'VOLUME XIII. TWELVE PAGES LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1920 TWELVE PAGES Nl'MBEli CANADA THREATENS TO Vote Against Miners'Strike DRAIN SCOTLAND "DRY" In Gt. Britain OT EXPECTED NAVAL BILL LONDON, March 11.—(By Canadian Preaa)—A special oorre«pond«nt of the Dally Graphic «ay« that the only way Scotland la likely td (Jo dry Is by Canada draining h»r of whiskey. A greatly increase^ area is being LONDON, March 11.—The sown with barley and the correspondent declares he has seen evidence special trade union congress, in the hands of a whiskey exporting firm that Canada is preparsd to take m w m mmm mmm w • • W mmt • a MV * Ml * • • • S B W * mere whiskey than Scotland can supply. in session here, voted over­ "Vancouver,"for Instance, has ba*n getting hundreds of cases a month whelmingly today against the from one firm alone and the cry lit 'Send us more," " says the corres­ pondent. strike policy, and in favor of According to the correspondent, a Scottish distiller scoffed at the continued efforts by constitu­ idea of prohibition in Scotland, adding: "Prohibition in Canada Is a fare* and we have a splendid market there tional means to effect the nat­ for more whiskey than we can spare." ionalization of mines. FAMOUS BATTLE OF 1912 New Irrigation District Act is Lethbridge Irrigationists Will' The vote against a general Members of House Reticent About Commenting on It Until Full of Contentious Points Be Heard on New Bill Now j strike came after Secretary- Copies of Jellicoe's Report Have Been Perused— For Legislature Before Legislature Hodges, of the miners' fed­ Western Farmers Members Inclined to Belief Navy Ulster Wins Under eration, moved a resolution Needed to Protect Canadian Trade Routes— GOVERNMENT STUMPED RECALL OF TRUSTEES in favor of direct action to Liberals Consider Report Vindication of ON "OWNER" DEFINITION MAY BE ELIMINATED compel nationalization. He Laurier NaVal Policy. took this step in accordance 'Spcrlnl to The Hern Ml New Home Rule Bill (Special t" Tho Herald) r,T)MONTON. March 10.—Tho house with instructions issued by OTTAWA. March 11.—(By Can­ ed to claim that the report is a Spent all nflernoon going through the LOMONTON, March 10- A seriiou adian Press)—The two item6 of vindication of thsir attitude dur­ providing for tho recall of members the miners' federation yester­ new Irrigation District Act, section by j discussion in the corridors of par­ ing th^ famous naval debate of "ection, but only it small pari, of the { ot boards of trustees in the new Ir­ day. Adoption of a resolution 1912-13. They are waiting, how­ Declares Sir Edward rigation District Act provoked some liament this morning are the gov­ 'bill was gone over, and it will bo | favoring political action in the ernment caucus, which got under ever, to see- what naval policy the taken up again Thursday. The con­ warm argument In tho house Wednes­ government will bring down. troversial, definition of the word day afternoon. After Premier Stew­ form of intensive political way at 10 o'clock, and the Jelllcoe BBLFA8T, March 11.—Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster Among the farmers there is an "owner" was allowed to stand over art had expressed hi« strong disap­ report on Canada's naval require­ Unionist leader, during the course of a speech yesterday, attitude also of watchful waiting. until the members get down to the proval of it, and W. M. Davidson, propaganda in preparation for ments. said that If the present home rule bill passed, Ulster Mr. Crerar refused to discuss taction relating to the taking of votes (government) North Culgory, had won. They would be lucky, he added, in getting with­ the general election. Opinion is somewhat divided in the matter until he had read the in irrigation districts. defended the proposal with equal fer­ out a fight what they had covenanted to fight for. regard to the naval report, report in full. There is a feeling vor, the question was allowed to stand In connection with this definition, though many of the members re­ that though a certain section of If the bill had included the whole of Ulster, said which reads: "Owner shall mean a over until somo of the irrigationists fuse to comment on it in any way Sir Edward, they would have had to oppose it tooth and the farmer voters may be against registered owner of land, entitled to are heard from on tho subject. from the reading of press dispat­ nail; then, if it were rejected, the 1914 act would come any heavy expenditures for either a freehold estate in possession thore- The gist of the roeail section is ches, saying they will wait for the into force and they would have a home rule parliament naval or militia programs, they in," General J. S. tftewart (opposi­ that a petition for the recall of any full copy of the report. On the in Dublin. realize that Canada has reached tion), Lethbridge, presented many trustees may bo placed in the hands EIGHT HOUR DAY government side of the house, the stage in her development statistics of various irrigation districts The address was made at a meeting of the Ulster of the board "after* he has held office however, it is said that there is where she must guard her own iu the south, showing that in many Unionist council which was attended by delegates from for six months. -The petition must be by no means complete unanimity commerce, and the attitude of oases a majority of this registered all parts of the province. Sir Edward Carson presided. signed by 25 percent of the voters, as to what course should be fol­ their representatives in parliament owners were non-residents. Lord Farnham offered a resolution to the effect containing a statement of the BILL NOW BEFORE lowed. Several members from the toward any naval plans will prob­ Ewing Is Right that the council would abide by the covenant and refuse grounds upon which the recall is west are somewhat timorous as to ably be guided by that feeling. iA. 13. Ewing <opposition), Wost Ed­ to accept any form of government which did not include the whole of sought, be accompanied by a bond, and any suggestion of discussing naval The government's policy in re­ monton, also pointed out another dif­ the province of Ulster. It called on the parliamentary leaders to take if found, to bo In order a special elec­ plans though they admit that the gard to naval matters is still being ficulty in connection with the section steps to secure Its Inclusion in the present home rule bill. The resolu­ tion must be held within not less than past war has shown that Canada relative to qualifications of voters, HOUSE AT OTTAWA! kept a secret, but it Is not an­ tion was defeated. C5 or more than 4,0 days. needs further protection of her which simply states that "tho per­ ticipated that when the matter Will Likely Eliminate sea coast and shipping than she sons entitled to vote shall bo the own­ does come before the house there Oppose Home Rule " This sectiou must be taken in con­ had in the past. ers of land situated within the pro­ will be any repetition of the fam­ DUBLIN, March 11.—At a meeting nection with that which provides for National 8-Hour Day is Urged- posed district who are of the full age' The Liberal members are Inclin­ ous controversy of 1912-13. of the Irish-Unionist Alliance, a reso­ BLAME U.S. tho biennial election of trustees under Quebec Opposed—Discuss of 21 years." Mr. Kwlng, as on Tues­ lution was passed "re-affirming the day, contended that "o-»ner" of land which it is posslble-for some of the determination ot the Southern Union­ trustees to hold office for six years. Fuel Supply is the purchaser, whereas tho "regis­ ists to appose home rule toy every FOR DELAYS tered owner" is the vendor; that un­ Premier Stewart, argued that the term means in their power." was too long, and that if the same, der tho definition of the owner as a OTTAWA. March 10.—Kuel suppjy j Another Mail Robbery IN TREATY Naval Protection For system of electing school trustees for "registered owner" by the act, the and the eight-hour day were under (lis-1 actual purchaser could not vote, bo- DUBLIN, March 11.—The mall ono, two and three year terms wore train from Kilnish to BnnJa was held followed, all necessity for the recall eusslon in the house this afternoon. It, causo ho- was not. an owner, and on LONDON, March 11.—Blame for up yesterday by armed masked men would vanish. Hon. A. G. McKay. the olhor hand, tho "registered own­ the troubles that are being ex­ was tho first private members' day of] er" could not vofe, because ho was and the mail toized. Minister of Mnnniipiiltie? James! j iu i following the Ions'1 perienced In settling the Turkish nc SCSB U oni Both Canadian Coasts j»ot. the actual holdor of a frccliold es­ Ulster Unionist* Act Ramsey, leader uf the opposition, and problem was laid at the door of sitting of the previous day, attendance, tate, and that neither could legally BELFAST, March 11— The Ulster A. V. ICWIIIK (opposition) west Ed­ the United States by Earl Curxon, was slim. Roth questions iirot-e on , sign a petition, bocausc before they Unionist council decided yesterday In monton also expressed ,'isnpproval the foreign secretary, In explain­ motions of Mr.
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