Thousands of Valley People Read The Herald Classified Ads Every Evem! PERSONAL ARTICLES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CANE HAY delivered. Bailey Kae FOR SALE—1 3-4 acres orchard and HAVE SPACE for one or t**o parties in phone 349-R BREAKS ._ X187 houae on highway. Beat tourist camp Kiwanis Street IS or Boost to AIR car ladles TRADE back Illinois, gentle- sit* In Answer Box Wes- Naming Valley. 232. men. leaving in few day*. References laco. Y208 furnlsUed and requested. J. F. Leon- Texae._ Texas. 21 as ard. Paloma Hotel. Weslaco. FINE CITRUS LAND lor sals by own- Committeemen Vote Concentration Part Y1M NURSERYMEN er. All or part 20 acres on Boca Chlca HEAVY IN W pavement. Address Y20S care Herald. Of Civic Improvement Goal Burlap bags, any quantity. Y205 729 Planes Land at Port TX -T Ut'TI ON Twenty-one committeemen of the Kiwanis club, directors J FOR SALS—4-apartment, frame build- appointed LEa/r? BEAUTY CULTURE—Finger Clagett’s Feed Store ing. Elisabeth street. Phone 1237 from of the club beautification program, gathered at a smoker at Elks Hall From Mexico, Carrying waving. marcekng. permanent waving. 9:30 to 11:30 mornings, or address Monday night and voted concentration of effort on the street naming fa<]lal work, manicuring. Rates reason- Donna, Texas *114 care Herald. xll4 2694 Passengers able. Inquire Valley Beauty Shop. project now being pursued as a part of the civic improvement goal ad- ingen. Phone 891 Y-140 , __ ~~ opted by the club. All committees, while carrying on their individual More than worth of ua- wanted LIVESTOCK—POULTB $1.hOO,000 / "help work, are to cooperate for the present to bring about as soon as possible Rio Grande port and expo:: business has gone man that Is of Valley the of Brownsville a /WANTED—A capable FOR SALE—Milk fed fryer*. Mr*. Lud- designation streets as much-needed project both for B: business through the xAiuville municipal (handling a legitimate propo- wig Zlmmerer, 3 mile* south La Fe- residents of the net city and the large numbers of tourists visiting the Val- airport since Mar. 9. to I sltlon In Brownsville that will rta, Texas. Y169 Farm Bargain according 185000.00 the first year. If you are ley. *——- a report filed with the department mlooking for a permanent, profitable BABY CHICKS—Rhode bland Re<b. rne club plans to gather a lum- of commerce by Wm. Neale, deputy a connection, write at once. Royal Rab- Barred Plymouth Rocks. White Leg- 144 acres of fine citrus land lo- ber of different types of street signs collector of customs here. n bit Co.. Harlingen. Texas. Y212 horns. Booking orders for future de- | cated 2 1-2 miles north- and submit them to the city com- It was largely upon the ! livery. Custom hatching. Bring your Just CLUBS UNITE strength children of this f WANTED—Men. women and eggs on Mondays. Roy K. Clark Seed west of McA! on hard sur- mission lor its consideration, with report that the local air- I to engage lu the pleasant, profitable j Co. Ban Eenito. Texas. Y-37 faced road, all In cultivation, the cost of all styles of markers es- port was designated a permanent ■ business of raising rabbits lor us. with barns, ten- timated. Inter-Service Council Is airport of entry by the department B You can make 8IOC month in your FOR home, large ptr SALE—Breeding cockerels. Choice of commerce. W back yard Write for complete infor- S C. V/h1'* Leghorn breeding cocker- ant houses, well and windmill Meet Enthusiastic Har- The value of was mation Royal Rabbit Company, els. Just have a small number left. on main canal. An The smoker was an enthusiastic Organized exports placed !, irrigation Y212 % at $892,591 and lingen. Texas. Oetxel's Poultry Farm. Texas __________ imports at $100,851. Donna. ideal proposition fu» small cit- gathering of Kiwanians, and among Phone 232. Y216 These figures cover the period be- RELIABLE wanted to handle rus development. Can be the special plans up for dis- Organization of the Brownsville party brought tween Mar. 9 and Dec. 31. Watkins route In Brownsville Good ORDER your baby chicks from* the at sacril'' direct from cussion was the of Feb- bought | designation in ter-service club council, compos- Some 727 repeat order business with earnings Valley airplanes landed at the Hatchery. Edinburg. Texas. Box owner, on good terms. Call W. ruary as month, in over 840 a week. Write C. H Worley. 844 •'prosperity” ed of from each airport from Mexico thla Special prices on lot* of five No. 4 Z Francis representatives during W. Iowa Tenn hundred or M. Egan. : line with the program oi Publix in 70 Ave, Memphis. more. Agent* wanted of the three luncheon clubs of the time, bringing 2,694 passengers Y-23 Y175 apartment, Brownsville, phones theatres. O. W. Dennett. Charles and 2,880 pieces of baggage. _ P. O. 1398-W, 216. or address A. Roil and Robin Pate were ap- city, was effected at a meeting held FOR SALE—Bab; chicks from the Val- Texas. Box 1244. Brownsville, pointed a committee to call on the last and were definite- ley's best flocks We do custom batch- night plans Senor Genaro Estrada, above. ing O R felbson Co. La Ferla. Texas mayor to ask issuance of a Girls! proc- ly furthered for functioning of Mexico's minister of foreign af- Women! W-108 lamation on the subject. T. Aziz __ the council. fairs, has precipitated a crisis In and Sam Perl are today on WILL QUALITY WHITE Leghorn Cbteks at DEVELOPMENT PROPOSITION calling LIONS Here is an you GOOD Bascom Cox that nation's affairs with Russa opportunity price of ordinary Flock offer for sale 1000 seres of business men ol the of the Lions dub trapnested I ova and city explain- the recall of the entire for. all year, bred for in the through have all been waiting big eggs, poor layers tillable land, about 850 acres ing the idea and seeking coopera- was elected chairman of the group, culled Advance price until February brush, and about 150 acres in prairie. Mexican legation from Moscov women who can do tion on the Kiwanls plan of en- L. All you I ten cents Custom batching Palm Tills tract lies between the Laguna with W. Pendergraft, Rotarion, Estrada blamed recent Communis ! Park Farm, one mile south of and the Box the month the FETE hand or ma- Poultry Vista property livening coming b> JONES needle work by ; as vice-chairman, and Otto Manske, demonstrations before the Mexica.. Rio Hondo, near highway. Y36 Rancbc or Baystde Citrus Orchard prosperity idea. come to Mrs. M. L. Canal embassies in several nations, in- chine property. The Bayslde Irrigation An important motion relating to Kiwanis, secretary. POLICE PUPPIES—For sale. Mrs Staf- extends along my entire north hue un- I cluding the United States, for his First and St. Fran- ford. 1719 club activities Is Club representatives thoroughly Plans for the entertainment of Hinojosa, Hayes Phone 1073-J X139 der an easement from me. and the proper incorpo- action. proposed canal by Water Improvement rated in the “buddy” attendance vent into the object of the council, ! Melvin Jones, founder of Lions cis, Brownsville, Texas, BABY CHICKS 00 every Tuesday. 99 per District Fourteen has been located and set out as effort for the ! clubs, and the of the com- hundred and program plan presented and ad- cooperative report branch of Kewpie Dress Co., up Custom hatching from North to South across 1000 acres 1 three cents at the smoker. The entire development of community mlttee on the lnterdub council oc- per egg. Bring your eggs The "Spider Web" Railway Is on my opted pro- Defeat of New York City. time. Cameron Ploughboys • any County Chlckertes. South line from East to West with FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE membership of the club has been jects. cupied the Tuesday meeting of the La Ferla. Texas Y-139 A i "Wye" and terminus thereon. good divided into eight teams of five, The Kiwanis committee on the La Feria 19 to 14 local Lions. graded road from North to South con- FOR S/LB Or will exchange for citrus A committee of which Joe Cal- four of are to council consists of Travis _ Isabel and members which be Jenmngi, SANTA ROSA, Jan. 28—Continu- RED OIL LEAF"S nects with Point Highway trees Bright hay or pure bred milch SEKVTCES~OFFE Bnd San Benito. see -esponsible for each other's attend- A. A. Hargrove. Otto Manske; deroni is chairman was appointed Brownsville goats fresh In few days. Moss Store. ing their winning streak at the ex- ^ James L. Abney. 315 State National ance at club Lions' are Bascom to for a in his PLOWING. SUBSOILINO. chiseling, or OIL LEASES— Royalties, drilling blocks Point 1rebel Highway.Y186 meetings, and the fifth representatives arrange banquet Bank Building. Brownsville. Texas, or pense of the La Peria quint, the any kind of cultivation. Orchard care in Utar< Hidalgo and Zapata counties. i has as his responsibility the obtain- Cox, Lee Adamson and George honor when he visits Brownsville B> J. L. the owner. W. B. Abney. Lampasas. Santa Rosa Ploughboys defeated Tank wagon watering for trees Perry. McAllen. Texas. Barclay RENTAL ing of a new member. Desha; the Rotary committee in- the evening of Feb. 7. Invitations *-3 their visitors here Monday after- 172. Olmlto. Texas. Bldg., phone, residence, 368-W, office. Texas._Y2 cludes E. A. Monsees. Robert L. to dubs the and _ Old Members Counted noon a throughout Valley Y192 acres Im- by score of 19-14.
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