Digital Commons @ George Fox University "The Crescent" Student Newspaper Archives and Museum 10-12-1937 "The Crescent" Student Newspaper, October 12, 1937 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, ""The Crescent" Student Newspaper, October 12, 1937" (1937). "The Crescent" Student Newspaper. 1443. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Museum at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in "The Crescent" Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \ V K P L A Y C n V M . AWA NKiHT OF OCT. I({ V O L U M E X L I X NEWBERG. OREGON. OCT. 32. 1937 NUMBER 2 IF AO Chooses PRESIDENT PENNINGTON PILGRIM PLAYERS GIVEipi^„„ A CATCHES LARGE FISH "aClIlC Coh^gC "RICH YOUNG RULER"! * iSegUn You've heard of bringing home i Debate, Speech Coeds Organize T h e P i l g r i m P l a y e r s d r a m a t i z - the bacon, but it takes President 1 For Homecoming rk J r the story of the "lllch Young Contest Topics Fennington to bring home the' -I- Cp V/iuL;', vft U 0 Ruler" in the OollGge auditorium fish. The weekend of the 1st of . Tliursday evening Sept. 30. j Nov. 11 Is Date Peace Contest Is To Be October, Dr. Pennington accom-; ' The troupe consists of four' panted l)y Professor Emmett Gul- p « ,r n- v n ♦ ; i ^ * j Held At Pacific players headed by Dn) George Run-1 Lewis Hoskins Is Chosen ley and Professor Lawrence Skene, ^ 5^ Otis Is Tilected nell and his wife. They have College went to Woods, Oregon, on a fish-i President Of Nfw their headfinarters in California, Generalissimo For ing trip. On Friday, President ^ Organization but are now on an extended tour Annual Affair At the first meeting of this Pennington caught a 32 pound i of the northwest. They special school year held Saturday, Octo salmon, but it was on Saturday, a new P. C. organization, the ize in religious evangelistic drama. ber 9, at the Benson hotel in Port thatV..... v,as ..«o particularly ia.-,i.'ep fa-,Club, Pep wasclub, organizedwas organized Tuesday Tuesday .AccordingAccording to Dr.Bunnell, Bunnell, some-' some- Flans for the 6th annual Home- land, the' executive committee of vorable, for on that day he caught' noon, October 5, for the purpose • about the life, death, and'Pacific College have the Intercollegiate Forensics Asso the largest fish he had ever caught of providing and stimulating pep j resurrection of Christ appears in begun by the executive couu- ciation of Oregon chose topics for —a 46-pound salmon. Profes-1 at all Pacific College games. Offi-i of a number of plays which Committees have been select- the Association debate and speech s n v n - i i i i o v o - _ I . 1 — w o r k i m m e d i a t e sor Gul^^- caught a 20-pound sal- i cers elected were Peggy Otis, pres- they attempt to present. It is his contests of the year. Directors of mon. The fishing was done in ident. Leslie Mae Blakely, vlce- opinion that there is a great op- ly. Homecoming will be held No speech in attendance were R. D. the big Nestucca river. presldent and Jean Spaulding, Portunity in the field of evangelis- v e m b e r 1 1 a s u s u a l . Malmffey, Linfield College; Dr. Earl W. Wells. 0. S. €.; Herbert secrelary. The girls plan to at-|drama. L e w i s H o s k i n s h a s b e e n s e l e c t e d tend athletic contests in a body, i • as generalissimo for this year. He E. Rahe, Willamette University; all wearing uniforms of navy blue: A lAYiSniflAr Wnl! !*• is a senior and has attended three Rev. J. J. Margraff, University of sweatshirts and skirts with gold 'XlUli JT p r e v i o u s h o m e c o m i n g s a s a s t u Portland; Carlyn R. Winger. Pa Students On Wills emblems. As a beginning of dent. cific University; and Lois MeCiir- their activities ten of the twelve' ley, Pacific College. Enters High School T h e c o m m i t t e e s a n d t h e i r c h a i r members of the organization fur-1 men include: Banciuet, Corllda The after dinner speaking con Chapel Speech Stresses nished pep at the Multnomah col- 9-Year Old Son Of Former Stewart, chairman; Margaret Lou test is to be held the week of the Need Of Forethought I lege-P. C. game in Portland last i p ^ p^«f t ;i a i. » ; Parker, Dorothy Sutton, Dorothy second Friday in December at Wil lamette University in Salem, the Friday. ! ^ Erof. Likes School > Thompson, Emma Hogue, Lucille Membership of the Pep Club in-. tt.,. t . ' Barkman, Lyle Barkinan, Ruth topic being "American Streamlin ed Education the speaking Payroll and the spoils system. For men of talking about what students Ba'-kman, Fern Knowles, Lucy! ^ P"Ci Hodson. Afternoon the subject is "Colunrbia River ^Jo, made it clear that he W'lson and Alfreda Martin. | qtufp Pniipp-p n ;» th ^ ^ i Events, Verle Emery, cliairman; Basin Administration." This is I n'^eant the wills made which con- scheduled for the week of the) oerned a person's estate, w , . , b e b e M i third Friday in January at Lin-,' After citing several incidents roomTuesday •' noon in the Y. W. C. A. i teacher. ' | Brolliar, Don Mills. Toast field College in JileMinnville. The' a person failed to make a; juncheTroom with members bringing their ' Alexander Jr. fas never attend- Dorotliy Choate, committee accepted for debate this I money was given to'. (Oci any public i,stltution berort'' S f. i >car ihv PUi Kappa Delta quea-i P^opI''wlm n he '..'.d never intend- . !b,u ha,., been tiy«:ed ut homl I Uon "Resolved; that the Labor'^^'i theirs, Pres. Fennlng- ., highUpon-irppt^UQTrfe^hiOTe-TO-^^ school he had to pass an '■ Kendall T h"ifaer:-A"!!? n e y " H o i r a e r, ■ Relations Board should he given'^o" reminded the students not to V/JL ^ JL ICiU, B r o c k D i x o n , P h y l l i s eighth grade examination and power to enforce compulsory labor until they were old to make; O 1 4 a 1 e i g h t h g r a d e e x a m i n a t i o n a n d Knowles, Virginia Heacock, I'Ysth- arbitration in all industries." Thei or this might he their. er May Weesner, Earl I-Iackctt. fep6<lKS At V^UEDGI' placementFrench and test. Worlii He-enrolled History and atin Peace Oratorical contest will bel advised that wills' Publicity, M o w ard Harrison, t e n d s o n l y i n t h e ' m o r n i n g . held on our own campus the weekmade when people are young chairman; Maisie Burt, Erwin M.lss Matheson Gives Facts H i s p r e v i o u s / . t i i d i e s h a v e i n - of the second Friday in February! reminded the students of, Atrops, Warren Behrens, Stanley and the Old Line Oratorical con-j obligation to Pacific College! On Liquor Business eluded three yean of Spaulsh. mu-: and ReKlstra- test is down for the week of advised anyone having any '. 8lc, and, as a hobby, astronomy, j chairman; besides regulation grade school second Friday in March. property or money that would not| "The youth of today are chang- Alfred Boyer, Waullne Nelson, be given to heirs to give the funds'ed .... and the habits of the -Studies. Alexanler has composed As a new feature a sixth divi , C v eVera r a n i cIlick.s, K . s , mMarjorie a r j o r i e mMiller. i n e r , iPro- - r o - sion of the I. F. A. O. activities, to Pacific, who would appreciate ChrUtian youth of today deter- rroodeo,^ d pertles, Lois Roberts, chairman; was planned. It will take the the funds very much. | mines what kind of founders of "Be sure to make a will and see, the world, you'll be," so declared o l w , b m ' r , s ° J o l " fgnn of public debates on a sub O H a ■ , V , , L e s l t o M a e ject of cuiTent interest not yet that your money goes where you 1 Mis.s Lily Grace Matheson, Na- wanted it to go," he again stress school,snhJnl h • ] Bl.akely,he Chairman;said; Alfredap Martin chosen. There will be no prizes t i o n a l F i e l d S e c r e t a r y f o r t h e Its fine to go to such a swell ^ play: Arsk Davis, chairman; given the winners in this division. ed in closing. W. C.
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