•••••••••••••• A GIFT TO THE LIBRARY OF MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FROM THE COLLECTION OF J. R. SMALLWOOD • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • Customs, Circular, No. 15. WHEN TOURISTS. ANGLERS AND SPORTSMEN. arriving in this Colony. bring with them Firearms and Am­ munition, Tents. Canoes and Implements, Cameras. Bicycles, Anglers' Outfits, T routin~ Gear, they shall be admitted un­ der the following conditions:- A deposit equal to the duty shall be taken on such articles as Cameras, Bicycles, Trouting Poles, Firearms, Tents Canoes, and Tent Equipage. A receipt (No. 1) accordin~ to the form attached. shall be given for the deposit, and the particulars of the articles shall be noted in· the marginal checks. Receipt No. 2. if ta­ ken at an· Outport Office. shall be mailed at once directed to the Assistant Collector. St. John's; if taken in St. John's the Receipt No. 2 shall be sent to the Landing Surveyor. Upon the departure from the Colony of the Tourist. Angl~r or Sportsman. he may obtain a refund of the deoosit bv presenting the articles at the Port of Exit. and having them compared with t,e Receipt. ThP Examining Officer <:-h<tll in1tia1 on the Receipt the result of his exam"nation. and up­ on its correctness being ascertained the refund may be mad,!. No Groceries. Canned Goods or Provisions of any kind will be admitted free. and no deposit for a refund may be taken upon such articles. H. W. LeMESSURIER. D~puty Minister of Customs. Custom House, St. John·s. N. F. December. 1919. NOCJICE To Drivers of Carts, Carriages, Motors etc. Under the provisions of The Street Traffic Regulations Act, 1918, notice is hereby ~ven that all Carts, Carriage~. Motor Cars, Sleighs and other vehicles, passing along Water Street, Duckworth Street, New Gower Street, Military Road Queen's Road, Theatre Hill and Adelaide Street, must keep to the LEFT. Vehicles passing at the junction of Adelaide and Wa­ ter Streets must stop while passesngers are transferring to and from the Street Cars. Persons committing a breach of this order are liable to a fine of TEN DOLLARS ($1 0.00). CHAS. H. HUTCHINGS, lnsoector-General Constabulary. NOTICE , Under prov1s1ons of The Street Trdffic Regulations Act, 1918, it is ordered as follows:- ,When more than ten persons gather at the entrance tc any building wharf enclosed space, or other place of pub­ lic assembly for the purpose of entering the same, they tJhall form into a line not more than .TWO deep on the inside of the sidewalk close to the building or place to be entered, or in such other manner as the police may di­ rect, and enter the said building, \\'harf, enclosed space, or other place of public assembly in turn quietly and without crowding or pushing. They shall take their position in the rear of the line as they arrive and shall in no way inter­ fere with other persons entering in their proper order. Persons committing a breach of this Regulation are liable to a fine of TEN DOLLARS for each offence. CHAS. H. HUTCHINGS~_ NOTICE To Masters of Foreign-Going- and Coast wise Vessels Reauisitions for liquor for foreign-go­ ing vessels sailing from this oort must be ac­ companied by Customs' Clearance of ves­ sels for which the lia1~or is intended. Appli­ cants for liquor for -- coastwise or Labrador vessels must produce clearance or coasting license with each application. Mail orders for liquor for vessels de­ parting from ports outside St. John's. For­ eign voyages, Coastwise or Labrador must be accompanied by certificate for nearest Customs' Officer that such vessel is ready for sea. Telegraph Orders for Spirits for ves­ sels of any class departing on Foreign or Coastwise voyages from ports outside St. John's will be honored only when endorsed by telegram from Customs' Officer direct to Controller. T. BONIA, Acting Controller SYNOPSIS OF THE GAME LAWS, Newfoundland. CARIBOU-No person l'lb 1 pussue with intent to kill any Caribou from he 1st d a y of Febr uary to the 31st day of July, or from the 1st day of October to the 20th day of October in any year (fo r days · usive) . .And n.o per son shaU kill or take more 'than two S t ag and one Doe Caribou in any one year. Tinnin~ or cannin&" of Caribow. ic absolutely pro­ hibited. Penalties for violation of thea& lawG: A fine not exeeeding two hundred dollars, or in defauU, impri•on• ment not exceeding six months. MOOSE-No person shall. hunt, kill, {)r hava &ny intent to kill, any Moose or Elk within this Colony, nnder a penalty of two hunderd dollars. BIRDS .A.ND WILD RABBIT OR HARE-No per­ son. shall, hunt, kill •ell, purchase or have in possession any Ptarmigan or Willow Grouse. (commonly called Wild Partridge,) nor any Curlew, Plover, Snipe, or other wild or migratory birds, Wild Rabbit or Ji:'are within this Colony, between the 1st day of January and the 20th day of September in any year, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment of three months. BEAVER-Any person who shall hunt. kill or -pur­ sue or take, any Beaver within the Colony at any time from the 1st day of Octoher 1913. to the 1st dav of Octo­ ber 19·20, shall upon conviction for the first offence be imprisoned for two months with hard. 1ahonr. wiih ihe option of a fin A no.. f'xceed : n~ tw) hunifrp-d (1 .)1!ar8 t>nd not leF;R than fifty do!lars: for the ~f'~ond off~nc~ the FOXER-~o oerr-cn ?tllall hunt. kill or <':t-pti-tT~ o-r nenpJty shall he impr,sonmbnt fol" ~be month:;; ,,,p·.:n. hRrd within thiR COlony or itR de-vendencieR. for anv purnose from the "fifteenth day of March to t h e fifteenth da.v of O 'cto·ber., _'"in any year, under a pen a~ty f or each offence not exceeding one thousand dollarR ( 1,007f) P.nd not lf~Rs than two hundred and fifty d "1 1 ars ( $250). and con­ fiscation of animaAts or skins or in default t ·o ;mnrisnn­ ment not exceeding six months and confiscation of animal s and "'kin~. TROUT AND SALMON-No person sha11 use H.nv appliance other than ro .• hook-and·ai e. t D catch any Sal­ mon, Trout or Inland water :fi -::h es, V\r~th.in fifty fathorrs from either bank, on the s t ran d, sea, stream, pond, ~ake or estuary, debouching into the sea. No person shall catch, "ki11 or take, any Sa1 mon or Trout in any river, brook. str ~a m, -pond or 1 ake in New­ foundland between the 15th day of Sentember in any year and the 15th day of January in the succeeding year. License, non-resident, $10.00. GOWER RABBITS, Secretary. St. John,s' Newfoundlland, January, 1920. I I "An Act R pecting 1he Refining Of Cod Liver ous." Be it enacted by the Governor, the Le1:islat i v~ Co·nn­ cil and House of Assembly, in J..~egicslat, i, ... e He:-;sion con­ vened as :iollo·wR: 1-Fro:n and after the first d.ay of June, one tl•ou• sand and nine hundred and s ix teen, u fl tJer~on in .Sew­ foundland shall engage in the business of ref ining Cod Liver Oil without having first oht a1neol a J..~icen.se fro1n the Department of Marine and Fis heri.es, nn<ler a peualty not exceeding one hun red dollars to be recovered in a summary manner before a Stipec.dia1.· y Mag·strate or a Justice by any person who shall Slle fvr sa1ne. 2-Such Licenses shall be issue d l>y the said I>epart­ ment subject to such rules and regulations as n1ay be made by the Governor in Council in that behalf. 3-Any erson who, a fter the first day of J ·uly, one thousand nine h u ndred and s ixteen , shall export from Newfo ndland any refined Cod Liver Oil without ha,... in g the same f irst inspected and bran ded in accordance with the p r ovisions of Chapter one hunderd and four of the Consolidated Statutes of Newfoundland (Second Series) shall be aubjeei io a penalty not e:xceedinc five hundred dollars to be recovered in a summary manner before a Stipendiary Mag ~s trate or a Justice by any person who shall sue or the La me. 4-0ne half of all pe :~. a Hies recovered ur der the pro­ v i sions of this A ct shall b e p aid t o the party giving the Department of Marine and F isheries immediately. infor mation, and the other half to the Minis ter of Finance and Custm.fts for the use of the Colony. The foregoing is published for the information and guidance of those interested, and they are required to gov­ ern themselves accordingly, and app ~ y f or a Ljcenr e to the Department of Marine and Fisheries immediately. G. F GRIMES, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. ·;z Dept. of Marine and Fisheries, St. John's N :fld . v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a NOTICE TO OWNERS AND MAS­ TERS OF BRITISH SHIPS The attention of Owners and Masters of British Ships is called to the 74th Section of the Mer ... chants' Shipping Act. 1894. 74-(1) A Ship belonging to a British subje(".t shall hoist the proper national CDlours- ( a) on a signal being made to her by one of His Majesty's ships (includng any vessel under the command of an officer of His Ma..
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