eitwrg{ntllr Moa 0527 /jqY Naval Ordnance Department Sattahip Chonburi 20180 Enctosure: Requirement & Condition Thailand 20 Match 2A15 Attention: MBDA France 5.A The Rovat Thal Naw wishes to refurblshment.4.boltler of.Hjgh.PIeSsure. Argan.B.eJt\esfor.tbe.sADM[.svstems Would you kindly send us your quotatlon at your earllest convenlence Yours Sin JJ /a vtce Adm ral jk24 (JEEMPAT PA Director General, Navat Ord *-a@-Qk,,. * L.$.t,. t.3L rn*$4*-.r.-:,, 1 :r :#)A.IJ..F - ts[ . !,/=..---.. -..t*".o., 16 "' 'nl...9 t.t.lzaA <- o/ {-,T/ .;. ENCLOSURE REOUIREMENTS & CONDITIONS l.SPEC|F]CAION & OUANT/TIES:.4 bottleiof Hlgh Pfessure-Al,gon.Be$lel.for the.SAD&AL.Systems 2.PBlels : Quote prices must be frm and fixed for DAP (Dellvered At PLace) Guided Missile Division, Nava( Ordnance Department, Sattahip District, Chonburi Province, Thai[and in accordance wlth lncoterms 2010, ICC plrblicatlon no 715EF, o, as lndicated in an annex attached by sea / air transportation for. 2.1Each (unit). 2.2Iotal. Along with the quotatlon, please send your price catcutatlon formutae so that the purchaser can caLcutate the price fluctuatlon of ptacing more or less pLlrchaslng order. AIL the prices are exempt fronr taxes and duties levied by the Thai Government 3.PACKING & TESIINGT Packing must be ln accordance with the commercial packing standard practice for overseas shiprnent. The seller rnust inform ofthe approxlmate gross weight and volume and provide instruclions for the testing of the packages. 4.TERMS OF PAYMENTT Payment witt be done via TeLegraphic Transfer (T/T) for the fotlowing: 4.1 Advance payr.ent for 15 (|fteen) percent of totaL contract price The buyer wltl pay advance payment guarantee to the seller within 30 (thirty) days after the date buyer has received a siSned lnvoice an advance guarantee in the equaLly amount from the seLler within such document and payment shatt be provided to the buyer by the seiler within 20 (twenty) days after the day the selter has acknowledged the order. 4.2 Paid 85 (eighty five) percent of the total contract valLle after the comptetion of the acceptance against the originat Certificate of Acceptance (COA) issued by the buyer' 5.VAL|DITY: The vatidity of this quotation is vatid untit 3Q.September 2015 6.TMNSPORTATION: For transportatlon by sea, unless otherwise advlsed by Royat Thai Navy Suppty Dept., atL merchandise must be shipped by Thai vessets on the fottowing routes: (a) Japan to Thailand (b) Repub(ic of Korea to Thai(and (c) Taiwan to Tha land (d) Hong Kong to Thaitand (e) Norway, Sweden, Flntand, Denmark, Unlted Kingdom of Great Britaln and Nofthern lretand, Federat Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgiurn, France, spaln' Slngapore, and Malaysla to Tha land (fl United states of America to Thailand (g) Portugal and ltaly To ThaiLand However, the setter shall utilize any other liners if shipment has been made on the routes which are not mentioned above. In case transshipment has been done on the aforementioned routes, the transshlpment has to be effected by Thai vessels -2- In the event of Thai vessels are not in carriage service on the aforementioned routes dLrring the period of shipment, the seller shall request the Royal Thai Na4/ SLrpply Dept, Aroon-Amarin Road, Bangkok 10700, ThaiLand for carrying the merchandise by the other Liners at teast 15 (Fifteen) days before the Anticlpated date of shipment T.WARRANTY: Within 12 (Twetve) months after the acceptance in Thaitand. B.TERMS OF LlABlLlry & CANCELLATION OF ORDER | lf the shlpment is deLayed beyond the time scheduLe, it must be considered as foltow: 8.1 The delay mLtst cause to impose a daily flne when the delay is not to the fo'ce majeure inclLrding: 8.1.1 Strike, sabotage, flre, naturat disaster. 8.1.2 Civil war, riot, rebeltion, revolutlon, lnsurredrion, mititary or usLlrped power, civiL commotion assuming the proportion of or amount to a poputar rising. 8.1.3 War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostitities or wartike operations (whether, war be declared or not). 8-1.4 Nuclear weapons material 8.1.5 SerioLrs defautt of subcontractor for Thai vesseLs, go stow, acts of any government whlch cause detay to the progress of shipment, provided that the seller does not participate in such actions. 8.2 The setter agrees that the purchaser may impose a daity fine at the rate of 01 (Zero point one) percent of the total cost of the delayed merchandlses. And when the deiay reaches 10% of the contract vatue, the pLlrchaser is entitted to annoLlnce the cance(lation of the order by registered LETTER OF ANNULMENT for the whole of part of the undetivered goods as the purchaser may deem it appropriate Llntess the seller wilting to contlnue be fined without any condition. By this Letter of Annulr.ent and in case selter fait to show their willingness and abltity to continue its obligation in which cause to termination of the order, the selter is Liable to refund to the purchaser att the payments previousLy made to the seLler with respect to the cancetled part of the order plus 8 (e]ght) percent interest per year countlng from the day the setier acknowtedged the receipt of the payment to the date of reimbursement which must be done not later than 60 days from the cancettation date. Failing to observe the above ment oned conditlons, the purchaser wilt post the claLm and draw the amount due, inctuding interest, from the bank gLlarantee or from the bank issulng the letter of Guarantee. n addition, the selter agrees that the purchaser may also seek damage clalm from part the setler up to the amount equaL to 3 (three) percent of the cancetted of the order' 8.3 The selter/contractor rnust submit a trading certlficate of estabtishlng the company, and supported documents from foreign seller/contractor' DocLlment preparation and signature must be done and signed by the aLlthorized person on behatf of the by the organizatlon, cornpany, or individual such document must be examined and certlfled officer according, except a Performa invoice as fottows. -3 8.3.1 Notary Public's offlcer wilt sign to certify the signature of the person who issues the document. 8.3.2 The officer from Thai Embassy of its consutate situated in that country witl certify the signature of the Notary Publlc's officer. n case of there is no Thai Embassy or its consubte in that country, the document must be brought to ce.tiry which situated in Thai(and. 8.3,3 The Minlstry of Foreign Affairs offrcer (nationality and tegal. division) witl certit the signature of the Embassy or its consutate's officer again. 9.TME oF DELVERY: Not more than 500 (Five hundred) days after the date of receipt Purchase order and Advance Payment by the selter. 10. REOUEST TO SUBM T your quotation withln ..... .3.0Apr:!!.20.15 11. SELLER' S CONDITIONS: Any conditions that the seller requires shoLrtd be given in accompanying with the setter's quotation. **************** fi :1tJ83loUn alnuvl"-! :19n15 xu?uu! nlu?u yltlutuqr tror::lfirrorinoudrd.i6'1rq,! (700 Bar) :sU!uviu0r 1?fl SADRAL - 1093, 1094, 1095, 1104 - DIMENTION 8 cm. x 10 cm. x 33.5 crf . - i'r uhE s,/,utn l0 Kg. - frudn/,u':n (:r:.rfirr)t0.8 xg. iffi rfnar.an.n':. nu HUln flaav!6ao!1ud'Nn:lodoun?' ia!'tdt|?ou:rqfi1na.linauiinfi!f,urild{duq{ (rroo u,l{) :iuultvi A.! SADRAL General overhaul including re - stamping: 1. ncoming functiona( test 2. Disassembty of the bottte tap: comptete disassembty, cteaning, change of components (such as seats, screws, washers, spring, filter, etd, re assembty, functional check 3. Re stamping of the body 4. Re assembty of the bottLe tap on the body 5. Final Test u.o. r'{ J,ur.ur.rr. i.
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