1 In 1 IFC Special IFC Special H • L iÜ LUX AALFREDT, NEW YORK , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 Phone 5402 Vol. 50, No. 10 Peter, Paul and Annual Bal I, Folksingers Will Highlight Weekend The six A.U. fraternities will hold their annual IFC Week- end next Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7 and 8. Highlight of the Weekend will be the appearance of Peter, Paul, and Mary which "follows the precedent set last year for the finest Imn up to date, top play at the Ball, Saturday night In level entertainment for this spe- the Men's Gym. cial weekend, contributing greatly Highlighting the Ball will be to -what we hot>e will be the best the crowning of the IFC Queen, who IFC Weekend yet," according to will be selected from the seven can- Otto Eleuteri, IFC publicity direc- didates chosen earlier by the Inter- tor. fraternity Council. (See pages 2, This new folk singing group will 3). appear at 2 p.m., Saturday after- Sigma Chi Nu will be represent, noon in Alumni Hall. ed by queen candidates Gail Greg- Ken Renick and his dance band, ory, Tickle Kelly, and Jan Zittel. featuring soloist Nancy Moore, will Nominees Ellen Meyer and Lucy Weichert are sisters of Theta Theta Chi. The other two candidates are freshmen Carrie Bennett and San- Calendar of Events dra McKearin. Friday, December 7 The jeweled crown will be placed Basketball (St. Lawrence) at on the queen at midnight by John Men's Gym Snrung, president bf IFC. The fraternities will have parties Fraternity Parties following game on both Friday and Saturday nights. This will be the first big Saturday, December 8 weekend for the newly tapped fra- 2:00—Peter, Paul and Mary in ternity pledges. Alumni Hall The Friday night parties will fol- 4:00—Fraternity Cocktail Parties low the Alfred.St. Lawrence bas- and Buffet3 ketball game in the Men's Gym. 9:00—IFC Ball, featuring Ken Ren- Saturday there will be cocktail par- ick and his Orchestra and Vocalist ties and buffet dinners following Nancy Moore at Men's Gym the concert and parties after the 12:00—Fraternity Parties Ball. Fraternity Pyramid Peter, Paul and Mary I Peter, Paul, and Mary, one of the Horn, and other night clubs present in a modern musical form hottest folk-singing groups around, throughout the nation. They have the feelings of many ethnic groups» will highlight the Interfraternity also made appearances on the "To- and do it with integrity." Weekend with a Saturday (Dec. 8) day Show" and "P.M. East." Unmarried afternoon concert in Alumni Hall Initial Repertoire Mary Travers was born in Lou- from 2 to 4 p.m. Their initial repertoire Of 18 isville, Kentcky, and Paul Stookey Tre trio recently turned out a numbers was worked up over a grew up in Birmingham, Michigan, smash hit recording of "The Ham- period of seven months. They were before they converged on Peter's mer Song," an old, traditional folk- arranged by Milton Okun, who native New York City. They are all song that was a standard in the formerly worked ^rith Harry Belar unmarried, and in their early twen- Limeliters' repertoire. They have fonte. ties. also made successful recordings of Peter, Paul, and Mary have been They are billed as having achiev- "The Lemon Tree" and "Five Hun- described as "a tall, silly blonde ed "a rare artistic empathy that dred Miles," and their Warner Bros, who believes in looking as good as results from their knowing them- long playing album, "Peter, Paul she sounds, and two young men selves, knowing their music, and and Mary." is on the best seller who know how to wear Brooks Bro- releasing the natural qualities of lists* thers suits with their beards and both, . uninhibited by gimmicks. Pyramiding their beer mugs, the six (fraternities that make Peter, Paul, and Mary Is compos- guitars." Whether the song requires the big, ed Cornell graduate Peter Yarrow, "We are a cosmopolitan group," driving rhythm of a spiritual or a up the Alfred University Interfraternity Council are repre- nearly six feet tall Mary Allin says the group's Peter Yarrow. "It structure as complex as a Bach sented by their official coats of arms on the mugs. From top, Travers, and one-time Greenwich would be dishonest for us to imitate fugue, one ringing voice, or the col- left to right, are the crests of Kappa Psi Upsilon, Tau Delta Village comic Paul Stookey. Togeth- the folk singing style of any par- oration of a choir, they have found Phi, Delta Sigma Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Klan Alpine, and er, they have appeared at the Blue ticular ethnic group. But our urban the resources for it without arti- Phi Epsilon Pi. Angel, the hungri "i", the Gate of background is an asset. We can ficiality or strain." PAGE TWO THE FIAT LUX, ALFRED, NEW YORK FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 Seven Coeds Compete Oarrie Bennett Red-haired Oarrie is a fresh- man ceramic designer from Johnson City, N.Y. Bine eyes and 5*2", Carrie likes tennis and swimming. Gail Gregory Gail hails from Port Alle- gany, Pa. A 57" blond with eyes of blue, Gail is a junior English major who enjoys chemistry, skiing, and swim^ ming. She is a sister of Sigma ChiNu. Carrie Bennett Gail Gregory « Tickie Kelly Sophomore Tickie is an Eng- lish major from Philadelphia. She has brown hair, brown eyes, and is 5'7". A sister of Sigma Chi Nu, Tickie teaches swimming and is president of her class. Sandra McKearin Sandy is a 5'7" freshman from East Long Meadow, Mass. A history major with brown hair and hazel eyes, Sandy's interests include chemistry and skiing. Tickie Kelly Sandra McKearin FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 THE FIAT ¿LUX} ALFRED, NEW YORK PAGE THREE For IFC Queen Honors Ellen Meyer Blue-eyer Ellen is a junior ceramic designer from New York City. Ellen stands 5'4" and has blond hair. Rush chair- man of Theta Theta Chi, Ellen enjoys tennis and painting. Lucille Weichert Lucille is a senior music ma- jor from Vermont. A sister of Theta Theta Chi, Lucille is 5' 4" with brown eyes and dark brown hair. Although she en- joys all sports, Lucille is es- pecially fond of skiing Ellen Meyer Lucille Weichert This Special Issue of the Fiat Lux was paid for by the INTERFRATERNITY r' Jan Zittel COUNCIL Jan, a sister of Sigma Chi Nu, is a senior nurse from Wil- Fiat Lux liamsville, N.Y. Jan is 5'3" and Published every Tuesday of Represented for national ad- has brown hair and blue eyes. the school year by a student vertising by National Adver- staff. Entered as second class tising Service, Inc., 420 Mad- Her hobbies include basket- matter Oct. 9, 1018, at the ison Avenue, New York City, ball and swimming. Post Office In Alfred, New New York. Subscription $0 York, under Act of March 8, yearly. 1879. Alfred University's Student Newspaper Alfred, New York, November 30, 1962 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF — RONALD BERGER MANAGING EDITOR — ROBERT JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITOR — RANDA BERG ASSISTANT TO TH«••••E EDITOR• — HARRIET FAIN Jan Zittel News Eidtor — Carol Jaeger Assodate News Editor — Rosemary Broccoli Copy Editor — Carol Neustadt Featare Editor — Lin Bessett Sports Editor — Joe Rotenberg Proof Editor — Carol Steinhäuser Photography Editor Carl Spoerer Business Manage• ••eor — Yvonno e Small Advertising Manager — Michael Nan Circulation Managers — Vicki Klein, Sue Martin PAGE POUF. THE FIAT LUX, ALPRED, NEW YORK FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 Ken Renick Band to Provide Music Ball Set for 9-12 Sat. Ken Renick and his or- chestra will provide dance music for the IFC Ball in the Men's Gym Satur- day night. Featured vocal- ist will be Nancy Moore. Prior to organizing his own orchestra, Ken Ren- ick was featured tenor saxophonist with many naflne bands, including Sammy Kaye, Dean Hud- son, Johnny Long, Herbie Kay, and others. Vocalist Nancy Moore comes from North Caro- lina. Before joining Ken Renick, she was featured with the Tommy Reynolds Orchestra.She also sang with the Les Brown Or- chestra on the Duke Uni- versity campus, where this band originated. Nancy Moore and Ken Renick team up vocally for several boy and girl numbers, which they do in the Louis Prima - Keely Smith manner. Nancy Moore The Interfraternity Council cordially extends an invitation to all fraternity men to attend IFC Weekend, a "must" occasion. .
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