Carroll Vs. Xavier, 1941 John Carroll University

Carroll Vs. Xavier, 1941 John Carroll University

John Carroll University Carroll Collected Football Programs Athletics Department 10-12-1941 Carroll vs. Xavier, 1941 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Carroll vs. Xavier, 1941" (1941). Football Programs. 16. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Athletics Department at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER vs. JOHN ~ARROLL O~T. 12 ~ 1941 Cleveland Stadin•n 2:30j P. M. The Front Cover was Designed and Printed by DoN S PENCER CoM PANY, INC ., 271 Madison Ave., N ew York. 2 3 keteer. this year. Chuck " Red" L avelle at qu:~rtcr, a semor, is consid •red by many to he one of the out­ standing college signal callers. \I utr)'ll , the Clcre­ BROS. land "butcher bo1·" is a triple threatcr, \l'ho caused the McGORRAY OCTOBER 12. 1941 treaks plenty of trouble la:t !·car and probably will ~une~~,al be in their hair again this afternoon . C II .\RI .t:S \V . II E . \TO~ .. fclitor An Established Institution Offici 11 l ' ouvenir Foo1hall Program of john Carroll u ni ver,ity , Pui> li,hed for Each llome Game. /h (!)LJ ,(/d, 1870 ----------------- 1941 Schedule ,(Jd, M~ /Jd. 1941 Today·'s game between the Blue treaks of J oh n Carroll and the ~I usketeers of Xavier · nt verstty, cpt. 27- \1\Testern Ontario at London, Canada. sponso red br the Catholic Youth Organizations and Oct. +-Bald,vin-\ Vallacc at Berea. r the Knights of Columbus of Cleveland, marks t he Oct. 12-X;l\·icr at the ' radium. sixth football meeting of the two schools. The treaks Oct. IS- Toledo at T oledo. arc still seeking their initial victory, co mmg: closest ct. 25- Casc at ha\\'. in their 19-19 tie in the '22 co ntest. 0: ov. !-Reserve at the Stadium . This is the second clas h of T om onl e\·, J ohn Car­ Nov. 8-Kent at Kent. rol l mentor, and Clem Ctowe, coach of the Xavier Nov. 20-Akron at Akron. te:1 m. Both n ~e n arc exponen ts of the :\otrc D ame sys tem of footb:1ll ·wi th variation,; . Crowe \\·as th e first of hi s fam il l' to attend :\ut rc D ame, ca ptaini ng the 1 rish in 1925. H c coached St. Vincc nts before go in g t Xavier as an ass istant in 1932, taking O\·er the he:1 d coaching retgns in I Q35 . T hi s year he is being assisted by hi s brother Emmett, Two Conve niently Located Funeral Homes-Finest Equipment who graduated from Notre D ame in 1939. and Something More--Thoughtful a nd Obliging Service­ Four A ir-Conditioned Private Parlors Equipped With Modern In hi s serie> with Carroll , Cro\\'e got off to a Public A ddress System. Avin g start last rear as hi s tea m dumped the Strrab Our Funeral Home Has A ll The Privacy of Your Own Ho m e , 20-0. Furnished for Your Comfort at No Extra Cost to You. Our Recommendation, to the People of Cleveland Is the Families · fhc record of the Carroll -Xarier series : W e H ave Served for More Tha n Seventy Years. 1920 ................................ Ca rroll 0 Xaxier I 7 Ca Ll s Answered AI A ll Hours by Comp etent ·---ingS and Experienced Employees J 92 1...... .. ...................... .. ... Carrol l 0 Xavier 28 1922 .................................. Carroll 19 X avier 19 has been added! ., 1923 ... .. .... .. .... .................. Carroll 9 Xavier 13 W IN A LETTER for your sweater, and see what 3040 Lorain Ave. 1971 14133 Detroit Ave. something new can do! And remember: Some­ MElrose { 1972 19+0 . a n·oll 0 Xavier 20 thing new has been added to a cigarette, too-to Cleveland, Ohio 1973 Lakewood, Ohio make ir even more p leasant! The :\Iusketeers this )'car have one of the better * Latakia (P ronounced u La -ta­ JAMES W. McGORRAY JOHN J. O' MALLEY squads in the 'tate, already holding impre,;sire vic­ kec1-a") ,a Ravorful tobacco INVALID CAR SERVICE from the Eastern Mediter­ Pres. Sec'y and Treas. tories over Georgeto-wn of Kentucky , Butler, anrl St. ranean. Ca refully blended with other famous tobac­ Vincents. Two former Cathedral Latin boys a rc cos, La1akia creates an cn­ cirel)' new- even finer Old playing a conspi cuous part in the success of the ::\[ us- GoiJ flavor. 2 3 ~-- kcteers this year. Chuck " R ed" Lavelle at quarter, a senior, is consid ered by many to be one of the out­ standing allege signal callers. :\lutr)·n, the Cl<:,·e­ land "butcher hoy" is a triple thr ·ater, \\'ho caused the McGORRAY BROS . OCTOBEK 12 , 1941 trcaks plenty of trouble last year and probably will q.une~~,al, t:llome be in their hair agai n this afternoon. Cti.\RI.E . \ V. II E.\TO!'- .. Editor An Established Institut ion Officia l ' oLI\'Cni r Football I roKram of j ohn Carroll ' ni,·er,it)", Puhli,hcd for Each !l o me Game. l'h (!)LJ f:/;J. 1870 1941 Schedule fJJ. M~ fJJ. 1941 Todar's !£ame between the Blue ' trcaks of J ohn Carroll and the :\ I usketeers of Xa ier ntverstty. Sept. 27- \ V stern Ontario at London, Canada. sponsored b)· the atholic Youth Or!;anizations and Oct. +--Bald·w in-\ Nallacc at Berea. r the Knights of Columbus of C leveland, marks the Oct. 12-Xa,·ier at the Stadium. sixth football meeting of the two schools. The treaks Oct. IS- Toledo at T oledo. are still seeking their initial victory, comtn!; closest Oct. 2 ~ - Ca se at ha\1'. in their 19- 19 tie in the '22 contest. ;\ov. l- Re,;cr eat the radium. T his is the second clash of Tom Conle)·, John Car­ ;\ov. 8-Kent at Kent. roll men tor, and Clem Ctowc, coach of the Xavier . ov. 20-Akron at Akron. team. Both tr.en arc exponents of the :\otre D ame system of footbal l with vari:nion,;. Crowe \\'as the first of hi s famil)· to attend :\'otre Dame, captaining t he Irish in 192.5. H e coached Vincents before goi ng to Xavier as an assistant 111 1932, taking O\'Cr the head coaching retgn:; in I Q35. This year he is bei ng assisted hy hi s brother Emmett, Two Conveniently Located Funeral Homes- Fin es t Equipment who graduated from Notre Dame in 1939. and Something More--T houghtful and Obliging Service­ Fo ur A ir-Conditioned Private Parlors Equipped With Modern In his ·cries with Carroll, rowe got off to a Pub! ic Address System. A\'i ng start last \'Ca r as his team dumped the treaks Our Funera l Home Has A ll The Privacy of Your Own Hom e, 20-0. Furnished for Your Comfort at No Extra Cost to You. Our Recommendation, to the People of Cleveland Is the Fa mi lies W e Have Served for More Than Seventy Years. The reco rd of t he Carroll -Xavier series: .. ........................ Carroll 0 Xaxier 17 Calls Answered fit A ll I-I onrs by Competent 1920 ......... ·ngS Xavier 28 and E x p erienced Employees 1921 .......... ·· ·····-·- ··-·········· .Carroll 0 1922 ........... .................... .... Carroll 19 Xavier 19 has been added! 1923 .................................... Carroll 9 Xavier 13 IN A LETTER for your sweater, a nd see what '; W 3040 Lorain Ave. 1971 14133 Detroit Ave. something new can do! And remember: Some­ MElrose { 1972 19+0 ...... .. .......................... Carroll 0 Xavier 20 t hing new h as been added to a cigarette, too- to Cleveland, Ohio 1973 Lakewood, Ohio make ic even mo.rc p leasant! T he :\Iusketeers this )'Car have one of the better * Latakia ( Pronounced "La-ta­ jAMES W. McGORRAY jOHN j. O'MALLEY squads in the tate, already hold in g impressive vic­ kee'-a") ,a flavorful tobacco INVALI D CAR SERVICE from the Eastern Mediter· Pres. Sec'y and Treas. tories over Georgetown of K entucky, Butler, and ,.. t. ranean. Ca refu lly blended widt orher famous tobac­ Vincents. Two former Cathedral Latin boys are cos, La1akia creates an en­ tirely new- c,·en fi ner Old playing a conspicuous part in the success of t he ::\[us- Gold 03\·o r. 5 PROGRESSIVE By R ev. Daniel B. Cronin, S.J. D uty love and loyalty - th ree pricele posse - th ree price le s posse - ton of the human heart ion of the human heart - are p ul ing trongl - parade before our eyes th rou rh the nation's ve in today. W e see them in the today. T h ere may be tensed pec tator - gradu- confu ion and difference Pri. Bob P oland ate 1 tudentS and friendS U. S. Army Air Cor])S Of Opinion, there may be Co rp. Rny McGorrny of ri\·al in tituti ons - gath- doubt and indecisi on o. · Armr e red roun d about u. W e see them in the but the spirit wh ich mad e meri ·a free marching bands, in the frenzied antic of and happy and pros perou among the cheer-leaders in ma co t and CUtTy tng nations doe not falter. A mericans do no t manager, in preoccupied coaches and bus" want war but the are ready to sa r ince trainer and in the opposing team a they eve ryth ing to defend their freedom, hap­ pi ne and pro perity.

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