $500 - $25 deposit Equipment valued under $100 -- no deposit Rutt/Etra Video Synthesizer Sill Jungels, during a recent taping session in the Production Studio II. WORKSHOPS Tom Sharpe is currently a Director for WNED-TV, Channel 17 in Buffalo. He previously worked in industrial television for GTE in Stamford, Connecticut. In 1977 he produced and directed a videotape which won a coming Gold Award at the International Film and Television Festival in New YorkCity. He studied Television Production at Temple University and Lighting Design TOM MOXON with Imero Fiorentino Associates in New York City. Presently, he is directing Rutt/Etra Video Synthesizer three television programs far national PBS distribution on the Artpark Jazz 8 weeks beginning September 15, 1979, Saturdays 1-4 P.M. Festival in Lewiston, N.Y. Fee: $25.00 This workshop will introduce the fundamentals of voltage-controlled GARY HILL processes and their application in making videotapes through "hands-on" Electronic Tools For Video Art instruction in the use of the Rutt/Etra video synthesizer. Effects such as Intensive one-day workshop, November 10, 1979, raster manipulation, keys, wipes, dissolves, outlining, colorization, and Saturday 10-5 P.M. solarization wilt be covered, as well as procedures involved in interfacing the Fee: $10.00 Ruttl Etra to other voltage-controlled equipment such as the Aries audio The exhibition of Gary Hill's videotapes at Media Study/Buffalo lastJanuary synthesizer and Hern VideoLab Special Effects Generator, No background in created a strong following for his work among the community of Buffalo electronics is required as all necessary concepts involving modules and artists. This workshop will offer Buffalo videomakers the opportunity to circuitry will be taught. explore the application of electronic tools to art making activity and the Tom Moxon studied electronics, music and computer programming at process of developing concepts using audio/video generating and control Hauppauge High School, where he designed and built their electronic music devices. Emphasis will be placed on the Ruttl Etra Scan Processor and its and recording studio. Currently he is studying electronic arts at the Center for interface to external equipment. The workshop will include the showing and Media Study, and has been working with Jeffy Schier on the development of discussion of video tapes, demonstrations, and developing individual the "Image Emulsifier," a digital video processor. His main interest lies in the projects. Prior experience with the Rutt/Etra or the completion of Tom development of hardware and software systems for the composition and Moxon's workshop on the -Ruttl Etra Video Synthesizer" would be desirable performance of electronic images and sounds. for participants of this workshop . Gary Hill is founder and director of the Open Video Project in Barrytown, ROBERTA MAGES New York and has been working in video since 1973. He is a 1979 CAPS Advanced Photography Fellowship recipient in video; has been Artist-in-Residence at Portable 10 weeks beginning October 9, 1979, Tuesdays 7:30-10:30 P.M . Channel in Rochester, and recently received an Artist-in-Residence grant Fee: $50.00 from the Artist's TV Lab at WNET, Channel 13, in New York City. His A hands-on course in sophisticated use of the photographic medium. The videotapes have been shown at the Museum of Modern Art and Anthology workshop will cover special techniques in the production of the photographic Film Archives in New York City, The Everson Museum in Syracuse, the image with and without the use of the camera, Of particular importance in the Experimental Television Center in Binghamton, Woodstock Community course is the demonstration of different printing techniques such as Video, and several video festivals.
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