Digital Commons @ George Fox University "The Crescent" Student Newspaper Archives and Museum 10-12-1937 "The Crescent" Student Newspaper, October 12, 1937 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/the_crescent Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, ""The Crescent" Student Newspaper, October 12, 1937" (1937). "The Crescent" Student Newspaper. 1443. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/the_crescent/1443 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Museum at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in "The Crescent" Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \ V K P L A Y C n V M . AWA NKiHT OF OCT. I({ V O L U M E X L I X NEWBERG. OREGON. OCT. 32. 1937 NUMBER 2 IF AO Chooses PRESIDENT PENNINGTON PILGRIM PLAYERS GIVEipi^„„ A CATCHES LARGE FISH "aClIlC Coh^gC "RICH YOUNG RULER"! * iSegUn You've heard of bringing home i Debate, Speech Coeds Organize T h e P i l g r i m P l a y e r s d r a m a t i z - the bacon, but it takes President 1 For Homecoming rk J r the story of the "lllch Young Contest Topics Fennington to bring home the' -I- Cp V/iuL;', vft U 0 Ruler" in the OollGge auditorium fish. The weekend of the 1st of . Tliursday evening Sept. 30. j Nov. 11 Is Date Peace Contest Is To Be October, Dr. Pennington accom-; ' The troupe consists of four' panted l)y Professor Emmett Gul- p « ,r n- v n ♦ ; i ^ * j Held At Pacific players headed by Dn) George Run-1 Lewis Hoskins Is Chosen ley and Professor Lawrence Skene, ^ 5^ Otis Is Tilected nell and his wife. They have College went to Woods, Oregon, on a fish-i President Of Nfw their headfinarters in California, Generalissimo For ing trip. On Friday, President ^ Organization but are now on an extended tour Annual Affair At the first meeting of this Pennington caught a 32 pound i of the northwest. They special school year held Saturday, Octo salmon, but it was on Saturday, a new P. C. organization, the ize in religious evangelistic drama. ber 9, at the Benson hotel in Port thatV..... fortune....vu.i.- v,as ..«o particularly ia.-,i.'ep fa-,Club, Pep wasclub, organizedwas organized Tuesday Tuesday .AccordingAccording to Dr.to Dr.Bunnell, Bunnell, some-' some- Flans for the 6th annual Home- land, the' executive committee of vorable, for on that day he caught' noon, October 5, for the purpose • about the life, death, and'Pacific College have the Intercollegiate Forensics Asso the largest fish he had ever caught of providing and stimulating pep j resurrection of Christ appears in begun by the executive couu- ciation of Oregon chose topics for —a 46-pound salmon. Profes-1 at all Pacific College games. Offi-i of a number of plays which Committees have been select- the Association debate and speech s n v n - i i i i o v o - _ I . 1 — w o r k i m m e d i a t e sor Gul^^- caught a 20-pound sal- i cers elected were Peggy Otis, pres- they attempt to present. It is his contests of the year. Directors of mon. The fishing was done in ident. Leslie Mae Blakely, vlce- opinion that there is a great op- ly. Homecoming will be held No speech in attendance were R. D. the big Nestucca river. presldent and Jean Spaulding, Portunity in the field of evangelis- v e m b e r 1 1 a s u s u a l . Malmffey, Linfield College; Dr. Earl W. Wells. 0. S. €.; Herbert secrelary. The girls plan to at-|drama. L e w i s H o s k i n s h a s b e e n s e l e c t e d tend athletic contests in a body, i • as generalissimo for this year. He E. Rahe, Willamette University; all wearing uniforms of navy blue: A lAYiSniflAr Wnl! !*• is a senior and has attended three Rev. J. J. Margraff, University of sweatshirts and skirts with gold 'XlUli JT p r e v i o u s h o m e c o m i n g s a s a s t u Portland; Carlyn R. Winger. Pa Students On Wills emblems. As a beginning of dent. cific University; and Lois MeCiir- their activities ten of the twelve' ley, Pacific College. Enters High School T h e c o m m i t t e e s a n d t h e i r c h a i r members of the organization fur-1 men include: Banciuet, Corllda The after dinner speaking con Chapel Speech Stresses nished pep at the Multnomah col- 9-Year Old Son Of Former Stewart, chairman; Margaret Lou test is to be held the week of the Need Of Forethought I lege-P. C. game in Portland last i p ^ p^«f t ;i a i. » ; Parker, Dorothy Sutton, Dorothy second Friday in December at Wil lamette University in Salem, the Friday. ! ^ Erof. Likes School > Thompson, Emma Hogue, Lucille Membership of the Pep Club in-. tt.,. t . ' Barkman, Lyle Barkinan, Ruth topic being "American Streamlin ed Education the speaking Payroll and the spoils system. For men of talking about what students Ba'-kman, Fern Knowles, Lucy! ^ P"Ci Hodson. Afternoon the subject is "Colunrbia River ^Jo, made it clear that he W'lson and Alfreda Martin. | qtufp Pniipp-p n ;» th ^ ^ i Events, Verle Emery, cliairman; Basin Administration." This is I n'^eant the wills made which con- scheduled for the week of the) oerned a person's estate, w , . , b e b e M i third Friday in January at Lin-,' After citing several incidents roomTuesday •' noon in the Y. W. C. A. i teacher. ' | Brolliar, Don Mills. Toast field College in JileMinnville. The' a person failed to make a; juncheTroom with members bringing their ' Alexander Jr. fas never attend- Dorotliy Choate, committee accepted for debate this I money was given to'. (Oci any public i,stltution berort'' S f. i >car ihv PUi Kappa Delta quea-i P^opI''wlm n he '..'.d never intend- . !b,u ha,., been tiy«:ed ut homl I Uon "Resolved; that the Labor'^^'i theirs, Pres. Fennlng- ., highUpon-irppt^UQTrfe^hiOTe-TO-^^ school he had to pass an '■ Kendall T h"ifaer:-A"!!? n e y " H o i r a e r, ■ Relations Board should he given'^o" reminded the students not to V/JL ^ JL ICiU, B r o c k D i x o n , P h y l l i s eighth grade examination and power to enforce compulsory labor until they were old to make; O 1 4 a 1 e i g h t h g r a d e e x a m i n a t i o n a n d Knowles, Virginia Heacock, I'Ysth- arbitration in all industries." Thei or this might he their. er May Weesner, Earl I-Iackctt. fep6<lKS At V^UEDGI' placementFrench and test. Worlii He-enrolled History and atin Peace Oratorical contest will bel advised that wills' Publicity, M o w ard Harrison, t e n d s o n l y i n t h e ' m o r n i n g . held on our own campus the weekmade when people are young chairman; Maisie Burt, Erwin M.lss Matheson Gives Facts H i s p r e v i o u s / . t i i d i e s h a v e i n - of the second Friday in February! reminded the students of, Atrops, Warren Behrens, Stanley and the Old Line Oratorical con-j obligation to Pacific College! On Liquor Business eluded three yean of Spaulsh. mu-: and ReKlstra- test is down for the week of advised anyone having any '. 8lc, and, as a hobby, astronomy, j chairman; besides regulation grade school second Friday in March. property or money that would not| "The youth of today are chang- Alfred Boyer, Waullne Nelson, be given to heirs to give the funds'ed .... and the habits of the -Studies. Alexanler has composed As a new feature a sixth divi , C v eVera r a n i cIlick.s, K . s , mMarjorie a r j o r i e mMiller. i n e r , iPro- - r o - sion of the I. F. A. O. activities, to Pacific, who would appreciate ChrUtian youth of today deter- rroodeo,^ d pertles, Lois Roberts, chairman; was planned. It will take the the funds very much. | mines what kind of founders of "Be sure to make a will and see, the world, you'll be," so declared o l w , b m ' r , s ° J o l " fgnn of public debates on a sub O H a ■ , V , , L e s l t o M a e ject of cuiTent interest not yet that your money goes where you 1 Mis.s Lily Grace Matheson, Na- wanted it to go," he again stress school,snhJnl h • ] Bl.akely,he Chairman;said; Alfredap Martin chosen. There will be no prizes t i o n a l F i e l d S e c r e t a r y f o r t h e Its fine to go to such a swell ^ play: Arsk Davis, chairman; given the winners in this division. ed in closing. W. C.
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