MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1926. THE SIOUX CITY JOURNAL Ntttt Alexander Gets Even in First Game of Twin Bill STANDINGS Boxing in France —By Ripley CALLOW PUTS ON DOWNS FORMER DETROIT WINS DOG IN WAKE OF HITTING HONORS OF THE CHEW SUCCESSES MATES, 3 TO 2 CLUBS 7TH IN A ROW TO CINCINNATI American League. *Blake Alloy* Cards One Score Three in Eighth Reds Lead Both Major rhiear lo Beal Cleveland Leagues in Swat Hit as Cubs Capture Hi-It..it Thilri'l phla .is .1.1 .:,!.', by 5-4 Score. Department. , ' Afterpiece, 5-0. National w. T. rvt. Wlrolt. .limp ?7.—f.T)— Scoring three New York. .Tune 25.—Jack Hen-' Pt. Louis, Juno 27.—Chicago and St. t:~ "I- ?^ ..'.fir runs in tho eighth, aflrr trailing since drlck's cluh amassed tho greatest Louis *pllt. a double bill here tndny. "'I Hie thirrl inning, Pclroit defeated number of hits for both big league the Cardinals winning tho first game. 33 31 /,24 llo American Association. Cleveland. ."> lo 1. trxlny lo register circuits—87, In winning five of saven 3 to 2, and tho Cuba the second. 5 to <V w. T,. p<-t TV i, Its s'evrnth consecutive victory. Prop- contests. Cincinnati wfts also ftt tho Orover Cleveland Alexander, recently I.'Mlir.vnl'- 4514 .«•.; <=t. l,OMl« (t MTwaukrn 4: :i .MJ erly Inserted singles by Noun, RUSTY"CAtlOW,THE top In both batting and fielding de- released by the Cub?, held his former Indlnnapolls 42 :5 .rw O'Rourke- and Warner, 'together with WASHINGTON COACH partments for the season. According teammates to four hits In tho opener. Kansan C'lly 40 :O ,r.r? lutnhu^ PICKED 81 BUT-TODAY! \Vcstern league. two bases on Kill?, were Sherrod BEFORE HE WON IN ZJ to the Intest team records, the Reds Thn locals were helpless before th«? w. i,. rvt LEON SEE AS WE NEXT CHAMPION OF .Smith's undoing In tl\.it final Tigrr had R batting percentage of .28* and pitching of Blako In the second, pet- Okla. 4: .".0 .5<:. Tul'a Dm > 41 -S ,r,14 Omaha. THE. WORLD (imp nl bat. a fielding mark of .072. tit T but one hit. St. J Tho close of the week found the A record crowd of 37.000 persona at- Note his CUff T,cc, flcvrland catcher, was tended the games. Scores: spiked when Manush siiil home with Pittsburgh threat to the peak posi- FlrM Onme— SUNDAY'S HKSl'l/rS. the winning run. nnrl bar! to bo car- tion temporarily sidetracked, as the CHICAGO Corsairs wero compelled to yield the Ah H To A Ab H To American IJP»C"P. ried from the field. Score; A<1«m*,!h 4 1 S 3 TOddw.lf 4 I - 1 runnerup place to tho Cardinals. • ITi-athcote.rf 3010 Donthlt.rf 400 New York, 7; Bfistnn. I. Cl.BVni.ANI> IJBTIl' !!' Hnrnpby.Sb 3137 Ab II Po A Ab H I Frelcan 3b 4010 Detroit, S; Cleveland. 4. :• 10 o Cincinnati look toll of Leo ^teadows' TVIljnn.cf 4010 Boltnmley.lb S ; ]1 0 Klchrnill.-f untarnished pitching slate for tho Pteph'Fon.lf 4120 So'wnrlh.rt a 1 1 0 Washington. 6: Philadelphia, r. Jamlenon.lf " ^ " Orlmm.lb 4 2 10 2 Chicago, 6; Kt. I/ouis, 3. Spurcrnn,"!) 5t.inti5li.rr i 1922 1923 1924 J925 1926 year by landing on the Buccanncer Speaker,rf •: .1 d.hb.lf 0 0 Cooney. •• 4044 (TFurrelt.e 3 i) r, i) : o twirlcr for n fl to 1 triumph. Meadows Hartnett.c 4073 Thevenow.M 4 3 0 S National I/eaRiir. i Kuril- Ih 011 KnlheiRlll.lf NAVY WASH. WASH. NAVY O Ofborn.p 3013 Alexanders 4001 Onrlnnntl. 10: Pittsburgh 0. Sm'ell.nM Warin-r.Sh 4 2 hiitl won eight games. nniinn.rf I 0 U 0 Tavener.ns 4 1 WASH. NAVY NAVY WASH. J Dodgers in First Division. Totaln Jl Totals 34 !> SO IS . Philadelphia, 2; Brooklyn, 1. .ee.o a n I o \V onrt all. e 3 0 i St. Ijouls. 3. (1; Cliicngii,'2, 5. Msalt..- \VUHetiHl.p •~T^vn out when winning run scored. I.ut7.l<e.:,h i 1 IIUUHI-.P o : Brooklyn became, intrenched in tho F.rror—Frelpau. < American Association. rnlth.p 1 o HrillnnflV.n o o By Al Dcmtircp. flr.'it division by tying the Reds in Hforp by InnlnRs: ^ ^ MeNully Helworlii o o games won and lost when tho Cubs C At. St. Paul — n II I i 0 0 (Kormer Pllrhnr New York (.Unfits.) et. I,OUIB"!!!'.'.'.'.'..0 o o o i o o i o 1—5 Milwaukee ................... fl II Nrtin were sharing the fifth rung with the Tu-o-bapq lilt—Thovenow. 71om« runs— "Iliisly," Callow, conch, of the. Univer- Fouthworth. Orlrnm. Sflrrlflees—Alexander. St. atil ....................... 3 13 Tnl«l« _ _Tnl«tj sity of Washington Huskies' crow, which Giants. A new acquisition to. the . Bell.-Dnuhlo play—Osborn to Cooney •- Eddelman. Danforth, Coggin and M ".Mr'Nuity "bm'tr.l - " r.ntik'e in ninth. Is a favorite III the Poughhcppgle re- Robins lineup was Inflelder Sammy Orlmm. LfTt on bason—ChlrtiEO,, St. Mencmy; Kolp, Plpgras and Iloff inmle bjtt I fo lilt In ninth. Htl- BHttn, today, .Is Ilia "Uciiu Brnmmel" of Bonne, of Rcdlnml. Bohnc's real name T.ouln. 14, Baspn on halln—OfC Onborli;. 10; ^> •orlh bntterl for Whllehlll In thlnl. Neun tl\n rowing catnp.N. off Alexnnrlcr, 1. Struck out—By Oshorn, f. In clphth. \Vlien Callow first went cast, three Is Cohen. f: by Alcxnnrlor. 5. Umpire"—Qulglny, v At Toledo U II r ... nre bv Inning*. yearn ago lie was a marked man with Boston Braves were tossed about Jlornn nnd Rcardon. Time—1:48. Tnrttanapolls fi IL' 'levrttinil . 0 0 3 0 I 0 ft 0 0 — 1 hla old ''MIraw hut. Moiled shirt with [iMrolt I "'" n " I ° ^ " —r' unceremoniously with seven revenses Karnnrl Gntno— Toledo 3 10 :. Two-has* bits—Spurceon. nlni>. Tbree- sleeves rnllotl up and troitHors which had CHICAGO ST. 1X5UIS Henry and Alnsmlth; Hyan. MrCul l)H«e hit—Sewell. Hlol'-n bape—Sowell. Sar- once been whito. In eight starts and were obliged to re- Ab H Po A Ah H To A lough, proffer and I levins,-. rlfire- Klehroill. Double phi y»— Se« i-ll to Hut he ban thrown away the old togs treat Into the cellar, while, the. .Phillies , Blad"».lf 3000 nurnfi: HlilHil to SpurReon lo rtunin: Ke- and set tho .style for the rowing colony emerged from the pit jnto seventh Healhcoto.rf 4 1 1 Dotithll.ef 3 0 4 ,1 Second-Game— K ME ^ II t" Spui-Reon lo nurns; 'I'nvener lo wllh his linen knickers, flashy golf Fr»!Rau.3b 300 ItornHby.lb 4 0 I S Indianapolis .'. r, II ;: SLF O'nnurUe lo nine. Left on baBeii - t'Meve- fior-ks, nicely tnilnre.d coal, neat bat tlo place. , Wilson.rf 4 0 .1. Tiotlomley.lb 2 0 S3 0 Toledo o i:; o Ijintl rt Detroit. S. H.ipen on balls—(.Iff and cap nf the. sort sold by tho correct Detroit turned In tho best perform- Strph'snn.lC 4130 So'wortli.rt 4 1 ! 0 THE LEADING FIGURE WhliiMilll. 1: off Pauss. 1: off Smith. '.'. CfitnhllHlinieiHs. Grimm,Ib 4170 l^.TIoll.31) Hill. Nlles and Hartley; McNamara Ftrm-l! out — fly Ilmmii. r,: by llolloway. I. Perhiips Callow has had suppressed unco for tho week In the American Coonf:y,R8 4312 Warwick,c 3" 141 and Urban: IN TRENCH BOXING Hits—Off \\'hltebUI. r, In :i Innlncn; off desire;! nil Ills llfn In "put on dog," with five victories and no setbacks, Gnnzalna.c 4 1 10 1 ThPvrnow.SB 3 01 3 PHIISS. < In 6 InnlnRn: off Hnllitway, 1 In 0 0 1 but. wan waiting for his hour of triumph thereby rising from the second divi- Blako.p 3001 ll.noll.p 1 At Kansas City— n II [•" 1 tnnlnf,*. \VtnnliiB pltrber—IHin.sB. t in- hr-fnre KCttitiR In his 1)11 of 'lliciUor." Rplnhart.p 1 000 plres—Dlneen nnrl Nallln. Time— 1:M. Clover Klralepy by the. Navy crew sion to tic the Athletics for third Johnson,p 0 0 0 Minneapolis fi 12 3 place. Toporcer 1 0 0 Knnsas City 7 fl i shunted Callow's right th socoml place. CIIISOX HBAT BEAT BROWNS. in last year's race. It, wits a sudden Trls Speaker's Indians continued 2» 1 27J4 Benton. Mlddleton ;ind Gowdy; Meinc FP.AKCIS CHARLES spurt of the Hallnrp, an unexpected and Tola In 34 7 !7 S Totals and Shlnault. Chicago, .lime 27.—(^Tt—Chicago during at the three-mile mark that their erratic course, climbing into sec- "Toporne~battert for Relnhart In elshlh. THE BEST FIGHTER. IN FRANCE. won tho moo Tor Ihcm. They Jumped Into ond place early In tho week only to Krror.o—Adams, Cooney, Douthlt. II. Second Game— R II 1C PARIS bunched hits off C. Falk and Van- n. Inail uf a length and a quarter be- drop back lo fifth in the standing at Bell. Hornsby (3). ' . » Minneapolis F, n 14 fore Washington realized what wns up, ! Score by Innlnga: By Robert 1^. Kippley. ini:lnrling tlie prtnre of ^'ftlc lie plifiic powers. gilder and defeated SI. Louis, 0 to 3, to- tho conclusion. Onlf-ago .00021" Kansas City 12 14 I) l.affl- a m:irRln which saved the day for the s<iuandereil his purses living the pace.
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