Table of Contents Novena to St. Joan of Arc ...............................................................................................................3 Litany of Saint Joan of Arc ..............................................................................................................4 Consecration to Saint Joan of Arc ...................................................................................................6 Chaplet of Saint Joan of Arc ............................................................................................................8 Invocations en Forme de Litanies.................................................................................................. 10 Novena to St. Joan of Arc May 21 - 29. St. Joan of Arc, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee; filled with love for those who suffer; heavily laden with the weight of my troubles I kneel at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection. (here mention your petition) Grant to recommend it to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lay it before the throne of Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace to behold God face to face, and with Mary and thee, and all the angels and saints, praise Him for all eternity. O most powerful St. Joan, do not let me lose my soul but obtain for me the grace of winning my way to Heaven forever. Amen Our Father.......Hail Mary......Glory Be St. Joan of Arc, pray for us Litany of Saint Joan of Arc (Confraternity version)1 Lord, have mercy on us! Jesus Christ, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us! Jesus Christ, hear us! Jesus Christ, graciously hear us! Our Heavenly Father, Who is God, have mercy on us! Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, Who is God, have mercy on us! Holy Spirit, Who is God, have mercy on us! Holy Trinity, Who is God, have mercy on us! Holy Mary, virgin mother of God, pray for us. Saint Joan named by God before the foundations of the world; Pray for us. Saint Joan consecrated in the womb, etc. Saint Joan born on the feast of Epiphany at Domremy, France, Saint Joan pious and noble in your childhood, Saint Joan exhibiting wisdom and grace as a child, Saint Joan delight of all who knew you, Saint Joan pious daughter of the church, Saint Joan daughter of Mary Most Holy, Saint Joan who delighted in the Eucharist, Saint Joan compliant to the call of God, Saint Joan model of family life and labor, Saint Joan submissive to the command of God through her counselors, Saint Joan informed of her mission by Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Joan faithfully devoted to Our Lady, Saint Joan confident in and submissive to her voices, Saint Joan example of faithfulness to the Divine Vocation, Saint Joan model of union with God in action, Saint Joan model of mercy and compassion, Saint Joan patriot in the service to your God and country, Saint Joan virgin and soldier, Saint Joan model of courage and purity to all, Saint Joan liberator of Orleans, France, Saint Joan glory of Rheims, France, Saint Joan liberator of France, Saint Joan who by your life and example restored the faith of the people of France. Saint Joan abandoned and imprisoned at Compiegne, 1 http://www.jehannedarc.org/joansprayers.html Saint Joan pure and patient in your prison, Saint Joan beaten, bruised, questioned and accused, Saint Joan heroic and valiant before your judges, Saint Joan bearing prophetic utterance at your trial, Saint Joan remaining true to your Lord through extremity, Saint Joan alone with God at your hour of passion, Saint Joan forgiving your executioners,. Saint Joan crying the name of your savior Jesus Christ to the end, Saint Joan martyred on the feast of Corpus Christi, Saint Joan virgin martyr of Rouen, France , Saint Joan of Arc angel of Domremy, Saint Joan of Arc apostle of God, Saint Joan pray for us, that we may become worthy of the promises of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Let us pray. Lord God, Who has raised up in an admirable manner, the Virgin of Domremy, Saint Joan of Arc, for the defense of the faith and country. By her intercession, we ask that Saint Joan intercede for us and the Church That it will triumph against the assaults of her enemies and rejoice in lasting peace; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. Consecration to Saint Joan of Arc (Confraternity version) O dearest Saint, whom we have truly come to admire, love and respect; please help each and everyone of us from this day forth to grow daily in grace and in the practice of genuine Christian virtue. In imitation of thee, pray and intercede for us therefore that we may live a pure and chaste life, while living in this world, and grow more deeply in the Faith as well as increase the knowledge of it so as to never lose the sincere appreciation of "this pearl of great price." Pray for us too that our hope for the attainment of heaven - our true home - as well as the desire for the pursuit of personal holiness - which is the key to it - may never wane during our pilgrimage in this valley of tears. Assist us, then, dear Saint in sincerely pursuing these two spiritual goals with the same determination and perseverance, as thou dids't exhibit while on earth, despite all the odds that may yet come against us. Furthermore, by your holy generosity, please St. Joan pray of us that like thee, O Virgin Maiden; we may advance daily in true Fraternal Charity first towards God - ever willing to be never out-done in our acts of piety and adoration of Our Blessed Lord in the practice of our Holy Religion. Help us too to show this Christ-like Charity to our dear brothers and sisters in the Faith when we see them in need and even towards those who would make themselves our enemies. Like thee, O beloved patron, may we never show them any bitterness and hatred but rather pity them in their weakness and above all pray for their conversion and sanctification of their hearts, and minds and ultimately the salvation of their souls. O Valiant Spiritual Warrior of God, ever brave and virile of heart; we - poor sinners of Christ's Militant Church on earth, - beg of thee today at this un-easy time in the history of the Church to watch over us in our constant daily struggle against satan and the powers of darkness who seek none other than to destroy the Faith in so many souls and to rob them of the inestimable gift of Sanctifying Grace which is the seed of Eternal Glory. Protect us, then, O glorious saint from all evil influences of this materialistic world in which we live. Shield us too from the on-slaught of the present day errors and heresies of Modernism, Liberalism and Secular Humanism as well as all other atheistic beliefs, which have unfortunately become the primary causes of so many souls being led into the general apostasy predicted for our time. Moreover in addition to these prayerful requests which we ask in trustful confidence of thy intercessory power, - help to 'lift the veil of confusion' from the minds and hearts of those unfortunate souls who are presently and imprudently believing and adhering to false doctrines, erroneous opinions, questionable apparitions and even deceitful messages from modern day would -be false prophets. In these times of brazen impiety, pray for us to obtain the grace of moral courage to un-hesitatingly be ever ready to draw the 'Spiritual Sword of Truth' and to strike at all forms of deceit in order that evil may eventually be overcome by good. O blessed St. Joan, - true apostle of the Kingship of Christ - may we, like thee, be totally dedicated to spreading courageously the doctrine of the Social Kingship of Christ, Our Saviour, and all that it implies and may we likewise cultivate and spread devotion to Our Blessed Mother - the Queen of Heaven, - for just as you had the names of "Jhesus & Marie" inscribed upon your military banner, when leading your country-men into battle to fight for their homeland, - so may their sacred names be forever and indelibly impressed in our hearts and minds and upon our lips. Finally, O "Daughter of God," whom we honor this day by the collective consecration of ourselves to thy protection; obtain for each and everyone of us gathered - the grace to be willing to give our very lives for the Faith, - yes, even martyrdom itself, so that just as thou, at the end of your mortal life was willing to be consumed in the fires at the stake lit by those who took away your precious life, - grant that whatever suffering we may be called upon to endure, in the future; we too may one day be consumed in the Fire of God's Everlasting Love and in doing so, eventually enjoy HIS Beatific Presence in Heaven with thee, see thee face to face, and praise HIM, HIS holy mother in company with all the choirs of angels and saints! AMEN! Ave Jhesus & Maria!!! (Father Peter R. Lemay composed this prayer, on May 29th, 2001 through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and with the assistance of Fr. Lemay's guardian angel and St. Joan.). Chaplet of Saint Joan of Arc Prayer on the Crucifix: Sign of the Cross O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me. Prayer to Christ the King (Plenary indulgence) O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You to be King of the Universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Exercise upon me all Your sovereign rights. I hereby renew my baptismal promises, renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps, and I engage myself to live a truly Christian life.
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