SABBATH SUNBEAMS. DISTRICT Griffith Earley: COURT. and Michael Johnson Bound Over. A CARD. Daily & Potter attorneys for Fresh shell oysters at Dyer’s. oc3o-tf The Leader. plaintiff, and W. M. E. Hagans, the would-be burglar A • report being Look out for sneak thieves. Lid of Grand and Cum on is circulated “that if Petit Jurors R. Steele defendant. who on Friday Go see the evening attempted to I am sheriff of Laramie county aiul that immense stock of SUNDAY, 3,1878. Travel on all the trains light yester- Docket. P. S. Wilson and L..Nagle vs. Mrs. rob the safe elected NOV. belonging to E. B. Annis v silver-plated ware being opened out at day. Mary Charlton and George Charlton; was The November term of the District C. examined yesterday before Judge' Warrens. 0c27-tf Tramp* are on the IntJOase in this Johnson A Potter attorneys for plain- Slaughter and held to boll in the si?xsw*Sl»hs A court will convene morning sum /aTte, Local cents. section. to-morrow McLaughlin ana without cUt/omaledi** uhat- Engraving in all its branches is done n>« aaiovwc m a list or u» sutborim tiffs, and A Steele- for de- of 3300, for his appearance for trial at at 9 o'clock. The names of the Jurors rcer, amVwas gottep up circulated at Jackson A Meal Wyoming Tent lory, Splendid yesterday fendants. the approaching fnd Zehnbr, Buechner’s. Tickets. oflklUuulii weather for work term of •emu selected are as follows: the district for the purpose of doing me a injury at ocl&tf ivjtnae. J. o. Mills on the sewer. M. A. Arnold vs. J. R. Whitehead; court. Laramie CUT, R. K. Flt.n. OP.AXD JURORS. the election Tuesday, .Nov. 6th. I Johnson A Potter attorneys fbr plain- ftawllas, W. L. Ash. TAritorial and county elections on G. A, Draper, Thomas make this statement the - Home made candies, mode every day tiff. William F. Lae. Contradicting Orson Riser. John OrslT. Tuesday next. Woo. Guiterman, S. Bon, Nearly everybody in above report that the voters of Lara- at Ellis’ bakery and confectionery, 291 T. W. Rutledge vs. A. J. Mann, J. the county is ac- Infant baptism at the Presbyterian John B. Sloan, G. A. Seartght, quainted “Billy” the candi- mie county, will not be deceived. Eddy st. 025-ts SERVICES TO DAY. T. Gates and 8. J. Scriber; Johnson A with Lee, CHURCH Cbas. necht, R. B. Horrie, date for an Duapjck. 21 MEALS church this morning. Potter attorneys for plaintiff. coroner. He Is old resident, It A. Hats and winter caps cheap for cash Geo. C. Leighton, J. S. Taylor Is a hard working, honest and intelli- Presbyterian Church Corner of Fer- The celebrated Hutchinson family Frank Miller Michael Jones; Frest shell oysters at at Polack’s, Masonic Temple, 16th st. T. A. C. E. Clay, vs. gent man who will Dyer’s. oc3o-tf guson and 18th streets. Rev. J. Y. will shortly visit Cheyenne. Kent. Johnsoo A Potter for command a vote on o29tf C. Herman, R. Wenger, attorneys defend- Tuesday next sufficient Cowhich, pastor. Services at 11 a. Several new pupils were added to the ant. to elect him by Attention Sir Knights I Sabbath school at J. T. Holliday. a handsome majority. He is popular ul and 7:30 p. m. public school roll last week. I*. H. Kirholtz vh Marin Wnnlessand Stated Conclave of Wyoming HORRIBLE TO THINK OP. all these PETIT JTRORS. with all classes and the people are de- 13 m. A cordial invitation to P* M. Putnam has bought W. N. George Wanleas; Cdffott A Mnnn at- Commandery, No. 1, K. T., st their John (i. Ellis, R. W. Jordan, termined to make him coroner. “Astounding Disclosures and Important services. Seats free. Batcbelder’s herd of sheep; considera- torneys for plaintiff. Asylum, Monday evening, Nov. 4, at Information.’' Morning—Baptism of children, re- Cbas. 11. Terry, 11. Frankllu, *- r 7:30 o'clock, tion, f3,700. George A. Draper and J. W. Ham- New Mail Route. sharp. A full attendance The attention of the people or tide city end ception of members and administra- Andrew Ryan, E. Ovren, is desired. eoanty la specially celled to the number or will do mond vs James A. Hunt; Corlett A The following explains itself: By order of E. C. deaths reported In the from that Go to church to-day. If it J - paper* dread- Evening sub- Wm. R. Bryant, J. T. Gates, " Consumption. tion of the communion. Mann attorneys for plaintiff ) ful disease. In feet, this dl»- you no good it certainly will not work Kelley, Kapp, and E. P. Washington, D. C., Fresh oysters eesels reported to be constantly increasing, (ect: “AStronger Faith the Want of T. J. C. at nsenn be by the Johnson for defendant. Oct. 29, 1878. j Dyer’s seen examining mortality Church.” to your injury. nenry Swan, L. F. BuAh. <**l ts Hotel.. »» «»wwd by not bresjclng up a 4T . the N. T. Webber vs M. V. Houghton; Dear Bir— l have the honor to In- slight cough or cold as soon ss It appears, Mrs. Bowers and the Forresters will CRIMINAL CASKS. form wbiob can be easily done by using HjuVh Mctitodui Aptecojxrl Church.- Comer E. G. Adams attorney for plaintiff, you that postal service has been F. M. Darling, proprietor of the Key Honey of Horehound and visit Cheyenne about the Ist of the and Tar, an article of 18th and Ransom streets. Rev. W. The following comprises thy prinei-, McljiughllnA Steelo for defendant. ordered on route No. 37,317, from Fort City house, is making his popular hotel which was discovered by the late Dr. Haie, a coming month. celebrated physician ofEurope, and used In pal cfiinlnalcanes which were continued George Laramie La the favorite ***¦ private prmciloe tor many years with 11. Glllam, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. F. Price vs Wesley B. Roniia- to Bonte, Wyoming Terri- resort for all. lie sets the rreslsucoe*.. Messrs. Sturgis A Goodell yewterday from the last of court: tory, very The present proprietor, believ- Monkeys and 7JO p. m. Sabbath school at 13 m. term fleld, M. E. Post, George Cassels and 65 miles aud back, once a week, best tables in the city and charges, ing this market required Just suoh an article, Oyster Bay. shipped thirteen car loads of cattle Janice AMredo, obtaining money from first for has purchased the same at a large outlay, an J Voting people’s meeting at 5 p. m. Joseph Tyson ; McLaughlin A Kteele at- the prox., in accordanee with the lowest rates the same. Give is now preparing itaccording to the original from Pine Bluffs for Chicago. under false pretenses. for your personal him a trial. recipe. And thoee who have used the article Morning subject: '-The Millenium-" torneys plaintiff, and E. P. Johnson recommendation. it (which are thousands) consider It a certain Evening: "Moths.” The Colorado and Wyoming congre- Samuel S. Stanton, grand larceny. for defendant. Very respectfully, 00 oougba, colds, hoarseness, dltfl gational association will Hugh J. Edwards, grand larceny. Booth’s select oysters 60 cents per cult breathing, and allaffections ofthe throat, convene at Martin Denicke. vs Leopold Kabis Tnoe. J. Br.vdy, bronchial tubes and lungs leading to con- Congregational Church. Corner of Greeley Thursday, 7th inst. Edgar Scurrie, grand larceny. Second can, at sumption. Bold byail druggists, and at Crlt- on and George Kabis; Corlett A Mann at- Asst. P. M. General. o27tf Ellis’ Oyster Bay. tenton's Patent Medicine l>?pot. 7 Sixth ave- Per Month. Nineteenth and mil streets. Rev. C. Chas. McGarvey, assault and battery. Hon*. John W. nue, New Yolk city. Price SO eents and #l. $23 District Court Clerk Bruner is hav- torneys for plaintiff. Hoyt, 0 °reat saving by Sanders, Services at 11 a. m. setting liberty v purchasing large rise. M. nastor. ing a new desk made and Is otherwise Wm. I-. Baker, at n George jr. vs Isaac Coe and Governor of Wyoming Territory, If you are thirsty and want a good rike’s Toothache drops care lu one minute. and 7JO Sabbath School at 13 Wilson, odMAwlw p. m. getting ready for work to-morrow. prisoner in lawful custody. I«evi Carter; E. P. Johnson attorney Cheyenne. refreshing drink, just drop into Joe m. J. 8. Taylor, Superintendent. Seats John McDonald, grand larceny. Dillmann’s J. F. Crowley has sold his sheep for plaintiff, and W. W. Corlett and As i>ostal service has previously been fine brick saloon on Eddy Sutiscribe for The Leader. All are invited. James burglnrv and grand on ranch, located thirty-two miles east of Robinson, I McLaughlin A Steele attorneys for de- put lietween La Bonte and Fort Fet- street. Joe keeps his bar stocked with Communion sen-ice at 11 a. m. Eve- larceny. Co., fendants. terman, the line is now complete from the very best brands of liquors, wines ning subject: "The Three Widows.” Cheyenne, to J. W. Rose A of Bt. Louis. Frank Fames, grand larceny. »). C. Cushman vs Orlando North; Cheyenne to Fort Fetterman and Mc- and cigars. Try them. It Mary's Catholic Church —Corner Wm. 11. Smith, assault with intent ! Kinney, via Fort Laramie. J. J. JOSUN, St. The colored republican club held a Mcla&ughlin A Steele attorneys for I have the most complete stock of 30th and O'Neil streets. Rev. J. to inflictfkxlilyInjury*. plaintiff, and Johnson large and enthusiastic meeting last A Potter for de- LIVE STOCK MARKET. Men’s underwear in town. STAPLE A. Ilayee, P.
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