WEST DEVON DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT AND LICENSING COMMITTEE - TUESDAY, 26TH AUGUST, 2014 Agenda, Reports and Minutes for the meeting Agenda No Item 1. Agenda Letter (Pages 1 - 2) 2. Reports Reports to P&L; a) Planning Applications & Enforcement Reports (Pages 3 - 54) b) Planning Appeals Update (Pages 55 - 56) c) Delegated Decisions (Pages 57 - 70) 3. Minutes (Pages 71 - 82) A G E N D A – PLANNING & LICENSING COMMITTEE – 26th AUGUST 2014 PART ONE – OPEN COMMITTEE 1. Apologies for absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. If Councillors have any questions relating to predetermination, bias or interests in items on this Agenda, then please contact the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. 3. Items Requiring Urgent Attention To consider those items which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered by the Meeting as matters of urgency (if any). Page 4. Confirmation of Minutes Meeting held on 29th July 2014 3 5. Planning Applications & Enforcement Reports 12 6. Planning Appeals Update 61 7. Delegated Decisions 63 PART TWO – ITEMS WHICH MAY BE TAKEN IN THE ABSENCE OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ON THE GROUNDS THAT EXEMPT INFORMATION MAY BE DISCLOSED (if any). If any, the Committee is recommended to pass the following resolution:- RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that exempt information is likely to be disclosed as defined in Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act. 1 ___________________________________________________________________ Council Procedure Rule 24 Use of televised and sound recordings at Council and committee meetings (1) Televised, vision and sound recordings or live broadcastings by members of the press or public at Council, or committee debates will be permitted if approved prior to the meeting by the person presiding in consultation with the Chief Executive (or his representative), each case being considered on its own merits. (2) Any person acting in breach of this provision can be required to leave the meeting room immediately. ___________________________________________________________________ This document can be made available in large print, Braille, tape format, other languages or alternative format upon request. Please contact the Committee section on 01822 813662 or email [email protected] 2 WEST DEVON BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING & LICENSING COMMITTEE 26th AUGUST 2014 INDEX ___________________________________________________________________ Page No. APPLICANT NAME: Bovis Homes Ltd. 13 WARD NAME: Tavistock North APPLICATION No.: 00554/2013 LOCATION: Land adjacent to Callington Road, Tavistock DEVELOPMENT: Outline application for a mixed use development comprising of up to 750 dwellings (Use Class C3), a primary school (Use Class D1), a local convenience store (Use Class A1), railway station related development (Sui Generis) and associated infrastructure; including detailed drawings for a new vehicular and pedestrian access from the A390. APPLICANT NAME: Mr N Travers-Griffin 44 WARD NAME: Okehampton East APPLICATION No.: 00708/2014 LOCATION: The Exeter Arms, 5 East Street, Okehampton DEVELOPMENT: Change of use from public house to 3 residential units and a shop, including demolition of smoking shelter and creation of light well and erection of bike shed. APPLICANT NAME: Mr R Barnett 52 WARD NAME: Okehampton West APPLICATION No.: 00552/2014 LOCATION: Little Ground, Lodge Hill, Okehampton DEVELOPMENT: Revised scheme for extension and alterations to dwelling APPLICANT NAME: Samuel Partners 57 WARD NAME: Exbourne APPLICATION No.: 00721/2014 LOCATION: Gilead Foundation, Risdon Farm, Jacobstowe, Okehampton DEVELOPMENT: Application for removal of condition 2 of 00264/2014 in order to allow retention of bungalows 12 PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Case Officer: Emma Bailey Ward: Okehampton West Ward Members: Cllrs C M Marsh; M Morse Application No: 00552/2014 Agent/Applicant: Applicant: Mr R Barnett Mr R Barnett Little Ground Little Ground Lodge Hill Lodge Hill Okehampton Okehampton Devon Devon EX20 1JH EX20 1JH Site Address: Little Ground, Lodge Hill, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1JH Development: Revised scheme for extension and alterations to dwelling. © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023302 Scale 1:500 For internal reference only – no further copies to be made 52 Reason item is being put before Committee: Cllr Marsh has asked for this application to be put forward in light of the design not being in keeping with surrounding dwellings Recommendation: CONDITIONAL CONSENT Conditions (list not in full) 1. Build in accordance with plans 2. Unexpected contaminated land 3. Implementation of ecology report recommendations 4. Garage for domestic use only No time limit condition imposed as work has commenced Key issues for consideration: The main issues for consideration relate to the impact that the development would have upon the existing dwellinghouse, and neighbouring properties. As this is a revised proposal of a previously approved scheme of a similar design and scale, it is considered that the development would be acceptable in its form, and would not create a significant detrimental impact upon the amenity of the immediate or surrounding dwellings. The application is therefore recommended for approval. Site Description: Little Ground is a detached dwelling located on Lodge Hill, behind an existing dwelling known as Overbridge. It is accessed by means of a steep upward slope to the south, with some partial views of the property from the public highway along its drive. It is at present a development site owing to a previous consent which has been partially started (ref no: 02982/2012). Close board fencing and hedging surrounds the perimeter, with Clapps Wood to the east and surrounding higher level residential development to the south west of the site. Holden, a single detached dwelling also accessed via Lodge Hill is on a slightly lower level to Little Ground but is largely obscured from the site owing to tall close board fencing around the boundary perimeter. The Proposal: This application proposes a revised scheme that was previously approved under application number 02982/2012 for alterations and extensions to dwelling, demolition of an existing shed and erection of a new detached garage. The amendments are as follows: - Creation of a room in the roof of the previously approved extension by increasing the roof ridge height - Amendments of the previously approved glazed roof to include Velux windows - Amending window positions and sizes to reduce heat loss - Amendments to the cladding of the North elevation of the new extension - To clad the eastern elevation with timber to improve the insulation value of the existing building The roof ridge would be increased from 5 metres to 7 metres in height to allow for a proposed new bedroom/sewing room. A combined total of six roof lights are proposed to be inserted into this space. Two are proposed to be inserted into the eastern end of the western elevation, aligned vertically; with two more to be vertically aligned to the western end of the eastern elevation to match. These will provide natural light into a vaulted ceiling space. Two additional roof lights are to be inserted towards the eastern end of the eastern elevation. 53 The proposed office space is to possess one additional matching window to both the east and west elevations to form two windows on either side. Windows and doors on the northern and southern elevation are to remain unchanged. Some vertical cladding is to be installed throughout to match the materials of the previously approved office space. Consultations: County Highways Authority – No comment Okehampton Town Council – Support Representations Three letters of objection have been received by three neighbouring properties raising the following concerns: - The design of the development is not in-keeping with the existing housing in the local area - The height of the roof space and associated roof lights will impact upon amenity and privacy of gardens and bedrooms Relevant Planning History 02982/2012 Householder Application for alterations and extensions to dwelling, demolition of existing shed and erection of new detached garage – conditional consent ANALYSIS Principle of Development/Sustainability: This application forms part of a wider renovation project and modernisation of an existing dwelling close to Okehampton town centre. In accordance with Policies H40 of the Local Plan 2005 (as amended in 2011), and SP1 and SP20 of the Core Strategy 2011, developments should be sustainable in their form, be subservient to the site to which they relate and be sympathetic to the immediate and wider surroundings. Design/Landscape: Due to this application proposing amendments to a previously approved scheme (ref no: 02982/2012), this report shall comment upon the revised details within this application and how they relate to the previously approved development as a whole. The proposed amendments are considered to be relatively minor and cosmetic, with the raising of the roof ridge being considered to be the most noticeable amendment. Despite this, the raising of the roof will provide an attic room and, due to the topography of the land, is considered to have a low impact upon the existing dwelling house and its wider residential setting. It will be completely
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