S4964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 3, 2008 questions. His work as an ambassador As the numbers of subprime mort- Dillard’s Incorporated and founded CDI of cinema will be remembered grate- gages and foreclosures have increased, Contractors, which grew to be one of fully by all those whose lives he St. Ambrose has stepped forward to the largest construction firms in the touched. He touched mine, and he will help homeowners save their homes. Ex- South. High-profile projects completed be deeply missed. pert housing counselors provide assist- by CDI under Bill’s leadership include Sydney is survived by his wife Claire ance to homeowners in a number of the Clinton Presidential Library in Griswold, and their two daughters, Ra- ways and staff attorneys are available Little Rock, the headquarters for Heif- chel Pollack Sorman and Rebecca Pol- to provide legal review and action. er International in Little Rock and Im- lack Parker.∑ I am most proud to extend my warm- manuel Baptist Church in West Little f est congratulations and best wishes to Rock, of which Bill was a devout St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center on its attendee for over 27 years. Bill’s im- THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. 40th anniversary and ask my col- pact on the business community of Ar- AMBROSE HOUSING AID CENTER leagues to do the same.∑ kansas is evident by the numerous ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I f business and professional awards he re- congratulate the St. Ambrose Housing ceived, including Arkansas Business REMEMBERING LIEUTENANT Aid Center on its 40th anniversary. Executive of the Year, Rotary Club of GENERAL WILLIAM ODOM Since 1968, it has grown from its origi- Little Rock’s Business and Profes- nal mission to confront the ∑ Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, today sional Leader of the Year Award, Paul ‘‘blockbusting’’ practices harming Bal- I would like to commemorate the life Harris Fellow as given by Fifty for the timore’s neighborhoods to providing a of a great soldier, strategic thinker and Future, election to the Arkansas Con- myriad of services to more than 100,000 American, LTG William Odom. I was struction Hall of Fame, and admission Baltimoreans as our oldest nonprofit deeply saddened to learn of his recent to the University of Arkansas Engi- housing provider. sudden death. neering Hall of Fame and the Arkansas St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center was General Odom served our country Academy of Electrical Engineering. founded in 1968 by the dynamic and te- with honor and distinction throughout Respected and admired throughout nacious Father Vincent Patrick his life. During his time serving as a Arkansas for over three decades, Bill Quayle, known to all as Vinny. The military adviser in the White House, took on countless worthwhile projects center is dedicated to creating and pre- Director of the National Security with optimism and enthusiasm; he was serving affordable housing in Balti- Agency, and West Point and Yale pro- an inspiration to many. The positions more. Its many successes are due to fessor, General Odom demonstrated an he held relating to public service are the charismatic and effective leader- uncanny talent for assessing and ad- evidence of his commitment to his ship of Vinny Quayle and the tireless vancing U.S. interests in a complex and community. His awards reflect his pro- efforts of a dedicated staff. challenging world. fessional successes as well as his avid In the 1970s, St. Ambrose initiated a Over the years, the U.S. Congress has public service. These awards included rental program and converted several benefited greatly from General Odom’s the Arkansas Arts Center’s Winthrop vacant Catholic school buildings into clear vision of U.S. interests in the Rockefeller Memorial Award, the Boys affordable apartments. This effort led Middle East. General Odom was a and Girls Club of America National to neighborhood revitalization in many strong critic of the Iraq war even be- Service to the Youth Award, the Edwin Baltimore communities. Today, St. fore it began. It is unfortunate that N. Hanlon Memorial Award for Con- Ambrose owns and manages 350 single more Members of this body did not tribution to the Arts, and the Arkansas and multifamily affordable housing heed his insightful and prescient warn- Children’s Award from the Arkansas units serving very low-income house- ings of the perils of invading Iraq. His Sheriff’s Youth Ranches. holds, households with special needs, steadfast commitment to ending the and the elderly. war and restoring a balanced and fo- Bill was a past president of the board When Baltimore experienced a cused national security strategy has for the University of Arkansas board of gentrification movement in the 1980s, been an inspiration. So, too, was his trustees, the Arkansas Arts Center, the many low income families, especially strong opposition to the President’s il- Little Rock Regional Chamber of Com- those renting their homes, feared they legal warrantless wiretapping program. merce and the Country Club of Little would be displaced. St. Ambrose led the Our thoughts are with his wife, son, Rock. Bill served as a board member of way in helping tenants convert to and family during this difficult time. I the Little Rock Boys and Girls Club, homeownership and was instrumental hope that they can take some comfort the Arkansas Arts Center Foundation, in convincing Baltimore City to estab- knowing that he will be deeply missed Baptist Health, the UAMS Foundation, lish a ‘‘Tenant’s Right of First Re- by a grateful Nation.∑ Ouachita Baptist University Business Advisory Council, and the Episcopal fusal’’ bill. f Two other programs were established Collegiate School Foundation. that have become core services at St. REMEMBERING BILL CLARK During his lifetime, Bill was an en- Ambrose. The Homesharing Program, ∑ Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, today I thusiastic outdoorsman. He loved hunt- the only one in Maryland, matches honor the life of a great Arkansan, Wil- ing, fishing, and golf, while remaining householders with room to share with liam E. ‘‘Bill’’ Clark, who passed on committed to conservation endeavors. homeseekers who need affordable hous- May 15, 2007. Bill was respected as a A final gesture honoring Bill and bene- ing and are willing to provide help with great philanthropist, sportsman, busi- fiting his community is the establish- household tasks or financial support. ness leader and citizen of Arkansas. He ment of the William E. ‘‘Bill’’ Clark The Legal Services Program helps was seen as an unparalleled advocate Presidential Park Wetlands, a 13-acre homeowners and tenants combat home for the needs and welfare of his State tract located on the banks of the Ar- improvement fraud and predatory lend- and its citizens. He dedicated his life to kansas River running adjacent to the ing practices. serving his community and supporting Clinton Presidential Library. This nat- St. Ambrose partnered with the U.S. individual lives in the public and pri- ural wetland area provides an edu- Department of Housing and Urban De- vate sector. cational exhibit that can be enjoyed by velopment, HUD, and bought, ren- Bill graduated from Little Rock Cen- State, national, and international visi- ovated and sold Federal Housing Ad- tral High School in 1961 and the Uni- tors for generations to come. As con- ministration, FHA, properties to first- versity of Arkansas at Fayetteville in tractor for the Clinton Presidential Li- time homebuyers. Through its Home- 1965 with a bachelor’s degree in elec- brary, Bill believed in the library’s ownership Counseling Program, St. trical engineering. Thereafter, he mission to strive for educational ad- Ambrose serves more than 700 prospec- joined his brothers at C&C Electric vances within Arkansas, including the tive homebuyers every year, with 100 of Construction Company in Little Rock, history of the United States, the insti- them purchasing a home within 6 working there until 1981 when he ac- tutional roles of the Presidency and months of completing housing coun- quired Bragg’s Electric Construction the American political system as ap- seling. Company. In 1987, Bill partnered with plied to President William J. Clinton. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:54 Jun 04, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03JN6.020 S03JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE June 3, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4965 It is hard for people to experience Ar- make a positive difference and she has. New Hampshire Excellence in Edu- kansas without noticing the remark- She supports good causes, knows in re- cation Awards. These prestigious able accomplishments of Bill Clark. It markable detail the history of the awards, commonly called the ‘‘ED’’ies, is not hard to imagine just what makes smallest communities in our State, and are presented each year to individuals Bill Clark so special to his family, his knows the importance of simply re- and schools who demonstrate the high- friends, and to Arkansas. He was a per- membering. She loves children, cap- est level of excellence in education. son of great faith, a loving husband and turing them with tall tales while The ‘‘ED’’ies were instituted as a way father, a doting grandfather, and a hu- stressing education and personal char- to honor the best of the best among morous, compassionate friend to all he acter. New Hampshire’s educators. For 15 met. Bill never approached a situation Her wonderful southern accent is years, annual award winners have been with a negative attitude; rather, he well remembered on NPR’s ‘‘All Things drawn from a rich source of talented saw everything as an opportunity to Considered’’ and her commentaries are and successful teachers, administra- benefit his community. Bill will be still heard on Alabama Public Radio.
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