The Magazine for the Moxons, Established by James Moxon in 1988, Founding Editor, and First President of the Society. No. 27 April 2001 Published April and October. Editorial “TEMPUS FUGIT” said the Romans - and The Moxons and Kew they were not wrong! It seems only weeks ago since the October Magazine was published. IT HAD LONG been our late President’s and both Susans for enabling all these photos We apologise for its lateness, which was due desire that the Society should hold a Gathering to be reproduced by the Society, and a number to a variety of problems which all conspired at Kew - and it is a great pity that he will not reproduced in the Moxon Magazine. against us at the same time! be there, with us, to enjoy the occasion this When we were five years old (a long time coming August/September. Moxons of Yarmouth - ago for some of us!) the previous year had The Moxons have been associated with been a fifth of our life - 20%. Now, for The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew since Family Tree. someone aged 70, the last year was only 1/70 around 1850, when James Edward Moxon (the of their life - 1.4%. Is this the only reason second son of Thomas Moxon of Leyton) OUR “CENTRE PAGE COLOUR SPREAD” that time appears to go by quicker as we get became passionately interested in botany. It shows many of the Moxons descended from older? Or is it that the pace of life has also was not, however, until 1915, that the Director John Moxon of Great Yarmouth (1689-1736), drastically increased. received notification that a sum of £30,000 except for the American branch and current In 1879 my Grandfather went to Texas. It was being bequested, at some time in the generations - due to lack of space. generally took 4-5 weeks for him to get a future, for the furthering of the study of Of necessity, the pictures shown on this reply to a letter sent to his father in England. botany. tree are small, and in many cases the originals (Although, when he arrived back in Liverpool The bequest was being made in the wills show the descendants down to waist level, and on a Saturday afternoon, he sent a card to his of Alfred and Louisa Moxon, the children of a few to full length. Providing there is father, asking to be collected from Tamworth James Edward Moxon. Louisa died in 1920, sufficient support from the Membership, it is Railway Station the next day (Sunday) at but Kew had to await the death of Alfred in proposed to publish an A5 booklet containing midday - and was met on time!) 1930. See colour photographs on page 7. all these pictures in colour and enlarged A few years ago, I could write to an The fund is now known as the Bentham- format. overseas member, and, even if they replied Moxon Trust. Further information on page 5. promptly, it could take two weeks for their A detailed account of the lives of Alfred The 2001 Gathering will be held on letter to arrive. Now, by e:mail, I often get a and Louisa Moxon - and their bequest to The Friday 31st August to Sunday 2nd reply the same day! Royal Botanic Gardens - was given in an September - see announcement on page 2. We recently bought a mobile phone for article written by Jimmy in MM16 October On display at The Royal Botanic Gardens emergency use e.g. if ever stranded in the car. 1995. at Kew, will be samples of Louisa Moxon’s We did not bargain for its complexity! But This talented and illustrious branch of the water colour paintings of alpine plants, of Dymps is slowly mastering this new Moxon Family are descended from John which over 1000 were donated. technology - and will then explain it to me! Moxon of Yarmouth (1689-1736), and much We hope you will all enjoy your weekend There are over twenty different ringing tones - has already been written about them in in Richmond, visiting Kew, Hampton Court we selected Bach’s Tacata and Fugue! Will previous Moxon Magazines (see References and Syon House. we ever manage to keep abreast with the ever on page 6) See page 5 for further information about this changing World? I have no wish to repeat what has already family. I am delighted to report that The been written, and would refer our readers to “Moxons” are generally keeping up. Now, just the back issues (you do keep them - don’t over 45% of Members have e:mail, and the you?) number is growing. The pace of life really is increasing, and it Moxon Family Pictures is not just because we are getting older! See you all at Kew later this year! SUSAN LOWTHER-PINKERTON, Member of Alderton, near Ipswich, herself a descendent of John Moxon of Yarmouth, and her daughter, Susan Hall, have many Moxon family portraits and miniatures. Features in this Issue: Before Jimmy left for Ghana, for the last The Moxons and Kew p1 time, he had made a tentative arrangement President’s letter. p2 with Paul Davies, Secretary of The Bentham- 2001 Gathering & Symposium at Kew. p2 Moxon Trust at Kew, to photograph all Roots 10 Moxons of Kirkburton. p3 Susan’s pictures. When Paul read of Jimmy’s The Moxons and Kew. p5 NEW MEMBERS death, he wrote to Jimmy’s sister, Margaret Moxons in Colour. p7 Eastwood, and this led to Dymps and I joining The Moxons of Yarmouth - Family p8 We welcome the following New members to Paul on his photographic mission. Tree in Colour. The Moxon Society: We met him at Ipswich Station, and the Knowing our Moxons - John C Moxon. p11 three of us then drove to Alderton, where Diana Moxon of London. ) Daughter and Obituaries - John S.W. Moxon and p12 Susan made us most welcome. After Susan’s Jack Mallin. Son excellent lunch, Paul set to work, having Origins of the name Moxon. p13 Neil Moxon of Preston. ) of Ron Moxon. brought with him, miniature flood lights, “Moxonabilia”. p14 David Bewley of Nepean, Ontario, Canada. camera and tripod. Rev. George Moxon Tablets p15 Sara England of Guildford, Surrey. Later, Paul took some further photographs An Update on Roots 7 p15 Geof R Moxon of Balmain, Sydney, Australia. of miniatures held by Susan Hall, Susan Where there’s a Will. p16 Nicola J. Hutchinson of Weaverthorpe, N. Lowther-Pinkerton’s daughter. We extend the Society’s thanks to Paul Yorks. 1 The Moxon Magazine - April 2001. Presidential Letter Kew Gathering and Symposium No 3 Friday 31st August to Sunday 2nd September, 2001. SINCE I LAST wrote a piece for the Gate Hotel, Richmond, London. Magazine we have had a superb meeting at Bristol which was well organised by Diana THIS YEAR the venue for our Gathering and Gathering Organiser, visited St. Mary's Trotter with the assistance of Gillie and John Symposium is in London, where we are taking University College, in Strawberry Hill, which McKeown. Diana, who very kindly the opportunity to visit Kew and find out all is where we thought the Gathering might be volunteered to take this job off my hands, is about the Bentham-Moxon Trust - formed held. From the brochure it seemed ideal, and now busy organising the next “Gathering” in largely from the bequest from brother and reasonably economic. However, after a visit to Kew, Richmond, London. sister, Alfred Edward and Margaret Louisa St. Mary’s, Diana felt some basic Your Society continues to grow, at the Moxon. (See further details on page 5) Our requirements were lacking, and has now time of writing this we have 125 fully paid-up host, at The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, selected the Gate Hotel. members spread around the world as follows: will be Mr.Paul Davies, Assistant Secretary The Price will be £170 per person, and an United Kingdom 83 members and Treasurer - The Bentham-Moxon Trust. A application form is enclosed with this France and Holland 3 number of Margaret Louisa’s water colour Magazine: please return it to Diana as soon as members paintings of alpine plants will be on display. possible, so that she can make all the final United States 19 We have booked in to the Gate Hotel in arrangements. This price does not include members Richmond, near the Park, which is one of the Saturday evening dinner, which is being Australia 9 most pleasant areas of London, and near to funded by the MFRT. members those places which we wish to visit. We look forward to a most interesting, West Indies 1 member As optional extras we propose to visit and exciting weekend, and hope that many Canada 6 Hampton Court, returning by boat on the members will be able to attend. members Thames, and Syon House, with a flying visit Philippines 1 member to the Public Record Office first thing on Please return your application form to New Zealand 3 Saturday morning. Diana in good time! members With so many interesting places to visit in The response to the Society’s offer to help London, we realise that members may have with the publishing costs of individual family alternative ideas and, with this in mind, we histories has been successful started and 4 have not included any entry fees to our chosen are being prepared now. (*) venues in the overall price, thus leaving There is still the question of how the members free to either come with us, or "do Society can do more to help you with your their own thing".
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