SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Exceliency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the GPO) Vol LXtH—40 NAIROBI, 8th August, 1960 Price: Sh 1 CONTENTS PAGE The Legislative Council (Constituency Members) (Regis- tration of Electois) Rules, 1960—Notice to Electors 929 The Legislative Counci] (Constituency Members) Regu- lations, 1960—Appointment of Registration Officers 936 (JAZETTE NOTICE NO 3587 (EC 3/13) THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (CONSTITUENCY MEMBERS) (REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS) RULES, 1960 (LN 355 of 1960) NOTICE TO ELECTORS (Rule 4 (1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatall persons wishing to be registered as electors in any of the registers of electors to be prepared for the election of members to a new Legislative Council, and entitled to do so, must attend personally before the Assistant Registration Officer for the registration area 1n which they are entitled to be registered, or a person deputed by him for the purpose, not later than the 30th day of September, 1960, and must then produceto such officer or person a completed application m the prescribed form * The names of the constituencies into which the Colony and Protectorate have been divided, with their official abbreviations, are specified in the first column below Each of these constituencies has been divided into the registraiton areas, or constituted the registration area, as the case may be, specified in relation thereto m the secord column below Attendance must be made at one of the places specified m the third column below, according to the constituency and registration area in which the applicant 1s entitled to be registered — Name of Constituency and Registration Area and Number Places of Registration Abbreviation Thereof (1) Nairobi East (N E) (1) That portion of the constituency lying north of the The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Nairob: River Avenue The District Office, Starehe (2) That portion of the constituency lying south of the The District Commussioner s Office, Delamere Nairobi River Avenue The District Office, Makadara (2) Nairobi South (NS) (1) The whole constituency The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Avenue The Chief’s Post, Industrial Area (3) Nairobi South West (N S W } (1) The whole constituency The District Commussioner’s Office Delamere Avenue The Chief’s Post, Kilimam (4) Nairobi West (N W) (1) That position of the constituency lying north of the The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Nairobi River Avenue The Government Dispensary, Westlands (2) That portion of the constituency lying south of the The District Commusstoner’s Office, Delamere Nairobi River Avenue The Ministry of Works Depot, Kileleshwa (5) Nairobi Central (N C )} (1) the whole constatuency The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Avenue (6) Natrob1 North East (N NE ) (1) The whole constituency The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Avenue The Chief’s Camp, Eastleigh [929 930 THE KENYA GAZETTE 8th August, 1960 Name of Constituency and Registration Area and Number Places of Registration Abbreviation Thereof (7} Nairobi Suburban (N $8 B ) (1) Commencing at the point at which the Old Nairobi— The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Mombasa Railway alignment intersects the Nairobi Avenue City Council boundary South-Easterly along that The Chief’s Post, Karen alignment to its yuanction with the existing Nairobi— Mombasa mam Railway Line, thence South- Easterly along that Railway Line to its inter- section with the Athi River, thence Westerly along the Nairob: Extra-Provincial Dustrict-Southern Province common boundary to its junction with the Southern Province-—Kiambu District common boundary, thence along the Nairobi Extra- Provincial District-Kiambu District common boundary to its junction with the Nairobi City Council boundary, thence Easterly along the Nairobi City Council Southern boundary to the pormt of commencement (2) Commencingat the pornt at which the Old Nairobi— The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere Mombasa Railway alignment intersects the Avenue Nairobi City Council boundary South Easterly The Chief’s Post, Embakas:. along that alignment to its point of mtersection with the Nairobi Extra-Provincial District bound- ary, thence Easterly, Northerly, Easterly and Westerly along that boundary to its intersection with the Thika-Nairob1 Railway Line, thence South Westerly along that Railway Line to its intersection with the Nairobi City Council bound- ary, thence Southerly and Westerly along that boundary to the pomt of commencement (3) Commencing at the mtersection of the Nairobi The District Commussioner’s Office, Delamere City Council boundary by the Nairobi-Thika Avenue Railway Line North-Easterly along that Railway The District Office, Kassarani Line to its intersection with the Nausrobi Extra- Provincial District boundary, thence North- Westerly, South-Westerly and Southerly along that boundary to its intersection with the Nairobi City Council boundary, thence Easterly and Southerly to the pomt of commencement (4) Commencing at the mtersection of the Nairobi The District Commissioner’s Office, Delamere City Council boundary with the Nairobr Extra- Avenue Provincial District boundary generally Westerly, Southerly, Easteily and Southerly along the latter boundary to its intersection with the Nairobi City Council boundary, thence Easterly and North- Easterly along that boundary to the point of commencement (8) Kiambu (K B U ) (1) The Kikuyu Division The District Office, Kikuyu 1 3 The Limuru Division The District Office, Limuru (3) The Kiambaa Division The District Office, Kiambaa (4) The Githungur: Division The District Office, Githunguri (5) The Gatundu Division The District Office, Gatundu (9) Nyeri (N YT) (1) Muhoyas’ Location The Chief’s Camp Ihururu (2) Tetu Location The Chief’s Camp, Kinunga (3) Thegenge Location The Chief’s Camp, Wamagana (4) Aguth: Location The Chief’s Camp, Gicera (5) Mahiga Location The Chief’s Camp, Kagere (6) Othaya Location The Chief’s Camp, Othaya (7) Chinga Location The Chief s Camp, Gachichi (8) Muhito Location The Chief’s Camp, Mukurwein: (9) Gekondi Location The Chief’s Camp, Gekond1 (10) Gethi Location and Lower Muhito Location The Chief s Camp, Giathugu (11) North Konyu Location The District Education Board School, Ichuga (12) Iriain1 Location The Chief’s Camp, Kahuruini (43) Magutu Location The Chief s Camp, Gitimaim (14) Ruguru Location The Chief’s Camp, Ngorano (15) Karmmukuyu Location The Chief s Camp, Kirrmukuyu (16) The Township of Karatina The District Office, Karatina (17) The Township of Nyeri The District Commussioner’s Office, Nyeri (10) Embu (E B U } (1) Kime Location The Chief 5s Office Mururi-im (2) Mwerua Location The Chief’s Office, Baricho (3) Mutira Location - The Chief’s Office, Mutitu (4) Inot Location The Chief’s Office, Kerugoya (5) Kabare Location The Chief’s Office, Ngekeny1 (6) Baragwe Location The Chief s Office, Kagongo (7) Ngariama Location The Chief’s Office, Kiamutugu (8) Ngandori Location The Chief’s Office, Kairori (9) Gaturi Location The Chief’s Office, Nembure (10) Kagaari Location The Chiefs Office, Runyenjes (11) Kyem Location The Chief’s Office, Kathenyure (12) Evurore Location The Chief’s Office, Ishiara (13) Nthawa Location The Chief’s Office, Siakago (14) Mavuria Location The Chief’s Office, Kurrtiri (15) Tebere Location The Chief’s Office, Tebere (16) Mwea Location The Chief’s Office, Karaba (17) Embu Township The District Commussioner s Office, Embu (11) Meru (MRU) (1) Kibirichia Location The Location Council Hall, Kibirichia (2) Kurua Location The Chief s Centre, Kurua (3) Muriga—Mieru Ntima Location The Chief s Centre, Mwiteria (4) Muriga—Mieru Nyaka Location The Chief’s Centre, Thuura (5) Upper Abothuguchi Location The Chief s Centre, Githongo (6) Lower Abothuguchi Location The Chief s Centre, Gitie (7) Nkuene Location The Location Council Hail, Nkubu (8) Egoy: Location The Location Council Hall, Egon (9) North Tharaka Location The Chief’s Centre, Gatunga (10) South Tharaka Location The Chief’s Centre, Mar:mante (11) Mwimbe Location The Chief’s Centre, Kieganguru (12) Muthambe Location The Chief s Centre, Muthambe (13) Karmgant Location The Youth Centre, Chuka (14) Magumon1 Location The Chief’s Centre, Kibugwa (15) Ithima Location The Chief s Centre, Lare (16) Nya Location The Chief s Centre Kangeta (£7) Maua Location The Chief’s Centre Maua (18) Akachiu Location The Chief s Centre Akachiu (19) Muthara Location The Chtef’s Centre, Muthara (20) Akathu Location The Tax Office, Miathene (21) Kianjai Location The Chief’s Centre, Kianjai (22) Mikinduri Location The Chief’s Centre, Mikindur1 8th August, 1960 THE KENYA GAZETTE 93] Name of Constituency and Registration Area and Number Places of Registration Abbreviation Thereof (12) Machakos (MKS) (1) Kangundo Location The Chief’s Office Kangundo (2) Matungulu Location The Chief’s Office, Matungulu G3) Mwala Location The Chief s Office, Mwala (4) Mbiun1 Location The Chief s Office, Mbruni (5) Iveti Location The Chief’s Office, Iveti (6) Mitabom Location The Chiet s Office, Mitabonm (7) Wamunyu Location The Chiet s Office Wamunyu (8) Masn Location The Chief’s Office, Masui (9) Muput: Location The Chief’s Office, Muputi (10) Mbooni Location The Chief 5 Office, Mbooni (11) Kiteta Location The Chief s Office, Kiteta (12) Kisau Location The Chief’s Office, Kisau (13) Kibaunt Location The Chief s Office, Kibaunt (14) Muthethen) Location The Chief s Office, Muthethen: (15) Kalungu Location The Chief s Office Kilungu (16) Mukaa
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