LEGEND 66 67 68 69 370000E 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 380000E 81 82 83 84 85 86 Summary of Stratigraphy and Provenance Data QUATERNARY 97 97 B.C. Geological Survey Branch Hornby and Denman Islands Q QUATERNARY DEPOSITS: Sand and gravel. 0 2 2100 N=390 GEOSCIENCE MAP 2001-3 N O TS US RE 9 sites SO S P LATE CRETACEOUS Henry MME 96 Bay SW Vertical exaggeration = 2:1 NE 96 2000 GEOLOGY OF GABRIOLA FORMATION: Thick-bedded, uKga uKga channelized, clast-supported, pebble-cobble 9 A A’ Geoffrey Fm DENMAN AND HORNBY ISLANDS, conglomerate containing predominantly mafic Q Hornby Island Summary of 4 stations exposed covered ASL Formation Total = 400 clasts N=44 and felsic extrusive clasts; interbedded with Denman Island Gabriola 200 slump block 200 3 sites medium-grained, poorly to moderately sorted, 95 95 BRITISH COLUMBIA 7 uKga light olive grey, massive sandstone (feldspathic 0 uKg 0 1800 litharenite) with 5% detrital mica; minor mudstone Metres uKdc uKs uKcd uKn -biogenic structures NTS 92F/7E; 92F/10 20 -200 -200 SPRAY FORMATION: Massive, olive grey 10 20 N=56 uKs uKs mudstone (65%) intercalated with thin- to locally -biogenic structures 94 thick-bedded, light olive grey, massive, parallel 94 1600 3 sites By D.C. Katnick and P.S. Mustard 4 exposed covered 0 and current ripple laminated sandstone 100 Fm (feldspathic litharenite to lithic arkose arenite, Spray 35%) containing 5-7% detrical mica. 80 Scale 1:50 000 -biogenic structures Strait 1120 3 4 60 93 GEOFFREY FORMATION: Thick-bedded, 93 uKg uKg 1400 channelized, clast-supported pebble-cobble N=335 Kilometres 2 0 conglomerate containing predominantly mafic 80 7 sites exposed covered and felsic extrusives and mafic intrusive clasts; Note: map originally produced as figure BP-1 to accompany 20 0 in a matrix of medium-grained, light olive grey 9 4 Q unpublished M.Sc. thesis of D.C. Katnick, 2001, Simon Fraser University. 20 92 sandstone. Conglomerate is interbedded with 80 92 Chickadee medium- to coarse-grained, light olive grey, 6 20 1200 Summary of 7 stations Fm 60 o massive, parallel and current ripple laminated, Lake Total = 700 clasts N=25 74 80 f NOTES thick-bedded sandstone (feldspathic litharenite); Geoffrey 1 site Denman minor mudstone. Point Denman and Hornby islands represent the best exposed northern occurrence of the upper two-thirds Georgia of the Nanaimo Group, a Turonian to Maastrichtian (~ 90 to 65 Ma) or younger sedimentary package 2 0 91 91 10 NORTHUMBERLAND FORMATION: 0 deposited within a single sedimentary basin during the Late Cretaceous Period. The succession on uKn uKn Massive, dark grey mudstone containing Collishaw 1000 -biogenic structures Point L N=21 itt these islands is both well-preserved and minimally deformed, although in general the basin was abundant calcium carbonate concretions. 60 covered le 1 site exposed 80 81 Mudstone is locally interlaminated and 80 85 Shields buried, lithified, uplifted and deformed during the last 60 Ma. Exposures are nearly continuous along 7 F 14 6 6 Point interbedded with siltstone and fine-grained, DENMAN6 4 0 70 4 Fm the islands coasts, but inland are restricted to road cuts, cliffs and rare small outcrops. 0 11 parallel and current ripple laminated sandstone. George 9 10 Common clastic dikes and slump folded layers. 8 7 Effects of Pleistocene glaciation are most evident as scattered glacial erratics, thin till cover and 5490000N 5490000N 800 100 uKdc uKg 10 uKcd F 85 rare exposures of glacially eroded bedrock. These probably generally reflect the last (Fraser) 8 Northumberland Cr DE COURCY FORMATION: Massive, light- eek uKn 6 40 glaciation (about 25,000 to 10,000 ybp). Thick deposits of pro-glacial sands and gravels of the Quadra uKdc uKdc Tralee olive grey, medium- to coarse-grained, poorly 80 7 10 20 uKn Point sorted, thick-bedded sandstone (feldspathic 75 Sand covers the north-east part of Denman Island and are also exposed in several gravel pits. covered Manning 83 A’ exposed 15 Q Point 11 89 litharenite) containing 45-50% rock fragments 89 0 74 2 0 80 6 2 0 2 10 including 15% chert. Sandstone is interbedded F 11 uKga 600 N=251 8 5 Stratigraphy with thick-bedded, channelized, clast-supported 3 5 Summary of 5 stations 5 sites Total = 500 clasts Ferry 84 0 Fm 6 0 pebble-cobble conglomerate containing a high Phipps 4 More than two kilometres of sedimentary strata are preserved, consisting of conformable and 8 10 20 0 Terminal 0 4 6 Point F 0 proportion of mafic and felsic extrusive clasts. 0 uKga 6 laterally intertonguing successions, with sandstone-conglomerate dominated units separated by 0 etres DeCourcy 0 0 1 2 120 1 Whaling 0 m 0 10 4 8 1 Station mudstone and fine-grained sandstone assemblages. These represent the upper six formations of the 88 Lambert 88 CEDAR DISTRICT FORMATION: Massive, 66 100 76 Bay B 0 Cape 6 uKs F 1 400 Nanaimo Group. From lowest these are: the upper Cedar District Formation, the De Courcy, uKcd uKcd dark grey mudstone containing abundant HORNBY 10 70 Gurney 80 0 8 8 calcium carbonate concretions. Mudstone is a 6 ISLAND 90 F 1 7 Northumberland, Geoffrey and Spray formations, and the lower part of the Gabriola Formation. exposed covered 0 200 2 locally interlaminated and interbedded with y 17 71 2 The age of the lower three formations is well constrained by common macrofossils and 71 20 siltstone and fine-grained, thin-bedded parallel- Beulah 82 70 uKg 84 40 11 Creek 7 -biogenic structures N=14 microfossils. These indicate a range spanning form about the mid Campanian to the late Campanian / and current-ripple-laminated sandstone. n 8 0 87 87 2 6 0 6 1 6 uKn 0 6 67 0 1 site early Maastrichtian stages of the Cretaceous Period (about 80 to 70 Ma). However, no fossils have Common clastic dikes and slump folded layers 12 4 uKga 2 13 0 200 e 6 2 uKs Spray 100 F F 0 Point Fm been recovered from the upper three formations. These have generally been considered to also be 8 0 0 Flora uKdc 2 6 10 8 1 7 s 0 10 Islet 0 13 Late Cretaceous (thus about 70 to 65 Ma) based on the apparent conformable depositional contact SYMBOLS 8 1 Graham 0 12 5 ISLAND8 0 2 uKs 4 7 10 Cedar District 1 Tribune 75 60 9 with the underlying unit, apparent continuity of deposition, and on rare fossil evidence from correlative Stratigraphic contact - defined Primary fracture Lake 7 St. John 86 86 Shingle 20 1 Bay Point 68 6 Spit 9 formations of the southern Gulf Islands. However, the only constraint on the upper age is that in other Ferry 9 Paleocurrent Rose Legend Stratigraphic contact - approximate Secondary fracture 75 72 40 0 0 4 Terminal 1 77 60% scale places the Nanaimo Group is unconformably overlain by late Paleocene sedimentary units. 5 4 circular 50 Primary vertical fracture 80 (square root Sound slumped 40 Stratigraphic contact - inferred 0 Whalebone 6 standard 30 60 block of equal area) Point Fo uKs 6 74 Dunlop 20 Secondary vertical fracture 10 Geoffrey Fm 7 rd 5 deviation 220 4 Point 10 Structure 0 pebble cobble 8 0 100 4 Outcrop extent 6 85 Fault, normal 45 4 boulder covered 69 8 20 The succession exposed on Denman and Hornby islands occurs as a structural homocline with 0 69 Creek mudstone 5485000N sandstone 71 0 3 N=50 Bedding, tops known 8 Fault, unknown sense 8 uKg vector o 0 beds dipping gently to the northeast (average 8 ). There is no evidence of major structural features 83 8 9 9 200 1 mean 100 Lineation, slickenline 9 Channel 0 75 Ford 6 0 #of 1 0 0 Macrofossils (not exactly located) 0 such as significant faults and folds. This interpretation contrasts with previous maps, which show 4 Downes F 40 4 10 1 75 4 1 Clast Lithologies Cove 120 11 10% frequency interval Metcalf 7 11 Point Sedimentary measurements 9 85 Mafic Extrusive major faults with significant (100's of m) of dip-slip displacement. On Denman Island, minor faults with General stratigraphy of the 8 Ferry Structures 84 0 10Terminal 84 Bay planar parallel 2 6 F Mafic Intrusive Rock Types o + 9 a few metres of displacement coincide with the laterally intertonguing depositional contact of the Cedar + + 40 51 o + + 70 10 uKn + + + Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group 0 82 5 lamination + + 4 81 asymmetric 40 79 uKdc Felsic Extrusive massive v v + District and De Courcey formations, mimicking significant fault offset, but actually a depositional 125 + 8 v + + ripples v v + + top not exposed 7 uKcd 11 72 8 Felsic Intrusive synsedimentary mudstone v v + + FORMATION 76 8 + v v v v + 8 folding feature with later very minor faulting. On Hornby Island extensive sedimentary slump blocks, breccias v 9 Chert v v + + >65 Ma? 36 mudstone with v + + 20 75 67 v v v v v + + Gabriola imbricated thin sandstone and slump-folded intervals occur in several places, and appear to have been misinterpreted as post- v v + + + 80 Norman Sedimentary breccia v Point pebbles v v v v + blocks interbeds Vancouver v v + + + 83 Metamorphic + + Spray 83 + 40 depositional fault effects by some earlier workers. However, there are minor faults and at least two well v + o 50o v + + 50 71 20 v v v v v + Island + Maastrichtian? 0 Vein Quartz 2 20 sandstone +++ + + 74 6 rip-up parting developed fracture sets.
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