Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: President, Office of the: Presidential Briefing Papers: Records, 1981-1989 Folder Title: 11/06/1982 (Case File: 115106) Box: 23 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing ·v /1 ~ ID # --'--/ "--"'! ~=:......-· . ..,,___~_{) _{,__ _ HITE HOUSE OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT TR WORKSHEET DX-MEDIA D H-INTERNAL Subject Codes: [£]~ @][2] ~ - ~~ [£]~ ~~[R] -[2] ~ [lJ(g] ~~@-DC DD DOD-DC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [((lJ @J@J[] -DC DD DOD-DC [El [L] ~~~ -DC gJ~ cg~~ - ~ ~ ~~ ODD-DC 0 ~ [g CZJ [?J- DC ~~ @][QJ~ -DC ~ El ~[Q](g- ~~ ctfl@ 5181 ~ DC il..IUd~~~~~~~~~~~..::::::::7 !lJ~ ODD-DC [El~ [Q][l)~ -DC DD DOD-DC DD ODD-DC DD DOD-DC ROUTE TO: ACTION DISPOSITION Office/Agency (Staff Name) Action Tracking Date Type of Completion Date Code YY IMMIDD Response Code YYIMMIDD RMHENL RSZ c Referral Note: /V/ '2 ~ ID# (/-S- /o,f? WHITE HOUSE OFFIC OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET 0 X-MEDIA 0 H-INTERNAL Name of Document: BRIEFING PAPERS FOR PRESIDENT'S Subject Codes: SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS FOR ~0 ~~0-~GJ !)subject·;.L ~~!..+--~~~s....L..i~~~~~L__- DD ODD-DD DD ODD-DD ~~~£J_L~~~~~~~~~ DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD ~~ ~~[f] -DD [£]~ DOD-DD ~ [2] ~~[g -DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD DD ODD-DD DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD ROUTE TO : ACTION DISPOSITION Office/Agency (Staff Name) Action Tracking Date Type of Completion Date Code YY/MM/00 Response Code YY/MM/00 RMHENL RSZ c Referral Note: • Monday, December 6, 1982 9:00 am Staff Time 9:tJ~ Oval Office ( 30 min) (Baker, Meese, -iiee:o e~) 9:30 am National Security Briefing tf·. -z," _ /0 ·. oy Oval Off ice ( 15 min) (Clark) '/~ -z& _ -5.-rv/l-'npA/ ~<:J-....... 9:45 am Senior Staff Time Oval Office ( 15 min) 10:00 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice (2 hrs) -, ' 07 - / '- /0 . 12: 00 m Issues Briefing Lunch I ~ - j Cabinet Room (60 min) (Darman/Fuller) • (distributed separately) 1: 00 pm Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice ( 60 min) ., 00 - / r 0 E? ~ostt,vfvr t?~ 2:00 pm Cabinet Meeting I· · ~ i.N.t. ;;-_ £7.,/-., ~ Cabinet Room ( 60 min) (Fuller) /'-0°1 - 2'.0fj ·\'Tao ~-- 3:15 pm Congression<!- 1 Meeting 5~,8 - l/.' 0 / Roosevelt Room ( 30 min) (Duberstein) (Tab B) 3:45 pm Congressional L1@ etings If :o'f - .t.j;-5 / - • Cabinet Room ( 60 min) Duberstein) '7' :3~ - .s\t>Y(Tab C) 5:00 pm Dropby Reception or Administration Roosevelt Room ( 15 min) Spokesmen .::r~ os- ~ $" ·. /y (Fuller) ' (Tab D) (draft remarks attached) 5:15 pm Private Meetine 5'· · 17 - ~ :..:>-~ ~tf~ e/ ( 60 min) (Osborne) Residence • A UNP 12/3/82 5:00 pm ' Monday, December 6, 1982 9:00 am Staff Time Oval Office ( 30 min) (Baker, Meese, Deaver) 9:30 am National Security Briefing Oval Off ice (15 min) (Clark} 9:45 am Senior Staff Time Oval Office (15 min) 10:00 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice (2 hrs) 10 \J 0 -id ;'f,S 12:00 m Issues Briefing Lunch Cabinet Room (60 min) (Darman/Fuller) (distributed separately) 1: 00 pm Personal. Staff Time Oval Off ice ( 60 min) 2:00 pm Cabinet Meeting Cabinet Room ( 60 min) (Fuller) (Tab A) 3:15 pm Congressional Meeting Roosevelt Room ( 30 min} (Duberstein} (Tab B} 3:45 pm Congressional Meetings Cabinet Room ( 60 min) Du11erstein} (Tab C) ~ 5: 00 pm Dropby Reception for Administration Roosevelt Room ( 15 min.) Spokesmen (Fuller} (Tab D} (draft remarks attached} 5:15 pm Private Meeting Oval 0-ff'i.-c e/ ( 60 min} (Osborne} Re-s±d-ence 0~ UNP 12/3/82 • 5:00 pm • The President hae eeen____ THE SCHEDULE OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN Monday, December 6, 1982 9:00 am Staff Time Oval Office ( 30 min) (Baker, Meese, Deaver) 9:30 am National Security Briefing Oval Off ice (15 min) (Clark) 9:45 am Senior Staff Time Oval Office ( 15 min) 10:00 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice (2 hrs) 12: 00 m Issues Briefing Lunch Cabinet Room (60 min) (Darman/Fuller) (distributed separately) 1: 00 pm Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice ( 60 min) 2:00 pm Cabinet Meeting Cabinet Room (60 min) (Fuller) (Tab A) 3:15 pm Congressional Meeting Roosevelt Room (30 min) (Duberstein) (Tab B) 3:45 pm Congressional Meetings Cabinet Room ( 60 min) Duberstein) (Tab C) 5:00 pm Dropby Reception for Administration Roosevelt Room ( 15 min) Spokesmen (Fuller) (Tab D) (draft remarks attached) 5:15 pm Private Meeting Oval Off ice/ (60 min) (Osborne) Residence UNP 12/3/82 5: 00 pm THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 6, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR DAVE FISCHER FROM: M. B. OGLESBY, SUBJECT: Attendance at Presidential Meeting The following Members of the House of Representatives attended today's 3:15 p.m. meeting with the President in the Roosevelt Room to discuss the Defense Appropria­ tion Bill: • Congressman Dan Coats • Congressman Jim Coy ne • Congressman Arlen Erdahl • Congressman Richa r d Schulze • Congressman Jim Dunn • Congressman Matt Rinaldo • Congressman Georae Wortley • Congressman Denny Smith • Congressman Guy l~ lin a ri • Congressman Cooper Evans • Congressman Jack Edw a r~c, • Congressman Tom Hartnett • Congressman Bill Carney • Congressman Bill Dickinson • Congresswoman Marjorie Polt • Congressman Larry Winn Administration Representatives: The Vice President, Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Russ Rourke (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legisla­ tive Affairs), Jim Baker, Bill Clark, Larry Speakes, Ken Duberstein, Robert McFarlane, M. B. Oglesby , Jr. Nancy Risque, Bob Kimmitt THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 6, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR DAVE FISCHER FROM: M. B. OGLESBY, SUBJECT: Attendance at Presidential Meeting The following Members of the House of Representatives attended today's 3:45 p.m. meeting with the President in the Cabinet Room to discuss the Defense Appropria­ tion Bill: • Congresswoman Beverly Byron • Congressman Marvin Leath • Congressman Sam Hall • Congressman Sam Stratton • Congressman Al Swift • Congressman Dave Mccurdy • Congressman Carroll Hubbard • Congressman Richard White • Congressman Billy Lee Evans • Congressman Mario Biaggi • Congressman Tom Foley Administration Representatives: The Vice President, Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Russ Rourke (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legisla­ tive Affairs), Jim Baker, Bill Clark, Dave Gergen, Larry Speakes, Ken Duberstein, Dick Darman, M. B. Oglesby, Jr., Nancy Risque, Bob Kimmitt THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTO N December 6, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR DAVE FISCHER FROM: M. B. OGLESBY, SUBJECT: Attendance at Presidential Meeting The following Members of the House of Representatives attended today's 4:15 p.rn. meeting with the President in the Cabinet Room to discuss the Defense Appropria­ tion Bill: • Congressman George O'Brien • Congressman Torn Hagedorn · • Congressman Larry DeNardis • Congressman Bill Emerson • Congressman Ron Paul • Congressman Don Mitchell • Congresswoman Lynn Martin • Congressman Jim Nelligan • Congressman Bob Badharn • Congressman Bob Michel • Congressman Ken Robinson • Congressman Bill Whitehurst • Congressman Ralph Regula • Congressman Dick Cheney • Congressman Jim Martin • Congressman Chalmers Wylie Administration Representatives: The Vice President, Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Russ Rourke (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legisla­ tive Affairs), Bill Clark, Ken Duberstein, Dave Gergen, Dick Darman, Peter Sommer, M. B. Oglesby, Jr., John Dressendorfer, Nancy Risque, Bob Kimrnitt ,..., \ ~ ':> . \JP (b ~) ( 'µ_QJ.JDwt_OA lu.LW ~_Q ,{L] '. CABINET MEETING PARTICIPANTS S ~~- - l: Monday, December 6, 1982 -- 2:00 p.rn. \.l) o..l\- -- 1)\ Dt.k_ ( \=-\s~ The Cabinet -- All Members * )chloLm-: s~~k_! *~nneth W. Dam, Deputy Secretary of State, for Secretary Shultz l\e.~ *J'· T. McNamar, Deputy Secretary of (T~ the Treasury, for Secretary Regan ~!J., *~y W. Fiske, Deputy Secretary of ~ Commerce, for Secretary Baldrige ~_a.Ls.Q.__ sh Je._ \M._h· *~rrell Trent, Deputy Secretary of Transportation, for Secretary Lewis ~~( \3mc_k_ J:ftliiP s 11. Bet-ke±::, I H .....--William P. Clark f\ichJI 1) !j FJr1 I iikffl v-Elizabeth Dole y--Ken Duberstein vMartin Feldstein vCraig L. Fuller v·ffave Gergen ..,,.-Edwin L. Harper ,f\ .L -ir:- E:cl=Ro 11 i :tr s vUu_ rn w (.l..)l....Q.A_ v-Rich Willia_mson vKenneth Cribb yt;arry Speakes 0~) v(fim Cicconi vKaren Hart For Presentations: Item #1 -\:/William Verity .±e I I ; . Ci 1J h v1"feil Hepp ~endel Butler v(fay Moorhead vMichael Castine A / THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 3, 1982 CABINET MEETING DATE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 LOCATION: CABINET ROOM TIME: 2:00 P.M. () 4, FROM: CRAIG L. FULLER l_.) __): ' I. PURPOSE The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the following items: Briefing on South American Trip Hire One Program Private Sector Initiatives Briefing Briefing on the GATT Budget Review Process Briefing II. BACKGROUND Briefing on South American Trip This will be an opportunity for you to share with the entire Cabinet the circumstances as you found them in the countries which you visited on this trip. Hire One Program The Reverend Leon Sullivan made a presentation to you describing the Hire One program. You indicat­ ed that you would share the idea with the entire Cabinet and encourage their support of the pro­ gram. Talking points are attached. Private Sector Initiatives Briefing William Verity, Chairman of the PSI project, will make a presentation to the Cabinet regarding their activities throughout the past year and what they plan in the future as the Task Force comes to an end. Prior to the Cabinet Meeting, the PSI staff will demonstrate the computer data bank which has been set up for your viewing in the Roosevelt Room.
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