H The Courier-Gazette e Entered u Second Clue Mall Mattel Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 463 Main SL Rockland, Maine, Saturday, May 13, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 94 Number 57. The Courier-Gazette More Quinine Needed Going To France Inaugurated Soon [EDITORIAL] THREK-TIMES-A-WEEK Meet Your Minister DEWEY’S LEAD INCREASES “The Black Cat” Or the MoneyW ith Which Edwin R. Edwards, Jr., of Trans-Atlantic Mail Service Editor District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey of New York con­ WM. O. FULLER Rockland Wins An Im­ — How To Obtain First Associate Editor To Buy It — Dr. Jame­ tinues to top the list of Presidentian favorites in the Repub­ FRANK A WIN8LOW son’s Appeal portant Scholarship Flight Covers lican party, according to the latest report made by the Institute Subzcrlptlonz $3 CO ner year payable Trans Atlantic Air Mail Service of Public Opinion. Not only that, but the percentage of la advance; single copies three cents. Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— In a recent issue of this paper Republicans endorsing him has risen from 50 to 54 percent, Advertising rates based upon circula­ brief announcement was made of will be inaugurated In the very near tion aud very reasonable. In the present phase of Japan’s future. The first flight will be from his next nearest rival being Senator Taft of Ohio who had 15 NEWSPAPER HISTORY the scholarship won by Edwin R percent. Senator Vandenberg of Michigan runs closely to The Rockland Oazette was estab­ undeclared war on China, mosqui­ Edwards, Jr., who is a member of New York via Horta, Azores, and lished In 184S In 1874 the Courier was Lisbon, Portugal, to Marseille. Taft, but after voting for those three the other candidates who • stabllshed and couaolldated with the toes are potentially as dangerous to this year’s graduating class at Bates Oazette In 1882 The Free Press was France, and return same route. have been mentioned received only a scattering vote. Yet so e-rabllshed In 1833 and In 1891 changed China's cause as bombs and ma- I College. Since then more detailed strangely does the wheel of fortune turn in political affairs It* name to the Tr'bune These papers information has been received con­ Persons desiring first flight covers couaolldated March 17. 1(97. chine-gun bullets. Malaria epi­ that the candidate finally chosen may be somebody who Is cerning this outstanding award re­ on this trip may address these cov­ ■ , a. ■ i . ......—: demics threaten death and demor­ now credited with a single vote, or for that matter one who cently made by President Clifton D ers to themselves or other persons R 8» in the United States or elsewhere. does not even appear in the list. Regardless of percentage alization, and the fight is on to stop Gray. Mr. Edwards will be sent to — Candor Is the brightest gem ♦ expressed It is a dependable and formidable list of prospects. By The Roving Reporter them. Quinine Is needed—millions After the flight covers will be de­ oi criticism -D israeli livered to the addresses In the or­ - of tablets of quinine—not merely 0----------0-----------0 M dinary mails. Covers for the East- to save China, but to save countless One of the most commonly mis­ bound trip may be sent to Postmas­ COMFORT IN THE BIBLE spelled words ls •‘accommodate.” human beings from inexpressible ter, New York city, with a request Comparatively few persons spell It To Replace Church misery and suffering. to be held for this flight. U. S. The annual report of the American Bible Society, whose with more than one "m." My room­ May I please have space, there­ stamps must be attached; the rate sole purpose is to make the Bible available to all men of all mate John M. Richardson has an New Monument To Fathers fore. to tell those of your readers is 30 cents per one-half ounce. nations, however little they may have with which to purchase Interesting recollection on that and Mothers Must Be who would like to help that a little For the accommodation of collec­ It. offers encouragement at a time when all nations are so sadly rt_ subject. Reared On The Ridge More than a pastor is Rev. H. F. help given is tremendous help re-I tors desiring to secure first flight lacking In optimism. Wherever this great Book has been seri­ lluse. He is an indispensable in­ ceived? A person suffering from I covers to be dispatched from foreign ously read human freedom has flourished and democratic Martinsville. May 12 malignant malaria can be cured institutions have been born. Even in the face of the dictator's "Runaway horse hits a truck." stitution at North Havn. offices on the Westbound trip, Pan reads a newspaper headline. In Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— with one dollar's worth of quinine. edict the Bible out-sold Mein Kampf in Germany last year by American Airways, Inc. 135 E 42d Rockland? Mercy, no, It happened We would like to announce Nearly 12 years have passed An average-size family can be pro­ 200,000 copies. Latin America for whose trade and frieqdshtp street New York city, has offered In New York City which ls appar­ through your columns that on May since Rev. Henry F. Huse became tected against the disease for five to accept consignments of covers dictators are strenuously bidding has a hunger for the Scrip­ dollars. A small village can be Im­ tures that is apparently insatiable. China with all her ently still rural. 19 at 7.30 p. m. In the Orange hall pastor of the North Haven Baptist with remittances In money order, munized for twenty-five dollars. appalling needs bought more complete Bibles from the Society there is to be a parish meeting to and purchase and attach the neces­ “A Jay See" hands me a flyer Church. The Church membership The Medical Relief Commission than ever in her history. Japan likewise increased her pur­ see what action may be taken to re­ sary French and Portuguese stamps advertising a Grand Army fair has increased, and by his generosity of the Chinese Red Cross has sent chases by about 10 percent over the year before. The total place the Old Church on the Ridge. and post the covers at the appro­ which was to be held by Ed­ and influence has made that com­ 1 its official representative in the number of tongues In which some part of the Scriptures have It Is a great loss, nnd we feel it priate foreign office, with a small win Libby Post. The opera “A munity a better place in which to United States—the American Bu­ been translated is 1021. It is now conservatively estimated keenly. It was a monument to our charge to cover handling costs. Dress Rehearsal’ was billed for the live. reau for Medical Aid to China, Inc. dear fathers and mothers and a The total charges for the respec­ that nine-tenths of the people of the world might hear some first night, and in the cast were Mr. Huse was born In Jamaica —urgent appeals for 8.000000 qui­ beacon light to the younfe as well tive covers are Azores to Marseille, substantial part cf the Scriptures read in their native tongue. Mrs. Ada F Mills,Miss Ella Palmer, Plain, Boston. After attending nine tablets. An intensive anti-ma­ as the old. and we sincerely trust, Making good in school and col­ 30 cents; Azores to New York, 47 Miss Jennie F. Willey. Miss Gracia Boston Grammar School and Eng­ laria campaign has been organized 0 O-----------0 that In some kind providence God's lege Edwin R. Edwards, J r, now cents; Lisbon to Azores, 25 cents; B Sprague. Miss Alice W. Wight, lish High School he was engaged in In the endemic districts, chiefly In blessing may be with this meeting. has his great opportunity. Lisbon to New York, 47 cents; Mar- THF. ROAD TO RUIN Miss Nettle L. Clark. Miss Annie L. business for a period of five years southwestern China, to which mil- . M. J. Harris seille to Lisbon. 23 cents;. Marseille (Herald Tribune) Crle. Miss Clara Oregory and as entry rlrrk and bookkeeper in a lions of refugees have migrated; France for a year of study and IWc bespeak for the people of to Azores 31 cents; and Marseille "little Addle Oale." On the follow­ wholesale importing and jobbing- from Japanese-occupied territory. teaching, leaving this country the Nothing better shows the futility of the fight for economy Martinsville In their present mis­ to New York. 47 cents. Covers must than the action of the Senate Appropriations Committee In add­ ing night was offered the thrilling h o u se —clocks and bronzes.. In Authorities conservatively esti- latter part of August, and the fortune the good will and assistance be in their office not later than Mav ing $338,000,000 to the House appropriation fcr farm relief, drama. "The Ocean Waif," and the 1892 he graduated from St. Johns- j mate the total number of migrants of »U who feel that the religious French government will notify him l«th. bringing the total allowance for the fanners of the country up cast of characters included J. How­ bury Academy. Vermont, Brown 1 at 30.000.000. a number which is to $1,216,000,000. The occasion is so plain that it hardly needs work oi community must go on. in July as fo which University he Further information may be had ard.
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