THE EVENING STAR, Washington, wrote the Swedish royal family D. C. —but continued to vote with the sit in the cabinet. The Repub- higher wages. The postmen A-4 TUESDAY. MAY 1. 1087 asking for her hand. government on major issues in licans and Liberals are believed ended their walkout, scheduled He confirmed that he received Italian President Parliament. likely to go along. Begins to three days, from last 12 hours after a written turn-down Mar- The Social Democrats, The next regular garetha’s mother, Princess Sib- headed national it started because they no longer by Mr. Saragat, had been threat- election is not due until next had effective * •• an • government to « . ylla. Swedish . .* . , t *. but declined to disclose what Princess Seenv ening spring. quit it said. Search for to for some time so strike against. New.Premier —— * they with the big- the only person could reunite May Speed “I am in the ROME, May 7 (A>).—President ger left-wing Party Action world who has seen that letter Socialist and Set to Defy Romance Ban Giovanni Gronchl today began campaign under one banner in The task of picking a new Traffic Death Ruled way.” and it will remain that the search for .a politician to future elections. Premier usually takes three or LONDON, May 7 (TP). The Mr. Douglas-Home told a re- days. by patch together a new government unlikely, however, four But with French Accidental Jury London porter. “I have not even shown It seemed Daily Mail said today it from Italy’s moderate center Mr. Saragat press President Rene Coty due in A coroner's Jury yesterday jA it to my family.” that would for Rome Thursday had learned Swedish Princess front. The center coalition’s col- a general soon. Observ- for a state visit, ruled accidental the traffic death Noble Strains Par Apart lapse forced election Mr. Gronchl may speed up Margaretha plans to defy her Premier Antonio ers say the two Socialist parties the of Robert F. Powers, 79, The Daily Express hinted the Segni to resign last nlight after BjK proceedings. If, the of family and marry her British royal might have a lot to do before they can outlook is Gaithersburg, Swedes 'ome out 22 months In office. bleak, however, he might let Md. on April 24 at • ML v patch up their 10-year rift and of noble lineage only second best if they start com- V '•. ,*> Abi6v.\ '¦'C>fZK suitor but ¦ *• things simmer until Forty-fifth street Seen as strong possibilities vSft enter elections as a unified Mr. Coty and Cathedral > >'! paring blood lines with the young Monday. $126-a-week Income. were two prominent lawyers, y group. leaves next Until a new avenue N.W. The Mail added that the beau* suitor’s. members mrj , wm, \ 1 Mr. Saragat. government is formed, Mr. dP vpd “The Bernadottes are of good both of Mr. Segnl’s Mi for one thing, Mr. Powers, who died of a tiful, 22-year-old granddaughter Party. Segnl’s cabinet remains in office French middle-class origin and Christian Democratic insists the Socialists—headed by crushed chest last Friday in of King Gustaf VI and Robin They are Adone Zoli, finance Stalin prize-winner as a caretaker regime. have been royal since 1810,” the -i? Pietro Nenni Douglas-Home , H JB government Emergency Hospital, was a pas- have agreed, how- Express commented editorially. minister in the old government, —make a decisive break with The Segni was the ever. to wait two years. A 25- and served Communists. fourth in the present senger in a car operated by his “The Home’s have been i oble Guido Gonella. who the He has ex- Parlia- year-old nephew of the Earl of mmm as minister without portfolio pressed doubt left-wing elements ment, which was elected in June, grandson, Martin T. Munday, Home, advertising since 1473.” Mr. Segni. 1953. he writes copy The Express added: “Certainly under In the party want such a break. All were four-party coali- 17, of Germantown. Md. The car by day and plays the piano for conferring pros- Thus appears tions headed by the King Gustaf might prefer his Before with It the Bocial Christian collided with one by a hotel cocktail hour. pective will agree driven granddaughter to marry a Swede. candidates. Mr. Gronchl Democrats to back Democrats. Henry S. Bell, 47. of 3040 Idaho The advertising agency pays Equally Lord Home might wish must go through the traditional another coalition bossed by The government crisis brought avenue N.W. The round the Christian Democrats, death was the his 16 pounds ($42) a week, the his nephew to marry a young of protocol talks with all even a sudden end to a strike by District’s 22d traffic fatality this hotel twice as much. woman of British birth. Italy’s living ex-presidents and though the Socialists may not 100,000 postal employes for year. Friends of Mr. Douglas-Home “But these are small issues. premiers. But another Christian also Insisted the romance is still “What matters Is that young Democrat premier appeared cer- very much alive despite the people, royal or commoner, have tain. Although short of a ma- strong opposition of the Scandi- a right to take their own risks jority in thf 590-member Cham- navian royal family, which re- and seek happiness along a path ber of Deputies, the party’s 262 coiled at the thought of having ROBIN DOUGLAS-HOME of their own choosing. And seats are 119 more than the sec- it is i V'- ly~ a son-in-law who plays piano for “Matter Between Two People” wrong and mistaken to obstruct ond-place Communists. ¦. money in a cocktail bar. —AP Wtrephoto them.” Mr. Segni’s teetering coalition The romance hit the papers Daily Mirror Columnist Wil- of Christian Democrats, Social over the week end. and a spokes- I “I’min the Mood for Love.” But Democrats (antl-Communist So- he told reporters: liam Neil Conner said sarcas- man for the Swedish royal house tically. “Cats may look at Kings cialists), Republlcansaud Lib- announced Margaretha’s family “ItIs not my place to say any- but British pianists apparently erals fell apart last night when had rejected the Briton’s pro- thing. Aa far as I am concerned may not look at pert Swedish Vice Premier Giuseppe Sargat posal as “unthinkable.” this Is n purely personal princesses." and the three other Socialist matter ministers pulled out of the cab- ANTONIO SEGNI Sentimental Selections between two people." inet. Forced Ont as Premier Mr. Douglas-Home put in his The romance flowered during Group Insurance Foreign Policy Not Issue —AS Wlr.phoM usual stint at the keyboard last a visit Princess Margaretha made NEW YORK.—More than half Italy's Western-aligned for- Republicans night Among the numbers he to London last winter to improve the Nation’s working force is eign policy was not an issue. issues. The quit played were “Singing the Blues.” her English. She went home in covered by group life insurance. The four parties bad been bic- the cabinet two months ago—- “Our Love Is Here to Stay" and March, and Mr. Dowlas-Home The average is about 83.300. kerlng for months over domestic saying they wanted a freer hand ¦**'< \ ¦ . 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