E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1998 No. 75 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was mittee substitute. Assuming cloture think that is why the majority leader called to order by the President pro fails, the Senate will continue debate was happy to say he will allow the tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. on the tobacco bill. The Senate may Democrats to have sort of a sub- also consider any other legislative or stantive amendment of their own PRAYER executive items that may be cleared choosing, and then we can proceed for- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John for action. Therefore, rollcall votes are ward. But we can work this out. I just Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: possible throughout today's session of wanted to make sure at least that was Almighty God, our purpose is to glo- the Senate. on the record at this time. rify You by serving our Nation. We Several Senators addressed the Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, want to express an energetic earnest- Chair. I don't suspect that will be a problem. ness about our work today. Help us to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ROB- We are going to check with the chair- know what You want and then want ERTS). The Senator from Massachusetts man and try and accommodate. what we know; to say what we mean, is recognized. f and mean what we say. Give us reso- Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I know MORNING BUSINESS luteness and intentionality. Free us to my colleague wants to address the Sen- listen to You so intently that we can ate and I will only take a minute on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under speak with courage. Keep us in the bat- the business side. It is my understand- the previous order, the Senate will pro- tle for truth rather than ego-skir- ing with respect to the tobacco bill, in ceed to a period for the transaction of mishes over secondary issues. Make us a discussion with the majority leader morning business until 11:15 a.m, with party to Your plans so we can give last night, that there would be a Demo- Senators permitted to speak for up to 5 leadership to our parties and then help cratic amendment, I believe, at 11:15, minutes, with the following exceptions: our parties work together to accom- with the understanding that the attor- the Senator from West Virginia, Mr. plish Your purposes. Make us one in neys' fees amendment will follow that. ROCKEFELLER, for 10 minutes; the Sen- the expression of our patriotism. In the I can say to a certainty that on the ator from New Jersey, Mr. TORRICELLI, Name of our Lord and Savior. Amen. Democratic amendment, we will gladly for 15 minutes; the Senator from Mon- f enter into a time agreement. It will tana, Mr. BAUCUS, for 30 minutes; the not be a long time agreement. So we Senator from Maine, Ms. COLLINS, for RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING can anticipate moving to the attor- 15 minutes; the Senator from Massa- MAJORITY LEADER neys' fees amendment, hopefully, in chusetts, Mr. KERRY, for 15 minutes; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the early afternoon. and the distinguished Senator from Or- acting majority leader is recognized. Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, egon, Mr. SMITH, for 5 minutes. Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Thank you, the last amendment last night voted on Mr. SMITH of Oregon addressed the Mr. President. was a Democratic amendment, and Chair. f going back and forth, I believe the next The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- one will be a Republican amendment. ator from Oregon is recognized. SCHEDULE However, the chairman is not here. We f Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, will check with him, and if an accom- this morning, the Senate will be in a modation is necessary, we will pursue STATE OF RURAL OREGON period for morning business until 11:15 that. Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, a.m. Following morning business, the Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, let me this coming weekend the President of Senate will resume consideration of just say to my friend, that is accurate the United States will travel to my the tobacco bill, and it is expected that in the sense there was a Democratic home State of Oregon to deliver the a Republican amendment will be of- amendment. But the discussion we had commencement speech at Portland fered regarding attorneys' fees. It is with the majority leader and the man- State University. As Oregon's junior hoped that a short time agreement can ager of the bill is the Democratic Senator, I welcome President Clinton. I be reached on that amendment so that amendments that have flowed to date look forward to seeing his remarks and remaining amendments can be offered were essentially responsive amend- want him to know he is welcome in my and debated throughout today's ses- ments on the same subject to the Re- State. sion. At 12 noon, the Senate will pro- publican amendment. Effectively, While in Portland, he will find a ceed to a vote on the motion to invoke there hasn't been a proactive, free- vital, vibrant community, like much of cloture on the modified tobacco com- standing Democratic amendment. I the Nation, which has enjoyed very · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6131 S6132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 11, 1998 good economic times. Because of this, the single value of supposedly protect- And 122 mills have shut down in Or- the President might leave Portland ing the environment. They want to egon since 1990. Timber receipts to thinking his administration's policies, blow up these dams. Grant County for roads and schools de- even those regarding natural resources I am afraid I probably motivated clined from a high of $12.4 million in and the environment, have been good some of my environmental opponents 1992Ð$12.4 millionÐto $1.9 million in for Oregon. And if he does that, if he when I told them that when they blow 1997. What are we saying about schools? has that impression, he will be sadly the dams I will be on top of them, be- What are we saying about roads? mistaken. cause I feel very strongly that the mul- The amount of timber harvested from During the last recess, I traveled tiple of public values that are to be our public lands has been reduced by through the rest of Oregon. I returned served by these are still worthy values. approximately 80 percent. Under the from Washington last weekend having And there are many things we can do President's Northwest Forest Plan, spent 5 days in eastern Oregon. I went to make them more environmentally only 3 million of the 24 million acresÐ to the communities of Condon, friendly, and we are doing that as we or 12 percent of the available acreageÐ Boardman, Hermiston, Pendleton, speak. is open for sustainable timber produc- LaGrande, Baker City, Ontario, Nyssa, Well, that is an aside. But the people tion. All this despite the fact that tree Burns, John Day, Enterprise, Milton- that I know in rural Oregon are good growth rates exceed harvest rates by 85 Freewater, and Ione. stewards of their land. After all, they to 90 percent. This region is the home to honest, need their land for their livelihoods, The Clinton administration would hard-working people. It is a region that and they desperately would like to pass have us believe that they need to take is also home to some of the most it on to their next generation, to their over the management of Oregon's natu- breathtaking scenery on the Earth. It children. Moreover, these people make ral resources because we are incapable is a region of forests and rivers, moun- their living by producing food and of doing so. Nothing could be further tains and valleys. It is a region where wood fiber that all Americans need and from the truth. In fact, Oregon has people earn their living from the land. use in our everyday lives. some of the toughest land use laws in But it is a region in dire economic I sometimes begin to think that we the Nation. Despite the utilization of straits. It is a region which is fighting are so removed from rural commu- forest lands for agriculture, urbaniza- for its survival. nities in our modern society that we tion, and infrastructure, 91 percent of Many States have what I term coun- think we do not need farmers because the forest land base that existed in Or- try-city divides, conflicts between there is a Safeway down the street, we egon in 1630Ðin the year 1630Ð91 per- rural and urban areas. I happen to be do not need foresters because there is a cent of that land still exists as forests the first Senator elected in Oregon who lumber yard down the street, and we and for growing trees. has lived in rural Oregon in nearly 70 forget this connection. Mr. President, the final visit of my years. I take the issues with respect to As we forget this connection, we week in eastern Oregon was to the Ione all of my State very seriously. I take begin to enact laws that shut down all High School commencement, where I the issues that affect rural Oregon very of our basic American industries of had the privilege of delivering the mining, grazing, farming, forestry, personally.
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