.î I WestÞrn Jews descend from the Khazar he Dhurna. " But Shridharani notes that what would he say now? Certainly - . Empire of the eighth through twelth cen- sittins in front oftroop trains and dock- would consider Sèabrook far closer to his I it turies. But dofind an interesting workðrs unloading ammunition was ideal than a protest involving secrecy thesis. It helps to explain why I looË as I used anvwav, and "thatthe movement and property damage. To me it seems why are so do, there many "Russian" in this réspect has gone beyond the men thatìf oõcup:iers weie willing to be re- Jews, and a number ofothet historical who orieinated it. " moved witli no tesistance to arrest' they events and phenomenon. Mass conver- candli himself relaxed his strict were reducing the imposition of their sions, such as that of Khazarcin740, on otheri to a minimum. I do feel limits asainst bovcotting. Gene Sharp- wills were nÒt unusual. They were frequently savs Gaîdhi in 1930-31 favored boy- manv of us need to be more sensitive to political moves of the highest order, as in coitine onlv cloth, considedng a more beinä sometimes PhYsicallY (L'Ifl, Russia when the Tsat decided that he extenlive lioycott as "coereivè." After overEearins. I recãll a recent demo and his subjects would be ofthe Eastern 1932he "fav-ored an economicboycott of aeainstthe-B-l in Los Angeleswhere ' Orthodox persuasion. Later, in lYestern an aggressor nation" as suggested by aãioinine businesses had to call the cops Europe, princes and rulers decided the Iirãian National Congress, which beäause-we were inadvertantly blocking 1uly14,1977 I Vol. Xlll, No25 among the various Christian sects. In the durins his imprisonment had extended their entrances' One ofour demon' case ofthe Russians and the Khazars, the clõth boyóott to British shipping, strators was so interested in viewing our they included Judaism among their op- banking, and other manu- orôsram he failed to notice that telegraphs, ^pedëstrians tions. factureit goods. He was willing to had to step into street trafftc 4. AOuestion of Survival One concern I took from the book, a We who claim to chanpe. idvisine confused followetb f o fo eet around him, etc. SrdPeck & Kathy Mathews concern which Koestlet tries to deal with read ñii latest w*hen in doubt. caie for oersons sometimes lack even in the appendix, is the impact of this For Gandhians today, the question is commoti courtesy' ZAHN 9. A Call to Action theory on Zionism. Koestler concludes -FRAIIKLINPomonorCa. that it will have no impact. I am not so 12. A Plug for Long lsland sure; it may proVide the basis for some L'SEC challenge to the myth upon which 13r A Declaration of Nuclear Zionism is based: the return ofall Jews Resistance / Abalone Alliance An enormous sense of urgency has been paper, and the travelling communica- tothe promised land. In any event, I engendered this week by the news of 1) tions group, Wblúe Roots of Pefce, is don't think its impact will be great. The 15. Changes and being reorganized under a new name, real force! are those of the three million sraff secret sessions in the senate then 16. Prison Notes / Larry Gara on the ofthe Four A¡rows. Persons interested in Jews living in Israel and the three million the senate vote efficacy Schwaitz, neutron bomb; 2) President Carter's . sponsorship of Four Anorvs in theü com- Palestinian Arabs who either live, ot 18. Reviews / Wendy serious consideration and protem ap- munity, or in contacting Rarihokwats, claim a right to live, in Israel-Palestine. Len n a M ae Car a, B I ackber rY proval can write: Route 1, Box 1, Santa Fe, NM Any real peace must deal with the needs Spot ofthis bizarre and outrageous ofthese living people. weapon; and 3) the revelation that two E7501. Cover: Drawing by Peg Averill neutron bomb tests have already"been I've been happy to have collaborated Regarding anti-semitism. Christians heldinNevada. with WIN people from time to time, and havqnever had much difficulty in We atWESPAC are derrranding of our once the dust clears ànd I'm active developing anti-semitism, pogroms, or ptesident, our senators and congress- again, maybe we can continue to col- the fears upon which the holocaust was based when they believedthat Jews þeople, ofthe Energy Research and laborate. Let me know how I can help. UN I NDICT ED CO.CONSPIRATORS Development Agency, of James descended from those in Palestine circa ¡ o -R¡rlhokw¡t¡ 70 AD. I doubt a competing theory on the Sandra Adickes" J an Barry LanceBelville Schlesihger and of Department of De- SantrFe, IYM ¡ . \ origin of Western Jews will either hinder Maris Cakarj' Susan Cakars. Jerry C-offin fense Secretary Harold Brown that the i Lvnne Shatzkin Coffin o Ann Davidon ' D¡ana Ddvies United States cease in total the testing, oracceleratethedevelopmentof 'RLth Dea. Ralph D¡Gia' o Brian Doherty development, funding and philosophy of prejudice against Jews. What will most William Douthard* ¡ Karen Durbin o Chuck Fager immediately affect the development of Seth Foldv . Jim Forest . LarryCara that wéapon system. The neutron bomb Both my copies of lhe Thlrtoenth ftlbe Libby Hawk* r Ed Hedemann' these prejudices are the policies ofthe loan epitomizès and satirizes the end point of and the June 2 TÍIN are inaccessible, Crace Hedemann* ¡ Hendrik Hertzberg @ Marty Jezer Israeli ("Jewish") state and the ¡ Nancy o Paul nuclear proliferation, short of global packed another move. Without Becky Johnson Johnson Johnson away for Al¡mn KarDel . Craic Karpel o John Kyper catastroþhe, as it puts property above behaviour of American Jews, who face these to refer to, I thought I should go . J ackso; Ma¡ Low ¡ David McReynolds' the dilemma of supporting a hard line Eliot Linzei' life, and allows slów, tortured death by ahead anyway and respond briefly to MarvMavo ¡ DavidMorris r MarklVorris Israel or options for peace which that o . radiation as acceptable. in the I im Þeck Tad Richards lgal Roodenko' David Berkinoff's comments July . Art Waskow If this weapon is advanced, itwill 14WIN. stateopposes. o Wendy Schwartz' Martha Thomases ' -JOECERSON Beverly Woodward represent a blatant admission that the you for yout Cambrldge'Masr. First, David, thank *Memberof Wl N Editorial Boa¡d Uñited States has repudiated the value compl[ment. I don't know that my posi- of human life. tion vis-a-vis the Israeli-Palestinian- Creators and lovers of life must com- Arab conflict is particularly brave. I view WIN is looking for a new staff member. We need someone with STAFF mit ourselves to stopping the neutron it as more common sensical, as a way to Mark Shepard ltffIÑ,7 /#/77), taises a editorial expeiience to take principle responsibility forcopy bombnow. ptovide some measure ofjustice and worthy question about coercive inter- reviews and corresponding with Peg Averill o Ruthann Evanoff Dlrector, WESPAC-CoÑvmnoGARTH (Westcheeter editing, proof read¡ng, editing ' security for both Israelis and Pales- ference of the anti-nuclear occupiers writerl. Vou must bew¡ll¡ng and ableto work collectively and Patrick Lacefield o Susan Pines People'sActlonCodltton) tinians. andforthose of us in other with Seabrook constructionworkers. while philosophically re- Murray Rosenblith WhlúoPlalns,IYY partsof the wodd who are economically Counting myself one of those "serious understand that working forWlN, on in studentsof Gandhi's writings" he men- ward¡ng, involves long hours and low, often irregular pay' dependent what happens the Ave. sth Fl. Middle East, or who might suffer the tions, I admit I do not remerñber reading Othei sk¡lls in layout, design, f undraising, or writing would be 503 Atlantic / consequences of a nuclear confrontation the quote ofGandhi against a "living helpful. You should have a commitment to nonviolence, Brooklyn, NY 11217 (212) in that part of the world. There won't be wall ofpickets. " Gandhi had suggested feminism and preferably, some background in the Movement. Te f ep hone : 624-8337, There has been a split with much ill- any peace in the Middle East until a living wall against a foreign invader, We particulariy encourage women, gays and non-white people to 624-8595 feeling at Akwesasne Notes, with the Palestinian Arabs¡ as well as Israeli and also interposition between an apply. We also ask that you be willing to make a minimum com- WIN is publishe.d every Thursday except for the firsi resultthat Iwould be most appreciative Jews, have a state of their own (as much attacker and weaker victim. Even though work for one year at WlN, week in January, the third week in March, the second if you could assit me in keeping in'touch as anyone ever really "has" a state). The the latter purpose is{or the satyagrahis mitment to week in May, the last two weeks in Augúst, the f irst two with the many WIN readers with whom I "two state" solution seems to be the to receive blows intended for victims, lf you think you might be a good person to join the WIN staff , weeks in September and the last week in December by W.l,N. Magazine, lnc. with the support of the War have been in touch with over these years' best way to provide security and self- there is obviously some ''coercion, " write us a letter: WIN Staff , 503 Atlantic Ave., 5th f loor, Brook- per year. quotation Res¡sters League. Subscriptions are $11.00 A brief notice like this would reallybe determination for Israelis and Pales- I am aware ofShridharani's lyn, NY 11217 . Tell us something about yourself and your experi- Second class postage paid ât New York, NY 1OOO1 and lndividual writers are helpfulr tinians, and it is emerging as an inter- in Tt¡ar Wlthout Vlolence that Gandhi ence; and don't forget to include your name, address and phone additional mailine offices.
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