Page 1 of 55 Township of Brock Council Information Index December 21 – December 25, 2020 Comm. No. Received from – Description 1731/20 Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks – Seeking your input on the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan 10-year Review 1734/20 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority – Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-14-20, December 18, 2020 Agenda 1740/20 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority – Media Release: New General Manager at LSRCA – Glenn MacMillan 1741/20 City of Kitchener – Resolution: Cannabis Retail 1747/20 Wendell Fisher – Exemptions to By-law 2994-2020 1748/20 Town of Amherstburg – Resolution: Development approval requirements for Landfills – Bill 197 1749/20 Town of Kingsville – Resolution: Letter of support for Small Businesses 1750/20 FCM – President’s Corner: A year like no other 1752/20 AMO Communications – AMO Policy Update – New stronger public health measures 1753/20 AMO Communications – AMO Watchfile: December 10, 2020 – Accessible municipal websites, Ontario seeking input on Draft Water Quantity Framework Guidance, ROMA Conference 2021: Connecting you to provincial leaders, and more 1754/20 Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations – FOCA Elert – December 2020 – COVID and Cottage Country, Support for Conservation Authorities, Upcoming FOCA campaign to stop rising hydro rates, and more 1755/20 AMO Communications – AMO Policy Update – Additional COVID-19 vaccine sites, ESA termination and Severance provisions extension 1756/20 AMO Communications – AMO Policy Update – Long-Term care staffing plan, Conservation Authorities Working Group, Poverty Reduction Strategy, and Mental Health and Addiction Services Funding 1757/20 AMO Communications – Virtual AMO 2021 Conference hosted by the City of London Page 2 of 55 Council Information Index – December 21 – December 25, 2020 1758/20 AMO Communications – AMO WatchFile – December 17, 2020 – AMO office closure during the holidays, Provincial survey: Seeking feedback to improve the towing industry, Connecting Rural Ontario Conference – Don’t miss the Early Bird, and more This document is available in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Clerk’s Department at 705-432-2355. Page 3 of 55 1731/20 From: Lake Simcoe (MECP)(MECPI To: Lake Simcoe (MECP) Cc: Malhotra,MalhotraI Madhu (MECP) Subject: Seeking your input on the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan 10-year review Date: December 18, 2020 6:11:00 PM Good afternoon, On behalf of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, II am pleased to informinform you that the 75-day engagement period for the legislatedlegislated review of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan was launched today. You may read the news release herehere.. For more than a decade, the province’s actions to protect and restore Lake Simcoe have been guided by the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, which focuses on the lake’s water quality, reducing pollutants such as phosphorus, caring for natural heritage, and addressing the impacts of invasive species and other emerging threats. As you may be aware, the government is required under the Lake Simcoe Protection ActAct, 20082008,, to review of the plan every 1010 years to informinform the Minister’s decision on whether to amend the plan as we continue to protect and restore the lake. As part of this review, we invite you to share your perspective on the plan’s policies by completing our public survey on ontario.cao—ntario.ca.. Additionally, you may submit your comments to the Ministry by email:email. [email protected]@ontario.ca. A virtual town hall and virtual science event are being planned for early in the new year. We will send additional details and registration instructions to you in the coming weeks. We look forward to hearing from you as we continue to work together to protect and restore Lake Simcoe. IfIf you have any questions regarding this email, please contact Ms. Madhu Malhotra at [email protected]@ontario.ca.. Sincerely, Ling Mark Director, Great Lakes Inland Waters Branch Land and Water Division Page 4 of 55 1734/20 Lake Simcoe Region conservation authority BoardBoard of DirectorsDirectors MeetingMeeting No.No. BODBOD-14—20-14-20 Friday, DecDecemberember 1818,, 2020 9:9:0000 a.m. Amended Agenda Meeting Location: To be held virtually by Zoom Minutes and agendas are available at www.LSRCA.on.ca Upcoming Events Annual General Meeting of the Board of Directors Friday, January 22, 2021 at 99:00:00 a.m. To be held virtually by Zoom A full listing of events can be found at www.LSRCA.on.ca Page 5 of 55Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority @ Lake Simcoe Region Board of Directors’ Meeting BODBOD-14—20-14-20 conservation authority DecDecemberember 1818,, 2020 I. Declarations of Pecuniary InterestInterest and Conflict of Interest ll. Approval of Agenda Pages 1 - 5 Recommended: That the content of the Agenda for the DecDecemberember 1818,, 2020 meeting of the LSRCALSRCA Board of Directors be approved as amended to include CorrCorrespondenceespondence ItemItemss 1c1c)) and 1d1d)) and Staff Report No. 5151—20-BOD.-20-BOD. III. Adoption of Minutes a) Board of Directors Pages 66-12-12 IncludedIncluded inin the agenda isis a copy of the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting No. BODBOD-13--13- 20 held on Friday, NovemNovemberber 2727,, 2020. RecommendedRecommended:: That the minutes of the BoardBoard of DirectorsDirectors Meeting No. BODBOD-13--13- 20 held on Friday, NovemNovemberber 2727,, 2020 be approved as circulated. b) Conservation Ontario Council Pages 113-243-24 IncludedIncluded inin the agenda isis a copy of the minutes of Conservation Ontario Council’s Annual General Meeting held on MonMonday,day, SeptemSeptemberber 2828,, 2020. RecommendedRecommended:: That the minutes of Conservation Ontario Council’s Annual General Meeting held on Monday, September 28, 2020 be receivedreceived for informationinformation.. IV. Announcements V. Presentations a) Asset Management Plan Update Pages 225-295-29 General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services/CFOServices/CFO,, Mark Critch will provide an update on the Authority’s Asset Management PlanPlan.. TThishis presentation will be provided at the meeting and will be available on our website following the meetingmeeting.. RecommendedRecommended:: TThathat the presentation by General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services/CFO, Mark CritchCritch,, regarding the Authority’s Asset Management Plan be received for information. @ Lake Simcoe Region Page 6 of 55Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority conservation authority Board of DirecDirectors’tors’ Meeting BODBOD-14—20-14-20 DecemberDecember 1818,, 2020 IncludedIncluded inin the agenda isis Staff ReportReport No. 4747—20-BOD-20-BOD regarding the Authority’s Asset MaManagementnagement PlanPlan.. Recommended: That Staff report No.No. 4747—20-BOD-20-BOD regarding an update on the Asset Management plan be received for information; and Further that Staff be directed to continue to review all options to mitigate the preliminary infrastructure gap ididentifiedentified in this report; and Further that Staff bring back an updated financial strategy for BoardBoard of Director approval in Q1/Q2(11/02 of 2021. VI. Hearings There are no Hearings scheduled for this meeting. VII. Deputations There are no Deputations scheduled for this meeting. VIII. Determination ooff ItemsItems Requiring Separate Discussion (Reference PagePagess 4 and 5 of the agenda)agenda).. IX. Adoption ooff ItemsItems Not Requiring Separate Discussion X. Consideration ooff ItemsItems Requiring Separate Discussion XI. Closed Session There are no Closed Session items for this meeting. XII. Other Business Next Meeting The next meeting of the Authority BoardBoa rd of Directors istheAnnualGeneralMeetingtakingplaceis the Annual General Meeting taking place at @ 9:00 a.m.am. on Friday, January22,January22,2021 2021.. This meeting will be held via Zoom, access details to be provided prior to the meetingmeeting.. Page 7 of 55Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Lake Simcoe Region conservation authority Board of DirecDirectors’tors’ Meeting BODBOD-14—20-14-20 @ DecemberDecember 1818,, 2020 XIII. Adjournment Agenda Items 1. Correspondence Pages 330-390-39 a) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority’s letterletter to the ProvinceProvince dated November 2323lrdrd inin responseresponse to the proposed Bill 229. b) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority’s letterletter to the ProvinceProvince dated November 227th7th inin responseresponse inin responseresponse to the proposed Bill 229. c)C) ProvinProvincece of OnOntariotario News Release dated DeDecembercember 16,16, 2020 regarding Announcement of a WWorkingorking GGrouproup to BBetteretter FFocusocus CConservationonservation AAuthoritiesuthorities d)0|) Ministry of the EEnvironment,nvironment, Conservation and Parks letterletter to Chairman WWayneayne Emmerson dated DecemberDecember 16, 2020 regarding the Lake Simcoe ProProtectiontection PPlanlan 1010-- year reviewreview.. Recommended: That Correspondence Item 1a)1a),, b)b),, c) and d) be received for information.information. 2. AmendmentAmendment to the Administrative ByBy-Laws-Laws Pages 440-420-42 Recommended: That Staff Report No.No. 4848-20-BOD-20-BOD regarding amending the Authority’s Administrative ByBy-Laws-Laws to ensure business continuity be received; and Further That the amendments to Administrative ByBy-Laws-Laws be approved and updated ByBy-Laws-Laws be made available on the AuthoriAuthority’sty’s websitewebsite.. 3. Pefferlaw Dam Update Pages 443-493-49
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