Iowa Weather Pertly cloudy to cloudy Tuesday through Wednesday. Tue.day high. In 20. northeast, 30s southwest. Chane. of light snow In west TuesdlY night, Ind owan I~ In west and c.ntral Wednesday. Serving the University of Iowa and thf1 People of Iowa City l.t.lIlI.h.eI In 1868 \ , .ow. CIty, .OW. 52240-Tu..... y, M.rch 23, 1971 10 c...... copy Demonstrators 36, City 1; More Trials Yet to Come Iy LOWELL MAY in, and that he had been arrested "two to provide Thornton with legal authority Louis Katz, MIchael Knight, Allen Leh. 01 News Editllr blocks lIway" - at the corner of Clin­ for hls ca e. man, David Lehman, Perl LIttle, St ph· ton and Wa hington streets - "and two en McCurdy. Darlene Mallonee, Barb­ Charges were set aside against 36 of Thorton relu. ed to Indicate when be hours later" - at about 2.30 a.m. would announce his decisions on Farrell ara tartin, Laurie Rl kin, Jody Rog 111, 41 persons brought before Police Court His charges - like those oC Jerry SJes, and Weinberg. Michael Shannon, John Shaw, William Judge Jo eph Thornton Monday for their James Mullen, G, and Dennis Hurley - D. Shepard, David Tou:aint, Thomas DISMISSED alleged disorderly conduct during the were dismissed. Tubbesing, Robert Young, Rick Voor- The judge dlsmi sed charge! against ftrst night oC May demonstrations here h , and Chri tine Wemmer. HEAD RESIDENT Gary Anderson, Douglas Baker, Claire Tho e in court fonday welli the re­ last year. Mullen, who was al the tlme of his Brown, Bryan Davis, Gerald Depew, mainder of a group of 51 arrested la I One woman, Regina Kaiser, A2, was arrest the head re ident of Rlenow I Kathy Donovan, Jonathan Dukehart, year during the first night of demonstra· declared guilty, however, and was fined residence hall, testified that he was at Michael Evans, \1lchael Glowacki, tlons again. t the inva. Ion of Cambodia $100 plus court costs for h~r action on the demonstration to help any of the George Herger, Helen Herrick, Pamela and the Ilovernment's killing of student' Hood, Charles Johnson, Terry Jo~ph, at Kent State University. the evening of May 4 and the early Rienow residents there and that he was arrested when he came to the aid of a morning oC May 5. friend who was being roughed up by Thornton took the cases of two others, police or sheriff's deputies. Patricia Farrell and Howard Weinberg, When he tried to show his university Nixon Hails Laos Move under edvistment. staH card to the officers, Mullen tes­ tified, he was rapped on the hand and John Lenz and Kent Simon, A2, won placed under arrest. continuances on their trials. As in most cases hurd, Mul'-n pr.­ As Tactical Milestone Thirty-two of the 41 scheduled to lip­ IInt.d 41 witnen to ba(k up hi. t.sti­ WASIflNGTON t4'I - President Nixon "- As far as our wlthdrawll J con­ pear had charges against them dismiss­ mony. ed at the outset of the trials at the re­ declared Monday nJght the Laotian of­ cerned, it i3 I ur d... quest of City Atty. Jay Honoh;In, who Hurley te tlfied that he had not been fensil'e is a mile tone In the que t Cor 00- As far a. the d nger to thll Am r­ indicated that 32 could not be idenl ilied arrested by the officer who testified the safe withdrawal of American forces fetln forc remaining, partkularly In as lawbreakers. against him and clalm~d to he his ar· from a more . ecure South Vietnam. th North part of Vi tMm . .that danGtr Six trials, in which prosecuting testi­ resting officer, city patrolman steven Spurning Ihe path oC "in tant peace," ha be D ub ·tantially reduced . .. Pat Farrell, who recently dropped reg­ mony was produced principally by John­ Riltenmeyer. Nixon said Thieu regime forces are With­ "A far II th AR. rv I con cmed istration at the university, and Howard drawing from Laos with greater confi­ ... ome of their unl did not do . n," son County Sheriff Maynard Schneider, ANOTHER DISPUTE W.lnberg, executivi directllr of the were characterized by inadequate evi­ dence, and higher morale than before. but 18 of tht battalion tngag d in Lao low. City Crisis Center, walk out of dence by the prosecution and by orten· Farrell's case, like Murphy 's. also suC­ Now, he said, In South VIetnam, they conducted them. lvI'S wl'11. Plllice Cllurt Monday SOlIn after Pllllce times contradictory claims by police wi1l be fighting "on their terms," with fered from a dispute ov('r her where­ a h avy numerical advantage again t " .. •The opcralion In LaO! at this Judg. Joseph Thornton tOllk th.lr and defense witnes es. abouts at the lime o( arre t. Interim period has made consldl'rable clses "under Idvlsement." Th. Iwll National Liberation Fronl forces . In spite of her testimony that she had prngr '$ In aehl ~ ing thll e oal ," Nix· wert among 41 persQn. who5t trial. Th. most conspIcuous of 5u(h CISes ixon said the South Vietnam e Involved Michael Murphy. intended 10 block the s tre~ t at the Col­ thrust into Laos could nol be assessed on said . were $(heduled for Monday as I result lege·Dubuque intersection, Farrell ask· The Pmld nf agllin rejPctrd the pro­ .f arrests made during demonstratillns in the traditional terms of victory or d - wi th Illinois Schneider claimed Murphy wa~ ar­ ed for an innocent verdict on the grounds (eat, since it s goal was disruption of po._8l or congr sio na] critics that the her. last May. rested with a group of demonstrators Unl d tates ,et a d adline for WIth­ longer dis­ - Photo by George PopkIn that she had moved when told to by supply route~, not that of gaining terri· have I allegedly blocking the intersection o[ Schneider and was not in the street at tory. drawal. But he aid his next annnunce­ Cretzmeyer College and Dubuque streets in down­ the time of her arresl. Time and again In an interview with ment of (/.S. withdrawal plan" du in physical town Iowa City. Karyl Weaver. A2 , and Gary Ander­ Howard K Smith oC the American mid ·A pril. "will glvp ome indication a an 1m· Schneider, at the prompting of Hono­ son. A3. bolh of whom wpre arrested BroadcMlting Co. Nixon himself turned til the nd oC Ih tunn 1" of '.S. troo NEWS CL PS han and over the objeclion of defense with Farrell and had charges dlsmis,ed Ihe conversation to the American cour. e IOvolvemenl. counsel , also testified that Murphy's parlier in the day, ubstantiated Far­ in Sou theasl Asia. Ask Injunction Again~t UI Senators hair had been much longer at Ihc time rell's testimony. There were no questions ~bout the of his arrest. Last fl'rjday ~'amll W8!\ dc\,lared Middle gast or about the economic sll­ Tw(l University of Iowa students have considerations" IHIS a protesJ. againsl a It.Ition. filed a petition asking that five student senate rule stipulating thal when the Murphy-appearing with a frrsh hair· guilty by Thornfon on a charge of [lag House Actt cut and suit and tie, and apparenlly dc~ccration. But Smith did a. k about politics In I Fenators-elect be enjoined from taking number of candidates equals the number 1972, and Nixon did come cio. e to dis­ of available posi tions in a constituency, unrurned by the testimony about his ap­ The dpcision on Weinhl'rg. the execu­ their seats. The injunction, if granted by counting suggestions that he may not those candidates are declared winners. pearance - testified that he had not tive director of the Iowa CIty Cri~is Cen­ To Up ay Student Judicial Court, would require even been near the College·Dubuque Sit- run for a 5 cond term as pre iden!. All five o[ the senators-elect were the ter, w~s postponed to allow hi s attorney He said he had made no dccision as to 1·2 dual ~tin another electlon to fill the five only candidates for their positions. Elec­ III JIOsltions. what he will do in 1972, or "whoever may losses to Big Uon board declared them winners and, be the mlln who run for vice president. For Military Don Timm, Ll, and Kent Bloom, L1, as II result, their names were left off the had an im· But th dominanl th me wa~ Vietnam , have asked for a writ of mandamus, an WASHI 'GTON f,fI - Presidrnt Ixon 's but fin­ ballots in the March 18 election. Collective Candidates Allege particularly the T,Mt ian inva Ion from injunction and "other appropriate relief" The names were excluded partly to pay·boo~1 incenth'('s for hI . propel ed seventh to keep law sena1or-elecl Mike Pill, 13, help simplify the new computer balloting which Thieu regime force now are withdrawing under strong attack. volunterr Army werr nPllrly Iriplpd by ~nd two men senators·elect Jim Smitt· procedUre, Steve Quiner explained. Hawkeyes Nixon said his interim assessment, the Hou , e Armed S rvir Committee kamp, AI; John Schroeder, A2; Nick "I don 't see any way around it unless Politis Exploited Students Monday In a bill 10 extend Ihe draft for they travel Pen'et, A3; and Wayne Haddy, A3 from you want to violate the rule." based on the advice of Gen. Creighton tour March Dave Yepsen, A2, a spokesman fnr Abrams, the U.S.
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