E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2009 No. 15 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was David Walker, former U.S. Comp- bility as Members of Congress. David called to order by the Speaker pro tem- troller General, has said, ‘‘We should Brooks said this package has no ‘‘stra- pore (Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland). not just engage in timely and targeted tegic vision.’’ He said it has a rel- f stimulus. We need to put a process in atively modest short-term impact, and place that will enable elected officials then he said ‘‘there is no sunset.’’ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO to make a range of tough decisions,’’ Is it right for us to ignore the fact TEMPORE and this institution does not make that we are mortgaging our children’s The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tough decision, ‘‘that have been de- and grandchildren’s future? We must fore the House the following commu- layed for too long.’’ set up a difficult bipartisan mechanism nication from the Speaker: Richard Fisher, president of the Fed- to deal with the underlying problem of WASHINGTON, DC, eral Reserve Bank of Dallas, has called autopilot spending and show the Amer- January 26, 2009. our situation ‘‘catastrophic,’’ noting ican people that we can make the dif- I hereby appoint the Honorable DONNA F. that ‘‘doing deficit math is always a ficult choices. EDWARDS to act as Speaker pro tempore on sobering exercise. It becomes an out- There is a bipartisan plan already on this day. right painful one when you apply your the table to review Federal spending in NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. calculator to the long-term fiscal chal- every area, entitlements and tax poli- lenge posed by entitlement programs.’’ cies. It garnered the support of 110 f Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke Members in the last Congress, Repub- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE has said, ‘‘The quality of the future we lican and Democrat. You have heard The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- will endow to our children and our me talk about it many times. It is the ant to the order of the House of Janu- grandchildren will depend in important Cooper-Wolf SAFE Commission plan, ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- measure on how well we rise to that oc- similar to a Senate effort led by Budg- nize Members from lists submitted by casion.’’ et Chairman KENT CONRAD and Rank- the majority and minority leaders for I could stand here all day quoting dif- ing Member JUDD GREGG. morning-hour debate. ferent experts about our Nation’s grave We offered the bipartisan SAFE Com- The Chair will alternate recognition long-term outlook. I believe that most mission as an amendment when the Ap- between the parties, with each party Americans know that our country is propriations Committee marked up the limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- facing dire economic conditions that stimulus last week. It failed on a most- ber, other than the majority and mi- will continue to deteriorate unless we ly partisan vote. I will go to the Rules nority leaders and the minority whip, change our current course. The fact is Committee on Tuesday to ask that the limited to 5 minutes. the American people are ahead of the amendment be made in order so that it f Congress. can be voted on by the full House dur- As elected officials and Members of ing the stimulus debate. THE STIMULUS PROPOSAL AND the 111th Congress, we have an obliga- If we look the other way now, Con- LONG-TERM BUDGET CONTROLS tion, a moral obligation, to find solu- gress will have fundamentally failed The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tions to the long-term nightmare that the American people. Congress will Chair recognizes the gentleman from our children and grandchildren will have to explain to the American people Virginia (Mr. WOLF) for 5 minutes. wake up to should we choose to do that when it had the chance to act in Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I know nothing. We are talking about over $56 the best interests of future genera- that each Member of this body, Demo- trillion in unfunded obligations tions, meaning children and grand- crat and Republican, understands that through Social Security, Medicare and children and existing generations, it our country is in trouble. The CBO re- Medicaid, the national debt nearing $12 chose to do nothing. cently projected that the Federal budg- trillion, and China now holding the Make no mistake. This could well be et deficit for the fiscal year, which paper on 1 out of every 10 American the toughest economic issue our Na- started last October, will balloon to dollars. America is now being sold to tion will be faced with, but we can’t af- $1.2 trillion. This number, which Sen- China. Does that make this Congress ford to wait. The future of the children ate Budget Chairman KENT CONRAD feel very good? and grandchildren hang in the balance. called ‘‘jaw-dropping,’’ does not include By letting the stimulus legislation I will end with President Obama’s the $825 billion stimulus plan we are pass the House without addressing the words from his inaugural address. He scheduled to consider in the House this underlying problem of out-of-control said that the current state of affairs is week. spending, we are evading our responsi- the result of ‘‘our collective failure to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H495 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:19 Jan 27, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JA7.000 H26JAPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 26, 2009 make hard choices and prepare the Na- list of deferred maintenance in projects vision. Rather, Lord, grant depth per- tion for a new age.’’ He went on to say is long. The known need far exceeds ception, clear analysis, and creative re- that ‘‘our time of standing pat, of pro- that short-term outlook, just for this sponse to the needs of our time for so- tecting narrow interests and putting year’s deficiency in investment. We lidifying the common good. For we off unpleasant decisions, that time has could spend much more, we could spend freely choose to be Your people, and surely passed.’’ I could not agree more. it more productively, and we could put act accordingly, now and forever. For years I encouraged the Bush ad- millions of Americans back to work. Amen. ministration to adopt this process. For every $1 billion we spend on f They did not. We have also reached out transportation infrastructure, by the to the new administration and his eco- most conservative of estimates, you THE JOURNAL nomic team. get a six times multiplier effect in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The This is an economic, moral, and economy and you put 28,000 to 30,000 Chair has examined the Journal of the generational issue, and I am astounded people to work. For a dollar in tax last day’s proceedings and announces as we prepare to debate the stimulus cuts, you get back, depending on to the House his approval thereof. on the floor that we are doing so with- whether or not people spend them or Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- out having bipartisan entitlement re- use it to replenish their depleted sav- nal stands approved. form as part of the underlying package. ings, very, very little stimulative ef- f f fect. The Bush tax cuts, $160 billion bor- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESIDENT NOT WELL-SERVED BY rowed last spring, gave us a whole one- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the SOME ECONOMIC ADVISERS quarter of one percent bounce in one gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quarter for the economy. $160 billion LUJA´ N) come forward and lead the Chair recognizes the gentleman from borrowed, an obligation for the next 30 House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. years for our kids and grandkids, and Mr. LUJA´ N led the Pledge of Alle- Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, to- that is what we got? No, we need more giance as follows: day’s headlines are pretty grim about substantial investment. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the job losses across America. The Bush There a lot of talk about ‘‘shovel- United States of America, and to the Repub- legacy lives on. ready.’’ There is a lot of talk about in- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, George Bush has made a horrible frastructure. We need to deliver on indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. hash out of this economy with his those promises, and thus far this legis- f trickle-down economics favoring those lation that is being proposed falls TIME TO BUILD UP AMERICA at the top, with his deregulatory poli- short. cies, dismantling those things which I don’t fault my colleagues here. It is (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given protect consumers, people’s 401(k)s and coming from the Senate. It is coming permission to address the House for 1 their investments from fraud and from downtown.
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