NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. ( KELL"I's Henshall Miss, West End House,Beeston, Hickling Mrs

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. ( KELL"I's Henshall Miss, West End House,Beeston, Hickling Mrs

1378 HEN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. ( KELL"i'S Henshall Miss, West End house,Beeston, Hickling Mrs. 23 Melbourne st.Nottnghm Hindley Mrs. 49 Waldeck road, Carrine1· Nottingham Hickling Mrs. Victoria house, Bramcote, ton, Nottingham "' HenshawT.N.8sGoldsmit.h st.Nttnghm Nottingham Hindley Richard, 3 Union terrace, Vic- Hensley Rev. Alfred M.A. Rectory, Cot- Hickling Thomas, Cotgrave, Nottinghm toria street, "Xewark grave, Nottingham HicklingThos. 77 Forest rd. we. N ottinghm Hindley Rich d. B. 7 5Barnby gate,Newark Henson Henry Robert, 14 Clay Pole rd. Hickling William, Duke William mount, Hinds Mrs. 51 Portlar~d rd. Nottingham Hyson green, Nottingham The Park, Nottingham Hine T. C.F.S.A.25Regent st.Nottingham HensonJ.Cottagegro.Chilwell,:~ntnghm Hickling William, Radcliffe, Nottinghm Hingley Joseph, 17 Berridge road, Sher- Henson J. 133 Forestrd.we.Nottingham Hickman Isaac, 40 Shakespeare villas, wood rise, Nottingham Henson Miss, 73Loscoe road, Carrington, Shakespeare street, Nottingham Rinks J sph. H. Melton rd. WestBridgford Nottingham Hicks Chas.IOsWaterloocres.Nottinghm HinksMrs.71RobinHood's chse.Nttnghm Henson Thomas Wright, 3 Second Hickson Mrs. 12 Hope drive, Nottingham Himmers Miss, 12 Gorsey rd. N ottinghm avenue, Sherwood rise, Nottingham Hickson W. 0.12 Hopedrive,Nottinghm Hipkin Samuel, 4 Shakespeare villas, Henson W. 406 Alfreton rd. Nottinghm Hickton George, 51 Forest road east, Shakespeare street, Nottingham Henton Mrs. 29 Mansfield grove, Peel Nottingham Hirsch Hy.x2TheRope walk,Nottingham street, Nottingham Hickton Geo.22Mapperleyrd.Nottinghm Hirst Alfred, II Castle rd. ~ottingha.m Henton Wm. Hy. 5Zulla rd. Nottinghm Hickton George Herbert,75 Loscoe road, Hirst James R. Harcourt street,Newark Hepburn D.S. 9Wellingtn.circs.Nttnghm Carrington, Nottingham Hirst John A. H. Moorgate villa, Retfrd BeppenstallC.5IBaldertongate,Newark Hiden Mrs.4x Brierley st. Nottingham Hirt Miss, Sutton, Retford Heppenstall Harold Wood, The Wood- Higginbottom Marshall Hall, 56 Shake- HitchingH.137Forestrd.west,Nottinghm lands, Harcourt street, Newark speare street, Nottingham HitchingsA.7Rushwrtb.av. WestRridgfrd Heppenstall Mrs. x8 South parade, Higginbottom William Herbert, Hal- Hitt Alfred Samuel, 252 Mansfield road, London road, Newark lam's lane, Arnold, Nottingham Sherwood, Nottingham Hepplewhite William Hutton, 15 Cor- Higgins Rev.Vincent Joseph, Parsonage, Hitt Alfred Samuel, Vcntnor cottage, poration oaks, Nottingham Awsworth, Nottingham Hood street, Sherwood, Nottingham Herbert G. 36 Regent st. Nottingham Higham Richard, 305 Mansfield road, Hives G.28Belper rd.Hyson gn.Nttnghm Herbert Joseph, 14 Villa rd. Nottingham Sherwood, Nottingham Hobson Henry John, High pavement, HerbertMrs.xx Mapperley rd.Nottnghm Hildred Harry, Grove lane, Retford Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham Herbert W. F. xo Goodwin st. Nttnghm Hill C. Sunny bank,Cyprus rd.Nottnghm Hobson Miss, George street, Worksop Hermon Richard, 191 Noel street north, HillChas.G.ArnothiU,Arnold,Nottnghm Hobson Mrs. 16 Stratford square, Shake- Hyson green, Nottingham Hill Edgar Herbert, Western terrace, speare street, Nottingham Herod Mrs. Radcliffe, Nottingham The Park, Nottingham HobsonMrs.173Woodboro' rd.Nottinghm Heron Joseph, sen. 37 Church drive, Hill Fdk.21Noel st.Hyson gn.Nottinghm HoddingHy.Sweet,Harness gro. Worksop Carrington, Nottingham Hill F.135RobinHood's chase,Nottinghm Hodge H. 52Gregory boulvd.Nottnghm Heron J oseph Valentine, jun. 45 Church Hill Frederick, Tattershall drive, The Hodges John C. zo6 lYiansfield road, drive, Carrington, Nottingham Park, :Nottingham Carrington, Nottingham Herrick Mrs.166 London rd. Nottinghm HillGeo.ElmTree avenue, WestBridgford Hodges William Abraham, The Priory, Herrick R. W.M.D.17Castle gt.N ottnghm Hill Henry, II Allan terrace, North Mansfield Woodhouse, :Mansfield Herrod Matthew, Farndon, Newark Sherwood street, Nottingham Hodgett Jn. 150 Queen's wlk.Nottnghm HerzfeldM. 29Brierley st. Nottingham HillHy.W. 47 Hampden st. Nottingham Hodgkinson Colonel Grosvenor, Balder- Heslop William Jackson, 9 Cav_endish Hill Herbert William, 21 Queen's walk, ton, Newark crescent south, The Park, Nottnghm Nottingham HodgkinsonEdwd. W.Birch ho.Worksop Hesse A.dolph, 6 Clumber road west, Hill James, 21 Brierley st. Nottingham HodgkinsonF.Kirkby-in-Ashfld.Nttnghm The Park, Nottingham Hill Jas. Loughborough rd. WestBridgfrd Hodgkinson George, 'The Hill, Kirkby- Hetherington Mrs. 124 Mansfield road, Hill John Frank, 83 Gawthorne street, in-Ashfield, Nottingham Nottingham Kew Basford, .1\'ottingham HodgkinsonMiss,Car Colston,Nottinghm Hewes James Fraser, 8 Colville villas, Hill Jn.Jas.Loughbro' rd. WestBridgford Hodgkinson Miss, Kirk by Hardwick, Colville street, Nottingham Hill Matthew, Sunny side, Worksop Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottingham Hewes Mrs. 41 Dryden st. Nottingham Hill Miss, 25 Carolinest. Nottingham IIodgkinson Mrs. North Gate ho.Newark Hewett Mrs. West Retford, Retford Hill Miss, 219Woodborough rd.Nttnghm Hodgkinson Robert, The Grove, Win~ HewisJ.227Highburyrd.Bulwll.Nttghm Hill Mrs. II Alexandra street, New Bas- thorpe, Newark HewittA.rthur,32 Castle gate,Nttinghm ford, Nottingham HodgkinsonT.grGiadstonest.Nottinghm Hewitt Edwin, 63 Derbyrd. Nottnghm Hill Mrs. 4 Baker street, Nottingham Hodgson Rev. Christopher Albert B.A. Hewitt John, 172 Mansfield road, Hill Mrs. II Dryden street, Not.tingham Rectory, Barton-in-Fabis,Nottingham Carrington, Nottingham Hill Mrs. 12 Pelham crescent, The Park, Hodgson George, Muster's road, West Hewitt Jn. Hy. West Retford, Retford Nottingham Bridgford, Nottingham . Hewitt Mrs. London road, Retford Hill Row land, 12 Alexandra street, New Hodgson Saml. P. 15Lenton rd.Nottnghm IIewsonW. Barton vil.Harcourt st.Newrk Basford, N oitingham Hodgson Thomas, 3 First avenue, Sher­ Heydon Joseph, Southwellrd. Mansfield Hill Thomas J.P. Barton lodge, Barton- wood rise, Nottingham Heymann Albert D.L., J.P. West Bridg- in-Fabis, Nottingham ; & 5 New- Hodgson William, II BeiTidge road, ford hall, Nottingham castle drive, The Park, Nottingham Sherwood rise, Nottingham Heywood Isaac, Bridge st. Mansficld Hill Thomas Arthur M.A. N ormanton ho. Hodgson William, jun. 7 Clipstone aven. Hibbart William, 20 Villard. Nottnghm .Normanton-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghm Peel street, Nottingham Hibberd Mrs. 3 Baker st. Nottingham Hill Walter John A. Gedling,Nottingham HodkinR.99RobinHood's chase,Nttnghm Hibbert Charles, 9 Second avenue, Sher- Hill William Henry, Churchfields, Bailey HodsonF.Lenton boulevard, Nottingham wood rise, Nottingham street, Basford, Nottingham HodsonJsph.sxQueen'swalk,Nottinghm HibbertG.:May villa,Chilweli,Nottnghm Hillebrandt John, 62 Gregory boulevard, Hodson Mrs. ~t. John's place, Mansfield Hibbert George Hudson, Beechenhurst, Nottingham HodsonThos.SsBlueBell hill,Nottingham Chesterfield road, Mansfield Hillersdon Rev. Frederick Harcourt M. A. Hoe H. B. Loughborough road, West Hibbert Samuel Danbeny, High pave- Vicarage, Bole, Gainsborough Bridgford, Nottingham ment, Sutton-in-Asbfield, N ottinghm Hillman Joseph, 58 Church drive, Car- Hoe Mrs. 43 Hnntingdon st. Nottingham HibbettA.. x66RobinHood's chase, N tghm rington, .Nottingham Hoffmann G. 25 .Magdala rd. N ottinghm Hibbs Thos.47 Huntingdonst.Nottnghm Hinchliff John, 55 Zulla rd. Nottinghm Hogan Miss, 3 North Circusst.Kttngbm Ricking George, 43 I~enton rd. Nttnghm Hind C.z4o \Voodborough rd.Nottinghm Hogg John, Ualam ho. Halam, Southwell Ricking Henry, 23 Noel st. Forest side Hind C.B.98 RobinHood's chse.Nttnghm Hogg Jsph. T.g6Up. Tal bot st.Nottinghm east, Nottingham HindE.96 RobinHood's chase,N ottinghm Hogg Robert, Church st. Eastwood S.O Ricking J. W. Muster's rd. W. Bridgfrd Hind E. 28 Corporation oaks,Nottinghm Hogg R. St.John's gro.Beestn.Nottnghm Ricking W. xo East Circus st. Nttnghm Hind Henry, Hickling, Melton Mowbray Hoggard Samuel, Sherwood rd. Worksop Ricking William Norton, Elm cottage, Hind J. 'l'he Grange, Linby, Nottingham Hogson Mrs. 27 Hampden st. Nottnghm High road, Beeston, Nottingham Hind John, 64 Hounds gate, Nottinghm Holbroch W. 18 Bentinck rd. Nottnghm Hickling Arth. W. 34 Regent st. Nttnghm Hind John Marriott, Go vert on house, Holbrook Albt. Hy. 4 Ayr st. Nottinghm HicklingC.46RobinHood's chse.N ttnghm Goverton, South well Holbrook Mrs.15All Saints' st. Nottr ghm Hickling Edward, 14 Annesley grove, Hind Mrs. Jesse, 8 Alexandra street, HolbrookMrs. x66Queen's wlk.Nottnghm North Sherwood street, Nottingham New Basford, Nottingham HolbrookMrs.I3oWoodboro'rd.Nttnghm Bickling Edward, 24 Belper road, Hyson Hind Thomas, 8 Collin st. Nottingham Holbrook William, Laburnum grove, green, Nottingham Hind Tom, London road, Retford Beeston, Nottingham Hickling E.3oSt.Ann's Well rd.Nttnghm Hind William,Hoveringham,Nottinghm Holden Capt. Henry, The Grove, Bram- HicklingJ. Cottage gro. Chilwell, Ntnghm Hinde :Misses, Easthorpe, South·well cote, Nottingham Hickling J. G. 8 All Saints' st. Nttnghm Hindley Arthur, 6 Zulla rd. Nottingham Holden Rev. Hy. M.A. Lover's la.Newark Hickling Levi, 36 Church drive, Car- HindleyBrailsford,75Barnby gte.l\'ewark Holden Rev. Robert :r.r.A. Rectory, rington, Nottingham Hindley Mrs. Ordsall view,London road, Nuthall, Nottingham Hickling L.x3 Plantagenet st.Nottnghm Hetford Holden John, 2 Belgrc.we S':J.. Nottinghm .

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