MAY 24, 1989 She gives a gift of MOTHER her Sisters to Denver TERESA PAGES 3-7 Page 2 - M a y 24, 1989 - Denver Cathollc.Register An evening of friendship temple, both immediate !~ prio_r a nd immediate ly On Thursday ev<'n lng, May 18, I was privileged afterwards and the relat1onsh1p between a grow­ to j oin Rabbi Stanley Wagne r of the B.M.H Syn­ ARCHB!S OP'S ing Jewish prese nce in . the _Galile_e and the a~oguc for an evening of prayer and reflection. Christian presence at Antioch m Syria. Much of T he 1•vent was hosted by Msgr. William J ones and C LUMN the antagonism tht deve~oped be~ween these _two the paris hioners of t he Church of the _R_isen group s a nd their widenmg gap _m those ancie nt C' hris t. Many me mbers o f the s ynagogue Joined days are at the heart of our d_11Terenc~s tod~y. with Catholics from the parish for the service. In r ecalled " the spiritual bond linking the people of The whole Gospel of ~atthet 1s wre~thng with my column this week. I want to s hare with you t he New Coven ant with Abraham's stock." Ac­ the scribal interpretation: Who ':VIII be the the comments which I offer e d on that occasion . cordingly, the Co11ncil urged, fos tered and rec­ scribes to inte rpret this new revelation of J esus It is a joy and a priv1- ommended "mutual understanding and respect Christ?" We lost the scribes with whom they were lcge for me to be able to w hich is the fruit above all or dialogue and theo­ in contact up to that point. So up through tho participate this evening logical studies, and of broth erly dialogues (NA year 70 of the Christian <:ra, there s~emed to b e a in this meeting entitled 4)." close relationship, certainly at Antioch , betw~en Operation Friendship. In th e Book of Amos, chap,te r 3, verse 3, it is J ews and Christians. It was perhaps the high written "Do two walk togeth,er unless they have M.iy I express to you, 1 Chr istology of Chris tians and their at~itude ~o­ Robbi Wagner, and made a n appointme nt?" And, in t he Book of Sir­ ward t he Jerusalem temple, even pr10r to its throug h you to a ll o f t he ach, chapter 6, verse 17, it is written , ''.Who~ver destruction which contributed toward this gulf. members of the J ewish ever rears the Lord directs his frie nds hip aright, Accordingly, the destruction of t~e temple and community here in Den­ for a s he is, so is his neighbor also." For many the city of Jerusalem and t he growmg focus upon ver. sen timents or pro­ years now on the international, the national, and the Torah and synagogue as the focus of Jewish found esteem and resp ect local levels, the J ewish and Catholic peoples have identity coupled with the more conscious high for you and for the J ewis h been walking together, direding our frie ndships Chris toiogy among Chr istians, both Gentile people. And. may I ex­ a r ight. For we, as two p eople. fear the Lord. S~ch Christians and Jewish Christians, contributed to press to you, Msgr. Jones, dialogue is important, even essential, to ongoing the bitter and hostile rift that is evident both in my gratitude for making this encounter between arightness betwee n us. F or C hristians, dialo~e Jewish writings of the first century and also in us possible. helps us to be in touch with ,our very substant1ye Christian writings of the same period and be­ S ince this evening's meeting is centered on the Jewish identity that is s till p,resent in the Ch ris­ yond. the me of friends hip, I would like to s pend a few tian testament, if we have the eyes and ears to fn addition to dialogue, a second element of moments s peaking about the s piritual kinship see and hear them. For ex.ample, the ninth to our friendship is the witness we give to one between the J ewis h and tho Catholic peoples. Our eleventh chapters of t he Epistle to the Romans anothe r and to the world through joint commu­ Catho lic roots are Jewish . The first Eucharistic presents Paul wrestling with lhis relationship with nity action. Both nationally a nd locally, the Na­ prayer, the ancient Roman Canon, speaks of Ab­ the promises made by God to the Jewish people. tional Conference of Christians and Jews should raham as our father in faith. Jesus is of the These are issues and promises that are part of be held up as a p aradigmatic model for coopera­ Hou se of David, and he is in tho prophetic tradi­ our own faith experiences and must be reflected tion between us. United Way (which was founded tion of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel. It would be upon from a theological and philosophical p_oint here in Denve r) in addition a lso serves as a impossible for us to unde rstand ourse lves, our o f view. It is t h e teaching of the Second Vatican forum for joint community action. Every week in his tory or our identity as re ligious people outside Council that "the Jews still irem a i n most dear to the "Intermountain Jewish News" I read of of our Jewis h roots a nd heritage. Our God is the God b ecause of their fathers, for he does not projects by local Jewish leaders and communi­ one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. repent of the gifts he makes nor of the calls he ties, many of wh ich receive assistance from Therefore, w ithout the Book of Genesis a nd all of issu es." So the importance 01r being in touch with Christians. For example, on Tuesd ay, June 6, th e following b ooks of the H ebrew scriptures, we our Jewish roots and identity is very key. We are 1989, the ADL will be awarding its 1989 Distin­ would not be able even to begin to compreh end able to address this dialogue. Whether· we are guished Community Service Award to Msgr. C.B. Jesus, Paul or any of the b ooks authored by pre pared to address it more s piritually, however, "Woody" Woodrich. "Father Woody" is being Christians. We, too, hold as our highest law that is another matter. H owever , we will never be able recognized for " his friendship and service to our one must love God with all his h eart, with all his to discuss our Jewis h r oots from any p oint of view community." I know that "Father WoodY' is not soul, and with a ll his strength . Indeed, when the if we cannot do so in friendship. Second Vatican Council set upon its task to enter It is also important for us to be mindfu l of the Continued on page 10 more dee ply in to the mys tery of the church, it significance of the destruction of the J erusalem period of six years. Reverend Michael Pavlakovich appointed Parochial Reverend Monsignor William Jones appointed Pas­ Vicar at St. Thomas More Church in Englewood, tor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Denver, Colorado, Colorado, effective July 17, 1989, for a period of three Official effective July 17, 1989, for a period of six years. years. Reverend Leo Horrigan appotinted Pastor of Notre Reverend Monsignor J. Harley Schmitt granted re­ ARCHRISHOP'S OFFICE Dame Parish ,in Denver, Color:ado, effective July 17, tirement from Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Lake­ 200 Josephine Street 1989, for a period of six years. wood, and appointed Chaplain at Mullen Home for the Denver. CO 80206 Reverend Terrence Kissell appointed Pastor of St. Aged, effective July 17, 1989, and to continue in min­ OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS Catherine of Siena Parish in D,enver, Colorado, effec­ istry at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Very Reverend Raymond Jones, V.F., appointed tive J uly 17, 1989, for a period ohix years. Reverend Robert Durrie granted retirement from Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Denver, and Vicar Reverend Mart.in Lally appointed Pastor of Immac- St. Louis Parish in Englewood, Colorado, effective for Social Concerns, e fl"eclivc JuJy 17, 1989. 1.Llate Heart. of Mary Parish in Northglenn, Colorado, July 17, 1989. Very Reverend William Murphy, V.F., appointed effective July 17, 1989, for a per;iod of six years. Reverend George Kearney granted retirement from Rector at the Cathedral of the tmmaculate Concep­ Reverend Richard Ling apJpointed Pastor of SL Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Northglenn, tion, Denver. Colorado, errective July 17, 1989, for a Frances Cabrini Parish in Littleton, Colorado, effec­ Colorado, effective June 1, 1989. period of six years. tive July 17, 1989, ror a period of six years. Reverend Joseph M. O'Malley granted retirement n cvcrend Monsignor Michael Chamberl:11n ap­ Reverend Philip Meredith appointed Pastor of St. from Notre Dame Parish in Denver, Colorado, effec­ pointed Pastor of Mother of God Parish in Denver, Joseph Parish in Fort Collins, Colorado, effective July tive July 17, 1989. Colorado, errective July 17, 1989, for a period of six 17, 1989, for a period of si,c. years, and Spiritual Reverend Robert Fisher appointed in residence, years.
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