The first green lacewings from the late Eocene Baltic amber VLADIMIR N. MAKARKIN, SONJA WEDMANN, and THOMAS WEITERSCHAN Makarkin, V.N., Wedmann, S., and Weiterschan, T. 2018. The first green lacewings from the late Eocene Baltic amber. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63 (3): 527–537. Pseudosencera baltica gen. et sp. nov. of Chrysopinae (Chrysopidae, Neuroptera) is described from Baltic amber. Additionally, another species, Nothochrysa? sp. (Nothochrysinae), is left in the open nomenclature. Pseudosencera bal- tica gen. et sp. nov. represents the oldest confident record of Chrysopinae. The new genus lacks the apparent forewing intramedian cell, and possesses three character states not found in other Chrysopinae: the simple AA1, the short basal crossvein between M and Cu, and 5‒6 rings of setae on the antennal flagellomeres. This genus is probably a special- ised form in a basal branch of Chrysopinae, that could not be attributed to any of the known tribes. The specimen of Nothochrysa? sp. consists only of fragments of the forewings. The late Eocene Baltic amber represents the oldest horizon where Chrysopinae and Nothochrysinae are found to coexist. It is highly likely that Chrysopidae were extremely rare in these forests. Key words: Neuroptera, Chrysopinae, Nothochrysinae, Cenozoic, Baltic amber. Vladimir N. Makarkin [[email protected]], Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia. Sonja Wedmann [[email protected]], Senckenberg Forschungsstation Grube Messel, Markstrasse 35, D-64409 Messel, Germany. Thomas Weiterschan [[email protected]], Forsteler Strasse 1, 64739 Höchst Odw., Germany. Received 16 May 2018, accepted 5 July 2018, available online 23 July 2018. Copyright © 2018 V.N. Makarkin et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (for details please see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unre- stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. al. 2014). In the Cenozoic, the late Eocene to the Oligocene Introduction was the most interesting period in chrysopid evolution when The family Chrysopidae (green lacewings) today is one of the the transition from the “nothochrysine” to “chrysopine” most speciose neuropteran groups with a nearly wordwide phase occurred. However, chrysopids from this interval are distribution. It is divided into four subfamilies: Limaiinae poorly studied; nearly all of them belong to Nothochrysinae (Middle Jurassic to Paleogene), Nothochrysinae, and Chry- (e.g., Carpenter 1935; Adams 1967; Nel and Séméria 1986; so pinae (both Paleogene to Recent), and Apochrysinae CoBabe et al. 2002). Only one species from the late Eocene (Recent). The fossil Mesochrysopidae and Corydasialidae of France is an alleged chrysopine (Séméria and Nel 1990). were recently considered as chrysopid subfamilies by Engel Therefore, the discovery of other chrysopine species from et al. (2018), but these should be considered as separate fam- the late Eocene is of high interest. ilies, because they are distinguished from Chrysopidae by Chrysopids occur very rarely in the late Eocene Baltic many characters (see Makarkin and Menon 2005; Liu et al. amber, and hitherto no species had been described. The first 2017). The fossil record of green lacewings is rich, consist- mention of a chrysopid specimen in Baltic amber was by ing of 64 named species known from the Middle Jurassic to Carl Berendt in Göppert and Berendt (1845). Since then this the Pliocene (Archibald and Makarkin 2015; Khramov et al. information has been repeated many times (e.g., Hagen 1852; 2016; Khramov 2018; Lu et al. 2018). Giebel 1856; Scudder 1885, 1890, 1891; Handlirsch 1907, Three rather distinct phases may be identified in the 1921; Krüger 1923). However, this specimen has never been evolutionary history of Chrysopidae: (i) the Mesozoic, described (or even illustrated), and it is probably lost now. when the extinct subfamily Limaiinae dominated (at least The first documented record of Chrysopidae from Baltic from the Middle Jurassic to at least the mid-Cretaceous); amber was a photographed adult specimen in Weitschat and (ii) the Paleogene, when Nothochrysinae were dominant Wichard (1998: pl. 55d). The depository of this specimen among chrysopids; and (iii) the Neogene to Recent, when is unknown, and it has also not been described. Several Chrysopinae became the most dominant group (Archibald et chrysopid larvae are also known from Baltic amber, but Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 63 (3): 527–537, 2018 https://doi.org/10.4202/app.00504.2018 528 ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 63 (3), 2018 again none of these have been described (see Scheven 2004; achieved by stacking several photos using Helicon Focus, Weitschat 2009; Makarkin and Archibald 2013). version 5.3 X 64. In this paper, we describe the first chrysopids from Baltic amber, a new genus and species and species in open Terminology.—We use the general venational terminology nomenclature. These chrysopids belong to two different of Kukalová-Peck and Lawrence (2004) in the interpretation subfamilies, Chrysopinae and Nothochrysinae, respectively. of Yang et al. (2012, 2014). The venation of Chrysopinae is highly specialized, with numerous fusions (Fig. 1). Correct Institutional abbreviations.—SMF, Senckenberg Research interpretation of the venation is mainly inferred from the pu- Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany. pal wing tracheation of Mallada signatus (Schneider, 1851) and Chrysopa nigricornis Burmeister, 1839 (see Tillyard Other abbreviations.—AA1–3, first to third anterior analis; 1916: fig. 5; Comstock 1918: fig. 184). The most important CuA, anterior cubitus; CuA1, first (proximal-most) branch transformations in the venation of Chrysopinae are listed of CuA; CuP, posterior cubitus; M, media; MA and MP, below. (i) In both wings, the aligned sections of MA, MP anterior and posterior branches of the media; Psc, pseudocu- (only in the forewing of most species), the branches of RP, bitus; Psm, pseudomedia; RA, anterior radius; RP, posterior and the crossveins connecting them form the pseudomedia, radius; RP1–5, first (proximal-most) to fifth branches of RP; and the aligned sections of CuA, MP, MA, the branches of ScP, posterior subcosta; 1aa1-aa2, 1aa2-aa3, first (basal) RP, and the crossveins connecting them form the pseudocu- crossvein between AA1 and AA2, AA2 and AA3, respec- bitus. (ii) In the forewings of most species of Chrysopinae, tively; 1im, first crossvein between MA and MP; 1r-m, first MA and MP are fused for some distance to form the in- (basal) crossvein between R and M; 1scp-r, first (proxi- tramedian cell (i.e., the proximal-most cell between MA mal-most) crossvein connecting ScP and R/RA; 1icu, 2icu, and MP) (see Breitkreuz et al. 2017: fig. 16). However, this first (basal) and second crossveins between CuA and CuP, cell appears to be absent in several species of Chrysopinae respectively; 2m-cu, second crossvein between M/MP and (including Pseudosencera baltica gen. et sp. nov.) and all Cu/CuA. Apochrysinae. We believe that the intramedian cell is actu- ally present but its posterior side (i.e., proximal part of MP) is fused with CuA and 2m-cu is reduced. In particular, this Material and methods can be supported by that fact in the extant Leptochrysa pri- sca Adams and Penny, 1992 (which may be the only living Specimens.—This study is based on two specimens from Limaiinae; Makarkin and Archibald 2013), the proximal Baltic amber, deposited in the amber collection of the part of MP within the intramedian cell is very close to CuA Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt am Main (SF). Line draw- and 2m-cu is extremely short or reduced (see Adams and ings were prepared by Thomas Weiterschan (Figs. 3B, 4) Penny 1992: fig. 10). Therefore, we follow Adams (1967: and Vladimir Makarkin (Fig. 6), while photographs were fig. 44), not Breitkreuz et al. (2017: fig. 15B), in the in- taken by Sonja Wedmann and Thomas Weiterschan using terpretation of the intramedian cell of Apochrysinae and a Leica MZ12.5 stereomicroscope and an attached Nikon Pseudosencera baltica gen. et sp. nov. (iii) The chrysopine D300 digital camera. Extension of depth of focus was CuA in the hind wing is interpreted to be partially fused RP RP1 RP2 M Psm 1m-cu CuA MP intramedian Cu cell 1im MA Psc CuP CuA MP Fig. 1. The intramedian cell, pseudomedia and pseudocubitus in the forewing of green lacewing Pseudosencera baltica gen. et sp. nov. from the late Eocene Baltic amber. Psm and Psc are outlined black in this figure. Abbreviations: 1im, first crossvein between MA and MP; 1m-cu, first (basal) crossvein between M and Cu; CuA, anterior cubitus; CuP, posterior cubitus; M, media; MA and MP, anterior and posterior branches of the media; Psc, pseudocubi- tus; Psm, pseudomedia; RP, posterior radius; RP1, proximal-most branch of RP; ScP, posterior subcosta. MAKARKIN ET AL.—GREEN LACEWINGS FROM EOCENE BALTIC AMBER 529 with MP. Similarly configured CuA in Apochrysinae is gitus (finger-like apical process). Maxillary palpus five-seg- also treated as partially fused with MP (see e.g., Breitkreuz mented: two basal segments appear short; third to fifth (ter- et al. 2017: fig.15B), although the pupal wing tracheation of minal) segments elongate (relative length of third to fifth no species in this subfamily have been examined. (iv) In all segments: 1.5–1–2.4); terminal segment longest, fusiform. Chrysopinae, MA in the hind wing is basally fused with RP. Labial palpus three-segmented; all segments elongate, ter- Crossveins are designated after the longitudinal veins minal segment fusiform. Antennae incompletely preserved: which they connect and are numbered in sequence from scapus rather broad, but short; pedicellus elongate (ca. 1.4 the wing base, e.g., 1scp-r, first (proximal-most) crossvein as long as wide), probably very slightly constricted medi- connecting ScP and R/RA; 2icu, second crossvein between ally (poorly visible); proximal flagellomeres elongate, each CuA and CuP; 1im, proximal crossvein between MA and probably with 5‒6 rings of setae (difficult to count).
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