OID‰‹‰†‰KOID‰‹‰†‰OID‰‹‰†‰MOID‰‹‰†‰C New Delhi, Saturday,September 13, 2003www.timesofindia.com Capital 38 pages* Invitation Price Rs. 1.50 International India Sport French politicians suffer Mulayam shifts Pakistan canter from anti-US neurosis, gear, puts new ally to victory in says Jack Straw Sonia on hold 2nd One-dayer Page 13 Page 9 Page 19 WIN WITH THE TIMES Established 1838 Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd. Freedom is when the people SC has ‘no faith’ in Gujarat Govt can speak, democracy is when the government By Rakesh Bhatnagar What else is ‘raj dharma’? You ment’s appeal before the high not be silent spectators. We do listens. TIMES NEWS NETWORK quit if you cannot prosecute court in the Bakery case and not have any trust left in your the guilty,’’ Chief Justice V N doubted the government’s in- prosecution agency. There ap- Surely not Best — Alastair Farrugia New Delhi: Short of suggesting Khare said. tentions on punishing the pears to be some collusion be- I have no faith left in the dismissal of the Narendra The state government’s coun- guilty, observing that ‘‘it tween the government and the NEWS DIGEST Modi government in Gujarat for sel and additional solicitor-gen- should quit if it cannot punish prosecution. It is a case where the prosecution and its failure to get the accused in- 14 persons were burnt alive and CII counters EU: The Confedera- eral Mukul Rohatgi said it was the rioters’’. the Gujarat government. I volved in murders and rioting no longer the system that a CM The court took a serious view is this the way prosecution is tion of Indian Industry countered a punished, the Supreme Court am not saying Article 356. EU document which claimed its sup- depended on the mercy of oth- of the grounds of appeal and or- conducted?’’ You have to protect people port for launching negotiations on said on Friday the ‘‘government ers as ‘‘he is elected democrati- dered that the chief secretary Rohatgi pleaded with the trade and investment issues and should quit if it cannot punish cally’’. However, the CJI re- and director-general of police court not to have an impression and punish the guilty. What claimed that the document had rioters’’. marked: ‘‘Democracy does not be present in the court on Sep- of collusion between the gov- else is raj dharma? You quit quoted it selectively. P15 Taking the government to mean you will not prosecute tember 19 to answer as to ‘‘who ernment and the prosecution. if you cannot task for its apathy towards riot anyone.’’ has drafted such an appeal’’. He said that the apex court Sanctions on Libya lifted: The victims —particularly in the should await the outcome of the prosecute the guilty. United Nations Security Council lift- The Bench comprising the The CJI said: ‘‘Is this an ap- Best Bakery case where all 21 CJI and Justices Brijesh Kumar peal? You do not take any plea appeal before the HC. ed the 11-year-old sanctions against VN Khare Libya paving the way for families of accused were acquitted for want and S B Sinha was hearing peti- and it is for the courts to do The Bench said: ‘‘What im- Zahira Shaikh, the main witness Chief Justice of India the victims of the Lockerbie bomb- of evidence of burning alive 14 tions filed by the National Hu- everything. Even a counsel with pression will one get if one ing to get the first instalment of four persons in 2002 — the court man Rights Commission one year’s experience will not looks into the appeal? The way BJP chief Venkaiah Naidu Cong spokesman Jaipal Reddy million dollars as compensation. questioned its ‘‘raj dharma’’. (NHRC) and a key witness in the draft such an appeal. I know you have conducted the prose- ‘‘I have no faith left in the Bakery case, Zahira Sheikh, there are several eminent cution before the trial court and ‘‘There is no need for Modi to ‘‘The court’s observations are Security review: Army chief Gen- prosecution and the Gujarat seeking reinvestigation and re- lawyers in Gujarat. It appears to the way you have filed the ap- resign... There is no embar- unprecedented. The Union eral N C Vij gave a presentation on government. I am not saying peal, it appears you will repeat rassment at all. The SC has security aspects during a two-hour trial of the case outside Gu- us that it is an eyewash. It is just government cannot remain a Article 356 (President’s rule) be jarat. an eyewash and nothing else.’’ the same before the HC.’’ made some observations and mute spectator. Something Cabinet Committee on Security Modi stunned into silence: P6 (CCS) meeting in New Delhi on Fri- imposed. You have to protect The court also termed as Warning the state govern- we will have to examine it.’’ drastic needs to be done.’’ day. The US request for troops to people and punish the guilty. ‘‘eyewash’’ the state govern- ment, the Bench said: ‘‘We will Dubyaman on page 12 Iraq also figured in the meeting. P6 AFP Ayodhya campaign: A meeting of the RSS and the VHP leadership on Friday cleared a proposed mass Waiting at airports Taj toll: Environment campaign by the VHP for the temple in Ayodhya. P8 New Jaish commander: Jaish- secretary removed e-Mohammad leader Maulana Azhar to be world-class Masood has appointed his first TIMES NEWS NETWORK cousin, Maulana Sehrai Baba, a By Byas Anand A day after the privatisation preacher at a mosque in PoK as the TIMES NEWS NETWORK plan was approved by the Union New Delhi: Union environment secretary K C cabinet, the civil aviation min- Misra, whose name has come up in the contro- new chief commander for J&K. New Delhi: An 18-hole golf istry has set up an empowered versial Taj heritage corridor case, was removed course, new recreation spots and Monsoon withdrawal: Despite committee to oversee the airport from his post on Friday. changing rain patterns, the indica- super-speciality hospitals. These rebuilding exercise. He has been put on ‘‘compulsory wait’’. In oth- tion so far is that the monsoon, are among the government’s Over the next month, the min- er words, he has not been posted anywhere else. which arrived a little late, may also plans for the new privatised air- No successor has been named; the seniormost leave late with the withdrawal pro- istry will invite expression of in- ports being proposed in Delhi man in the ministry is special secretary cess beginning mid-September. P6 and Mumbai. terest (EoI) from private develop- ers from across the globe. ‘‘Their Navin Chawla. Chand in Ahmedabad: Chand ‘‘Passengers can look forward Misra, whose stint in the ministry had been to ultra-modern airports in both bids will be shortlisted and in Khan, the prime accused in the Ak- four months, we intend to invite uneventful till the Taj scandal broke, is alleged to shardham attack case, was brought Delhi and Mumbai, with facili- final proposals from the short- have tampered with files to cover up his own to Ahmedabad from Jammu and ties matching the best in the omissions. Rumours of his transfer have been do- Kashmir on a five-day transit re- world. Our intention is to create listed parties. The bid selection exercise is also expected to be ing the rounds for over a week. Reports Friday mand by the Ahmedabad crime facilities that make the entire ex- morning that forensic experts had confirmed branch on Friday. perience of travel and long waits completed within four months and within a year thereafter, we fudging in the file by Misra and UP’s former en- at airports a pleasure,’’ senior of- vironment minister reportedly sealed the issue. ficials at the civil aviation min- expect to have the new airports in place,’’ civil aviation secretary Misra, a 1967-batch IAS officer of the Andhra istry told this reporter. cadre, was not available for comment. Earlier, K Roy Paul said. Towards this end, the ministry too, he had refused to comment, saying the case But the ministry does not in- has decided to give the private is before the Supreme Court. tend to hold any roadshows this developer the freedom to under- On Friday, the order from the appointments time round. The two internation- take related non-aeronautical ac- committee of the cabinet relieved Misra of his al airports, though shabby by indiatimes.com POLL tivities to generate revenue. charge as secretary in the ministry of environ- world standards, are the coun- ‘‘This will serve a dual pur- ment and placed him on compulsory wait, with Do you agree with the government try’s busiest and most profitable assertion that homosexuality is a crime? pose. Besides providing some en- immediate effect, till further orders. tertainment to travellers, it with traffic growing at 5-5.5 per The decision came a day after the CBI gave a re- Yes 64% No 36% would help augment the ven- cent a year. Service and quality port to the Supreme Court on the controversial ture’s revenue. With these recre- standards will be set by the AAI, project and those allegedly involved. According VOTE NOW: Is the current Challenger ational facilities alone, we expect while owners will be required to series helping in grooming new to reports, Misra over-ruled objections on cricketing talents? a 20 per cent jump in earnings,’’ submit master plans, along with violations in the project. Vote on indiatimes.com or SMS ‘Poll’ to 8888 the officials said.
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