DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT & EMP REPORT FOR PROPOSED GRAIN BASED DISTILLERY (60 KLPD), MALT SPRIT PLANT (6 KLPD) ALONG WITH COGENERATION POWER PLANT (3 MW) AT VILLAGE PACAHRIA DALARPATHAR, MOUZA PUB BONGSOR, TEHSIL HAJO, DISTRICT KAMRUP, ASSAM. PROJECT PROPONENT: M/S. MANGLAM DISTILLERS & BOTTLING INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES PREPARED BY: en-VISIz ENVIRO ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. n 208 - 213 / G - TOWER, SHANKHESHWAR COMPLEX, SAGRAMPURA, SURAT - 395 002, GUJARAT. Phone No.: (0261) 2470653, 2472374, 2473905 Fax No.: +91-261-2478518 Email Add.: [email protected] Website: www.en-vision.in Provisional Accreditation by Quality Council of India under NABET M/S. MANGLAM DISTILLERS & BOTTLING APR, 2015 151001_315026_150414 e n - V I S I z n PREFACE M/s. Manglam Distillers & Bottling Industries is proposing to set up a 60 KLPD Grain Based Distillery, 6 KLPD Malt Spirit along with co-generation Power plant of 3.0 MW to manufacture Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA)/RS/Industrial Alcohol at Village Pachari, Dalarpathar, Mouza Pub Bongsor, Tehsil Hajo, District Kamrup, Assam, As per EIA Notification 2006, the proposed project is categorized as A under 5(g), (ii) (All Cane Juice/Non-Molasses based Distilleries ≥30 KLD). In order to assess the likely impacts arising out of the proposed project, M/s. Manglam Distillers & Bottling Industries had appointed M/s. En-vision Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Surat (Gujarat), to undertake the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the various environmental components which may be affected, to assess the impact arising out of the proposed project and to prepare a detailed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to minimize those adverse impacts. The cooperation and assistance rendered by M/s. Manglam Distillers & Bottling Industries in the preparation of this report is gratefully acknowledged. M/s. En-vision Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. M/S. MANGLAM DISTILLERS & BOTTLING INDUSTRIES, KAMRUP, ASSAM. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF EIA & EMP REPORT FOR PROPOSED 60 KLPD GRAIN BASED DISTILLERY, 6 KLPD MALT SPIRIT ALONG WITH 3 MW CO-GENERATION POWER PLANT AT VILLAGE PACHARI, DALARPATHAR, MOUZA PUB BONGSOR, TEHSIL HAJO, DISTRICT KAMRUP, ASSAM. OF M/S. MANGALAM DISTILLERS & BOTTLING INDUSTRIES HOUSE NO. 17, CHITRALEKHA LANE, USHA NAGAR, DISPUR, GUWAHATI – 781006, ASSAM e n - V I S I z n 1. INTRODUCTION M/s. Manglam Distillers & Bottling Industries, Company incorporated on 17th day of April 2008 with its Registered Office at House No. 17, Chitralekha Lane, Usha Nagar, Dispur, Guwahati – 781006, Assam and Factory/Works at Pachari, Dalarpathar, Mouza Pub Bongsor, Tehsil Hajo, District Kamrup, Assam, set up a 60 KLPD Grain Based Distillery, 6 KLPD Malt Spirit along with co-generation Power Plant of 3 MW. Project comes under Category A, 5(g), (II) All Can Juice/Non Molasses based Distilleries ≥ 30 KLPD as per EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2006 and its subsequent amendments. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1. PROJECT DETAILS Name of the company M/s. Manglam Distillers & Bottling Industries. Category of the project A S. No. In the schedule 5(g), (II) All Can Juice/Non Molasses based Distilleries ≥ 30 KLPD Location of the project Village Pachari, Dalarpathar, Mouza Pub Bongsor, Tehsil Hajo, District Kamrup, Assam. Capacity of the project Proposed Grain Based Distillery (60 KLPD ENA/RS/Industrial Alcohol) Malt Spirit (6 KLPD) along with co-generation Power plant of 3 MW) General condition & Specific Does not attract general condition & Specific conditions. condition Total project cost Rs. 80.00 Crores Cost for EPCM Capital Cost: Rs. 950.00 lacs & Recurring cost: Rs. 75.0 lacs. Cost for CSR activity Rs. 400 lacs shall be utilized over a period of 5 years. 2.2. PROJECT REQUIREMENT Land requirement Total 36,120.7 sq. m. private land is already acquired. Water requirement & its source Total 720 KLPD water will be required for the proposed project which will be met through ground water. Necessary permission will be obtained from competent authorities. Electricity requirement & its 3.0 MW Cogeneration Power Plant. source Manpower requirements 60 personnel and local people will be employed as far as possible. Fuel requirement & its source Coal: 70 TPD or Rice Husk: 100 TPD for 30 TPH Boiler, Coal will be Source from Assam and Meghalaya while Rice Husk from Nearby sources. HSD: 300 lit/hr for D. G. Set, from nearest sources D.G. set for emergency use One 900 KVA Capacity for initial start up and emergency purposes 2.3. RAW MATERIAL REQUIREMENT SR. NAME OF THE RAW CONSUMPTION MODE OF SOURCE NO. MATERIAL MT/DAY TRANSPORTATION Grains (Broken Rice / Maize / Assam, Bihar, West 1. 150 TPD By Road Sorghum / Bajra / Wheat) Bengal, Uttar Pradesh. Assam, Bihar, West 2. Malt 15 TPD By Road Bengal, Uttar Pradesh. Directly from the By Road 3. Alpha Amylase 30 Kg Chemical Companies Directly from the By Road 4. Amyloglucosidase 30 Kg Chemical Companies 5. Sulphuric Acid 50 Kg Authorized Dealers By Road 6. Urea 60 Kg Local Market By Road 7. Nutrients Ammonia 150 Kgs Local Market By Road 8. Antifoam 0.6 kg per KL 36 kgs Local Market By Road 9. Yeast As per requirement Authorized Dealers By Road 10. Biocides 30 kg Local Market By Road Mode of Transportation: Road traffic to and from the proposed plant during operation of proposed project will be increased to some extent (around 85 trucks/day). The regular maintenance of vehicle shall limit the pollution within limits. M/S. MANGLAM DISTILLERS & BOTTLING INDUSTRIES, KAMRUP, ASSAM. S-1 e n - V I S I z n 2.4. WASTE WATER GENERATION The effluent generated from the ENA production process is segregated as process effluent (spent wash and spent lees) and effluent from utilities like Boiler, Vacuum pump, washings. The company proposes to follow & set up a “Zero Effluent Discharge” scheme. The condensates from evaporation shall be recycled and reused in Process & Make up water streams. Spent wash shall be decanted for separation of Suspended Solids and Multi-Effect Evaporation arrangement. Condensate shall be reused and spent less shall be recycled back to Distillation. Wastewater from Boiler (Blow down) as well as miscellaneous Water shall be used in Gardening and Green Belt development. Domestic wastewater generated shall be disposed off through septic tanks followed by soak pit/well. 2.5. AIR EMISSION & AIR POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES STACK NAME & POLLUTION NO. OF STACK HEIGHT & ATTACHED QUANTITY OF CONTROL POLLUTANTS STACK DIAMETER (M) TO FUEL EQUIPMENT Coal 70 TPD or PM – 150 mg/Nm3 Ht. 45 m & 1. 30 TPH Boiler Rice Husk 100 Bag Filter / ESP SO – 100 ppm dia. - 2 m 2 TPD NOx – 50 ppm D. G. Set of Industrial Grade PM – 150 mg/Nm3 900 KVA Resistive Mufflers Ht. - 9 m & 2. Diesel 300 Lit./Hr SO – 100 ppm (Standby and RCC room with dia. - 0.4 m 2 NOx – 50 ppm facility) proper ventilation 2.6. SOLID WASTE GENERATION & DISPOSAL TYPE OF SOLID SR. NO. SOURCE QUANTITY PER DAY DISPOSAL METHOD WASTE 1. Grain Residue Process Approx 120 MT as DWGS Dried and sold for cattle feed (DDGS/DWGS) or approx 42 MT as DDGS 2. Fly ash Boiler Approx 10 MT Sold to Cement or brick manufacturers. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 3.1 INTRODUCTION The baseline environmental quality of air, water, soil, noise, socioeconomic and ecology has been assessed during November 2014 to January 2015 in a study area of 10 km radial distance from the project site. 3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE AREA Project location Village Pachari, Dalarpathar, Mouza Pub Bongsor, Tehsil Hajo, District Kamrup, Assam. Site coordinates Latitude : 26° 14' 24.73" N Longitude : 91° 38' 39.53" E Nearest Village Pacharia Nearest Town Changsari at 5 km in North-East Direction Nearest City Guwahati at 11 km South-East Direction Nearest Dist Headquarter Kamrup at 12 km in South-East Direction Nearest National Highway NH 31at 4.5 km in East Direction Nearest Railway Station Changsari at 5.2 km in North-East Direction Nearest Airport Guwahati at 13 km in South Direction Nearest River Brahmaputra River at 4 km in South Direction National Park / Reserve Forest, Biosphere Sila RF - 1.5 km in East Direction Reserve Agyathuri RF - 3.5 km in South-East Direction Diregheswar RF - 6.5 km in North-East Direction Sildar RF - 8.6 km in West Direction Hajo RF - 9.2 km in West Direction Seismicity Seismic Zone-V 3.3 BASE LINE DATA Base line data has been collected during the study period i.e. November 2014 to January 2015. 3.4 SITE SPECIFIC MICRO-METEOROLOGY The maximum and minimum temperatures observed in the study period are 39.3 OC and 14.2 OC with average relative humidity 71%. The predominant wind direction is North-East and South-West. M/S. MANGLAM DISTILLERS & BOTTLING INDUSTRIES, KAMRUP, ASSAM. S-2 e n - V I S I z n 3.4.1 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY The ambient air samples were collected from eight locations and analyzed for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO and hydrocarbons. As per the ambient air monitoring, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO and hydrocarbons level were in the range of 33.5 - 89.3 μg/m3, 17.1 - 45.3 μg/m3, 4.4 - 9.3 μg/m3, 12.5 - 24.6 μg/m3, 162 - 510 μg/m3, BDL respectively. The results of the monitored data indicate that the ambient air quality of the region in general is in conformity with respect to rural / residential norms of National Ambient Air Quality standards of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). 3.4.2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY MONITORING Total eight nos. of surface water samples were collected from the study area. The pH varied is from 6.62-7.56, the turbidity varied from 1.9-3.6 NTU, the total dissolved solids varied from 138-328 mg/l, Conductivity varied from 218- 512 µS/cm, The total alkalinity varied from 50-100 mg/l the total hardness varied from 60-180 mg/l, calcium varied from 16.0-40.0 mg/l, chloride varied from 25-75 mg/l and the sulphate varied from 16.0-45.0 mg/l.
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