SAINT BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Fi | Ho it i | Si 14 JUNE 2020: CORPUS CHRISTI Mission Come to Jesus “Being the Joy of the Gospel through a deeper love When I was a freshman in college, a friend of mine invited me to a rally hosted by a Christian speaker at Stephens Auditorium in Ames. I wasn’t much interested at for Jesus and a stronger the time, but my friend was very persistent so eventually he got me and probably commitment to each other!” ten other friends together to attend this talk on a Thursday night. The speaker was a well-known evangelical preacher and the auditorium was mostly full. He built a cross on stage while he talked about the Christian life and about redemp- MASS tion. The whole thing centered around one idea, repeated again and again: “Come to Jesus.” He talked about sin and death, he talked about God’s love, and Weekdays: he invited us to “Come to Jesus.” As the night went on I got more and more un- Mon—Wed—Fri: 8:00 AM comfortable, every time he said those words, because I knew he was right, I did Tues—Thurs: 5:30 PM need to “Come to Jesus.” Saturday: 8:00 AM So finally, I went to Jesus. I got up from my seat in the middle of the talk, scooted past all my friends in the row, left the auditorium and ran down Lincoln Way to Weekends: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. I went to Jesus, and I found Him waiting Saturday: 4:00 PM for me in the Blessed Sacrament; Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. I had a Sunday: 9:00 AM good talk with the Lord that night, sitting in front of the tabernacle. God came to be with us in Jesus Christ, and He has given us the Eucharist to be with us still, so that we can “Come to Jesus.” Even now, while we’re just starting to get back together for public worship, the *St. Boniface offers Live-streaming of Daily Mass day chapel is open for you to “Come to Jesus” in private prayer before the Blessed through Facebook until fur- Sacrament every Monday through Saturday from 9am to 4pm. ther notice! Deacon Jake Epstein 1200 S. WARRIOR LANE | WAUKEE | IA 50263 |515-987-4597 WWW.STBONIFACECHURCH.ORG| EMAIL: [email protected] PARISH CONTACTS DAILY READINGS WELCOME TO SAINT BONIFACE Saturday, 13 June If you are a visitor to Saint Boniface, we want you to Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the know you’re welcome here—whether you have come Church from another part of the country, from across the 1 Kgs 19:19-21/Mt 5:33-37 world, or another parish in the diocese. Say hello to Sunday, 14 June the parishioners, please! THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST PARISH REGISTRATION Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58 If you desire to become a member of the Saint Monday, 15 June Boniface family, please call the parish office at 515-987- 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Mt 5:38-42 4597 and ask for Vicki. Once we are able to gather Tuesday, 16 June again, we will resume our monthly newcomers 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Mt 5:43-48 meetings held on the second Sunday of the month Wednesday, 17 June after the 11:00 AM Mass. 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday, 18 June SACRAMENTS Sir 48:1-14/Mt 6:7-15 If you need information on Baptism, Marriage, Friday, 19 June Confession, and Anointing of the Sick, please contact THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS the office! Dt 7:6-11/1 Jn 4:7-16/Mt 11:25-30 PARISH CONTACTS Saturday, 20 June Pastor The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Father Chinna Devaraj Sunday, 21 June Administrative Coordinator 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Nancy Horsch | [email protected] Jer 20:10-13/Rom 5:12-15/Mt 10:26-33 Office Associate Vicki Spenner | [email protected] Office Associate MASS INTENTIONS Tiffany Hilgenberg | [email protected] Saturday, 13 June Finance & Facilities Manager JoAnn McGee (RIP) Cathy Bellis | [email protected] Sunday, 14 June Bookkeeping and Facilities Assistant Arnold Wunder (RIP) Monica Vanorny | [email protected] Monday, 15 June Health & Wellness Minister Frances Hobbins (RIP) Sara Krohnke | [email protected] Communication & Parish Life Development Tuesday. 16 June Christina Bell | [email protected] Carol Harkin (RIP) Director of Music & Ministry Formation Wednesday, 17 June Sarah Graf | [email protected] Tom Lickteig (RIP) Director of Faith Formation Thursday, 18 June Amy Slick | [email protected] Nona Wheeler (RIP) Faith Formation Coordinator Friday, 19 June Nora Morales | [email protected] Cynthia Aragon Nail (RIP) Confirmation Coordinator Saturday, 20 June Lori Hurkin | [email protected] Warren & Roger Grieb (RIP) High School Youth Ministry Leader Sunday, 21 June T. J. Irvin | [email protected] Cy Schoonmaker (RIP) http://stbonifacechurch.org REFLEXION ADA 2020 UPDATE Ven a Jesús Thank you to the 311 parishioners who have contrib- Cuando era estudiante de primer año en la universidad, un uted to the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal! amigo mío me invitó a una reunión organizada por un Did you know that our calculated obligation is based orador cristiano en el Auditorio Stephens en Ames. No on everyone doing their part to help us meet it? We estaba muy interesado en ese momento, pero mi amigo fue can’t do it without you! muy persistente, así que eventualmente me reuní a mí y probablemente a otros diez amigos para asistir a esta charla Please prayerfully consider renewing your pledge for el jueves por la noche. El orador era un predicador the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal. evangélico muy conocido y el auditorio estaba lleno en su mayoría. Él construyó una cruz en el escenario mientras Our goal is $241,031 hablaba de la vida cristiana y de la redención. Todo se centró en una idea, repetida una y otra vez: "Ven a Jesús". We have pledged and paid 122,370 Él habló sobre el pecado y la muerte, habló sobre el amor de Dios y nos invitó a "Venir a Jesús". A medida que We still owe 118,661 avanzaba la noche, me sentía cada vez más incómodo, cada Thank you for your generosity! vez que decía esas palabras, porque sabía que tenía razón, necesitaba "venir a Jesús". Así que finalmente fui a Jesús. Me levanté de mi asiento en TITHING DROPBOX medio de la charla, pasé junto a todos mis amigos en la fila, salí del auditorio y corrí por Lincoln Way hacia la Iglesia Católica St. Thomas Aquinas. Fui a Jesús y lo encontré esperándome en el Santísimo Sacramento; Cuerpo y Looking for the Sangre, Alma y Divinidad. Tuve una buena conversación tithing drop box? con el Señor esa noche, sentado frente al tabernáculo. Dios It is in the north vino a estar con nosotros en Jesucristo y nos ha dado la Eucaristía para estar aún con nosotros, para que podamos parking lot next to "venir a Jesús". Father’s usual parking Incluso ahora, mientras recién comenzamos a reunirnos spot! Look for a para el culto público, la capilla del día está abierta para que triangular grassy island usted "venga a Jesús" en oración privada ante el Santísimo and a black mailbox- Sacramento de lunes a sábado de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. sized receptacle. Diácono Jake Epstein !!TITHING COMPARISON!! Week of 7 June 2019 Week of 7 June 2020 Tithing $34,143.68 Tithing $32,337.00 Building Faith $2,386.00 Building Faith $2,661.00 Parish Debt as of 1 June $1,822,648.08 Parish Debt as of 1 June $1,508,941.57 REGATHERING THANK YOU NOTES Following Bishop Joensen’s letter on June 1st, we Thank you to Pat Broderick and Mary Wonders for will regather for Weekday Mass on June 16th. We their love and devotion in keeping the altar linens will begin with two Masses per week with limited clean every day. We appreciate you! attendance. Over time we will gradually increase the Thanks to the parish family for the Easter cards and number of Masses and the number of people able to thank-you notes you have sent to Father Chinna. attend. This will give our parish leaders the ability to review and update the measures in compliance with Thanks to the Grand Knight, Mark Masters, and the the guidelines from the CDC, the Iowa Health De- Council for their generosity in donating a new grill for partment, and the Diocese of Des Moines. the Rectory. Our Phase 1 Masses will begin on Tuesday, June Thanks to the beloved Knights for their faith and for 16th and Thursday, June 18th, both at 5:30 PM. their continued stewardship to the parish family. On our website and in the Parish News, you will Thanks to Mary Jo Pucelik for her joyous generosity find helpful documents with information on regath- in sewing a new altar cloth, corporal, purificator, and ering, including a link to sign up for Mass. While we lavabo. look forward to the day when we can all be together Thanks to Vicki and Mark Spenner for their contin- again, we ask for your attentiveness to the guidelines ued love and generosity to the parish. They made the during this difficult time. twelve crosses and arranged them outside so that the Join the parish family on Saturday, June 20th at parish family could drive through the parking lot and 8:00 AM for an outdoor mass in the south parking pray the Stations of the Cross during this difficult lot celebrating Father’s Day.
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