Names and Places Mentioned More Than Once on a Page Are Indexed Only Once

Names and Places Mentioned More Than Once on a Page Are Indexed Only Once

INDEX Names and Places mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Place-names are printed in italics. Arms and Crests described- ABBEY COURT, see Chester Delves, 62 Abney, Grimston, 55 Adam, Lord of Garston, 24, 29 Domville, 63 Adlington (Prestbury), 68 Done, 63 Downes, 63 Aigburth, 22, 23 Egerton, 60 Grange, 23, 25 England, 16 Stanlawe Grange, 21-29 English, 16 Alabaster-men, 87 Fetherston, 64 Alabasters, 85-88 Fitton, 77 Aldersey, arms, 61 Alexander, abbot of Cambuskenneth, FitzWalter, 15 France, 16 II Cleave, 65 Alien, Elizabeth, 79 Harrington, 13, 16 John, 79 Hawarden, 68 pedigree, 64 Helsby, 16 Allerton, 23 Henshaw, 64 Alstonefield (Staffs.), 91 Hesketh, 15, 16 Andrews, Samuel, 56 Higginson, 64 Antrobus (in Over Whitley), 77 Hockenhull, 65 Antrobus, Dr., 40 Hoghton, 15 Arderne, Sir John, 60 Holden, 16 arms, 60 Arms and Crests described Hutton, 65, 79 Johnson, 71 Aldersey, 6I King, 66 Arderne, 60 Land, 66 Ashton, 15, 16 Lathom, 16 Baguley, 69 Laund, de la, 66 Bamville, 61 Lawton, 66 Bludworth, 53 «. Leche, 69 Brereton, 75 Lee, 67 Bromley, 60 Legh, 67-69 Brooke, 61 Leigh, 67, 68 Bruen, 60 Levenshulme, 69 Bulkeley, 61 Leycester, 69 Bunbury, 61 Lymme, 63, 68 Capper, 62 Mainwaring, 69, 70 Chester, Earls of, 70 Mallory, 70 Chicheley, 68 Man, 16 Daniell (Danyers), 62 Massey, 15, 7° Davenport, 62 99 H2 100 Index Arms and Crests described Barnton (in Great Budworth), 73, 80 Maude, 16 Barrow, Thomas, 90 Merbrooke, 16 Bartlett, J. Adams, 38 Middleton, 13 Beamont, William, 83, 84 Millington, 71 Beattie, Frederick, 21 Minshull, 71 Beauclerk, Mary, 19 Molyneux, 16 Sydney, 19 Morley, 77 family, 8, 9 Newton, 73 Beaumaris, 61 Norris, 13, 16 Ben, Mary, 53 Norris of Ock wells, 16 Bennet, Anne, 82 Oldfield, 72 John, 82 Oulton, 72 Bentham (Yorks.), 64 Pennington, 72 Bickerton, 92 Finder, 72 Billinge, Lawrence, 92 Pownall, 73, So Bindloss, Francis, 19 n. Prenton, 65 Bird, Margaret, 79 Radcliffe, 15 Thomas, 79 Rode, 74 Birdholme (Yorks.), 54 Somerford, 71 Birkacre (Chorley), 51 Somerville, 67 Bishop Burton (Yorks.), 8 Sparke, 74 Blackley (Manchester), 82 Stanley, 16 Blackrod, manor, I Stanney, 61 BletMey (Bucks.), 83, 84 Steele, 74 Bludworth, Anne, 54 Street, 75, 81 Bartholomew, 54 Swettenham, 75 Charles, 54 Tabley, 62 James, 54 Tatton, 75 Joseph, 54 n, Taylor, 76, 82 Mary, 53, 54 Thornton, 15, 16 Thomas, 54 Urswick, 16 Sir Thomas, 53, 54 Venables, 76, 77 arms, 53 n. Warren, 16 Blundell, Jonathan, 40, 47 Wever, 67 Blundeville, Randle, Earl of Chester, Wilbraham, 77 59 Worrall, 78 Boats, , 40 Ashburner, Robert, 46 Bocher, Robert, 87 Ashrnole, Elias, Windsor Herald, 58 Bold, Sir Henry, i collection of Cheshire seals, Katherine, I 60-78 Bottin (Wilmslow), 78 Ashton, Sir Thomas, 16 Bolton, Edward, 57 arms, 15, 16 Bootle, 54 Aspinwall, Edward, go manor, 39 n. Astbury, 75 mills, 54 Aston (Frodsham), 22 Borrett, Miles, 48 Boswell, David, 12 Backford, 89 Bradwall (Sandbach), 72 Bacon, John, 47 Breda, Charles II. at, 53 Baguley, 69 Brereton, Anne, 76 Baguley, arms, 69 arms, 75 Bailey, Reginald Threlfall, M. R.C.S.: Bromley, Alice, 60 "A Stanley Coffer, 1678" Edward, 60 Balmuto (Scot.), 12 Hugh, 60 Bamville, arms, 61 arms, 60 Bank Hall (Kirkdale), 39, 39?;., 52, Brook, Ellen, 90 54, 56 Giles, 90 Barker, Sir Christopher, Garter, 78 John, 90 Barnbowe (Yorks.), 55 Margaret, 90 Index 101 Brook, Richard, 90 Chester (earldom), constable of, 22 Sarah, 90 arms, 70 Brooke, Sir Henry, 61 Cheswys, Richard, 92 arms, 61 Chichley, arms, 68 Brougham, Sam, 47 Child-wall, I, 2, n, 22 Browne, Mary, 52 bench end, 13 Mun, 52 churchwardens' accounts, 4 Brownell, , 40 memorial brass, 10 » Bruen, Jonathan, 60 Norris Chapel, 10, 19 n. arms, 60 Coddington, 70 Bruen Stapleford, 60 Coffers, 30 Budworth, Little, 92 " Collar of SS," 90 Bulkeley (Buckeleye), Ellen, 2, 18 Combermere : abbots Christopher Sir Richard, 61 Walley, 91 Robert, 61 John Massey, 91 Rowland, 2, 18 Communion cup, 4, 5 arms, 61 Cook, Robert, Clarenceux, 75 , Bullock, , 9 Coole (Acton), 73 Bunbury, 61 Coore, , 74 the Register Book, 92 Coppenhall, 74 vicar, 92, 93 Cotgrave, Alice, 82 Bunbury, Henry, 61 Rice (?), 82 arms, 61 Cotton, 17 Burton-on-Trent, abbey, 87, 88 Craven, Charles, 45, 48 Cross, , 40 CAT.KYN, Rev. Robert, 93 Crosse, John, 90 Calveley, Sir George, 73 William, 90 Cambuskenneth, abbot Alexander, II Cyveliok, Amicia, daughter of Earl commendator, 11 Hugh, 69 Campbell, Rev. Edward, 10 Capgrave, John, quoted, 87 DALTON, Lawrence, Norroy King of Capper, Robert, 60, 62 Arms, 76 arms, 62 "Dame Mary Moore." By W. " Carls," 91 Fergusson Irvine, M.A., F.S.A., Castlettnvn, (I. of Man), 33 52 Chadwick, , plan o^ Liverpool, 51 Daniell, Thomas, 62 John, 51 arms, 62 Chettastan (Derbyshire), 85 Danyers, arms, 62 Cheshire : armorial seals, 60-78 Darnhall (near Over), 67 heralds' visitations, 1613, 60 «. Davenport, 62 , 1663, 58, 59 Davenport, John, 62 knights of the shire, 61, 69 arms, 62 sheriffs, 60, 62, 66, 67, 69, 75-77 Delves, Sir Thomas, 62 Chester (city), I, 2, 18, 61, 62, 65, arms, 62 66, 72, 74-77, 79, 81, 82, 91 Derby, Earls of, 17, 33, 39 Abbey Court, 71 Derby, West, see West Derby churches Trinity, 74 Dethick, Sir Gilbert, Garter, 75 St. Bridget's, 64, 75, 81 Dickanson, , 56 St. John's, 61, 64, 72, 74 Dodington, 62 St. Oswald's, 65 Domville, Richard Maria, 63 St. Peter's, 62, 76 arms, 63 collector of customs, 72 Done, Edward, 63 mayor, 71, 72, 75 Ralph, 63 Northgate Street, 64 William, 63 seals, 59 arms, 63 serjeanty of Bridge Gate, 19 Dorfold (in Acton), 7.7 sheriff, 62, 65, 71, 72, 75 Downes, Edward, 63 siege, 75 arms, 63 Chester (earldom), earls, 59, 69, 70 Duddon (Ches.), 63 IO2 Index Dugdale, Sir William, Norroy King of Gawsworth, 64 Arms, 58, 59, 61, 65, 67, 70, 73, 77 Gelybrond, Charles, 89 Dutton, Bridget, 92 Ellen, 89 George, ship, of Dartmouth, 85 EARLE, William, 40 Gildart, James, 40 East Hall (in High Legh), 67 Gladstone, Robert, 94 "Eaton, Cheshire, and Eaton, Glass, heraldic, 15 Bucks." By R. Stewart-Brown, Gleave, arms, 65 M.A., F.S.A., 83 Glover, Robert, Somerset Herald, 67 Eaton (Tarporley), 83 Golightly, Richard, 37, 40 Eaton, Water ( Bucks.), 84 Goore, , 40 Eccleston, Ellen, 90 Grantham, James, 80 . Richard, 90 Mary, 80 Edinburgh, 10, II Greenwich, 91 books from the sack, 11 Gresford, 86 Egerton, , 92 Grey, Sir Henry de, 83, 84 Alice, 60 Sir Reginald de, 84 William, 60 Griffiths, Robert, 21, 29 arms, 60 " Gwyddon," 12 Enfield, , quoted, 9 England, arms, 16 HALLIDAY, Samuel, 37 ». English, arms, 16 Halsatt, 90 Entwisle, Bertie, 56 Halton (Ches.), 66 Erneys family, I, 10 Barons of, 22 Alice, I Hampton (Ches.), 60 Hand, Chas. R. : " Stanlawe Grange Farnworth (Bolton), 65 at Aigburth," 21 Fazakerley, 91 Hanson Grange (near Ashbourne), Ficamp, abbot of, 85 54 Fenny Stratford (Bucks.), 83, 84 Harcourt, Mary, 80 Fenwick, Dorothy, 52, 57 Harden (in Bredbury), 60 Sir William, 57 Harebron, John, 89 family, 52 Harrington, Anne, 17 Fetherston, Rev. Alexander, 64 Clemence, I, 10, 16 Rev. Christopher, 64 Isabel, 16 arms, 64 Sir James, I, 10, 16-18 Finch, Lady, 56 Percival, 17 " Fish-weel," 76, 77 arms, 13, 16 Fitton, arms, 77 Harrison, , 56 FitzWalter, John Radcliffe, Lord, 17 Hawarden, 81 arms, 15 Hawarden, Agnes de, 68 Flanders, 14 William de, 68 Flaxyards (in Tarporley), 63 arms, 68 Flodden, battle, I, 9, 10, 17 Hebson, William, 56, 57 Flower, William, Norroy King of Helsby, arms, 16 Arms, 72, 75 Henshaw (in Siddington), 64 Formby, I Henshaw, Thomas, 64 Foster (Jos.), Pedigrees of Lanes. arms, 64 Families, quoted, 31 Hertford, Earl of: his expedition France, arms, 16 into Scotland, 10, II Hesketh, Robert, 40 " GANACHE," 86 n. arms, 15, 16 Garston, 22, 23, 89 Hewit, Elizabeth, So church, 23, 23 n. Richard, So cross, 24, 25 Higginson, Thomas, 60, 64 mills, 23, 24 arms, 64 Garston, Adam of, 24, 29 High Legh, 67 John, 89 Hinchliffe, Henry John, quoted, 8 Gascoigne, Thomas, 55, 56, 57 Hockenhull, Richard, 65 Index 103 Hockenhull, arms, 65 Lathom, Isabel de, 31 Hodgkinson, Thomas, 55, 56 Sir Thomas de, 31 Hoghton, arms, 15 arms, 16 H olden, arms, 16 Lathum, Robert, 89 Holme, Edmond, 5 Lauderdale, Duke of, 59 Randle, 64 Laund, de la, arms, 66 Holyrood, palace, 9, 10 Lawton (Ches.), 66 panels, 9, 12, 14 Lawton, Daniel, 56 . Hooton, 17 William, 66 Houghton, , 40 arms, 66' Hulton, Alexander, 79 Leatherhead, 54 Anne, 79 Leche, arms, 69 Christian, 79 Ledson, Jane, 81 Dorothy, 79 Lee, Thomas, 67 Edward, 65, 79 arms, 67 Elizabeth, 79 Leftwich, 80 George, 79 Legend of Stanley crest, 31 Gerard, 79 Legh, Agnes de, 68 Jane, 79 Edward, 69 John, 60, 65, 79 Henry, 67 Margaret, 79 Richard, 68 Thomas, 66 arms, 67-69 family, 65 Leigh, John, 68 arms, 65, 79 Peter, 67 Hulton Park (near Bolton), 65 arms, 67, 68 Hunter, Jonathan, 57 Leighton (Nantwich), 74 Huyton, 17 Levenshulme, arms, 69 Leycester, George, 69 Idenshaw (near Chester), 72 Sir Peter, 69 " Impressions of Armorial Seals of arms, 69 Cheshire Gentry, made by Elias Lichfield, prebendary, 64 Ashmole in 1663." By J. Paul Linacre, manor, 39 ». Rylands, F.S.A.,'58 Littler, Elizabeth, 80 Ireland, Lawrence, 23 Liverpool, 9, 44, 46, 54* 90 Bucks' view, 51 n. JACKSON, Susanna, 82 Castle Street Mill, 54 Thomas, 82 Church Street, 90 Jeffreys, Ann, 54 Cross, 90 Sir George, 54 Dale Street, 90 John, constable of Chester, 22 Early Plans, 51 John, King, I ferryman, 89 Johnson, arms, 71 mayor, 89 new interpretation of the name, KALEY, Dorothy, 79 89 Thomas, 79 Old Hall, 39 n.

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