U.S.-China Clash ln North Korea Deepens Crisis By John G. Wright General MacArthur’s formal notification to the United Nations that “ Chinese Communist military units’’ were in action in North Korea has confronted this “ guardian of world peace” with t,he gravest in-' ternational crisis since its forma­ Security Council passed a resolu­ tion. tion “ inviting” Mao’s regime to In marked contrast to the openly discuss MacArthur’s “ charges” bellicose attitude displayed both before the Security Council. The in Washington and at Lake vote was 8 to 2 with the U. S. Political Set-back for Labor Success when the Korean hostili­ delegate Austin demonstratively ties first broke out in June, this voting in fgvor. time the initial tactic is to “ go Meanwhile, the American reso­ slow” and to make a public show lution, which will reportedly con­ of probing for all the available tain an ultimatum to Peking to avenues cf “ negotiating some withdraw its troops from Korea, settlement.” These diplomatic is still to be form ally introduced. maneuvers, of course, represent The official explanation for the Due to Leaders’ False Policy a jockeying for positions but they delay is that the final draft is also underscore the gravity of the “not yet ready.” How long this existing international situation. diplomatic game w ill continue is To data, there have been two anybody’s guess. SWP SCORES BIG GAINS; GOP Gain; UN actions. First, the UN Interim Peking has acknowledged the Committee on Korea issued a presence of only “ Chinese volun­ declaration that the interest of all teers” in Korea. The number of 13,135 VOTES IN N.Y.C. McCarthyism countries “ neighboring on Korea” these troops has been variously will be “protected.” This gesture estimated in the press at from First returns on the Nov. 7 election's, incomplete in is obviously intended to “ placate” two to six divisions, with a most cases, point to the highest vote ever given to the and “ reassure” Mao’s regime, and tendency to revise these figures Strengthened candidates of the Socialist Workers Party. couldn’t have been made without upwards. MacArthur’s note fixes By George Breitman the consent of the U. S. State no definite figure but mentions In New York State, where the ®- Department. On the next day, the formations amounting to some SWP ran fo r five state - wide received 1,305 votes. It is not The union leaders' policy certain that this is the final vote. 30,000. offices, returns have been released of supporting capitalist poli­ ticians got anouier test on CAUTIOUS APPROACH only on the vote in New York SIGNIFICANCE OF VOTE iNov. 7, auu again demonstrated Harry Press Gets The press in general, un­ City. Surpassing the 1948 vote this ns baniiruptcy. doubtedly by order of the State Joseph Hansen, candidate for year is all the more significant for two reasons: 1. The witch­ ine wuen-uunt, initiated by the Department, has handled the U. S. Senator, headed the list 2,972 Votes for hunt atmosphere in American Truman administration, ooomèr- activity of these troops with note­ with 13,135 votes. Michael Bartell, worthy caution. MacArthur’s first political life has grown greatly anged on tne Democrats and cost mem a numoer ot key con­ communique of Nov. 6 while lor Governor, was credited with in the last two years. 2. In 1948, Calif. Assembly gressional seats ana states. denounc’ng Mao’s move as “ one 12,065. Gladys Barker, for Lt. the SWP was on the ballot in 11 SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8 — mere was a marked trend to­ of the most offensive acts of in­ Governor, got 11,388, A rthur state - wide contests plus two Harry Press, independent candi­ districts in California, while this ward indepenaeni and cross-ticket date for State Assembly in the ternational lawlessness on historic Preis, for Attorney General, got year it participated in only 4 voting, indicating a growing dis­ 20th District who was endorsed record.” contented itself with a 9,833. Harry Ring, for Comp­ state-wide contests, the same two regard tor party laoels and the by the Socialist Workers Party, reference to “ alien” forces and troller, got 9,692. districts in California, plus three existence of a mass sentiment received 2.972 votes in today’s reserves, while carefully refrain­ These figures represent heavy other congressional races. m at couid be won to independent election. His incumbent opponent, ing from singling out China by increases over the SWP vote in Other SWP results will be re­ lauor poutical action. Thomas A. Maloney, got 18,963 name as MacArthur later did in i948 and 1949. In last year’s ported \vhen received. Tne hopes tnat many workers votes. Press’ vote represented 14% his “ report” to the UN. mayoralty campaign, the SWP had of gaining concessions and of the total cast in this contest. The consensus of newspaper tally ranged from 1,379 to 2,334. social reiorms througn Truman’s In 1948, Press had received 3,- opinion—as well as the diplomatic in 1948 the Dobbs-Carlson ticket f air Deal w ill have to he abandon­ 495 votes to 21,649 for Maloney. l'ne taken at Lake Success — is got 2,249 votes in New York City. ed or deferred indefinitely. The total vote was higher that that the “ extent and purpose” of Mao’s intervention in Korea Those are the main lessons of year, but the percentages were The only other independent the 1950 elections. the same. remains ns yet “unclear.” party on the New York state Th's year Press spoke to over The power dams and plants on Dallot this year was the Socialist ONION LEADERS’ POLICY 3,000 union members in 24 d if­ the Yalu river are widely cited as Labor Party, running as the In­ The labor leaders poured a ferent local unions. He toured the the most “ obvious reason” for the Carlson Makes dustrial Government Party, whose great deal of money and man­ action of the Mao regime. And 17,000 STRIKE AGAINST A F L Labor Temple nightly and senatorial and gubernatorial power into the efforts to retain although the local bureaucrats they are indeed vital to China. Good Showing in cand.dates got between 6,000 and or increase the Democratic ma­ told him to keep out, no local The hydroelectric system on the 7,000 votes In New York City. jorities in Congress. They suc­ Yalu river is indispensable to union refused his request to speak FIRING OF UNION In San Francisco, Harry Press, ceeded in getting a larger turnout the Manchurian industry which and present his socialist nlatform Minnesota Race SWP - endorsed candidate for tiian usual in off-election years, depends for its power on these to their membership. He also Assembly in the 20th District, cut Little else. The Democratic dams and nower plants. The MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 8 — The spoke to two large waterfront AT LACKAWANNA PLANT received 2,972 votes, about 14% majority fell from 54-42 in the largest installation in this system latest returns give Grace Carlson unions, the Marine Cooks and of the total, the same percentage oenate to 49-47. In the House it is the Suiho dam whose capacity BUFFALO, Nov. 3 — The huge Lackawanna plant of 1,305 votes as the Socialist Work­ fe ll from 262-172 to 224-186, witn Stewards and the CIO National he got in 1948. Maritime Union. is estimated at two - thirds the the Bethlehem Steel Company was shut tight here this ers Party candidate for Congress the remainder still in doubt. In the E’ifth Minnesota con­ In addition. Press made a spec’al cutput of the Hoover Dam on the week by 17,000 workers in an unprecedented labor dem- from the Fifth District in Min­ -Still more sign.ficant, they Colorado River. gressional district, Grace Carlson, failed to elect or unseat most of appeal to members of the Inde­ enstration for Vincent Copeland, nesota. The complete official The AP reported from Wash­ after beating off three attempts ate candidates they devoted their pendent Progressive Party, stress­ Lackawanna Steel union leader for its new sintering plant “from ington on Nov. 5 that the Truman results will not be available until to bai; her from the ballot, JOSEPH HANSEN . major attention to. Republicans ing the bankruptcy of the nolicy who was discharged by the com­ %he outside” instead of from administration was “weighing” an next week. The election was won Taft and Millikin (Colo.), Hicken- of voting for liberal capitalist pany on a trumped-up charge of among the regular employees in politicians His election platform ultimatum to Peking that these accordance with their seniority by the Republican incumbent, tooper (Iowa), Wiley (Wise.) — power plants “ would be attacked “ instigating a wildcat walkout” of was sent to all registered IPP the blast - furnace department status. The walkout lasted two Walter H. Judd. special targets of the labor lead­ (Continued on page 3) Where Can Labor ers — were re-elected to the voters in the district. where he is the chief grievance days, and when the men returned I t was only last week that the man. The demonstration showed to work the company gave in on Senate. Truman’s Senate majority Minnesota Supreme Court handed .cader Lucas (111.), his Senate Yugoslavia Seen W ith Open Eyes: 2 the determination of the Lack­ the grievance. Go From Here? down its decision over - ruling a .vhip Myers (Pa.), the veteran awanna steel workers to reinstate VICTIMIZED By The Editors Vince Copeland, who is widely Hennepin County judge and put­ Elbert Thomas (Utah), Helen Copeland was one of thè com­ ting Grace Carlson’s name on the Douglas (Calif.), all were beaten.
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