ELECTION SPECIAL 1975 Issne 22 H r C f t U S m LOOK WHAT THEY'RE TUESDAY November 4th DOING TO OUR CITY! go to the polls POLICE STRIKES!. .HIGHEST and VOTE for the AMOUNT OF HEROIN USERS IN Save San Francisco ALL OF AMERICA!___ LABOR IS following candi­ _ "BLACKMAILING" THE dates for Office TAXPAYERS!. .CITY IS ********** THE MOST VIOLENT ONE S IR . President, DeYoung, IN AMERICA!.................. MAYOR............................ Yes, San Francisco is in trouble! It is DIANNE FEINSTEIN ILLEGAL VOTER!?? need of salvation! "YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL The Police "black­ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ SET YOU FREE".........Ole Southern saying! mail" the citizens SHERIFF Doug DeYoung lives in Belmont California, -at Ray BrosKea« illegal str­ 888 Holly Road, and has a telephone listed at ike, carry mg guns on the picket line, committing EUGENE PRAT that San Mateo County address, and is listed as employed as a Data Processing Manager in San acts of violence upon citizens, ★★★★★★★★★★ Mateo County, as well. and all while the big labor boss­ Doug DeYoung also gave a social poolside party es set back, pulling the strings, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. at his h6me in Belmotit California for Hector calling the pi ays. Navarro several weeks back. We have the highest number of JOE FRIETAS Doug DeYoung also gave a nice sum of money to actual heroin users in all of our candidate George Moscone for Mayor, back in the nation, more than New York City, month of August and gave as his address, 888 yet the SFPD does not seem to be Holly Road, Belmont, California. able to do l i t t l e more than to BOARD OF SUPERVIS­ Yet, Doug DeYoung has signed as a sponsor for break the law, chase whores, and ORS ... Vote for 6 Senator George Moscone for Mayor, giving as his become a bunch of middle-class address 560 Noe Street, San Francisco. He has sops ! The amount of men on the police QUENTIN KOPP also signed as a sponsor for attorney Lloyd Taylor, a candidate for the Board of Supervi­ department who really care -about ARNOLD TOWNSEND sors, giving as his address, 560 Noe Street. our City number less than 200. Over sixty percent of the police ENOLA MAXWELL Yet, a check made during the last two weeks of October, shows DeYoung apparently residing at live in all white suburbs, which JOHN MOLINARI 888-Holly Road, Belmont California. only so lid ifie s the charge that that they are racists. And how HARVEY MILK DeYoung has registered with the San Francisco County Registrar of Voters as living at 560 Noe many gaypeople do you have living BOB MENDELSOHN Street. in Novato and Petaluma!? Yes, our City is in need of saving! ****************** DeYoung apparently told attorney Taylor back in August that he could not sign his sponsorship A GIANT 6TEP TOWARDS SALVATION... PROPOSITIONS papers, as he lived in Belmont California. PROPOSITION B, N, 0, P, & Q! Yet, he later told Taylor he "now lived" at 560 Yes, propositions B, N, 0, P & Q, B YES Noe Street, San Francisco, and signed the spon­ are issues which would bring the sorship papers, which state that the sponsor big labor bosses into line, and D YES must be a resident, as well as a registered would show the police that, we, the ones who pay the ir salary, I YES voter of San Francisco. A check of 888 Holly Road, Belmont, as late as WILL and must have a say so in L NO Monday, showed that DeYoung was still living at how they perform the ir jobs. M YES that San Mateo County address. Gerald Crowley and the Police As a result of this information, a formal pro­ Officers Association are nothing N YES test letter has been filed with the District more than blue-coated goons, who seem to believe that the laws do 0 YES Attorney by the Gay Voters League, asking for a full investigation into what appears to be a not apply to them when i t comes P YES most serious offense- to striking, just everyone else, the taxpayers, you and I! Q YES Propositions B-N-O-P-Q are caus­ R NO NO NO ing the Police Officers Associa­ tion and the big union bosses to S NO NO NO DRUGS Flood Hongistds spend more money than ever have before, to maintain their domina­ ^'k’kieif'kic’kieifit'kifif’kir'k tion of the taxpayers of this If you need help JAIL, charges Deputies! City. with your ballot, Sheriff candidate Gene PRAt's charge of drugs As said before, IF YOU DON'T LIKE please call the in the County Jails has been upheld by the SF THE PAY, QUIT! Go somewhere else Harry S. Truman Deputy Sheriffs. In a televised press 'confer­ and work! But, they won't, they Democratic Club ence, they related how the volunteers of the know a good deal when they see it at 771-3367, and incumbent Hongisto, were bringing in drugs for and they certainly know a bunch they wi11 be most the inmates, which resulted in the death of 27 of suckers (you and me), and they happy to assist year old Frank King from drug overdose! like it here. The trouble it , you. Hongisto's girl friend had been arrested with our entire system of bureaucracy drugs in her purse when she and the Sheriff is in need of change. We need JOIN the TRUMAN were about to visit County Jail #1 a while back people who w ill work, who will Democratic Club! charged PRAt. Hongisto has no comment!! earn their wages! SAVE FRISCO! SflVER vs FOR AN in 1 9 7 6 ^ QAY cunsaPEi ‘ SOON CITY HALL CafLol Ruth Silver doe&n't òtand a ghoòt o i a chance 0($ uitnntng heK fiace iofi Vtòtx-Lct \ttoKney ! ^ Man of Action That a {¡act! All the pollò òhou) heA Aunnlng UlhotUlent either thlfid on. uìonòe. WILL LISTEN Hen populanlty I 0 quite pocketed ! Ton inò tance, òhe òhowò gneat òtnength in the Miòòion, in the for Sheriff Caòtno, Potneno Hill, Bennal Heightò, Huntenò UJrong? Point, and an anea juòt eaòt 0 { Polk. All o{ thiò iò in the 16th Aòòembly Viòtnict. She haò THE GAY "KINGMAKERS" DIDN'T FARE SO WELL THIS only one pocket o{ òtnength outòide o{ the 16th TIME! WHICH ONES BLEW IT!!....HOW? Aòòembly Viòtnict, that being in the Haight! Now, with the CHRONICLE, EXAMINER, SENTINEL, So, Canol, {¡ull Meli knowing that òhe cannot w.cn GAY CRUSADER all backing DIANNE FEINSTEIN for in Novemben 1975, haò laid a cane{ul plan {on oictony in Novemben 1 976 . Afid the only obòtacle Mayor, Dianne, if the workers work a bit hai^der to that victony iò John Tnanciò Tonan, incumbent w ill not even need a runoff, for she can i^uite Aòòemblymemben {nom the 16th Viòtnict. conceivably gain the 50.01 she needs to win on Fonan'ò aideò conòtantly aòòune him that he haò November 4th. RIGHT ON!!! Mon the Vemocnatic pnimany loith no haòòle, come But, what happened to the gay "kingmaker", Jim next June. They tickle John’ò ean with wondò o{ Faster and his "machine"? The one which said confidence, of eaòy oictony, but all the while, that labor-controlled Moscone would win the the Willie BAown MACHINE iò begining to build up. gay endorsements "hands down". Moscone only Take a cloòe look at Canol Silven'ò campaign got one gay group endorsement, that being the machine, all anti-Tonan peoples Tathen Eugene Fo s te r dr earn-ma c h i n e Toklas Club, and that Boyle; Chanleò Tunnen, aide to Willie Bnown, a an "stink" about it" Foster just couldn't de­ neal foe 0|$ Tonanò; deputy Sheniff Chanleò Sm x.th; liv e r, even tho he had the assistance of Frank gay attonney Rick Stokeò; fonmen Tonan opponent, Fitch, Gary M iller, and even Harvey Milk, the No longer will your voice fall on the City’s services. And, if you Adolpho Majewòky; Ant Tapia, STPV Community Pita.- new labor-lackey! deaf ears at City Hall. Dianne will can’t come to City Hall, City Hall tionò cop; Phylliò Lyon, memben of the Gay Adv-eòo- And then, look at Uncle M iltie! Several known establish a to p level cabinet of w ill come to you. Dianne plans a activists pleaded with Senator Marks to get rid “ Mobile City Center.” This unit ny Committee of the Human Rightò Commiòòion; Paul neighborhood representatives who Knaòònen; Jo Valy 01$ Alice B. Toklaò Vemocnat-cc of Duke Smith, who had several bad checks (3ut will meet regularly with the Mayor would visit all neighborhoods and Club; Eòpanola Jackòon; S.l.R. official, Lanny in the gay community, and who was one of Jim and her department heads — in pub­ give all citizens a chance to speak Eppinette; and longtime Tonan foe in the gay poli­ Foster's close associates. Things dicin't quite lic, This new cabinet w ill deal di­ on the issues that effect them most. look right in the Marks camp. Then Milton took rectly with neighborhood issues and San Francisco w ill once again be ticai anena, Tom Tny, fonmen Roman Catholic pnieòt who wonkò fon the l/P Clinic. All of theòe what he fe lt was the step to complete vic:tory such problems as parking conges­ a City in which to live and raise a people oppoòed Tonan laòt time anound, and hene with the hiring of former policeman, E llio tt tion and heavy traffic in residential family.
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