Volume 11, Number 5 Published by Students of New College, Sarasota, Florida October 22, l96S College To Host U N Debate Trio To Present Concert Mr. Jacques Abram, Miss Patricia Stenberg, and Mr. Paul C. Wolfe will present a free concert as part of the Humanities program in the Music The Manatee County Chapter of Room at 8:00pm on October 25. the Unitec.l Nations Association is They will play piano, oboe and violin, respectively. sponsoring a debate to be held in On the program for the concen- are: Mozart's Sonata 4 in E Minor, the Music Room at 3:00pm tomor­ "'OW, October 23. "Brahms' Sonata in G Major, Opus 78, Quantz's Trio Sonata in G Ma­ The topic for the debate is RE­ Language Workshop JOr, and Mozart's Sonata 15 in B SOLVED: The United Nations Major. should be maintained. Here Jacques Abram, well-known con­ Speaker for the affirmative is Mr. Will Convene cert piani t and visiting professor Thomas P. Hardeman of Bradenton, ew College will host a workshop of music at New College, is a na­ former Vice President of the United for the Modern Language Section tive of Texas. At the age of ten Nations Association for Florid<l. of the Florida Educational Associa­ he held a scholarship to the Curtis tion, October 28, 29, and 30. Institute and at fourteen he rec­ eived a fellowship at the Julliard. Dr. George Mayer, visiting pro­ Teachers and graduate students fessor of history at New College, is attend the workshop to learn more School of Music in New York. In negative speaker. effective teaching methods. They 1938 he won two maJor music a­ Dr. Rollin Posey, Dean of Social will be housed at the Golden Host wards and in the same year made Sciences of New College, is mod­ Motel but will attend classes and his formal debut as soloist with the erator for the debate. meals at New College. Philadelphia O~chestra. Each side will give a 20-minute Sarasota MayorDavid Cohen and Miss Patricia Stenberg, visiting presentation and a five-minute re­ Superintendent of Sarasota County instructor of music at New Col­ buttal. At the conclnsion of the Schools, Dr. Thomas Guilford, lege, is gaining wide acclaim as debate there will be a period of will make welcoming speeches. one of the country's foremost young general comment and discussion. MARBLE GODDESS listens attentively as Mr. Paul C. Wolfe takes time Dr. Arthur R. Borden, Dean of Hu­ oboists. The public is invited. "ff f"""' hi< vi"lin <~nn relaxes at the Colle!1'e Hall Piano. manities, will deliver the keynote - Miss Stenberg received her Bache­ address on the role of modern for­ lor of Music and Master of Music eign languages in the humanities. degrees from the University of Teaching tests and evaluation Michigan where she was, a student Exper1menr will be given by Archie Lapointe, of Florian Meuller, former prin­ Expression and Effect director of foreign language publi­ cipal oboist with the Chicago Sym­ shing at McGraw-Hill and a former phony. For the past year Miss Succeeds member of Educational Testing Stenbersz has studied with Robert Attract Student Actors Service. Other activities will in­ Bloom of the Bach Aria Group. Last week's first printed is­ clude panel discussions and small Mr. Paul C. Wolfe, conductor sue of The Cata}¥st was an ex­ work groups. At a banquet on Oc­ of the Florida West Coast Sym­ periment to determine cam­ tohPr 29, Pre. ident Elmendorf will phony Orchestra and adJunct pro­ Ted Shoemaker at 18 has pro­ rated production. "I tend to the pus reaction to a printed news­ fessor of music at New College, duced and co-authored three inde­ view that effect on an audience deliveran address, "French in Ten paper. Comments from stu­ Easy Lessons. " studied at Queens College, Juil­ pendent, full-length musical-par­ is the ultimate goal of a produc­ dents, faculty and administra­ liard School of Music, and Colum­ odies (on Moby Dick, a Wagnerian tion." Professor Karl Pond of Florida tion were hiszhlv favorable to­ State Universitywill speak on uses bia University. He received his opera and Oedipus Rex); he has had Steve, on the other hand, em­ ward our new format. Adver­ and abuses of the language lab. Master of Music degree from Tea­ major roles in three dramatic pla,ys phasizes drama's effect on an ac­ tisers were also satisfied, and chers College of Columbia Uni­ at New Trier High School, Winnet­ tor. He talks with awe of the After the annual business meeting, on the basis of th~ir positive the workshop will conclude with versity in 1961. ka, Illinois. Steve Hendricks, 18, mysterious lurt> of acting. reaction, the editors and ad­ French, German, and Spanish He studied violin with Kathleen has acted semi-professionally for vertising manager have deci­ luncheons. Parlow, Mischa Mischakoff, Oscar two years, won the Oklahoma state "When you can get up and drain ded to print The Catalyst on a Shumsky, and Roman Totenberg. dramatic contest in a high-school yourself of emotion for two hours weekly basis. His oboe studies were with Anton production of Antigone, and stud­ ..• when you come offstage almost With its expanded coverage Tonight M:tly and Robert Bloom. ied at Northwestern University believing you are the character and format, The Catalyst Summer School of Drama. A few you 1 ve portrayed .•• that's the needs the support of the cam­ Mr. Rick Stevens from the South­ In 1951 Mr. Abram made his first weeks ago they and twenty other thrill of acting. Of co~o ac­ pus cpmmunity more than at ern Student Human Relations ProJ­ European concert tour and rapidly New College students launched a tor ever totally forgets he's on a any time in the past. The ect will be on campus tonight to became one of America's most theatrical organization under the ~tage or he'd be institutionalized. move toward expansion was a talk with ew College students a­ popular exports. He played in re­ sponsorship of Dr. Patricia Drabik. Bela Lu~osi unfortunately thought bold step for a fledgling pub­ bout their role in Human Social citals in every important music Gu_ided by a nebulous structure of he was Dracula for the last two lication, and was grounded on Concerns. Last year Mr. Stevens center; he was guest soloist with student - directors dubbed "the years of his life. You've got to our belief that the New Col­ helped to coordinate the seminar all the great European orchestras group, " the organization will be­ remember you're on a stage and lege community needs and on this issue, held in Gainesville, including the Vienna Symphony, gin slowly with informal weekly yet create this illusion ••• no one wants a more attractive and which several students from New London's Royal Philharmonic, and readers' theater, the first of which has ever quite defint>d it. comprehensive student publi­ College attf'ndcd. Copenhagen's Danish State Radio 1 will be held upstairs at the Barn "You've got to go out and find cation. In the tradition of last year s fo­ Orchestra. He has returned to Eur­ fuesday October26 at 7 pm. Pres­ More staff members are al­ rums, Mr. Stevens hopes tb con­ ope each year after fulfilling his ~nt plans are to submit a budget of (continued on page four) ways needed by any college Juct a bull session with students in commitments in the United States. $650 to the Board of Trustees at paper, andThe Catalyst is no which he can determine student their regular meeting in Novem­ exception. Yet contributions feelings about their active con­ In addition to her work at New ber. 4 ( contJe ued on page tour) cerns. College, Miss Stenberg is a mem­ Last week the two leaders of the First Year M-P 's Eleded, ber of the faculty of the Universi­ movement informally discussed ty of South Florida. She is princi­ .heir respective approaches to the pal oboist in three major Florida Norld of theatrics. Ted, the unof­ New Visitation Hours Set orchestras: the Tampa Philharmon­ :icial spokesman for the group, is ic, under the direction of Alfredo 1 firm believer in the ancient Hol­ New hours for student intervisita­ Antonini; the St. Petersburg Sym­ ywood saw, "if you've got ames­ tion were announced and five phony, conducted by Thomas Bri­ :age, call Western Union. " He members of the first class were e­ cetti; and the Florida West Coast !mphasizes the total effect of the­ lected to the Multi-Purpose Com­ (continued on page four) aries on an audience. mittee at a student meeting last Friday night. "I enJOY performing. 'The mes­ The new curfew hours are 1:00 sage is unimportant. It's the per­ am weekdays and 3:am on ·week­ formance that I enjoy. I gues~ ends. They were set by student November Ball Set that's why I tend toward the pro­ '!,allot. On November 6, "Le Bal de Lune" duction side of theatrics.. If John Cranor, Chairman of the will be held in College Hall. This the performance can stir the au­ Multi-Purpose Committee said that first dance of the year will feature dience then it becomes a valid new committee members were be­ The Tony Swain Quintet and vo­ art form. ing added in an effort to spread­ calist. Mr. Swain is a member of "I was in a performance of a mu­ out committee responsibilities, the West Coast Symphony Orches­ sical last summer.
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